MTL - I Am God!-Chapter 596 : The Creator said she was a child who would never grow up

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small island.

There are more and more trees in front of the **** vortex, and occasionally at night, the mermaid with a billowing silver tail can be seen appearing, looking at the people at the entrance of the cave.

The "dwarf" saw that there were fewer and fewer snake people in the cave, and the originally bustling cave gradually became deserted.

That night, the "dwarf" and "Nasa" read a book together.

The "dwarf" was read to "Nasa", and the two laughed because of a story in it.

After reading, the "little man" closed the book, and suddenly threw out a question inadvertently. "Nasa, would you like to become a mermaid?"

He was still shaken.

As there were fewer and fewer people in the cave, he seemed to realize that some fates and events were unavoidable. Sometimes, it's not whether you want to choose, but you don't have a choice.

After finishing speaking, he added another sentence.

"The mermaid seems to be quite beautiful, and it is also very similar to the snake man."

"In addition to not being able to speak, not being able to appear under the sun seems pretty good." "Nasa" asked him, "Would you like to become a tree man?"

The "dwarf" didn't speak, but just asked: "I asked first, Nasha, you have to answer me first." However, what the "dwarf" didn't expect was that "Nasa" very clearly expressed her refusal. The "dwarf" didn't understand: "Why?"

But the girl told him: "Because this body was given to me by my mother."

She lowered her head and muttered in a low voice: "If I look different, mom might not know me anymore." "Nasa"'s childish words sometimes make the "dwarf" want to laugh.

But "Nasa" has always been just a child, and apart from his appearance and height, he has already become an adult, so it feels normal to think about it this way.

At this moment, the "little man" also smiled helplessly, and then heaved a long sigh.

Yes, whose body is not a gift from my mother.

And who is willing to abandon his body and become another strange race that he has never seen before. The "little man" carefully blew out the lamp, and then spoke.

"go to bed early."

After speaking, he covered her with the large and beautiful blanket he gave to the girl. "Warm up!"

"The blanket was too small when I was a child. With this, you will never feel cold again." "If you cover it thicker, you won't get sick."

The girl lay on the bed and said happily, "Short, you are the best to me."

The "dwarf" seemed happier than the girl when he heard the other party say this: "Of course, we are family!" But within a few days, the girl also became ill.

Even though the dwarf protected her very well, it still couldn't stop her body from weakening day by day. Here, after all, is a place that is not suitable for ordinary snake people to survive.

The dwarf had no choice but to carry Nasha to the edge of the **** vortex at night, and begged Captain Bremen. "Please give her some life energy!"

It's like this every time, and it seems to be fine for the time being. But it didn't take long before it recovered again.

Because this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. The problem is not the girl's body, but the external environment. Repeatedly, it made the girl suffer.

But later on, the problem got worse.

This time, it was the failure of internal organs.

The dwarf stood by the bed, pale and wide-eyed. It was as if it wasn't the girl who was sick, but himself. He looked at the **** the bed, raised his hand for a while, and put it down for a while. A look of helplessness.

The **** the bed said to him, talking about that mother who didn't know if it was the real mother or the existence called mother in the words as usual.

She grabbed the blanket with her hands and stroked it gently, her eyes closed and opened for a while. "dwarf!"

"I miss my mother a little bit, her body is big, soft, and white." "No matter how strong the wind outside is,

It doesn't feel cold at all. "

The girl was also pale from the pain, so she kept wanting to say something to relieve it. Suddenly, she called out to the other party.


At this time, the "little man" raised his head hastily. "what?"

He stood up and looked at each other, asking with concern. "What's wrong?"

"What do you want?"

But in the end, the other party just asked him:

"Can you tell me again, what is the Kingdom of God like?" "In the Kingdom of God, don't people grow up?"

The "dwarf" was a little dumbfounded, and didn't understand what the relationship between the Kingdom of God and growing up was? However, the girl said next.

"Because the older a person grows up, the more troubles he will have."

"When I grow up, I will say goodbye to my mother. When I grow up, I will meet many, many people. Then they will all become trees and people, and they will no longer talk to me."

"When you grow up, those happy things will become unhappy things." "When you grow up, everything you get will gradually be lost."

The girl frowned tightly in pain, then pursed her lips and said. "When you grow up, you won't be happy."

The "dwarf" saw the girl in pain, and immediately wanted to hug him: "Let's go, let's go to Captain Breman."

However, at this time, the girl refused: "I don't want to go."

The "dwarf" asked, "Why?"

