MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 338 attack

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  Chapter 338 Raid

  On the rocks covered with vines, the figure that appeared out of thin air was wearing a hooded raincoat, with a mouth full of stubble and unkempt appearance, but a pair of eyes were piercing.

  This person is none other than the Twelve Earthly Branches Haizhu Jin Fulishi of the Hunter Association, and he is also one of the world's five great mind-power users.

  On the land of Luluxi Kingdom, there used to be a civilization with a hundred flowers blooming.

  As time goes by, no matter how brilliant civilization is, it will eventually be submerged in the long river of history, and will eventually be left behind in various forms.

  Jin is a relic hunter, so he won't miss this country known for its civilization relics.

  He has been here many times. Although he has not participated in the excavation of the local ruins, he is also very interested in going to the ruins that are open to the outside world to get close to the historical relics.

  Because there were still many ruins that were being excavated at that time, in order to make it easier to visit the excavated ruins next time, Jin arranged divine characters with teleportation capabilities at the places he passed.

  Although there is no intention to hide the existence of the divine characters, the places where those divine characters are located will not attract people's attention.

  Jin now wants to activate the ability of the word of God to go to the next destination, but fails to send it successfully.

  This means that the next teleportation point of the word of God may have been destroyed or moved by someone.

  Of course, it doesn’t have to be man-made, it may also be accidentally touched by animals, or even the arrangement may be displaced due to an earthquake, thus making the divine characters lose their effect.

  When Jin set up the divine character, he just thought that he might be able to use it in the future. If he couldn’t use it, he would allow the divine character to lose its effectiveness at a certain moment as time went by.

  So in the process of constructing these teleportation characters, Jin did not work **** the aspect of "strength", but devoted most of the "capacity" to the teleportation ability.

   Therefore, these divine characters are very delicate and can easily lose their effect under the influence of external forces.

   "It's been so long, it's not surprising that it will break."

   Lost the shortcut method, but Jin didn't care much, but there was still a long way to go to the Tarot area.

"no solution anymore."

   Right now, I can only go on foot honestly.

  Jin raised his hand and pulled down the brim of his hat slightly, jumped off the vine-covered stone, raised his eyes to look in the direction of the Tarot area, and bright thoughts slowly emerged from his feet in the mud.


  The thoughts condensed on the soles of the feet suddenly lit up, and Jin's figure suddenly turned into a stream of light, flying towards the darkness in the distance like an arrow.

  When Jin's figure disappeared into the darkness, the dense raindrops falling from the sky turned into mist all over the sky belatedly.


  The place where the mausoleum was excavated.

  The shadow of a person, the name of a tree.

  The deeds of hunting the Phantom Brigade gave Moyu the nickname "Spider Killer".

  Because of the weight contained in this nickname, Ada and General Danny accepted Moyu's arrival, and also allowed Menqi and Xiaodi to accompany him.

   This is the value of fame.


   What is more critical is the information brought by Moyu, and Moyu's motivation for coming to the Tarot region as stated by Moyu to Ada.

  That's why General Danny came to greet him in person.

  He believes that Moyuna's ability to hunt and kill three spiders is a sharp blade that can be borrowed and used without any cost.

   Then, what is it to put down your status in front of this sharp knife that can bring benefits.

   Facing the enthusiasm shown by General Danny, Moyou knew it well.

   It can only be said that we need each other.

  Moyu needs a legal identity that is not subject to restraint, and he can also use the troops stationed here to find out the scale of operations of the Erimo Bandit Group.

  General Danny's army bears the heavy responsibility of ensuring the smooth excavation work. After learning that the Elimo bandit group is very likely to be operating in the Tarot area, of course they will not let go of the opportunity to use Moyu's power.

   "Before you came here, I have issued the highest level of alert order, but nothing has been found yet."

  General Danny led the way himself. On the way to the tent, he revealed a message to Moyu.

  Moyou was secretly surprised when he heard this.

  Even if the information he brought has a reputation, but from the standpoint of the Luluxi military, this information is essentially unverified news.

   Would you rather believe it or not...

   Moyou looked at General Danny, surprised at his courage and decisiveness.

   From this point of view, the existence of this army can indeed help him grasp the movements of the Elimo Bandit Group in the first place.

This is good.

   Moyou thought to himself, then glanced at the location of the mausoleum.

  In fact, based on his position, he couldn't see the entrance of the mausoleum.

  But he can roughly grasp the entrance location of the mausoleum.


