MTL - Hunting College-v5 Chapter 248 not grey grey

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"...At that time they were all standing by the lake with their backs to me... They should have been planning to train, the battle formation hadn't started yet, just as I saw the guy at a glance, I threw a soft leg charm and he 'thumped' at that time. He threw his head into Linzhong Lake and spit out bubbles for a long time. If it wasn't for the public to watch, I would guess that the murlocs in the lake would give him some color..."

It was a witch who spoke.

In the black cat's impression, the only witch in the entire seven deadly sins should be the cat-faced lady code-named 'Leviathan'. Among all the assessments of the black cat, only this witch wearing a cat-face mask is the most serious and responsible, but she doesn't know Who messed with this aunt.

While these thoughts slid through his mind, the black cat stepped on the catwalk and silently entered the conference room.

Because of the height and sight, the others did not notice the small dark figure for a while, and their eyes were still focused on the witch.

"I remember that the fortune-teller of their hunting team was very powerful, known as the 'Doctor'... Didn't he notice that you threw that soft-leg amulet at the time?" the wizard wearing a bat mask asked in a deep voice.

As the first member of the Seven Deadly Sins to assess the black cat, Zheng Qing was equally impressed by this 'arrogant' Mr., but at the moment his attention was not on 'arrogance' at all, but by one of his words. Words captivated.


fortune teller?

Hunter training?

The black cat stood in the shadow of the conference table, a gloom flashed in his eyes, and his dark face was uncertain.

"...Probably he didn't have time at the time." The witch chuckled lightly, and a happy voice resounded in the small conference room again: "When I made the move, the fortune-teller was negotiating with the hunters of another hunting team, then As you all know, the hunting team is the biggest dark horse in this school hunting competition."

"Edge Hunter." Someone said the name subconsciously.

"I heard that there is a murloc in the fringe hunting team, this is probably the reason why they met by the lake." Another voice guessed: "Since the broken things last year, the school's working committee has restricted the murlocs in Linzhong Lake. It's getting more and more severe... It is estimated that the hunter of the fringe hunting team did not get permission to go ashore."

The chatting in the conference room continued, and more and more news gathered in the ears of the black cat, gradually helping the black cat to outline the general outline of what happened in his mind - the crime hunting team was hunting on the banks and edges of Linzhong Lake. The team met, but unexpectedly, a soft leg talisman was thrown from a bush and smashed on the body of the captain of the sin hunting team, causing the captain to plunge into Linzhong Lake.


The black cat squatted under the conference table motionless, with a strange expression, and mourned for three seconds of silence for Dylan, who was posing as himself. If it wasn't for a whim tonight, I'm afraid it would be myself who would suffer tonight.

"The Exotic Land Reclamation of Vegetable Skeletons"

At this moment, it heard a light hum in its ear, tilted its head and looked at the sound, only to see that the fat man wearing a pig's head mask got under the table at some point, and was struggling to pick up a piece of jerky that fell on the ground. Looking at the black cat, he couldn't hide his surprise.

The black cat coughed lightly, walked to the pig face mask in a hurry, and sniffed when he got close to the piece of jerky.

"What is this?" It was gentle and casual.

It seems like it's normal to hide under a table and chat.

The fat wizard raised the jerky in his hand, and his voice was a little labored: "This? The jerky that does not contain a trace of blood and is harder than firewood, can let you taste the most simple and original meat flavor, and use it to grind your teeth. The best time to pass the time... Come on?"

"no thank you."

The black cat politely refused, completely ignoring the other six masks that were crowded under the table, turned around, jumped onto an empty chair, folded twice, and jumped to the center of the conference table.

Looking around, the seven masks appeared on the table in unison. It seemed that the pictures he saw under the table just now were hallucinations.

"It's a pity," the wizard with the pig's head mask shrugged his shoulders laboriously, licked the remaining meat foam on his hands, and his voice contained a lake: "This kind of jerky can sell for two silver chips in the market."

The black cat twitched its ears, ignoring Beelzebub's promotion, pacing around the table gracefully and slowly, the ruby ​​ring on its ankle shimmering with a deep luster in the room.

"Let's continue talking, don't worry about it." It chuckled, not paying any attention to the scrutiny of the surrounding eyes, with a natural and familiar tone: "... Belfinger, how did you feel after the last assessment and acceptance? If there are similar projects , you can continue to leave it to me, and you will be satisfied!"

It warmly greeted the wizard wearing a bird-head mask.

These words are not all interruptions. Mr. Lazy, codenamed 'Belfinger', made a lot of money. With just one business, the black cat made a net profit of a hundred small golden beans, which was almost worth his one-year scholarship.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Belfinger snorted and touched his beak.

While speaking, the black cat had already reached up to the witch who was at the center of the topic, and looked up and down.

"Why are you wearing such a strangely colored robe today?" It was genuinely curious, and not only did Ms. Jealous's speech make it "eye-opening" tonight, UU reading www. and the color of the robe on the body also makes the cat 'refreshing'.

She didn't wear a thick black robe like other "sins", but changed into a silver-gray attire. The satin-like material shone with charming colors under the beating candlelight.


The witch hidden in the corner of the cat's face jumped slightly: "This is Morandi's color! ... As for why, can I say that it is to welcome the new big cat, to express my respect? Besides, the seven deadly sins have regulations that say Can't we wear robes of other colors?"

Her stern eyes swept across the other six masks, and immediately received a series of nods.

"I didn't say it."

"There are really no rules."

"As long as you're not afraid of revealing your identity, I won't bother you even if you come to the meeting naked..."

The one who said the last sentence was Mr. Lust, Asmodeus, who was wearing a sheep-head mask. Of all the people present, the black cat had the least dealings with him, because on the night of Asmodeus's assessment, it was the time of burning to death. Zheng Qing parade', Mr. Sheep's Head wanted to go to the parade, and he easily let the black cat pass the assessment.


Before the 'jealous' lady became furious, the black cat raised its paws and shot a streamer, sealing the mouth of the sheep-headed man. At the same time, he looked at the witch with a curious expression, trying to normalize the topic again: "...what is Morandi? color?"

The witch gave the sheep-headed man a fierce look.

Turning to look at the black cat, his eyes were gentle for a while, but his tone was still a bit blunt: "A kind of gray that is not gray, it belongs to the more popular high-end color in recent years... Just like you, a cat that is not a cat, It looks great."

Hearing the words, the black cat was stunned.

For a while, I was not sure whether the witch was bragging about herself, or if she meant something else.