MTL - Hunting College-v5 Chapter 373 5 stages of grief

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Being proficient in Transfiguration, Zheng Qing can hold his nose and acquiesce.

However, it is completely sinister to claim that his deformed form is a fox, and to spread rumors that he used the form of a fox to 'seduce' Su Shijun.

Is he, Zheng, the kind of person who takes the initiative to eat soft rice?

After thinking about it, if everyone mistakenly believes that his deformed form is a fox, it will not only mean that the 'black cat' will be safer to walk on campus in the future, but also better cover his identity in the seven deadly sins. From these perspectives , it's not really a bad thing.

"There's really no harm in it."

The young public fee student nodded reluctantly, but at the same time, he became more and more puzzled: "So, why do they want to catch foxes? Could it be that they thought I was in those foxes? Haha, haha..."

Dr. Xiao Da didn't say anything, just looked at Zheng Qing with pity.

Zheng Qing's laughter became lower and weaker, and his expression became more and more stunned.

"No way? No way!"

He repeated the word several times, and then slowly sorted out his thoughts: "No one really wants to catch my deformed fox, and what to do with it?!"

Xiao Xiao shrugged his shoulders, noncommittal.

Young public students began to use their imaginations cautiously.

It's just that the more cautious the imagination is, the more uncontrollable it is to let loose, so that in a moment, the face of the wizard who was flushed with red can be seen to the naked eye.

In her book On Death and Dying, renowned wizarding scholar Elizabeth Kubler Rose proposed the 'Five Stages of Grief' - Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance, with a sixth stage, revenge.

At this moment, Zheng Qing easily passed the first three stages and directly reached the level of 'depression' and 'acceptance'. Perhaps this is the same as he has denied and angry many times before, and the bargaining has been fruitless, so when faced with a similar situation again, there is no need to go through those procedures.

"Actually, it's not as bad as you think."

The fortune-teller patted his captain's shoulder comfortingly: "Not all foxes are in trouble, those caught are wild foxes with unknown pedigrees and unknown identities, and no one will do anything to them... I I heard that the client will only shave some parts of their hair, or put some paint on's like making a mark...if the client does too much, the school's magical bioethics committee will definitely intervene."

The last sentence inexplicably ignited someone's anger and made him regain the 'first two stages of grief'.

"If those **** ethics committees are useful, there shouldn't be that big parade on Halloween!" Young Gongfeisheng complained, "It's endless! It's endless! Don't you have a child with Su Shijun? Do they know where the gate of Qingqiu Mansion is?"


Mr. Vampire Werewolf's tent made a harsh sound when the lid of the coffin was being roughly opened. Zheng Qing followed the sound and saw a pair of gloomy eyes.

He was agitated and suddenly realized that in addition to the fat man, there was another fan of Su Da beauty in the dormitory, but because he was a nobleman under the moon, this fan was usually very reserved.

"Speaking of which, if you don't mind, we can also take this commission."

Dr. Xiao Da spoke at the right time to ease the indescribable atmosphere in the dormitory. At the same time, he paced between Zheng Qing and Dylan, took out a piece of parchment from nowhere, and shook it lightly in mid-air: "I have studied it carefully. In this commission, it was found that the client limited the capture object to only foxes that appeared in the school, which means that we need to compete with the large number of 'registered hunting teams'..."

The difference between the so-called 'registered hunting team' and the 'registered hunting team' that has completed the process - such as the fringe hunting team or the Ouroboros hunting team formed by Andrew - can be registered with the hunting committee, even if you have just entered the school New students are also not subject to any restrictions.

The difference is that registered hunting teams such as the Guilty Hunting Team can participate in off-campus events, accept commissioned tasks issued outside the school, and even apply for leaving the school on the grounds of completing the task.

The only large-scale event that the registered hunting team can participate in is the 'Campus Cup' hunting competition. Except for the occasional practical commission issued by the school, the only tasks that can be accepted are private commissions from other students or professors.

A low threshold means a large number.

More quantity means lower price.

The huge number of registered hunting teams leads to low prices for entrusted tasks within the school. Generally, registered hunting teams will not lower their value to compete with them.

Of course, since the sin hunting team was newly established, the image burden in this regard is relatively light, so they don't care about the identity issue. There are only two reasons that affect the hunting team's mission, one is that they are in the heaviest stage of their second-year studies; the other is because the hunting team captain 'Zheng Qing'.

Everyone was worried that if someone knew that Zheng Qing had accepted the entrustment and left the school, he would be beaten to death in the depths of the silent forest - especially after the sack last Sunday night, the usual stubborn jokes became a reality , making everyone more cautious, even if they accept off-campus commissions, they only accept short-term tasks in the edge of the silent forest.

Like going to catch those blue-billed spit chickens last night.

On the one hand, the edge of the Silent Forest is within the range of the school’s guardian circle; on the other hand, because it is located at the junction of the Silent Forest and the school, it has received more attention and is relatively safer. The team occasionally went out for a walk, and it wasn't that dangerous.

"I don't mind."

The young public student folded his arms and pouted: "But you'd better think clearly, it's already the end of November, and in a month, the final exam of this semester..."

"So I just briefly studied this commission and didn't take it to the regular meeting of the hunting team for discussion." Xiao Xiao interrupted him, put away the parchment swiftly, and turned to look at Dylan: "… Did you get up early today?"

Because Zheng Qing was in a hurry to go back to the dormitory today, it took only half an hour for the end of the afternoon session of magic and biology. If you follow the normal wizard's work and rest time, Mr. Vampire Werewolf is equivalent to getting up at five in the morning. UU reading Compared with his usual "more than eight" waking up, it is indeed much earlier.

Dylan glanced at the short wizard with bewildered eyes, then he gritted his teeth at Zheng Qing, flipped over the lid of the coffin, put it back into the coffin, and fell asleep again.

The young public fee student quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

I can't afford it, I can't afford it, so don't irritate these fanatical fans casually, lest one day this fellow's mind will take the wrong circuit and drain his blood in the middle of the night.

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