  Even if he didn't feel anything on purpose, the "breath of death thoughts" emanating from the mausoleum was as conspicuous in his "vision" as a bright light in the dark.

  It is not a strange phenomenon that there will be "death thoughts" in the mausoleum or ruins.

At present, the known "Nian Ji" in the world are basically found in mausoleums or ruins. Compared with the existence of "Nian Ji", the most common ones in tombs and ruins are dead thoughts like rootless duckweed. .

  Some death thoughts are relatively weak, and even ordinary tomb robbers can be spared from them, let alone pose a threat to people with the ability to read.

  Some death thoughts are so strong that even in the form of pure energy, it can cause ordinary people to die at the touch of a finger.

  However, death thoughts of this level usually exist in tombs or ruins in the form of abilities, and the most common phenomenon is that death thoughts control corpses or bones to attack intruders.

  The death thoughts that Moyou felt at the moment came from the place where the mausoleum was excavated. In terms of intensity, it was simply not on the table.


  Moyou felt a strange sense of contradiction from it.

  The intensity of the dead thoughts is obviously very low, but the sense of existence is so strong that Moyou can easily perceive it.

   "Is there a banishing division..."

   Moyou thought to himself.

  Luluxi Country is, after all, a peculiar country rich in relics or mausoleums. Most of the time, they are either excavating relics or on the way to excavating relics.

  Under such a background environment, it is not surprising that a dementor who reduces the difficulty of excavation will be bred.

   "Let the shadow guard nearby, and go to the mausoleum to investigate the situation."

  Moyou looked straight ahead at General Danny, and at the same time controlled the shadow to the entrance of the mausoleum.

  Before coming to the barracks, Moyou released the shadow of a unit to guard the surroundings as usual.

  On the one hand, it can greatly expand the field of vision for vigilance, and on the other hand, it can become a dark game that makes the enemy unexpected when dealing with changes.

  After sensing the weak but very strong sense of death, Moyou had the idea of ​​letting the shadow find out, and directly put it into action.

  Inside the mausoleum.

  Satz and Quinn, who did not accompany the excavation authority, are still active in the long corridor behind the door-sealing stone.

  The scope of their current activities is limited to this corridor.

   If you want to continue to enter the corridor, you must first obtain the consent of the excavation team.


  Even though they could only move in the corridor, Satz and Quinn could always keep an eye on the dead thoughts in the depths of the mausoleum.

   "Satz, is it my illusion..."

  Kuin withdrew his gaze from looking at the mural of the star map on the top of the corridor, turned to look at the light source in the depths ahead, and frowned and said, "Why do I feel that the breath of 'death thoughts' is getting stronger."

   "Not an illusion."

  Satz stared at the ancient writing on the wall, and calmly said: "The aura of 'death thoughts' is indeed getting stronger."

   "Ah, that means..."

  Quin said in astonishment: "Mr. Hram failed to suppress that death desire?"

"I guess so."

   Satz said indifferently.

   You can’t go to the scene to check the situation, so it’s pointless to think about it here.

  Even if Mr. Hram cannot suppress the unknown death thoughts in this mausoleum, it will not have any impact on Satz.

   After all, his task is to restore the murals in this corridor, and the dead thoughts deep in the mausoleum obviously will not radiate here.

   Otherwise, by the time the excavation team finished dealing with the trap set behind the door-sealing stone, the sense of death would have permeated the entire tomb long ago.

at this time.

  The main room deep in the mausoleum.

  A high platform stands in the center of the main tomb, and a palace with a golden roof and white columns is built on the high platform.

   Right above the palace, there is a dome inlaid with hundreds of night pearls. It looks like a sky full of stars, but the shimmering green light that emanates creates a quiet and cold atmosphere for the entire main tomb.

   Around the high platform, there are trenches dug more than ten meters deep.

  In the ditch, there are densely packed bones.

  The death thoughts felt by Satz and Quinn in the passageway in front of the mausoleum are turning into black mist at this moment, sometimes faint and sometimes thick floating above the ditch full of bones.

  Before the exit of the corridor, there is a wide flat land.

  The members of the excavation team set up all the equipment nearby, and immediately looked at the tall figure standing in front of the cable bridge leading to the high platform.

  That figure is Mr. Hram that Satz and Quinn were talking about.

  He is tall and tall, wearing a gray robe, with a face with wide eyes and thick eyebrows, and thin lips.

