MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 375 Just for fun!

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  Chapter 375 Just for fun!

  Facing the persistent questioning of Yier fans, Hisoka admitted it straightforwardly.

  He did use Nian on Qi Ya, but he just used "stretchable love" to stick Qi Ya's body, and then during the short attack and defense, he even put the "wrap" away.

   Otherwise, with those two attacks, Qi Ya would be crippled even if he didn't die.

   After acknowledging the use of telekinetic ability on Qiya, Yiermi in front of Hisoka burst out with a terrifying killing intent.

   "Il fans, don't you want to kill me here?"

   Hisoka looked with great interest at the Yier fans who made no secret of their killing intent.

  He knew very well the reason for Yierfan's anger.

   It was nothing more than thinking that he had caused quite serious damage to Qi Ya with his telekinetic ability.

   Originally, he could have used an explanation such as "Qi Ya was unharmed" to instantly dispel the murderous intent of Il fans, but Hisoka deliberately did not say anything.

   "Any last words?"

  Kitya put his hands in his pockets, turned to look at Kurapika who was still awake, and asked casually, "How am I?"

  Also a person with the ability to read, Satz can easily judge that Xiaojie is this kind of person who is completely stepping on the brakes on the "road of the future", but instead slams on the accelerator.

  They stayed away from Ilmi as far as possible, and leaned towards the warehouse building standing on the flat ground.

  Dajie nodded towards Qi Ya.

  Yilmi looked at Hisoka with killing intent in his eyes.


  Satz's eyes were small, and he looked at Hisoka, who was full of surging thoughts.

   Within the warehouse.


   Hisoka fans naturally saw that, but I didn't care. What I thought in my heart was that I had made bad preparations to kill Xiaojie at any time.

  Xiaojie’s small act of killing while crossing the Shimera Wetland before can be regarded as confirming Satz’s judgment.


   Judging only from the aura, the opponent is undoubtedly an extremely weak player.

   There was a muffled bang.

   Hisomi's killing intent naturally lost its source, and returned to the state of innocence since then.


  Leo Li answered that question for Dajie.

  Now, we can only push behind the closed door, and then look at Hisomi with fear.

  Now it is only more than ten seconds behind Dajie and us, because Qiya is on the road while adjusting the stability of "Tangle".

   Candidates who successfully arrived at the test site of the second level all looked at the Yier fans who were exuding terrifying murderous intent.

   "Men Qi, he feels that there is..."

  The speed of transformation is so slow that it can be called Qichuan's face-changing.


When Qiya and Dajie saw Leorio's reaction, they subconsciously looked in the same direction, and immediately saw Xiaojie standing with Hisomi. Thinking of the experience in the thick fog just now, our expressions were all confused. He froze slightly.

  Bukhara looked at the closed door, his face gradually became serious.

  As long as the other party finishes his last words, he will do it directly.

   Hisomi showed dead fish eyes, which made my beautiful face reveal a sense of disobedience.

  The edge of the flat in the warehouse.

   And just as we arrived on the back foot, Qi Ya came on the front foot.

  Xiaojie spread out his hands, with an expression on his face that it was none of your business.

   "Nonsense, it's like a small light bulb, you can feel it glowing even when you close your eyes."

  Hearing Xiaojie's so-called last words, Liao Lun's killing intent, which was about to reach the lowest peak, suddenly stopped, and then slowly disappeared, as if I had never released the killing intent.

  Last second—

  Tell the family about that matter as quickly as possible.

  Men Qi, the examiner who was in charge of the seventh test, and Buhara, who was as tall as a mountain and had a naive face, were all keenly aware of the awe-inspiring killing intent inside.

   "No, he's obviously too sensitive."

  The weak killing intent that can stimulate Satz and us, but instead makes Xiaojie enjoy it.

  Moyu showed a meaningful smile.

   "No. 301... It's really hidden."

   It’s not a game to have more things but want less things!

  Xiaojie is like a cat who has stolen the fish, pointing at the candidates crowded behind the small door of the warehouse, his eyes slightly curved: "It seems that Xiaoqi has become the focus of attention."

  Qi Ya and Dajie saw this beautiful woman with needles all over her body, suddenly hit Xiaojie's face with a whip and leg.

  That is the psychological portrayal of Xiaojie.

   Hisoka calmly raised his hand to his chin, with a smile of enjoyment on his face.

   "He did it on purpose?"

   At that time, Dajie, Leorio, and Kurapika arrived late.

  Liao Lun fan looked at Liao Lun with drooping eyelids.

  As if stepping on a tightrope that was about to break, Xiaojie waited until Hisoka's fans could hold back, and then hurriedly threw a lore shot.

   "They also drove off."

  Satz's eyes glanced over Xiaojie, and then fixed on Hisomi.

   In comparison, Satz, the examiner, looked fierce.

   Hisoka's eyes were icy hot.

"Your last words are...his Dai Kiya is unharmed."

   An incredible scene happened.

   Flat edge.

  But now that he saw the killing intent released by Hisomi through the weak aura, Satz realized that there was no safer existence among the candidates.

   Qi Ya looked back at the forest where he had come, and walked towards Dajie.

   And Moyou, who quietly came to the test site of the seventh level just before Qi Ya, also saw the scene where Hisomi used a violent whip to kick Xiaojie out.

  Seeing that Qi Ya also rushed to the test site of the seventh level on time, Dajie waved to Qi Ya in a very unhappy manner.

   Qi Ya was not injured at all.

   With less than eight minutes left before the end of the seventh test, we arrived on the red line.

  Although it was vague about what happened inside, the weak killing intent was just a joke.

   "Let me think about it."


  Ki Ya was indeed unscathed.

   Awakened! !

  Even if he has no temporary mastery of mind ability, Qi Ya's speed can throw Dajie and us across the street.

  From the end of the first test, the candidate Satz cared most about was Xiaojie who kept provoking me with killing intent.

  Men Qi also looked at Xiaomen, slightly moved.

   As I spoke, I carefully looked towards Xiaojie.

  That building is the venue for the second test. If the door hadn't been closed, we might have rushed back into the warehouse and stayed away from this safe Hisoka fans.

  If there were not nearly a hundred people watching Hisoka fan release the terrifying killing intent, and seeing Hisoka fan return to the social status of "Friend A" at this moment, I am afraid that he would really think that Hisoka fan had no killing intent just now.

   "I thought the number 144 should be the most important thing, but now it seems..."

  Xiaojie flew upside down and broke several small trees along the way.

  Everyone behind the warehouse saw that scene and were stunned.

   Hisoka looked indifferently at Xiaojie who flew upside down.

   "What's wrong, I should wake up very slowly."

   Hisomi tilted her head slightly, her jet-white eyes were like white nights, covering Xiaojie's body in all directions.

   "Qi Ya!"

   I have always had stomach problems, but I suppressed it and didn’t watch it.

   It's been a bit serious for the past two days. I feel like a big stone is settled in the entire abdominal cavity, and even the liver area is also hurting.

   I went to the hospital today to get some medicine and came back to lie down for a long time. I wanted to ask for leave.

   After thinking about it, asking for leave belongs to asking for leave, let's update the chapter with a guarantee.

   Subsequent updates will be added the next day.



  (end of this chapter)