The girl said, "Because next time, it will be more difficult."

The "dwarf" didn't know what to do anymore, he looked at the girl in pain and with pleading eyes. He could only nod his head and pursed his lips repeatedly.

"Okay, okay."

"No, we're not going."

"We're not going, don't be afraid, we're not going!" "Nasa!"

"Let's not go."

After appeasing the other party, he stumbled towards the outside.

As he was walking, halfway through, one side of his body began to twitch for some unknown reason.

As if he couldn't control his body, he could see the bottom of his eyes, with streaks of blood emerging continuously, as if to occupy his entire eye socket.

It wasn't until he walked outside that he laughed wildly at this time.

Although he was laughing, he couldn't feel any real laughter in his laughter, as if a certain organ in his body was out of control, making people laugh uncontrollably.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I don't know, I don't know!"

"I will never grow up. There will always be so much pain. Wherever I go, the world will destroy everything about me."

"He always wants to destroy everything I own, to leave me where I am, to tie me where I am." not drop."

"I always thought that I would be able to find the Kingdom of God next time. Who knew that what I found would be either purgatory, the abyss, or a place more terrifying than purgatory and the abyss."

"I do not know."

"I don't know what to do, what to do, so that the world can respond."

The more he talked, the more crazy he became, and he could see red and black breaths coming out of his body, a mark from the abyss appeared on the surface of his body, and a group of strange spell marks appeared in his eyes.

"Hee hee hee." "Ha ha ha ha."

At this time, he seemed like a person who couldn't control his body, rolling on the ground. His mouth was full of sand, and he continued to mutter.

"Nasa!" "Sorry!"

"Hahahaha, I shouldn't have watched those people take your body away."

"I don't know, I don't know that those people are members of the Corpse Eater Church, I don't know, I don't know that those people are lying to me." "Ah!"

"Why didn't I fight those people?"

"Why am I so unsteady in my will?

Guys get it under control. "

He moved a little bit with one hand on the ground, and he couldn't see any normal appearance anymore. Maybe he was crazy long ago, but this kind of madness was suppressed in his heart.

It is also possible that he is a lunatic, but he pretends to be normal in front of others. Two breaths entangled and clashed in his body.

If it is in reality, it is estimated that his situation will fall into the abyss or purgatory in an instant. Finally, he came to the huge red vortex.

He looked at the swirling water vortex in the middle of the distance, and then flipped over.

In the water, his entangled and uncontrollable body finally relaxed a little bit. An invisible hand caught him and temporarily suppressed his strength that was about to collapse.

When the "little man" opened his eyes, he saw that he was standing in front of Breman, the captain of the Platinum. Bremen watched him from a distance, shaking his head slightly.

"You're insane again."

"Divine blood is the supreme gift, and mutual food among intelligent species is taboo."

"Even if you are not voluntary, even if the person being devoured is willing, backlash will always follow you." The "dwarf" does not admit that he is crazy: "I am not crazy, I am normal."

Bremen said: "Crazy does not mean depraved, and normal is not acted out."

The god-like captain looked at the "dwarf", the second officer who had followed him for many years. "Dwarf, can you tell your own heart?"

"Maybe it's not the world that traps you, but yourself."

"Why do you always choose wrong again and again, because you are trapped in the past by yourself, and every time you choose wrongly, the shackles will be deeper."

"I can't help myself."

The "little man" didn't care about that, he just looked up. "Nasa, Captain."

"Can you, save Nasha?"

Bremen: "I can give her the form of a mermaid."

The "little man" was a little moved, but in the end, he shook his head violently. "it's not like that."

"I don't want to throw her in such a world, such a cruel world."

"Be a mermaid who can't speak and can only live in the dark underwater forever, or be a treant who has lost most of his consciousness, and even the perception of time has become slow."

The "dwarf" clenched his hands like a stubborn child.

"I don't want it. She is trapped in this narrow vortex, and she will never see hope." "No, the world is too scary and cruel."

"I want to give her a kingdom like she said." "A... kingdom of God she wants."

Breman didn't know what words to use to describe such a naive dream. "Besides becoming a servant of God, there is no other way to enter the Kingdom of God."

"And those who can formulate the Kingdom of God according to their own ideas."

"It can only be a god."

Bremen raised his head and looked into the distance. "in this world."

"The only ones who are close to the gods may be those giant stone demons." "They are only one step away from the gods."

"But trapped forever in a body that can never give birth to wisdom, nor can it become a god."

