MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 98 to find the caster

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  Chapter 98 To find the caster

  Under exceptional circumstances, if the professional hunters of the Hunter Association want to take the "star"...

  The promotion condition from professional hunter to one star is to make outstanding achievements and contributions in one field.

   The promotion condition from one star to two stars is to personally teach a professional hunter who can get the title of one star.

  The promotion condition from two stars to three stars is to achieve outstanding achievements and contributions in multiple fields, and it can also be understood as a top compound professional hunter.

In the    Hunter Association, there are very few compound professional hunters who can get three stars.

Among the    psychic abilities, there are also only a small number of compound psychic abilities possessing multiple abilities.

  Noon Massaqiu is a compound mind-capable person.

  「Psychological Counseling Room」

   This is one of Saqiu's abilities.

   He can materialize a door leading to a counseling room on the wall outside a semi-enclosed space.

  Open the door, you can see the inner space of the psychological counseling room, as well as hypnotic chairs, catharsis equipment, sand tables and other tools used in psychological counseling.

   As a qualified psychological consultation room, it has many characteristics such as quiet and sound insulation, bright and comfortable, easy to visit, and strong privacy.

  Saqiu can only bring one person into the counseling room at a time after activating his ability.

  Because of the strict requirement of the psychological counseling room to keep quiet, after Sa Qiu brought people into the psychological counseling room, the door of the room could not be touched by any external force, even if it was just a light knock on the door.

  If this rule is violated, the ability of the counseling room will be interrupted immediately.

  Sa Qiu embodied the door leading to the "psychological consultation room" on the wall of the room next to the monitoring room, and successfully brought Xiao Duo, a girl from a family of three, into the psychological consultation room.

  Chito and Kang Jae stood outside the door of the counseling room, waiting for the results.

   Psychological consultation room.

   "Xiao Duo, sit there."

  Sa Qiu pointed to the hypnosis chair, and his voice seemed to have a hint of magic power when speaking, which could make people subconsciously obey.

  Xiaoduo was still there curiously looking at the sand table in the counseling room, and after hearing Sa Qiu's words, she sat obediently on the hypnosis chair.

   "Close your eyes and imagine that you are lying in a golden rice field, the breeze from afar caressing your cheeks..."

   Sa Qiu's gentle tone, like wisps of invisible power, gently melted into Xiao Duo's head.

  Xiao Duo closed her eyes and her body showed a very relaxed state.

   This shows that the hypnotic ability with the characteristics of the release type is working.

   Sa Qiu raised his hand and made a move, and the sand table placed next to Linmen instantly teleported to his side.

   "Xiao Duo, I want to ask you a question, can I..."

   An extremely gentle voice echoed in Xiao Duo's ears.

   Xiao Duo, whose consciousness was immersed in her imagination, nodded slowly.

   "You don't need to answer, just meditate in your heart... Let your thoughts sway with the breeze to the golden and plump rice ears..."

   After the necessary preparations are made.

  Saqiu directly asked questions about the spaceship.


   The sand in the sand tray beside him suddenly began to flow, as if he had self-consciousness and slowly drew up pictures.

  Sa Qiu stared at the changes in the sand table, and suddenly received a clearer picture in his head.

   About twenty minutes later…

   Sa Qiu took Xiao Duo out of the counseling room, and then hypnotized Xiao Duo's parents.

   After the final result came out, Saqiu put away his abilities.

"How about it?"

   Kang Jae couldn't wait to ask.

  Saqiu beckons a videotape to materialize.

   "See for yourself."


  Compared to letting Sa Chul give an oral explanation, Kang Jae prefers to use the videotape method to understand the situation,

   He took the videotape from Sa Qiu and immediately asked, "What about the VCR and TV?"


   Sa Qiu glanced at Kang Zai and said slowly: "There is in the monitoring room next door."

   "I thought you could materialize with a mind tool."

   Kang Jae understood, and muttered in disappointment. Regardless of Sa Qiu's reaction, he rushed out the door and ran to the monitoring room next door.

  Sa Qiu looked at the open door, shook his head and sighed.

   You can use real-world VCRs and TVs, so how can you waste your "reading capacity" on this kind of thing.

   "Sa Qiu, I won't watch the video."

   Qiduo also glanced at the open door, then looked at Sa Qiu and said, "I just want to know what you found."

   "The woman is also a big fan of Numao, who has attended Davidson's autograph and had physical contact with Davidson at the autograph."

  Sa Qiu narrated in a slow voice: "Besides, there is no memory related to 'transformation', and the same is true for other men and children, which is in line with the characteristics of the operating system."

   "Is it an autograph session again... Except for the few Swamp people who confirmed their identities through surveillance, among our investigation targets, the highest priority is those who have participated in the Swamp Man autograph session."

   Qiduo put her thumb against her chin and said solemnly:

"It's just that we haven't got a way to correctly distinguish between normal humans and Swamp people, so the results are very small. In the end, using other methods and methods, only '8' Swamp People have been identified. I think they have a high probability of being the first. Criticize the swamp people."

