MTL - I Am Evergreen In the World of Cultivating Immortals-Chapter 14 Tier 1 Talisman

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  Chapter 14 Tier 1 Talisman

   Three months later.

  Lu Changan sat cross-legged and let out a long breath.

  According to the actual measurement, taking the elixir, the increase in mana is indeed a bit faster.

   But the increase is limited by the energy of the years absorbed by the Evergreen Kung Fu.

  Once a certain "threshold" is exceeded, no matter how many Yangqi pills are added, it will have no effect.

  The years rotate, one day and one night, one year round.

   This doesn't change with potions.

  At least, ordinary pills will not work.

   On the other hand, Li Ergou, if the supply of elixir is stable, he will also practice with low-grade spiritual roots, and the progress will be faster than him.

   "However, the pill has greatly saved my time in meditation."

  Lu Changan came to a conclusion.

  Now, he meditates for one or two hours a day.

   In this way, there will be a lot of free time.

  Lu Changan considered whether he should take care of some side jobs in some time-consuming fields in the future.

  For example, studying talismans, learning alchemy, and practicing physical fitness, etc.

   Or, take up some hobbies.

   "Let's get rid of the situation of relying on others first."


   Get out of the house.

  Lu Changan saw a letter at the gatehouse in the courtyard.

  Signed by Edward Lam.

  Lu Changan opened the envelope.

  Lin Yi said in the letter: After the last farewell, he and Zhang Tieshan went to the haunted house to kill the ghosts, captured and killed the ghosts without any danger.

  The materials left by the ghosts, as well as the spiritual objects in the hiding place, are worth more than a hundred spirit stones.

  Zhang Tieshan was very angry, and he shared 40% of the spoils of Yi Lam.

  At the end of the letter, I regret that Lu Changan did not participate, otherwise not only would there be a harvest, but also a sect disciple with good potential.

  After reading the letter, Lu Changan smiled.

  The letter sent by Edward Lam may not be without the intention of showing off, complaining that he did not sell his account last time.

  Lu Changan neither regretted nor envied.

  Taking out the pen and paper, he wrote back to Edward Lam, congratulating him on the opportunity, and chatting about homework.

   "May immortality last forever."

  At the end of the letter, a blessing is left, full of positive energy.


   A few days later, it was the middle of the month.

   It is the monthly trade fair held by Feiyue Villa again.

  Lu Changan came to Jiuyue Building for the second time.

  This time, he sold the basic talismans he refined.

   It is better to say it is to show than to say it is for sale.

  Being able to refine basic talismans means that he is already a talisman apprentice.

  Although the three basic talismans were only sold for one spirit stone.

  But Lu Changan's identity as a talisman making apprentice has already been known by the interested monks of the Mu family.

   "The Miss Mu family is not here this time."

  Lu Changan came out to display, the purpose is to convey information to the core figures of the Mu family.

   In this way, it is logical to become a first-level talisman master in the future.

  The tools and materials for his talisman were bought from Mu Xiuyun, who was the key witness.

  Of course, it doesn't matter if Mu Xiuyun isn't here.

  As long as he becomes a Tier 1 Talisman Master, there are traces to follow.

   "Young Master Lu, Missy wants to see you."

  Lu Changan just walked out of the Jiuyue Building after buying some talisman refining materials, when a maid came after him.

  The response is fast!

  Lu Changan remained calm, followed the servant girl into the backyard of Jiuyue Building.

  A girl in a green long dress, as gentle as jade, is taking care of flowers.

  From the side, you can see Mu Xiuyun's black eyebrows like a distant mountain, a typical oriental beauty.

   "Can you draw basic talismans? How sure are you?"

   Like the sound of a clear spring in the mountains, Mu Xiuyun's clear and beautiful eyes fell on Lu Changan.

   "Basic talismans, the success rate is 60%."

  Lu Changan was not overly modest.

  Basic talismans, anyone with a good talent for drawing talismans can easily get started.

   "Sixty percent?"

  Mu Xiuyun didn't ask any further questions, but took out a set of talisman materials and placed them on the table.

   Signaled to Lu Changan to display.

  Lu Changan was not too polite, picked up the talisman pen, adjusted the cinnabar, and drew three basic talismans in a row.

   Two cards succeed, one fails.

  With the attainments of Lu Changan's third-level talisman master in his previous life, it is naturally easy to deceive a first-level talisman master.

  Mu Xiuyun nodded: "The talent is good."

   "By the way, I almost succeeded in refining the first-order low-grade talisman last time."

  Lu Changan seems to have some regrets to add.

   "First-order talisman, you almost succeeded?"

  Mu Xiuyun couldn't help being moved, her starry eyes seemed to be glowing.

   "Well, just a little bit."

   "Draw a picture and let me see."


  Lu Changan picked up the talisman pen again.

  Mu Xiuyun moved lightly with lotus steps, watching from his side, her black hair fluttering and her sleeves filled with a dark fragrance.


  When Lu Changan drew seventy-eight out of ten of this first-order talisman, the inspiration suddenly stopped, and a wisp of green smoke rose from the talisman paper.

   "The magic power is not accurate enough, and the follow-up is weak."

  Mu Xiuyun commented.

   "Thank you, miss, for your advice." Lu Changan looked flattered.

   "This "Nine Essentials of the Talisman" is given to you, go back and study it carefully. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

  Mu Xiuyun took out a book from the storage bag.

