MTL - Hunting College-v5 Chapter 245 Law Book Emancipation Association

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In the next few days, Zheng Qing's activities were honestly locked between the dormitory, classroom and library. Except for the cafeteria and Feiyuan where morning classes were held, he didn't even go to the pedestrian street.

He borrowed the "Shaman Magic Dictionary" recommended by Jiang Yu from the library the next day, and then mixed a small bottle of Moonlight Magic Essential Oil by himself.

I don't know if this potion is very effective, or for some other reason. In short, since that night, the young public student has never had the sequelae of Transfiguration.

This made him gradually slack off.

So much so that I have the leisure to pay attention to other big and small things happening in the school.

"Are you planning to attend the weekend party that Xu Qingmu mentioned earlier?" At noon on Saturday, Zheng Qing lay lazily in the dormitory, looking at the upright Dr. Xiao who was sitting in front of the desk, and suddenly remembered something.

Xu Qingmu is a freshman of the 09th grade. He had a relationship with Zheng Qing in the library a few days ago, which impressed him deeply.


Xiao smiled noncommittally, holding a piece of silk in his hand, carefully wiping his scroll of bamboo slips—Zheng Qing felt that in just a few months, the bamboo was about to be wrapped in pulp by the doctor.

A few elves landed on Zheng Qing's shoulders, the wizard turned his face sideways, and let them fiddle with tweezers in their ear piercings, and at the same time thoughtfully said: "I feel that the atmosphere in the school has been a little subtle lately... The final exams are still in progress. There were months when everyone didn't pay much attention to the gossip...what do you think everyone is doing?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Xiao glanced at him.

Zheng Qing hissed a small breath of cold air, his face wrinkled into a ball—it must be admitted that the elves are very skilled in picking ears, which makes people very enjoyable—he worked hard for a long time to sort out the broken thoughts again: "I mean I mean... Do you think what the elder said a few days ago, Alpha and Jiuyou are going to fight again, is it true? Like your Sima said, wizards don't learn from history, they just keep repeating the past History."

Before last weekend's class meeting, Zhang Jixin mentioned this to them, so when he was bored these few days, Zheng Qing paid attention to the surrounding atmosphere, and did not feel the same frenzy and sharpness as last year.

Especially the murlocs in Linzhong Lake, they were unusually well-behaved during this time.

Xiao Xiao shook his head: "If you think that Alpha and the students of Jiuyou College will take out the law books and throw curses at each other, that's not realistic. First of all, the atmosphere has not reached that level... Last year, because of the preparation of the hunting competition, everyone's emotions were relatively high. Excited... As for how this year will play out or my view of history, all I can say is that history doesn't repeat itself, it just rhymes."

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows.

"Do you dare to repeat this in front of your Sima?"

"Don't dare."

The doctor's answer was unusually quick, and at the same time used his conversational skills as a fortune teller, and summed up vaguely: "Just like Aldous Leonard Huxley, the famous wizard social theorist, in "Beautiful New Return". As said in "The World", "use sedatives to soothe the excitement of the fretful fanatics, use stimulants to numb the enthusiasm of the indifferent, and use hallucinogens to numb the nerves of the tragic poor people"... Those beings in the depths of the starry sky will be controlled by fear and pain People, and those ambitious careerists with weak magic on campus can only use the blindness and enthusiasm of young people. From your gossip with Congressman Su, to the secret conflict between Jiuyou and Alpha, to 'Give me a frog' , the essence is the same.”

Here again, here again.

Zheng Qing lowered his face and sighed deeply, feeling that the elf's ears were no longer fragrant. Every time I chat with the doctor to the depths, it makes him feel like a primary school student. The courage to argue with the doctor on the special plane when he first entered the school last year has been exhausted in just one year.

He tried hard for a long time, but he couldn't grasp the point of Xiao Xiao's words - for a moment, he even suspected that the doctor was just making a few words to divert his attention - but vaguely, he felt that the doctor There is indeed a deep meaning hidden in the choice of words.

Just at this moment, the dormitory was pushed away with force, and before he could see the shadow, he heard Fatty Xin's frantic voice: "The Law and Calligraphy Liberation Association is a cancer!"

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately turned his head to look at the door, with a bit of curiosity in his tone: "Law Book Liberation Association? What happened to them?"

The Law Book Liberation Association is a well-known wizard organization in the First University and even in the Alliance. Its members are spread across four colleges, but mainly students from Alpha College.

The purpose of this association is to promote that magic should return to 'tradition' and liberate the magic books that have been 'inhumanly' used by wizards. The correct way is to cast spells, seals, and even without seals - this vague and 'correct' The idea was greatly admired by wand fans, restorers, and careerists in the wizarding community, and it attracted some naive young people in the school.

The first time Zheng Qing heard of this name, it was in the magic spell class in the last semester of freshman year. Lao Yao heard it when he mentioned the word "noble man's disease" in the class where he was explaining "fashu" to his classmates. At that time, he was quite disapproving, thinking that no one should join this kind of brain-dead association, but he unexpectedly learned later that this association has nearly 100 official members.

The Guilty Hunting Team had discussed this situation privately, and everyone agreed that it was because the idea of ​​the 'Law Book Liberation Association' was too 'correct' and stood on the moral high ground, so that when they implemented their own set of theories, they didn't. People can refute it cold-bloodedly and rationally.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some students who participate in this association are simply because of their poor grades in magic, so they want to find an excuse not to use magic books.

As for recently, when Zheng Qing heard this name, it was always associated with the activity of 'give me a frog, please.'

"In order to support the wizards in the North District, those lunatics even put forward the proposal of 'proportionate enrollment' at the meeting involving the alliance and the school," Fatty Xin said with a disgusted expression: "The Jiuyou Academy is required to register the wizards and schools in the wizarding world. The registered students shall prevail, and a certain number of admissions will be allocated to the wizards in the North District ... By eliminating some students who are currently lower in grades, there will be room for the wizards in the North District."

Zheng Qing was stunned.

"Crazy, really crazy." He murmured, frowning suddenly: "Is there a possibility that those guys are not helping the wizards in the North District, but backstabbing them."

There is no doubt that this proposal will touch the interests of all enrolled students in Jiuyou University, and will be violently counterattacked. Along with this, the wizards of the Northern District will definitely suffer unwarranted disasters.

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