MTL - I Am Invincible After Awakening the Superman Gene-Chapter 114 momentum, anomaly, clue

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  Chapter 114 Momentum, anomalies, clues

   Two days later, ten o'clock in the morning.

  A number of expensive black cars lined up and drove into the imperial capital.

  There are no messy decorations on the car, only a complex coat of arms is engraved ten centimeters below the right door handle.

  Simple lines outline three majestic giant peaks up and down, straight into the sky. At the top of the giant peaks, there is a pale eagle soaring with extremely sharp eagle eyes.

  Ordinary people living in the imperial capital basically cannot recognize the origin of this coat of arms, but in the upper circles where the aristocratic family is located, everyone knows it.

   After all, the owner of this coat of arms was just awarded the title of first-class champion a few days ago, and his reputation is so great that it shocked the world!

  That's right, this coat of arms is exactly the family crest of the Xia clan of Gaoling.

  The people sitting in the black car naturally don't need to say more, all of them are core members with extremely high status in the Xia family.

  The car drove in from Luoyun District, turned straight into one of several main roads in the imperial capital, and headed towards the Champion Hou Castle in Shangyun District.

   This road was not fast, so it quickly attracted many pedestrians on both sides of the street to stop and whisper, all curiously guessing which important person was sitting in the car.

  Such a swagger, it looks like it was done on purpose.

   You must know that in the whole of Daqin, although the aristocratic powers control most of the resources and enjoy a relatively high status, they will basically not actively expose themselves to the public eye.

  There seems to be an invisible black veil between them and ordinary people, and a strong sense of mystery blows over them.

  This is especially true for the five thousand-year-old families. They are so high up that they seem to be in the clouds.

   Just like the awakened person is no different from ordinary people, the huge gap between classes has long been revealed without a doubt.

  Therefore, Gaoling Xia's uncharacteristically high-profile behavior is extremely unreasonable, and there seems to be some tricks in it.

   When Qin Mo received the news, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

  As soon as he returned to the office on the top floor after eating, he saw Li Yuan and Chu Tianjiao sitting on the sofa waiting.

  The expressions of the two of them are pretty much the same, they all have a cold face, and there is an indifference from all over their bodies.

  Seeing Qin Mo walk into the office, Li Yuan and Chu Tianjiao looked a little friendly just now, and they all got up and nodded to him.

   "Don't see outsiders like this, just sit down, there are no outsiders here."

  Qin Mo said with a smile, he walked past the two of them to the window, and habitually sat under the sun to absorb the energy of the sun.

  After that, he just asked unhurriedly: "Leader, what happened?"

   "The Security Office has some news and needs to report to you." Li Yuan replied.

   Immediately afterwards, she briefly told him about the Gaoling Xia's convoy entering the imperial capital in the morning.

  Although the Security Bureau has long been turned into the back garden of the Li family in Qingyang, in the official view of Daqin, this department is mainly responsible for the security management of the imperial capital and its surrounding areas.

   Therefore, the security office is very sensitive to Xia's sudden entry.

  After hearing this, Qin Mo frowned slightly, thinking carefully in his heart.

  He didn't have a good impression of Xia Zu in the first place, and he didn't even have a good impression of Gaoling Xia Clan. Liang Zi was on both sides.

   But there is no law in the Great Qin that stipulates that people from aristocratic families cannot enter the imperial capital. The Xia family is completely legal, and Qin Mo has nothing to say.

  He was silent for a moment, then raised his head to look at Li Yuan, and asked:

   "If it's just that, I'm afraid I don't need to bother the team leader to go there himself?"

   "Of course it's more than that."

   Chu Tianjiao on the side suddenly took over the conversation with a low tone.

  He raised his iconic thick eyebrows, and said slowly: "In fact, Changqing also found other abnormalities.

  At the same time this morning, dozens of suspicious unfamiliar faces scattered into the imperial capital under the cover of Xia's convoy, and they all hid their identities silently, not knowing what to do.

  Changqing happened to be on a mission outside at the time, so he discovered this incident by coincidence. "

  Li Changqing is the spiritual awakener of the Li family in Qingyang. Although he is not top-notch in detection, he is still top-notch. There is no need to doubt his intelligence.

