MTL - Hunter’s Burial-Chapter 30 : Miscalculation and fierce battle

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In the blink of an eye, two days passed quickly.

In the yellow sand in the sky, Pam stood there early. Although he looked in the direction of Fingernista, he was thinking about the plan he had arranged in his heart. When things came to an end, Pam felt a little uneasy in his heart.

A black off-road vehicle stopped not far from Pam. Seeing that the off-road vehicle stopped, Pam also put away his unease and walked towards the off-road vehicle.

The driver who had been driving for Sixth Elder Hicks opened the car door, but only saw Hicks getting out of the car alone. Pam was directly shocked, and something unplanned happened. But Pam is still very calm and respectful to Hicks.


"Pam, you can start."

Hicks smiled at Pam with mockery in his eyes.

"Elder, how did you find out, and can you help your subordinates to clear their doubts?"

Pam looked at Hicks, with a violent vibration floating on his body. He couldn't understand what was wrong, and he only felt uneasy when he was about to start.

"What should I know?"

"Pam, not everyone dares to challenge the authority of the elders like you. Many people dare not even think about rebelling against the elders, and you, even my most loyal subordinates, you dare to connect with me, you, as expected. Excellent enough, I like you more and more."

"Is that so?"

Following what Hicks just said, Pam finally figured out that Alice wanted the eldership, but she didn't want to kill Hicks herself.

She didn't want to bear the crime of treason against the elder. If she personally participated in the beheading of Hicks, she would never want to sit on the position of the elder.

If you kill the elders, you will definitely kill them.

This is jointly stipulated by the elders to ensure their authority, which cannot be violated.

Pam, but it happened to be the knife that was delivered to Alice.

Talking too much is useless, the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. Even if Pam doesn't attack Hicks today, Hicks will not let Pam go one day in the future.

Hicks has been spying on Pam's psychic abilities.

A surging vibration force burst out from his body, but before he could launch an attack, he threw an iron ball with a fiery red arrogance head-on, silently, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have felt it at all.


The air waves of the explosion spread to the surroundings, raising waves of yellow sand, and Pam, who jumped into the air at an extremely extreme speed, saw the driver who had been driving for him standing in front of Hicks. .

Concentrating on his eyes, from the perspective of the air, he could always see clearly the existence between Hicks and the man dressed up as the driver, but the hidden thoughts were that the driver who had been driving for Hicks was also his. One of the collectibles.

But Pam always thought he was an ordinary person, and he was hiding too deeply. If he hadn't taken the initiative, he would not have been able to detect it.

Perhaps, Alice doesn't know that this driver is a human skin toy manipulated by Hicks' mind power. In that case, what about the ordinary servants in the manor?

I'm afraid this is one of the reasons why his plan will be exposed. In an instant, Pam thought of more.


Pam cast a telekinesis skill in the air, circle.

When Hicks performed "Circle" in Pam, Hick instantly retreated, out of the limit of his circle, and nine human skin dolls appeared in front of him again, the number reaching ten.

Seeing Hicks retreating, Pam's face also turned black. He stopped activating his telekinetic ability and flashed the area, but maintained a "circle" and landed straight on the ground.

Sure enough, the ability to read is definitely not exposed.

Pam, who had just landed, was attacked by Hicks, and three human skin dolls attacked Pam silently.

In close combat, one against three, Pam's enemy is still five manipulative human skin dolls. Pam, who has the power of vibration, is not afraid of melee combat, and directly hits the human skin doll with a fist with the power of vibration.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The human-skin doll was directly knocked into the air, maintaining Pam, who was condensed in his eyes. Looking at the back of the human-skin doll that was knocked away, the slightly vibrating thought line seemed to have discovered some great secret. Raised the corners of his mouth. But I saw an iron ball with a fiery red arrogance attacking, followed by a fist-sized bullet.

"Shocking Death Impact Fist"

When Pam saw these dense long-range attacks, he was not afraid. A shock force carrying the will of death and withering met him halfway, causing a big explosion.

"Bang bang bang..."

The continuous and deafening violent explosions, as well as the tumbling yellow sand and air waves, Pam used the advanced combat skills "Hidden" of the ability of the mind. In the yellow sand air waves caused by the explosion, it was hidden in the invisible.

Unable to perceive Pam's breath, Hicks also resolutely gathered ten human skin dolls and stood around the body to form a defensive circle.

He didn't believe that Pam would be killed by him so easily.

For a while, Hicks stood there, trying to sense Pam's breath, looking for Pam's trace.

"Bang bang bang..."

Ten shocking powers directed at Hicks flew out from the yellow sand air waves. With the vibrating air and the rolled up yellow sand, Pam's breath disappeared again.

Hicks decisively placed the ten dolls side by side in front of him, forming a five-layered defense against the incoming shock.


The sound of two gas explosions sounded. The two human skin dolls at the front of UU Reading were blown up by Pam's vibrational force, and the vibrational force was still unabated. The eight dolls at the back The human skin doll was also vibrating strongly, making Sikxi uncontrollable.


Pam has already used the yellow sand to hide himself, approaching less than 20 meters in front of Hicks.


Hicks thought badly in his heart, because Pam's circle had enveloped him.

"Flash Zone"


After shrouding Hicks, Pam also directly used his ability to flash the zone. With a bang, Pam instantly appeared behind Hicks.

Hicks knows one of Pam's mind abilities very well. In the flash zone, after hearing the sound of "bang", he directly ignored the manipulator in his hand, but the human skin doll that was still vibrating, and directly Think of twisting your body to stand.

Pam's fist, with a turbulent vibrational force, attacked Hicks' back center, but Hicks turned his body in advance and avoided it, hitting his left shoulder straight, hitting Hicks' entire left hand. burst.


Hicks screamed in pain.

The unforgiving Pam looked at Hicks, who had escaped the fatal blow, and even more bullied him, not giving him any chance to breathe at all.

With only the stone arm left, Hicks was miserable, and his left shoulder was still bleeding. With his superb fighting skills, after struggling to resist two moves, Pam punched his right shoulder and kicked him. He fell to the ground and fell on his back in the yellow sand, screaming in pain, unable to get up.


Hicks knew that he had lost the battle, and he would definitely die in the end. He had lost both arms, what else could he do.