   What caught the eye was the ten stacked gold rings he wore around his neck. From the looks of others, he had a sense of his neck being elongated.


  Hram looked down at the ditch filled with black mist, frowning tightly.

  In this ditch, there are countless skeletons piled up.

  And each skeleton represents a life, and the emotions of unwillingness or resentment that were frozen at the last second during his lifetime.

  The person who contributed to this scene was Tumon Katan, the owner of the tomb.

  A stealer who truly regards human life as worthless!

   Now with their arrival, Tumon Katan's death wish, which has gathered so many emotions, is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Hram originally wanted to eradicate this deadly desire directly, but after taking action, he realized that the source of this deadly desire went straight to the depths of the ditch.

   It is obviously not an easy task to uproot it.

   It is necessary to make sufficient preparations before it is possible to completely get rid of this deadly thought.

  After realizing this, in order to ensure the progress of the excavation, Hiram planned to temporarily suppress Death Thought, and then let the excavation team cross the cable bridge to the Nether Palace on the high platform.

  But the tenacity of this death thought exceeded Hiram's expectation.

   “Security cannot be ensured with this level of suppression alone.”

  Hram's torch-like gaze seemed to be able to pass through the black mist and land on the countless bones in the ditch.


  Hram saw that some skeletons were moving slightly, as if there were signs of recovery, and he couldn't help frowning even deeper.

  Death thought manipulated the bones to move.

   This is a normal phenomenon in the mausoleum of the ruins.

  Usually as long as the bones are destroyed, the death thoughts attached to them will also disappear.

   As far as the threat level is concerned, at most E-level, it is not scary at all.


  There may be tens of thousands of skeletons piled up in the ditch in front of you.

  If the black misty death thoughts permeating the ditch can manipulate all the bones, then quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes...

  Thinking of this possibility, Hiram had a bad premonition.

  Under his close attention, in just a few minutes, the activities of the mountains of bones in the ditch became more and more obvious, and they began to collide and make noises.

   "Mr. Hram, now..."

  In the excavation team, a middle-aged man couldn't help asking.

"Shut up."

  However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Hram arbitrarily.

   "You guys move out the things in the side room first, here, you can't move for the time being."

  Hram turned around and looked at the excavation team who had been waiting for a long time, and gave the order with a serious expression.

   The members of the excavation team immediately looked at each other in dismay.

   This is the first time they have encountered this situation.

  Although they didn't know the reason, they still obeyed Hram's order and prepared to transport the ancient objects found in the side room of the corridor first.

   Inside the tunnel.

  A group of shadows whose breath was "hidden" walked along the ceiling silently.

  After seeing Satz and Quinn in front of him, the shadow stopped moving and froze on the ceiling.

   "Both are people with the ability to read."

  Moyou looked at the backs of Satz and Quinn with the help of the ability to share vision, and did not rashly manipulate the shadows to continue to go deeper, but temporarily stopped and watched.

   After a while.

   There was a sound of movement from the end of the corridor, but a group of people came out carrying many boxes.

  When Satz and Quinn heard the voice, they couldn't help looking around, and their eyes were immediately attracted by the many boxes.

   Presumably the boxes contained the various ancient relics unearthed this time.

"So fast?"

  Satz and Quinn glanced at each other, seeing surprise in each other's eyes.

  The shadow on the ceiling retreated silently after seeing this scene.

After a few minutes.

   More than a dozen boxes were carried out of the mausoleum by the excavators.

   Then, under the **** of many soldiers around, these boxes were sent to the largest shed here.

   This scene was seen by everyone in the Elimo Bandit Group hidden in the mountains.

   "Ready to do it."

   An erratic voice sounded, and was instantly drowned out by the sound of wind and rain.

   Next second.

   The nine figures standing here scattered and rushed towards the excavation site that was as bright as day in the distance.

  The army stationed near the excavation site knew nothing about it.

  In just a moment, a ray of thought power invisible to ordinary people soaked into a tank like water.


  The power unit of the tank suddenly started, and the muzzle turned around, aiming at the tents and soldiers not far away.

  Accompanied by a deafening sound, a shell fell into the barracks, and the violent explosion instantly involved the soldiers who hadn't reacted yet.


  The bodies of more than a dozen soldiers were blasted into several sections and smashed to the ground like rag bags.

  The entire barracks, and even the excavators who had just left the mausoleum, were startled by the sudden explosion.

  (end of this chapter)