MTL - I Am Immortal-Chapter 34 fate is over

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  Chapter 34 Fate is over

Accompanied by Tao Taigong's laughing voice, the two Dharma protectors will turn around and look. At this time, the moon has set and the sun has risen. The winter sun always has a cool taste, passing through the accumulated In the snow-capped mountains, the blue-shirted boy raised his hand to push aside the pine branches, and there was still a charm left on his body that traveled tens of miles and escaped from the ground.

  The spirit beasts all recognized this young man.

  Especially that little deer, bouncing over.

   rubbed against his leg.

  The two **** generals looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes. They could all tell at once that the young man in front of him was not very good.

  But the charm of the ground on his body is real, and it can't be fake, so they all go forward to salute, calling them mountain gods.

  Qi Wuhuo replied: "You two are..."

  The two generals were taken aback and avoided the ceremony, not daring to accept the gift.

Tao Taigong stroked his beard and smiled: "The two of them, one named Wu Luning and the other named Kang Linchang, were military generals two hundred years ago, and they were buried here after their death. , They have been sheltering this place for a hundred years, and they are usually the ones who regulate the land and expel demons and ghosts, and if there is a major event, it is the mountain **** who will come forward."

  Tao Taigong introduced them one by one, then pulled Qi Wuhuo over, looked him up and down, and said with emotion:

   "He really passed on the position to you."

   "You and I can have a good relationship."

   "However, with your temperament, you won't stay here for long."

  The old man shook his head and sighed, looking at the token on the young man's waist, recalling his sentence that he could not be relieved, he felt emotional.

Watching the mountain **** go by the road, and thinking of the blue-shirted boy in front of him, maybe he will do the same in a few years, how cool and unrestrained, in comparison, although he has got five hundred years of life, but he is just shrunk to the ground , the so-called carefree, in the eyes of these real practitioners, maybe it is just a dead bone in the tomb, thinking of this, it is melancholy again.

   For a moment, I even had the urge to chase after the avenue.

   But thinking of the long and difficult road, this thought only went around in my mind for a while, and then I was suppressed.

   That’s all, that’s all.

   Don't ask for it.

   Maybe die on the road?

   It is better to be stable for five hundred years.

The old man suppressed the years of young cultivation that occasionally surfaced, just stroked his beard and smiled and told Qi Wuhuo what the mountain gods should do, and walked slowly all the way to the side of the mountain. town, said:

"The seal of the mountain **** allows you to grasp the flow of the land veins. You can control the Helian Mountain here, but in fact, even the land veins in other places can be used by you to use the earth escape technique. "

   "Give it a try."

   Qi Wuhuo looked at the home in the distance, shook his head and declined, and said with a smile, "Shall we go down the mountain?"

  After he resigned to the three land clerks, he rubbed the spirit beasts behind him and said, "By the way, there is one more thing."

  Two Dharma protectors of Helian Mountain stood respectfully behind them and said:

   "Mountain God, please order."

  Qi Wuhuo replied: "I just took over the seal of my friend and took the position of this mountain god. There are still many things that I am not used to. I may need the help of the two generals."

  The two guardian generals saluted: "Don't dare to be that."

   "A matter of duty!"

Qi Wuhuo could see that those spirit beasts were simply delighted that there was no evil guest as the mountain god, while the two guardian gods in the mountain doubted whether he was qualified to take on the responsibility of the mountain god, but so It is also common sense, Qi Wuhuo said:

   "I have just become a mountain god, and I will be speaking about Taoism for the first time in a few days, and I will invite the two of you to come with me."

  He chatted with several locals on the five arts of Taoism, and got Tan Taixuan's "Cheng Xian Lu" and the mountain god's practice record.

  Although it is not extraordinary and refined, it is not impossible to explain the foundation of practice to the spirit beasts in the mountains.

   The two Dharma Guardians were stunned. Seeing his age, they felt somewhat contemptuous and indifferent.

  But on the surface, he was still extremely respectful, saluting: "Yes!"

  Qi Wuhuo saluted slightly, exchanged greetings with Taigong Tao and the other three, waved goodbye to the spirit beasts, then turned around and walked on the mountain road, seeing birds and beasts seeing each other off, gradually drifting away, walking lightly.

  Shen Hongxue stood behind Tao Taigong, and said: "It's strange, if you can escape, why don't you use it?"

  Tao Taigong said: "What do you know?"

   "This is the cleverness..."

  The old man sighed with emotion.

  Shen Hongxue was puzzled: "Where is Gao Ming?"

  Tao Taigong said: "Greatness lies in..."

