MTL - Hunting College-v5 Chapter 364 Reasonable

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"Where's the doctor?"

The young public fee student was very discerning and turned his attention to the last teammate who had not yet expressed his attitude, and his face was eager: "What do you think of the doctor?"

"I agree with the view of the class leader."

Xiao Xiao held up his glasses, his face was righteous, but no one could understand what he said: "Behaviors like revenge strengthen the negative feedback in the process of the world's operation, dye the white mind black, let the black It gets darker... On the contrary, positive emotions and attitudes can reverse or interrupt this negative feedback... So, for this matter, I recommend that you maintain a certain degree of 'patient'."

"Do you mean to forgive them for beating people with sacks?" Zheng Qing touched the swelling and pain on his body that had not gone away, and took a breath: "I heard a sentence when I was in middle school, and it was very helpful. Doctrine...It's God's business to forgive them, and I'm responsible for sending them to God."

"That's nice!" Mr. Vampire Werewolf's eyes lit up and he patted his palms in admiration. This kind of hard, fighting words is indeed the type that Star Academy students like.

Xiao Xiao shook his head: "Patience is not the same as forgiveness. For their wrong behavior, you have enough, sufficient, and correct reasons not to forgive. As a person, if you can't even get angry, what's the difference between you and the walking dead? "

"The walking corpse will also be angry and mad." Zheng Qing reminded.

Xiao Xiao paused and slightly revised his remarks: "...If a person can't even get angry, what's the difference with a clay plastic wood tire? But in addition to being angry, you should also learn to be patient. Because of the ultimate in patience, It is maturity, it is explosive, it is endless aftertaste, and it is the ultimate freedom."

Fatty Xin looked at the doctor with a strange expression, carefully swept over several figures, and reminded in a low voice: "Although I know you are talking about big truths... But why do I always feel that you want to express something strange... "

"Hey." The doctor glanced at the fat wizard arrogantly, and pouted: "Ordinary thinking."

The impromptu gathering in the dark did not last long.

After the edamame returned with nothing, and the fortune-teller who was guilty of sin repeatedly confirmed that the attackers could not be traced back, the party ended abruptly. Zheng Qing was 'escorted' back to the dormitory by Fatty Xin; Xiao Xiao needs to go to a wandering place; Jiang Yu should also hurry back to the dormitory to fill in the materials for the school's investigation; Zhang Jixin went to his brother to find out if there was anything in the divine will People were involved in the matter; Dylan was going to class; the Blue Sparrow was leaving as quietly as he came, and there was little he could do to help.

Of course, the party didn't come out of nowhere.

First of all, in order to avoid the 'demonstration effect' caused by this accident, and attract other people who didn't have this intention to aim at Zheng Qing, before a thorough investigation of the attackers' identities, this matter must be kept low-key enough, and the hunting team is simple and unified. , If an outsider asks about Zheng Qing's injury, he can vaguely mention the topic of the hunting team's easy injury during night training.

Secondly, from now on, Zheng Qing is not suitable for going out alone - whether it is the dormitory door, the classroom door, or the school door - during this time, wherever he goes, he should be accompanied by one or two companions.

In the end, while the news has not yet fermented, the hunting team invested in the wandering bar to buy some 'chips for betting on Zheng Qing's beating', of course, within the appropriate range of odds.

It is the so-called mulberry elm that is lost in the east, and more or less can be regarded as recovering a little loss.

Xiao Xiao is responsible for the last thing.

For this reason, the hunting team approved a quota of fifty jade coins for him, which means that as long as the odds are right, he can buy all the chips within fifty jade coins without attracting attention.

It’s not that Yu Sin can’t raise more cash—for example, the squad leader Jiang, after listening to the plan, said on the spot that he could provide 180 jade coins—but any game has its own internal logic, regardless of the stud. Going down may send the originally high odds to the basement, and it is a very troublesome thing to only involve 'inside transactions'.

As an underground business, of course, Cheung Kei will not sue the guilt hunting team to the Danhag High Court because of this matter, or go to the school to 'hold justice', but as a bookmaker, they can take the guilt hunting team Every member of the school is pulled into a school-wide 'underground market' blacklist.

That means that not only gambling, but also the murloc trade, wandering bars, illegal smuggling of magic materials in the silent forest, etc., will be insulated from the "Broken Rules" Guilty Hunting Team, which is definitely not a good thing.

Of course, as long as the buying order is controlled within a certain range, you can earn some pocket money by playing side balls, and there is no troublemaker in the opponent's plate, Cheung Kei will generally hold his nose and acquiesce.

After ten o'clock in the evening, Xiao Xiao returned to the dormitory with bad news. At that time, Zheng Qing and Fatty Xin had just returned.

"Wandering Bar has stopped the market, I haven't bought a single copper in it!"

As soon as Xiao Xiao entered the door, he quickly talked about his experience: "Because I want to hide my identity, it is not convenient for me to find a wandering wizard, but after inquiring from the side, a wizard downstairs said that the market was just closed this afternoon. It's over... It is said that because the accumulated funds in the intraday period have exceeded 100 jade coins, another account book needs to be opened, so we suspend the account for one night to clear the account... The odds of betting that you will be beaten when the market is suspended is close to 1 to 4. "

Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes, but did not speak immediately.

"This afternoon?"

Fatty Xin hugged Tuan Tuan, frowned, glanced at Zheng Qing, and then looked at Xiao Xiao: "How can there be such a coincidence? Clearing up the accounts, oh, it's rare that they can come up with such a bad reason... He just stopped trading this afternoon. , the scumbag was beaten at night? Seprano and the old man of the wandering bar must have intervened in this matter!"

"That possibility is not ruled out."

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, UU Reading was cautious, and slowed down his speech: "You know, that market is just linked to the wandering, it is impossible for wandering wizards to know every order in the bar. …As for the Cheung Kei Club, although they own all the games within the school, they do not open every handicap.”

"Is there any difference here?" Did the fat wizard show a trace of confusion.

"After adding this clue, I immediately burned a piece of tortoise shell, and the hexagram is much clearer than before." Xiao Xiao glanced at the fat wizard, did not answer his question, but continued: "The first stripe road shows hands-on It is Seprano, generally this layer of hexagrams is an illusion used to cover up; the second stripe road shows that it is Friedman who has the motive and ability, and the suspicion is large enough; but there is also a third stripe road that shows It was Zhang Shuzhi who did it...and this line is the most profound, which means the most possibility...In my opinion, each of these people is possible, but there is a high possibility that it has nothing to do with them."

"Wasting tortoise shell... It's completely impossible to use motivation as a clue to find the murderer." The fat wizard came back to his senses and sneered: "There are countless people in the school who have the motivation to beat up the scumbag... If you see Jiang Da from the tortoise shell. The squad leader or my shadow is not strange at all."


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