MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 72 Talk about your thoughts

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  Chapter 72 Talk about your thoughts

   As usual, Jin never thought of going to the Twelve Earthly Branches meeting three days later.

   I came to Shivadani today to ask for an autograph from the author of "Numao".


   If he didn't happen to know that the signing would be held in Shiwadani City, and the place where he was before was relatively close to Shiwadani City, otherwise he wouldn't come here specially.

  Because it was a temporary initiative, I don’t know if it will be too late.

   Anyway, even if it's too late, he won't let himself come here in vain. Before leaving the city of Shivadani, he will go to the old street to reminisce about the special food he had eaten in the past.

   Leaving the airport, Kim went straight to the mall building where the signing party was held.

   When he arrived at his destination, he saw that there were staff at the entrance of the shopping mall building dismantling the propaganda board of "Numao".

  Not far from the gate, there is a boy holding a book like him, standing there watching the staff remove the propaganda board.

   Apparently, the signing of "Numao" has ended, and the boy should have missed the signing.

"I'm late."

  Kin went straight to the staff who were removing the propaganda board.

"Excuse me…"

   "The signing is over, and the Davidson writer has left."

   The younger staff member waved his hand impatiently without even looking at Jin.

   Similar questions, he has answered many times, so he is so impatient.

"All right."

   Hearing that Davidson, the author of "Swamp Boy", had left, Jin glanced at the picture on the propaganda board with regret, then turned and left.

   Now that you’ve run out, let’s go eat some special snacks that are only available in Shivadani City.

   This is not a waste of money.

  Jin thought to himself, out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the boy who was standing in front of the gate.

   is also a disappointed person...

  Jin suddenly stopped, raised his hand like a whim and greeted the young man.

   "Yo, boy."


   Hearing Jin's greeting, Mo You followed the sound and asked, "Is something wrong?"

   "You are also a fan of Numao, right?"

  Jin walked towards Moyu and asked very familiarly.

  Moyo did not recognize Kim.

   Just because now Jin is neither unshaven nor wearing a broken hat with a corner missing.

  If it is Hisoka and Bisqui with a strong dressing style, or the highly recognizable blue bead earrings like Chrollo, Moyu can be supplemented by his facial features and hairstyle to recognize his identity at the first time.

   But now Jin, in Moyou's eyes, is a young man who looks only in his early twenties, how can he look like the sloppy "uncle prodigal son" in the original book.


  Moyu replied coldly, keeping vigilance secretly.

   He doesn't suffer from paranoia, but the man in front of him is also a psychic, so be careful.

  Jin didn't care about Moyou's indifference at all. With his observation, he could clearly feel Moyou's vigilance, but he also didn't care, and smiled naturally:

   "I'm also a fan of Numao. I came all the way here just to ask for a signed book, but I didn't expect it to be too late."


  Moyu didn't speak, and glanced casually at the book in Jin's hand.

  Jin looked at Moyou and asked curiously, "How about you, do you want to sign your autograph?"


  Moyu shook his head.

   He was also a step late, and he asked the two staff members just now, and the answers were basically the same.

"that's too regretful."

  Jin sighed softly, and then simply invited Moyou: "I'm going to have something to eat, are you interested in coming together? We are also fans of Numao, so I think we should have a lot of common topics."

   "Thanks, but I've already eaten it."

   How could Moyu agree to the invitation, if it weren't for the friendly attitude of the other party, he would have left long ago.

   Seeing that Moyou declined the invitation, Jin showed disappointment without reservation, but suddenly his eyes lit up.

   "It's okay, I'm not really hungry, so I can chat here."

   Said, he sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at Moyu with anticipation in his eyes.

  The age gap is like a display in Jin's eyes.

   What is going on with this man?

  Moyu silently looked at Kim, who was sitting directly on the ground.

   "You're welcome, sit down."

  Jin's eyes were earnest, and he made a gesture of invitation.

   It's just that Moyu didn't sit down directly.

   The two stared at each other in the air.

   Moyu could feel that the man in front of him was serious.

   I really don’t know what kind of brain circuit I need to invite strangers to sit on the road and talk about a book.

   This person is really strange, but...

   In that casual behavior, there is a kind of freedom and ease that is different from ordinary people who don't care about the eyes of others.

  Moyou wanted to leave, but he sat down unexpectedly.

  Jin saw Moyou sitting down, he put the book he brought in front of him with great interest, and said with a smile, "Young man, I still don't know your name."


   Moyu paused when he heard the words, and instead of saying the classic reply of "introduce yourself before asking someone's name", he calmly reported the name on the fake ID card: "Kester."

   "Kester...meaning light, good name."

  Jin calmly praised the "false name" that Moyou reported.

   His judgment was based on the simple fact that Moyu had a moment called "hesitation" before answering his name.

   If you are hesitant in the face of this kind of thing, there is a high probability that you are hesitant to say "real name" or "pseudo name".

   And the vast majority of people will not hesitate before saying their "true name".

After    speculated on this fact in a short time, Jin didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the behavior of wearing a vest.

   Because of this kind of thing he often does.

   Whether it is in reality, or when surfing online blogs to engage other people's mentality.

   "Nico, nice to meet you."

  Kin extended his right hand towards Moyu while introducing himself.

   Moyu politely held Jin's outstretched hand, then quickly retracted it.

   "Kester, which chapter of Numano do you like the most?"


   Mo You heard the words, thought for a moment, and then replied:

"My favorite chapter should be the "spread chapter" before the end. In this chapter, the author of Davidson has perfectly created a depressing plot trend that is apocalyptic. The whole chapter is full of despair, giving people a sense of Immersive real feeling. "


  Jin kept nodding in agreement.

  Moyou flipped through the book in his hand and said slowly:

   "But it wasn't the despairing atmosphere that Davidson's author laid out between the lines that made me love this chapter."

   said, he looked down at the contents of the page, and continued:

   "It was Davidson's author who used 'human nature' as the key to unlock the last ray of hope among the swamp men that began to spread. This is a big surprise to me."

"Knew it…"

  Jin's eyes gleamed and he said with emotion: "Readers who really like a book will always have a common point of view in the end, Kester, can I ask you one more question?"


  Moyu looked up at Kim.

Jin said seriously: "Since the 'replacer Numao' and the 'replaced human' have the same appearance, memory, and even thoughts, is there any difference between the two? I want to know about you, Kester. view of this point of view.”

   "To plunder and to be plundered."

  Moyu answered Kim's question without hesitation.

at the same time.

  In a single apartment room somewhere in the city of Schwadani.

   The head of the Phantom Troupe, Chrollo, was standing in front of a young corpse.

   "Plunder what you want. This is what 'thieves' do."

   He holds a signed copy of Numao in his hand.

   (end of this chapter)