The "little man" has dull eyes, and he seems to know that he is pursuing a dream that is difficult to realize, but he still has to pursue it.

Breman looked at the "dwarf" and asked him. "And you?"

"Why do you also resist becoming a tree man or a mermaid?"

The "dwarf" raised his head, looked at Bremen, and grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile that's all. "Didn't you say that I violated a taboo."

"In my body, there is filth and filth."

"If you become a fish, maybe you can become clean, right?" Bremen remembered what the "dwarf" said just now, and used it to refute him. "Fish are not wise."

"It also cannot speak, nor

Can live on the ground. "

The dwarf seems to be a very double-standard person. When talking about Nasha and himself, it seems to be two people. "No, no, at least it's clean."

With a wave of his hand, Breman sent the "dwarf" back.

But he looked at the "little man", as if he knew that he would come back soon. When the other party left completely, Bremen looked into the distance again.

Those giant stone demons that made land on the ocean. "Sage Lann's contract stone devil!"

On the bed, the "dwarf" carefully wiped the sweat of "Nasa" and cleaned her body. By this time, the girl had lost a whole circle of weight.

Sores also began to appear on her body, and she was so weak that she had to gasp for a long time before she could utter a few words.


After taking care of her all night, the "dwarf" who didn't even dare to blink his eyes suddenly saw her slowly open his eyes and uttered a lot of nonsense that he couldn't understand.

She gasped and spoke little by little. "Mom said."

"Number one, we never actually die in an aquarium."

"Second, you can choose to end only when a new species emerges from the selection." "Third, the species that is finally selected will be born in the nest of life."

She stretched out her small, thin arms and said sadly.

"I thought at the time, if I never choose, I can stay here forever." The "dwarf" couldn't understand what it meant, but he knew that "Nasa" was about to die. If it drags on, she will really die.

And in this terrible world, death is not the end.

She might really be about to become a fish, or a worm.

He grabbed his hair helplessly, took a few deep breaths, and then suppressed the emotions on the surface and the expression that was about to lose control, but tears kept falling.

Finally, he got up abruptly and ran towards the sea. Beside the crimson sea, he jumped down.

He saw Breman's figure again, and when he looked up, he saw that he was staring at him.

The "dwarf" said loudly: "Captain, Nasha is dying, please save her, mermaids are fine, anything is fine, please save her."

However, Bremen suddenly said: "I've thought about it for a long time, maybe the fantasy you mentioned may really come true." The "dwarf" was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

Afterwards, he almost trembled and said, "Captain, what are you talking about?"

Breman looked at him with those wise and calm eyes: "There is another way, those giant stone goblins." "If they are willing to give their power to Nasha, Nasha can become a god."

"As for the gods, they can naturally establish the Kingdom of God."

The "dwarf" has never heard of such a method, but it is not surprising to think of the identity of the other party. Because he is the most ancient, the god-born, and the descendant of the god-king.

But at this moment, he asked as if grabbing a life-saving straw: "Will those giant stone goblins be willing?" Bremen said, "They probably won't refuse."

Next, the "dwarf" didn't say anything for a long time. Maybe he never thought that what he wanted would actually come true one day.

Still in this way.

Bremen looked at the "dwarf" and told him.

"But if you want to become a **** and establish a kingdom of God, you must have the rituals and methods of becoming a god." "Only I have this thing."

The "dwarf" understood immediately, the tone was that Bremen wanted to make a deal with him. "What do you need?"

Bremen thought for a while, then said.

"I hope I can also use the power of the Kingdom of God." "In that case."

"With the help of the Kingdom of God, I can radiate the power of life to the whole world." "They don't have to be imprisoned in this sea of ​​blood all the time."

Bremen looked at his own

Those crew members turned into tree people and mermaids. "you are right."

"You don't want Nasha to be trapped in this narrow vortex and never see hope." "I also hope that my crew can leave here and see hope."

Bremen seemed to have figured out something, or a key node, and finally unloaded those heavy things on his shoulders, and looked at the "little man" with a relaxed smile.

"We can sign a contract in the name of the Supreme God." "I will follow the promise in the name of the oldest and the king of gods." Such a contract and promise.

Even if it is not in the original world, a world without gods. And no one dares to repent easily, because this is the name of the Supreme God.

This morning.

The "dwarf" hugged "Nasa" who was tightly wrapped in a blanket and walked towards the distance, towards the sea. It can be seen that in the distance, a large row of giants standing above the sea of ​​clouds in the sky stands on the coast.