  The old man paused, as if he was organizing his words, and finally said: "He understands the difference between Tao and art, and the mountain god's escape method is just a foreign object, but he still remembers that he is a human being."

   "Understanding the truth, not being burdened by supernatural powers."

   "Amazing, awesome."

  Shen Hongxue was puzzled, but he also nodded when he saw Luo Yizhen.

  Silence, I always feel that I can't lose face here.

  Then nodded and nodded: "Indeed."

  The three of them stood with their hands behind their backs in front of the Dharma Guardian and the rest of the spirit beasts. Looking at the young man walking down the mountain, they all nodded:


  Qi Wuhuo looked back at the mountain gods to see him off, and was puzzled when he saw them nodding.

Shaking his head, he continued to go down the mountain. On the way down the mountain, he picked up firewood by the way. Compared with the past, he had to bend down every time he picked up firewood. Now he only needs to pinch a formula to call for a gust of wind, and he quickly picked it up. Quite a few, tied into a bundle with a rope, took out a handful of pine nuts just picked up, spread out his hand, and let a squirrel land on it.

  The squirrel gave him a lot of winter fruit, Qi Wuhuo wiped it on his clothes, took a bite, the frozen fruit was sweet to the touch.

   "Leave one for the old man to eat."

   "If you walk down the mountain, you can pick up some firewood, and it's convenient to buy some meat."

   The boy in blue shirt thought.

   If the escape technique is not well practiced, it will be a little scary to appear suddenly.

When Qi Wuhuo was buying meat, the rough butcher added some meat to Qi Wuhuo, then took a bag of dried lotus leaves, threw it to Qi Wuhuo, and said, "Take it, little guy!" I have some income recently, ha, I can afford meat now!"

  Qi Wuhu smiled and said, "Mr. Su gave some money."

  The butcher suddenly said, "Mr. Su, haha, that's a good guy."

  When Qi Wuhuo was about to leave, the butcher suddenly called him and said, "That's right, kid."

   "Do you have any conflicts with those who wear satin? They always say that you are rude recently, which makes many people feel that they have to distance themselves from you."

  The butcher stared at him: "What happened? Boy, have you done anything wrong?"

  Qi Wuhuo replied: "I didn't do anything to offend anyone."

The butcher grinned, and said: "That's good, haha, if you look up to be worthy of the sky, and lower your head to be worthy of your ancestors, it's fine, because this matter will distance you from you, and those are not people who are friends, just leave them alone." Die! Brat, you grew up in this town, you drank the water here, you are the people here, I will stare at you, don't be bad."


  The butcher threw over a package of lotus leaves.

   Inside are some finely chopped meat.

   "It will be Chinese New Year in a while, here you go, eat some meat."

   "Young man, grow up in good health."

   "How can you do without eating enough to read!"

  Qi Wuhuo was stunned, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Uncle Zhang."

  Someone came to buy things, the butcher lowered his head and started to work. Hearing this, he just waved his hands and cursed:

   "Fuck you, genteel!"

Qi Wuhuo said goodbye with a smile, and went back along the road. The old man was still making tea and drinking. When he saw the blue-shirted boy approaching with a smile, he stroked his beard to greet him. The young man took out a package, which contained the Several winter fruits were somewhat unattractive, and there were traces of insects. The old man asked with a smile, "Where did they come from?"

  Qi Wuhuo replied: "It was sent by a squirrel friend in the mountains."

  The old man laughed, took one and wiped it, took a bite, and said, "Sweet."

   "Yeah, it's very sweet. These fruits, which don't look very good-looking, can always be saved until the end."

   "If you are lucky and don't rot, the taste will be even better after the snow falls in winter."

Qi Wuhuo pointed to the package and said, "Uncle Zhang, who is the butcher next door, sent some meat today. You can try steamed buns. Although I heard that there are dumplings and wontons, I haven't tried them, so I don't know what to do. As for buns, I have eaten them before."

  The old man looked at Qi Wuhuo.

  After he came, the boy seemed to be more eager to focus on cooking.

   There seems to be a huge difference between eating alone and eating by two people.

  The old man sighed, finished eating the fruit, and said suddenly: "However, I'm leaving soon."

  Qi Wuhuo paused slightly.

  The old man stroked his beard and lowered his eyes, and said with a smile: "The old man travels around the world on weekdays, and he may not know where he will end up. The fate between you and me is exhausted."

   "Thinking about the time, it's time to go, but according to my personality, when I leave, I should give you some small gifts."

  The old man glanced at the fruit, smiled and waved: "Come here."

   "Let you answer a question."

   "See what you can take from me."

  (end of this chapter)