  Qin Mo's brows furrowed three points, and the super brain began to run at high speed, integrating the information, and then analyzing and processing it.

   Soon, he already had some guesses in his heart.

  I only heard him speak slowly: "Swaggering into the imperial capital, it seems that this group of people on the surface is not the whole force of Xia's mobilization this time."

"you mean…"

  Li Yuan's eyes froze, she and Chu Tianjiao exchanged glances, and then continued:

   "Those people who sneaked in from behind the scenes also belonged to the Gaoling Xia Clan?"


Qin Mo nodded, leaned back on the back of the chair, spread his hands and said: "I never believed that there are so many coincidences in this world, one bright and one dark, ostentatious, there is absolutely no connection between the two .

  It's just... come as soon as you come, and hide it, what exactly does Xiazu want to do? "

  Qin Mo's eyes were puzzled, which he really couldn't understand.

   But what can be confirmed is that the Xia family definitely has ghosts!

  After Qin Mo's call, Li Yuan and Chu Tianjiao also reacted belatedly.

  Li Yuan twitched her small nose, frowned and said, "Then do you want to send someone to watch it?"

"Need not."

  Qin Mo waved his hand, and said: "It's not good to stare, the people below are not very strong, it's too easy to be discovered by the other party, not to mention...

  If you keep staring at him, how can he handle things with peace of mind? "

   Speaking of this, a smile slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes flickered.

   This is very simple logic.

  Since you don't know what the other party's purpose is, why not just let it go and see what they want to do.

   If you don’t do it, you can’t go wrong.

  But once it is done, there will be clues.

  That's exactly what Qin Mo wanted.

  Li Yuan and Chu Tianjiao couldn't help but look at each other, secretly feeling Qin Mo's quick mind.

   Afterwards, the three of them chatted casually, and Li Yuan and Li Yuan left the office, busy with their own affairs.

   Don't look at Qin Mo doing nothing all day long, it's because he is the deputy director.

   But in fact, there are still many things for the Security Bureau.

  Qin Mo became the hands-off shopkeeper, so Li Yuan, Li Mo and others need to spend more time.

   Fortunately, they have already formed the habit. After all, when the Security Bureau did not have a deputy director, Li Mou, the director, was also a shopkeeper who basically never took care of things.

  It is not without reason that the two can become friends for years, at least in the aspect of paid fishing, they are like-minded.

   After they left, Qin Mo, who was leaning on the chair hill to bask in the sun, closed his eyelids slightly, and various information kept flashing in his mind.

  He has never forgotten the conflict between himself and Xia Zu, but Xia Zu is not low in strength, and he is guaranteed to be a ninth-level S-level awakener.

  Now he has no ability to contend with it.

  So Qin Mo has been accumulating strength in secret, and by the way, according to the clues he found before, he continued to investigate the forces behind the Tiandihui.

   Although the investigation is a bit difficult, it has been making progress, and even phased results will be achieved soon.

  But who would have imagined that the other party would resort to an extreme trick, creating the big explosion in Taishan, and forcibly cutting off the clues again.

   "At present, the grimace mask has become the only clue. I don't know if the Li family in Qingyang can find it out." Qin Mo murmured softly.

  The butler and the mysterious boss, these two people have not even shown their shadows, and they can only use Xia Lin as a breakthrough.

  But this kind of thing of finding a needle in a haystack takes time the most, and it is not so easy to get something.

  Qin Mo thought about it, and decided to call Li Mou to ask about the progress of the matter.

  He handed Xia Lin's portrait to the elders a few days ago.

  Thinking like this, Qin Mo opened his eyes, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed Li Mou directly.

   After a short beep, the call is connected.

  The two exchanged a few words of pleasantries, and then Qin Mo got down to business.

  Hearing this, Li Mou slowly opened his mouth and said: "It's a coincidence that you asked, I just talked with the elders on the phone last night, Qingyang has mobilized a lot of power, and the investigation has already begun.

  I reckon that after another day or two, there should be results. "

   "Huh? So fast?" Qin Mo was slightly surprised.

   "This speed is indeed unexpected. The Council of Elders seems to have found the direction of investigation, but I didn't ask in detail." Li Mou replied.