He walked forward step by step with an expression of anxiety and anticipation. It feels like a long time has passed, and it seems like a moment.

He was full of thoughts, and when he came back to his senses, he had already arrived at the coast, in front of the large ceremony altar that had been arranged long ago.

He carefully placed the **** the altar.

When he just retreated, he found a blood-red shadow had appeared beside him, and there was still a red cup of blood mist under his feet.

"It's about to start."

Bremen was much calmer than the "dwarf", and this calmness also calmed the uneasy "dwarf". As soon as the words fell, a huge stone giant bent down.

The head pierced through the sea of ​​clouds and was close to the ground. It stretched out its palm and pointed it at the altar. "Hoo hoo!"

The palms were pressed down, and the wind blew up, making people feel unstoppable, and the strong pressure made people's hairs stand on end. It didn't speak, but an invisible voice seemed to be echoing in the void.

"Gift of power."

Huge power poured into the ritual altar through the palm and gathered around.

The "dwarf" seemed to hear the stone demon praying, calling out a certain name. Gradually, it melted completely.

Finally, it turned into a shadow and walked into the altar, surrounding the girl. Immediately afterwards, the next giant stone demon came and repeated the previous action.

One after another, the giant stone goblins melted, and the terrifying power poured into the girl's body, turning into one after another illusory shadows writhing around the altar.


The girl turned into a silver sun.

The beam of light soared into the sky, piercing through another world. The light shines across the sea and covers the sky.

View from the island.

She seemed to overwhelm the sun at the end of the sky. Because the sun is too far away, and she is too close.

Logically speaking, even if it is the gift of power, it cannot be like this.

An almost godlike being, the Gift of Empowerment bestows power on a mortal like an ocean to drown a puddle. Even if it succeeds in the end, the former will definitely overwhelm the latter completely.

However, everything is going smoothly at this moment, as if she is taking back her own power. at the same time.

The entire island also began to change, the strange lines continued to spread, and the huge ceremony surrounded the entire island, from the surface to the ground.

A mythical field spins and spreads out, making this place between reality and illusion. Breman seemed to have seen such a scene before, and told the "dwarf" who was at a loss. "Divine Grace Four Points Mystery, the last reincarnation!"

"This island is going to be turned into a kingdom of gods."

This is the last reincarnation, when the transformation is complete.

The realm has turned into a kingdom of gods, and mortals have **** bodies.

Bremen paid attention to the god-like island, and the whole island seemed to be slowly turning into a giant egg. It is shaping itself according to God's will.

However, most of this giant egg is submerged under the sea water, and the point where the head is exposed becomes the island. island out

Some strange buildings appeared, which looked like a place where a child lived.

You can even see a huge metal building like a cradle, swaying left and right. same.

You can also see that the little **** the altar has grown a little bit.

In the end, she turned into a gigantic deity whose body spanned many miles. Under the fading light, she curled up and went deep into the giant egg.

Bremen didn't see the door being born, which also fits his guess.

"There is no tree of the root of wisdom and the moon of the gods here, otherwise it would be directly born to the gate."

The "dwarf" didn't understand this, he was too shocked to speak just by the scene in front of him, and was shaking with excitement.

He stepped forward step by step, looking at a little bit of light, which turned into a **** of "Nasa". He raised his hands high.

"Nasa!" "Ah, Nasa!"

"You are so beautiful, you have finally entered the kingdom of God you wanted." Then he prostrated himself on the ground, his head resting on the ground, and shouted hysterically. "No one else can take you away, can take you away."

"Because you are God." On the other side.

Beth was in a coma, as if in a dream. She felt no pain and everything was very warm around her. It was as if time had gone back and she was back inside the egg.

She looked outside curiously in the egg, there was a creature outside who was waiting for her birth, whispering to her. in the egg.

She will never grow up, she will always stay in the She fell asleep, thinking of living on a high mountain like a giant egg, looking at the white gods coming across the sea in the distance .

She happily asked: "Xing Wu, what do you eat today?" The other party said: "Eat what Sally loves most." She asked: "Who is Sally?"

The other party said, "He is the master of life."

Girl: "What kind of existence is she?"

This seems to be a difficult question to describe. If Mother Void said it, she would definitely say that it is a world-destroying demon **** who holds the world in her palm.

But she is just a glass jar, how dare she judge the gods. In the end, she could only repeat what others had said.

"I do not know either."

"But the Creator said that she is a child who will never grow up." She was talking in her sleep, "It must be very happy!"

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