  Lu Changan accepted the kindness, thank you again.

   "By the way, miss. If I become a first-level talisman master, can I practice freely in Mu's family and study the way of talisman without marrying a wife and having children."

  Before leaving, Lu Changan simply said clearly.

  He feels that Miss Mu's family is a nice person, elegant and beautiful, gentle and considerate, as if she really wants to cultivate herself on the way of talisman.

  Mu Xiuyun showed a little surprise, and said in a deep voice: "When you become a first-rank talisman master, I will help you speak in front of father."

   "Miss Lao." Lu Changan left with his hands in his hands.

  Looking at his back.

  Mu Xiuyun thought for a moment, her red lips pursed slightly:

   "Even without me, the Mu family will have a good leader in Fu Shiyi in the future."


  After Lu Changan went back, he didn't intend to ask Mu Xiuyun for advice.

  Although doing so, it will be more reasonable to become a Tier 1 Talisman Master later, and it will also bring the relationship with the young lady closer.

   "If it's not necessary, it's best not to deal with a beauty like Mu Xiuyun."

  Lu Chang'an understands the truth that beauty is a disaster.

  A foreigner in the early stage of Qi refining, if he gets close to the eldest lady, it will only lead to trouble.


half year later.

  Lu Changan, who was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly looked at the courtyard next door, sensing unstable mana fluctuations.

   "This kid! Marrying a wife and having a baby, he hasn't lost much in his practice."

  Lu Changan said to himself.

  In the other courtyard next door, Li Ergou was the first to be promoted to the third level of Qi Refining.

  Li Ergou is simple-minded, cultivated with rewards and resources from the Mu family, and his cultivation is relatively smooth.

   Ergou's "Tuyan Jing" is not very powerful, but as long as he practices steadily and has enough resources, he can improve quickly.

   A few days later.

   After consolidating his realm, Li Ergou came to visit the door happily.

  Lu Changan placed the "retreat card" in advance, which made Li Ergou return in a bad mood, with no place to worry.

   "According to the calculation, it has been almost four years since I came to Mu's house."

  In the room, Lu Changan's mood was as calm as water, and a little impetuousness disappeared with the wind.

   Did not fluctuate because Ergou surpassed himself.

   "It is worthy of cultivating sentiment and cultivating fertility."

  Mood is very important in the middle and late stages of cultivating immortality.

  Evergreen Kung Fu has a bonus in this aspect, which is commendable, and it may be helpful for the future mental demon tribulation in the Nascent Soul stage.


one year later.

  Accompanied by the aura of the cycle of time, the evergreen mana in Lu Changan's body glowed with verdant greenness.

   "Five years, three layers of gas refining!"

  Lu Changan's heart fluctuated slightly, and then became calm as still water.

  Five years, from the first level of Qi training to the third level of Qi training, is considered normal for ordinary low-grade spiritual roots.

  But compared to the triumphant progress of the previous life, it is far behind.

   There is another important factor.

   That's age!

  Lu Changan is now twenty-three years old, two years older than Li Ergou, and three years older than Zhao Siyao.

   Zhao Siyao may have stepped into the fifth level of Qi refining at this time.

   "A twenty-three-year-old Qi training third level, measured by common sense, has limited future potential."

   "However, I practiced the "Ancient Wood Evergreen Kungfu". In the early stage of Qi training, my lifespan was extended by 20 years, and I had a lifespan of 140 years. In the later stage of Qi training, my lifespan was as high as 180 years."

  Perhaps because of the energy of time absorbed by the exercises, Lu Changan can perceive his own longevity.

   Compared to one hundred and eighty years.

  Twenty-three years old is still a youth, and the future is long.


  Lu Changan stretched out his finger and drew a water mirror. The young man in the mirror had a fair, handsome and gentle face, and his eyes were as black as ink.

  Paired with a white dress, there is a kind of temperament that is unparalleled in the world.

  The cocoon on the palm of the original martial arts practice no longer exists.

   "Is it the beauty-preserving effect of the Evergreen Kungfu, or is it because of the increase in lifespan?"

  Lu Changan is almost the same as it was five years ago, but his skin is more delicate.

  He silently operated the Evergreen Kung Fu, and a rotten wood-like breath filled his body, making his "jade quality" no longer conspicuous.

   Consolidate the realm, after exiting the customs.

   Lu Changan's first thing is to sell first-order talismans!

  Third level of Qi training, first-level talisman master!

  At first, the Mu family was skeptical.

   Not long after, under Mu Xiuyun's own inspection, Lu Changan successfully refined a first-order fire bomb talisman.

  Lu Changan's status as a first-rank talisman master is officially confirmed.


   "That kid... has become a Tier 1 Talisman Master?"

  Yuexin Island, in a quiet room, Mu Maode, who was sitting cross-legged, looked at the note in his hand, somewhat unexpected.

  Seeingly, the five-year contract with Lu Changan expired.

  Mu Maode is preparing to put pressure on Lu Changan to marry a wife and have children in Mu's house.

   Unexpectedly, Lu Changan has now become a talisman master, disrupting his arrangements.

   Fu Dao, although it is not as good as alchemy and weapon refining, it ranks high among all the arts of cultivating immortals.

  A Tier 1 talisman master in his twenties is a rare talent, enough for the Mu family to offer an olive branch.

   Mu Maode felt a headache, how to arrange Lu Changan?

  (end of this chapter)