MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 61 Oath effect +1

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  Chapter 61 Oath Effect +1

   Rewards for look and feel…

   is unexpected.

   Compared with making a "decision" and getting the look and feel, it seems that it is easier to get rewards in the "highlight moments" in the battle.

   "Oath effect +1...?"

  Moyou's expression moved slightly, and when he thought of this, a little information suddenly appeared in the depths of his consciousness.

   Constraints and vows.

   Set up harsh conditions to enhance the effect of abilities. The specific principle is "equivalent exchange".

   If you want to get what kind of ability effect, you have to set up equivalent harsh conditions.

   And the oath effect given by perception +1, for example, it is equivalent to Moyu being able to exchange a 1st-level constraint for a 2nd-level oath ability effect.

   That is to say—

   After getting this reward, Moyu is very likely to develop a mature ability of "mimic shared appearance" at no cost under the premise that the existing oath effect allows.

After    understood the effect of the +1 pledge effect, Moyou was refreshed and pleasantly surprised.

  Although it is not the chance to remove the mind that is more needed at present, the +1 vow effect is also a very precious reward for him.

   After all, "Soul Echo" is a trait-based ability with a very high limit. Like Chrollo's "Rogue's Extreme Intention", various constraints need to be established to dig out the upper limit of the ability.

  Some abilities can be obtained and enhanced by increasing the level of "hair", such as shadow mimicry, clone, distance, power, and abilities such as sharing the five senses.

   However, some abilities have to be obtained and enhanced through "restriction", such as "shared training results" and "exchange positions", which are fairly high-level abilities.

   is not to say that these abilities can only be developed by setting constraints.

   In fact, as long as the level of "fa" is high enough, abilities such as "sharing the results of training" and "exchanging positions" can be gradually developed.

   But one thing is for sure!

   As a trait-type ability, in order to maximize the effect and power of various powerful abilities, it is inevitable to set up restrictions in the end.

   This is also a problem that the trait department must face in the middle and late stages.

   And the +1 bonus of the oath effect allows Moyu to dig out the upper limit of his ability without having to shoulder so many harsh conditions.

   Therefore, compared with the reward of +1 for the four major proficiency levels, the value and benefit of the vow effect +1 are higher, which is simply a reward that completely fits the trait system.

   Besides, the proficiency of reciting skills can be improved through daily practice, while the +1 vow effect can only be obtained from the "perception".

"Even if it is understood as a battle reward, then... I don't know what to gain from fighting against Hiso, Ilmi, and the Phantom Brigade? If you can defeat the level of Jin and Nitro. What else can we get from perception?”

  Moyu lowered his head in thought.

   In order to improve strength, daily practice is necessary.

  However, fighting in various situations not only allows you to discover your shortcomings, but you may also get precious rewards from your "perception".

Knew it-

   We must cherish every opportunity of actual combat.

   When the time to practice Buff is over, definitely go to the Sky Arena.

  Moyu made a plan in an instant.


   With the sound of rapid footsteps.

   Li Zi, who finally came to her senses, came to Moyu in a threatening manner.

   "I should have said—"

  Lizi said with a straight face, "If you ask me to check the situation first in the lobby on the first floor."


   Moyu's thoughts were interrupted, he looked up at Lizi, thinking about what reason or excuse he should use to expose the matter.

   But Liz didn't give him a chance to speak.

   "This guy is not weak, the flow of qi is very stable, and his reading skills are also very solid. He is obviously a seasoned person with ability to read."

  Lizi glanced at Buck lying on the ground dying, and continued quickly:

"The shape of his weapon is very strange, and strange weapons usually have unique features. From the appearance of the weapon, it is most likely to allow the toxin to better adhere and remain between the multiple blades, and for the purpose of To increase the success rate of sending toxins into the enemy's body, it is not ruled out that it is in line with one's own mind ability."

"No matter how you look at it, his method of fighting the enemy was developed to kill people. When you fight against this type of enemy, the chance of you making mistakes in the battle is basically zero, so it is best to have a companion to assist you to improve the fault tolerance.”

  Lizi said a lot in one go, but she just kept her face straight, but the more she said it, the more angry she became.

"I mean-"

   She stared at Moyu with bad eyes, and her voice seemed to be squeezed from between her teeth:

"You are very smart, you shouldn't do this kind of irrational behavior, it will only put you in danger, even if you win him in the end, if you accidentally get hurt by that weapon, even if it's just a small wound, It might also kill you!"


   Facing Lizi's lecture, Moyu was silent for a while.

   wanted to refute Lizi with the statement "I guessed the characteristics of his weapon, so I made a targeted layout", but finally held back.

   He knew that Liz got angry because she was worried about herself, in this case, or—

"I was wrong."

  Moyu sincerely apologized.

   Actively engage in risky battles for the sake of rich harvests.

   This is the motivation.

   But it was clear that there were companions, but he chose to fight alone.

  From Liz's point of view, this is indeed an irrational act.


   Seeing Moyou admitting his mistake, Lizi took a deep breath, calmed down her anger, and said no more, turned and walked towards the office.

  Moyu followed Lizi honestly.

"Wait a mininute."

   He suddenly thought of something, turned around to look at Buck, and with a slight thought, summoned the Shadowman with a little recovered power.

   I almost forgot something important.

  Moyu controlled the Shadowman in his consciousness to walk towards Buck.

  Lizi stopped and looked back at Moyu.

   But he saw the dark figure squatting beside Buck, his hands moving together, he was actually searching, and he found a stack of banknotes from Buck in just two strokes.


   Looking at this scene, Lizi fell silent.

   Office on the second floor.

  Sambica was also silent, but Bisigi couldn't stop laughing.

   controlled the shadowman to search out all the valuable objects on Buck's body, and Moyu was already thinking about when to buy a new mobile phone tomorrow.

   But before tomorrow comes—

   We need to quickly verify the utility of "Oath Effect +1". If we can successfully develop the ability of "Mimicking Shared Appearance", we will definitely sleep well tonight.

   Maybe if you are lucky, you can also get the ability of "hearing sharing" by the way.

   "I'm really looking forward to it."

  Moyu couldn't wait.


  The situation where he confronted Wright at the temple but was unable to grasp the current situation and information prompted Moyu to have the idea of ​​having the "vision sharing ability" for filmmakers.


   Tonight, in order to defeat the type of psychic like Buck, and thus risking the layout, Moyu's need for "mimic shared appearance" has become stronger.

"Still a long way to go…"

   (end of this chapter)