MTL - I Am In Marvel-Chapter 593 Goodbye, Weiss

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Chapter 593 Goodbye, Weiss

"It is a godfather, even Zhen Jin can be destroyed." Tony feels continually.

Just in Tony, there were other people who thought that Kyle was going to make a bang and completely destroy the body of the vibrating gold. Kyle took back his finger and the double star energy of the fingertips gradually went out.

"What's wrong, Kyle?" Steve browed and asked questions from everyone on the field.

Kyle sighed softly and said: "It is a waste of ruining this golden body."

Everyone was silent.

Do you know waste?

You use the Zhenjin to build a family base, using gold as a common energy!

"But we can't use it now. If we let Ochuang go back, it will be difficult." Tony said.

"Who said it was useless."

Kyle took a look at Tony and thought about it. He asked, "I have you always been with that thing?"

After a moment of rain, I immediately understood what Kyle meant. She nodded and reached out from the delicate clavicle of the white enamel, pulling out the necklace of the gemstone that had been worn on her body, and hanging a small plaque on the ordinary silver chain.

The rain slammed the scorpion with a mind, and with the shocking beams of the human heart, the infinite gems that glowed inside the yellow light were revealed.

"That is..." The members of the Avengers felt a sense of familiarity, as if they had seen it. Of course they have seen it. Before this jewel, it was set in the staff of Loki, and it was enchanted by the mind. It was only later that Kyle was separated, and Superman Caesar swallowed his stomach.

During this period, this gem was also borrowed by heroes from the future, and it took a few turns and eventually fell back to Kyle.

Kyle handed it over to the rain and carried it with him. In the past few years, due to the gem of the soul, the ability of the rain has improved a lot, and there are signs of breaking through the rare blue level.

Sol is even more open-eyed, recognizing that there is only one racial strategic resource in the universe.

Mind gem.

Kyle took the psychic gem that was handed over from the rain, and clamped it with two fingers. Without thinking too much, he pressed directly on the fingerprint on the forehead of Zhenjin.

The gemstone of the soul is set in the moment of the forehead of the vibrating body, and the gem of the soul is perfectly integrated with the body of the vibrating gold. The yellow light of the silky silk is centered on the gemstone, and the spider web spreads to the whole body.

Zhenjin body seems to have the bud of life, a leisurely and noble atmosphere filled out, can create a new high-level life related factors, not enough. This breath quickly and quietly, the body of Zhenjin is only a craft.

A unique and priceless craft in the universe.

"Godfather, you want to create a new mechanical life." Tony's pupil shriveled slightly and couldn't help but say: "This is very dangerous. Ao Chuang is an example, creating a new life, I don't know whether it is good or bad."

"It is true that this should be considered clearly." Steve agrees with this point of view. For his veterans, the creations of the new era are too dangerous. Striving for stability is the priority.

Rain did not speak, the boss wants to do something, she will unconditionally stand on the side of the boss.

"Don't panic."

Kyle's young face is unchanged, watching the golden body of the gemstones inlaid on the mind, calmly said: "I don't want to say that what I created, not the Austrian creation, even if it created a second Olympic life. I am here, if it fails, I will kill it immediately."

Tony and Steve were not refuting, and others nodded secretly. Indeed, with Kyle present, even if you accidentally create a demon, you can immediately send it to hell.

Absolute strength is the guarantee of Tianda.

"The body of Zhenjin, the gem of the soul, there are two factors."

Kyle whispered to himself. The first two, the first is the foundation of the real body, and the second is the foundation of the emptiness of the soul. There are two foundations. To create a complete high-level living body from it, you need...

"Sol, lend me your hammer." Kyle reached out to Sol.

"Ha? Raytheon Hammer, no one but me, can use..."

Saul’s words, though, subconsciously raised his left hand and handed Thor’s hammer over. Then the words have not been finished, Kyle naturally took over the Thor hammer.

The eyes widened like a cowbell, and Sol was unbelievably looking at Kyle who picked up the hammer. The face was so fast that it was too late to prevent it.

"You let me go." Kyle let the others step back, then took a deep breath, lifted the Thor hammer high, and the current appeared, and accumulated on the Thor hammer.

Under the horror of the field, Kyle slid down the hammer, and countless currents poured into the body of Zhenjin.

After five seconds.

Kyle threw the Thunder hammer back, and Saul behind him steadily caught. At this time, looking at the workbench, you can see that the body of Zhenjin’s body is constantly flowing with an electric arc. It seems to be full of enough energy, but it still has not recovered into a new life.

The last point is still the core of the top priority.

The creation of illusion is the energy of the golden body, the gem of the soul, the energy of the thunder hammer, and the basic idea data of Jarvis.

But now, Jarvis’s idea data has long since changed into an Austrian creation. In the present body, there is no intentional data for artificial intelligence.

Kyle looked at the mechanical watch worn by his left hand and whispered: "Wase."

The mechanical watch fell off Kyle's wrist and landed on the workbench. With a sudden change, it quickly changed into a small robot.

"I am willing to give it a try, master."

The two master servants do not need to communicate, Kyle does this, and Wiss has analyzed his intentions.

"It still lacks the core of artificial intelligence, which is exactly what I have." Weiss stared at his left chest and looked at the vibrating body next to him.

"You have to think clearly. After entering the body, you may not be yours anymore. It will even become the existence of Ao Chuang, then."

Kyle said that the words were over.

Wiss said: "When the time comes, please ask the master to kill me."

Saying, it stands on the chest with a vibrating body as a pedal.

"Wise, goodbye."

Kyle waved his left hand and extracted the eternal fire from the card space. The right hand covered the double star energy and picked out a eternal fire from the fire plate at a very fast speed. Then the eternal fire fell on the small mechanical body of Wisdom, and immediately burned and covered the mechanical body of Wisdom.

The small machinery is turned into nothingness under the burning. From the package of the eternal fire, there is a flame that is surging.

That is the fire of the soul of Weiss, and the fire of life.

Kyle took back the eternal fire and put his hand down, and the flame quickly merged into the body of the vibrating gold.

It became.

The thoughts of the mind just emerged, Kyle's nephew was shrouded in white light, and on the workbench, it was full of life, pressure, and familiarity.



The workbench exploded and the tall figure suddenly rose.

(End of this chapter)
