MTL - Hunter’s Burial-Chapter 35 :start to act

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The fifth type of mind ability, named: Life Essence Jade Gourd, this ability was developed by Pam just to supplement the shortcomings of the strong man who was irrigated with blood and sweat.

This is a jade gourd that inhales the living body into the embodiment, and the jade gourd will extract all its vitality, transforming the essence of life into the liquid, and the living body will die because of the life force.

And the essence of life liquid has only one function, that is, to replace one's own mind and become the resource for the power of the strong mind that is irrigated by blood and sweat.

It was developed to solve the defect of the third use restriction condition of the powerhouse irrigated with blood and sweat, but there are as many as five conditions for the use of this ability.

First: Only those living things that enter voluntarily or have no heart to resist can only be absorbed.

Second: Before absorbing the living body into the jade gourd, explain the function and goal of the mind ability.

Third: The liquid of life essence cannot act on anyone other than oneself.

Fourth: No matter how big the living body is, the jade gourd can only hold one at the same time.

Fifth: Any living body that enters it will be forcibly imprisoned and lose the ability to resist.

Replacing one with five, if it wasn't for the fact that the ability to strengthen the mind system he developed was too flawed, he wouldn't have developed such a mind ability at all.

The sixth type of mind ability is a release-type mind ability that can further improve his combat ability, called: Flash Play Zone.

With him as the center, place a special field that lasts for 3 minutes. In the field, Pam can instantly move to any location at any time, ignoring obstacles.

There are four restrictions on the use of his telekinesis ability, which increases the ultimate strength of his actual combat ability.

First: The size of the circle that can be released by itself represents the size of the field that can be placed.

Second: When placing the field, the mind used cannot be recovered within 24 hours.

Second: The larger the field, the longer the cooling time. For every 1 meter, it will increase by 1 second. The basic cooling time is 5 seconds.

Fourth: Multiple flash fields can be placed within 24 hours, but only one can exist at the same time, and the consumption of the mind will double for each additional placement. When mindfulness is insufficient, the activation of mindfulness fails.

The last type of mind ability is a special type of mind ability that belongs to the operating system. This mind ability, which he developed originally intended to allow him to travel around the outside world at will, is called: travel to the wonderful world.

Set up a travel door with your own thoughts somewhere. No matter where he is, he can set up a travel gate again in another place and pass through the travel gate to achieve the effect of time and space shuttle.

Moreover, this ability can also allow others to teleport, which is simply a necessary ability for home travel.

It is a pity that because of his lack of strength, the ability of this mind has a great defect, and its use is also greatly restricted.

First: the farthest distance of the door cannot exceed 5000 kilometers.

Second: The maximum number of people who can pass through the gate of travel at one time is ten people.

Third: Every time the distance increases by one kilometer, the time spent in the Wonderland will increase by one second.

Fourth: The setting of the door to the wonderland of travel must be a place that you have been to.

Fifth: The number of gates of travel in the Wonderland can only exist at most four at the same time.

Sixth: To recover the door of the Wonderland travel, you need to reach this place again for recovery.

Seventh: Those who are not identified by Pam cannot travel to the Wonderland.

Summarizing his ability to think, Pam also thought of his own three-style boxing, the ultimate meaning of boxing, his own will and belief, and the ultimate meaning of death and life.

Now that the ultimate belief in life and the power of vibration are integrated together, if the ultimate belief in death is integrated into the power of vibration, it will definitely make a qualitative leap in his strength.

"It's decided, the next step is to use the ultimate belief of death as the main practice, and boxing as a supplement."

After thinking about it, Pam decided on the next direction.

The door is not open, and the second door is not stepped. In a blink of an eye, more than a month has passed. Finally, the day has come to agree with the elders to start clearing the Fingernes Tower.

In the past month or so, Pam has practiced extremely rigorously, and successfully converted half of the potential qi he obtained more than a month ago into his apparent qi. Just his current qi can be said to be It has more than tripled from a month ago.

Just from his ability to cast his mind skill "Circle", he has been able to reach nearly 180 meters, which is enough to prove the upper limit of energy Pam possesses.

"Johnson, let's go."

"Yes! Lord Pam."

Fingerniss Tower, such a large area, cannot be cleaned up in a day. With Johnson, he can be alerted and supported outside. After all, no one knows all the information about the Fingernes Tower.

A faint black flash lit up on the floor of the hall. The next moment, Pam and Johnson both disappeared into the room and appeared in the yellow sand in the sky. Not far away was the location of the Fingonis Tower.

At this time, at the entrance to the gate of the tower, there are already ten people waiting for Pam. They are the subordinates sent by the elders to supervise Pam's work.

"You're too slow, start working quickly, and when you're done quickly, we'll leave this ghost place."

A long-haired youth with an iron stick in his mouth, seeing Pam and Johnson, shouted at Pam arrogantly.

"Whoosh" "Bang"

A huge evil thought oppressed the other nine people. The position of the arrogant young man just now had been replaced by Pam, and the young man just now, UU Kanshu had been blasted by Pam with a punch, and his flesh was scattered.

"Mr. Pam, we have no malicious intentions, it was purely his personal behavior just now."

Ryan, the third elder's subordinate who once teamed up with Pam to fight against the Yin Beast Army, knew Pam's strength, and he also knew very well how the sixth elder died. After seeing the strength that Pam is showing now, he immediately admits his counsel, and several other people also agree.

A dead friend is not a poor fellow. It has nothing to do with me whether you die or not. I didn’t kill you anyway. As for the young man’s death just now, a few people quickly distanced themselves from it.

"Did you just work for that elder?"

"It's the sixth elder."

Pam thought to himself, "No wonder".

"Please tell the Great Elder that I will complete the work as agreed, but I hope that after I finish the work, he does not need to find another person to take the position of the elder."

The last sentence was a naked threat, but Pam was unusually calm. He turned his head and said to the men sent by the elder Saddam. Pam could recognize him, because in the elder's manor, Pam saw him. passed him.

"I will tell the Great Elder!"

"Johnson, just stay here and wait for me."

Pam turned his head and said something to Johnson, and then to the nine people around him.

"Please take care of me by the way, I'm an incompetent brother."

"Don't worry, we will. Please be careful, Mr. Pam."

"Thank you, Ryan! I will."

"Master Pam, be careful!"

Johnson shouted at Pam's back. Pam waved his hand without knowing his head, aroused a shocking force full of life's extreme righteousness, and stepped into the range of the Fingonis Tower.