   "Well, I think... loyal reader, attending book signings, holding a signed Numao, having physical contact with Davidson."

  Sa Qiu's eyes showed the color of thinking, guessing:

   "This is the condition for transforming the first batch of swamp people, and whether it is the first batch of swamp people or the second batch of swamp people, they can only spread their abilities in the end by 'killing the target's life with their own hands'."

   "Saqiu, there must be more than four conditions."

   Qi Duo shook his head and said solemnly:

"There must be at least two trigger conditions that we don't know about, otherwise the number of black humanoid scorch marks would have flooded into a disaster, after all... any form of containment means we implement is better than finding Davidson as soon as possible! "

   Having said that, Chito feels fortunate again.

  Thanks to Moyu's timely reminder, otherwise they wouldn't be able to act so quickly.

   Now we have taken tough measures to those loyal readers who have participated in the book signing, hoping to get more information and at the same time suppress the proliferation ability of the Marsh people as much as possible.

   On the other hand, it is to confirm as soon as possible whether the annihilation master can restore the "Marshman" to its original state.

   The nanny masters who were invited to solve the "Nan Space" before, although they did not have enough confidence to fight against "Nen Space" and "Libra", but most of them can play a role in the Numano incident.

   But like she said.

   Any response is better than finding Davidson.

   "So, haven't you found Davidson yet?"

In the apartment of   Laxiang City, Mo You looked at Pyeon and asked suspiciously: "There are so many professional hunters in the Hunter Association, so you can't even have the ability to 'find someone'?"

   In order to fundamentally solve the phenomenon of the spread of Numao, there is no other way than finding a "caster".

   Even if Moyu could sense the breath of the Marshmen, he was completely incapable of stopping the spreading phenomenon.


The    event area is not a city or an island, but the whole world.

  Moyu's range of perception is very limited, so how could he keep up with the speed at which the Swamp people spread all over the world.

   This kind of large-scale vicious incident involving the whole world can only be left to the Hunter Association or a behemoth like V5 to take the lead in solving it.

  Moyu still has this self-knowledge.

   will not be narcissistic enough to think that he will become a hero who helps the world solve the disaster-level threat, and also does not think that he will become a key gentleman who will help the disaster be solved.

   But it cannot be denied.

   Assuming that no one else can discern the breath of Marsh, then he is the most special existence in this incident.

  Although he had decided to hide this ability, Moyu finally agreed to Pyorn's invitation to join the Numano Incident Emergency Response Team.

   Then he threw the most crucial question to Pjorn afterwards.

  Why haven't we found Davidson yet?

  Moyu knew that there was a rare talent like Pum in the Hunter Association. Her telepathy ability "Lonely Deep Sea Fish" was a precious telepathy ability that was super efficient in finding people.

   With her ability to read, it shouldn't be difficult to find Davidson, right?

   Could it be that Pam has not yet become a professional hunter at this point, or has he not developed the mind ability of "Lonely Deep Sea Fish"?

   Thinking about it carefully, judging from the normal image of Pam when he appeared in the original book, he should be in his early twenties.

   And now there are still six years before the plot line begins, which means that Pam may still be just a girl between the ages of 15 and 19.

   It is indeed difficult to imagine the possibility that Pom at this age has developed the ability of the "Lonely Deep Sea Fish".

   Moyu, who suddenly thought of this, was a wake-up call for himself.

  Although he doesn't know the opportunity for Pom to develop the "Lonely Deep Sea Fish" mind ability, he can grow snacks in the future, maybe he can get ahead of Nob, and turn a rare talent with good potential like Pum into his own.

   "Kester, are you all right?"

  Pyorn first got a wave of yin and yang strange anger, then picked up the phone again, and answered Moyu's question in a natural tone:

   "If the association really had this type of talent, this trouble would have been resolved long ago, and I wouldn't have to come all the way here to investigate these troubles!"

   "Then, with the size of the Hunter Association, we should now have a good understanding of the 'Swamp People' and have corresponding measures to effectively curb the spread of the Swamp People, right?"

  Moyu didn't care about Pyeon's yin and yang peculiarities. He was also preconceived that the Hunter Association had talents like Pum, so he asked the question that had the answer in itself.

  Pyeon heard the words, curled his lips and said, "Most of the swamp people are normal people, and we lack the ability to accurately distinguish them. It takes a lot of effort to find a swamp person. How could there be an effective means to curb the spread."


   Moyou pondered after hearing the words, and then asked: "Then you at least..."

"and many more!"

  Pyeon suddenly put down the phone and said loudly, "I'm the one who 'asked', why are you asking now?"

   "It's okay for two people to take turns asking a question."

  Moyou said calmly: "So what do you want to ask?"

   "Kester, why did the swamp people who died in your hands suddenly turn into black swamp mud?"

"do not know."


   Today (5500/10000)

   If you don’t stay all night, you feel like you will die.



   (end of this chapter)