  Qin Mo nodded secretly in his heart, and then prepared to hang up the phone.

  However, at this moment, Li Mou suddenly said: "By the way, there are two more things to tell you by the way.

  One is the research on Qingyun Mine. The Presbyterian Church already has a complete research report. This new type of ore can stimulate the gene chain in the human body and forcibly stimulate the potential of the human body.

  Only needing to take more than 50 grams can prompt the user to break through the first level again under the original level. The higher the original level, the greater the amount that needs to be taken. "

   "Hiss... Doesn't this mean that a large number of S-level awakeners can be spawned?"

  Qin Mo couldn't help taking a breath, and asked in surprise, the sky-defying effect of Qingyun Mine really surprised him a little.

  But Li Mou's next answer directly denied his question.

   "It's not that simple. The world is in balance, and there must be gains and losses. Although Qingyun Mine can forcibly stimulate the potential of the human body, it also locks the upper limit of talent.

  Once you take Qingyun Mine, you can only stay in the level of forced breakthrough forever in this life, and you will not be able to make any further progress.

  In addition, there is a huge threshold for ordinary people to reach F level, A level to S level, no matter how much Qingyun mine is taken, it will not have any effect. "

   "If you say that, the importance of this ore will be greatly reduced."

  Qin Mo replied lightly, the shock just now has disappeared without a trace.

   But that being said, as long as you choose the right users, you can still forcefully summon a group of S-level awakened users, which can be of great use at critical moments.

  It's a pity that the ore reserve in Qingyang Li's hands is only a few hundred catties grabbed by Qin Mo, and the real big head may have been exhausted by the hidden forces behind the Tiandihui.

  Qin Mo couldn't help shaking his head, and then continued to ask: "What about the second thing?"

   "The second thing is that the Gaoling Xia clan swaggered into the imperial capital this morning."

  Li Mou paused for a moment, and then continued: "Their publicity is actually showing their muscles and strength, and building momentum for the future.

  Xiazu is a man with extraordinary talent and great ambitions. After he was named the first-class champion, his next step must be to take advantage of the wind and take this opportunity to lead the Gaoling Xia family to be promoted to a top family and become a prince. "

  Hearing the low voice from the phone, Qin Mo's eyes flickered and he fell silent.

   After a long time, he just opened his mouth and replied:

   "Well, I see."

   "There are a lot of S-level awakened people pouring into the imperial capital. You must be careful in your actions in the future. Safety is the most important thing." Li Mou warned.

   "Okay, brother, you can put ten thousand hearts in your stomach about this."

  Qin Mo replied with a smile, then said a few words to Li Mou, and then hung up the phone.

  Afterwards, he put down his cell phone, leaned on the chair with his hands behind his head, and calmly looked at the fiery red sun in midair.

  No one knew what Qin Mo was thinking, but he just sat there for the whole afternoon until it was time to get off work.

  A warm current suddenly appeared in his chest, Qin Mo focused his eyes on his eyes, and quietly opened the gene awakening panel.

   Vision: 154

  Listening: 148

   Intelligence: 149

   Breathing: 148

   Strength: 155

   Speed: 153

   Recovery: 148

   Defense: 152

   Light energy points: 32 (freely assignable)

  Qin Mo accumulated a total of 31 light energy points yesterday. After he distributed them, his strength in all aspects has once again been improved.

   Moreover, his strength has reached 155, and his skills have been strengthened again.

  Super strength has been doubled again on the original basis, and both basic strength and limit strength have made a qualitative leap.

   Today's Qin Mo already possesses a super power VI rank, and his attack power is quite terrifying!

  As for the light energy points for today, exactly four points are assigned to each of the eight attributes, and there is no point left, which is perfect.

  With a thought in Qin Mo's mind, the attribute value changed immediately, and the warm current also spread to the whole body at the same time, covering every corner.

   "Hearing: 152, Skill: Super Listening Enhancement."

   "Defense: 156, Skill: Man of Steel Enhancement."

  Two pieces of information flashed through his mind one after another, Qin Mo couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

  He really didn't expect that two attributes reached the threshold required for strengthening at the same time.

   This is the second chapter, and I will strive to update more tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)