MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 11 Task

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"Yes, I have a video of the five of them here." Wang Damao immediately took out a memory card and said.

Before coming back, he made a trip to Black Rat, a well-known hacker in the lower area.

After spending a certain price, Wang Damao asked the black mouse to retrieve the video of the street camera, and then he got the images of Liu Miaomiao and the five people.

Huaifei Axe clicked on the wrist-mounted computer on his right arm, and a beam of laser light fell on the memory card, and quickly read the data inside.

Open the holographic image built into the wrist-mounted computer, and soon a video is projected.

This is Liu Miaomiao and others, who just entered the shelter, followed the main force to their residence, and were filmed through the main road.

In the video, the women looked around in amazement, or played and slapped around, and they all had a provocative style between their frowns and smiles.

Just looking at the holographic projection, Huai Fei Axe's eyes lit up, especially when he saw the two women Liu Miaomiao and Wang Yao, his eyes stayed for a while, and his eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

"What is the name of that 'white pig'? Which mercenary group is it in, and what is its strength? Have you investigated all of this?" Huai Feifei asked after a long time.

To be able to ask such words, it is obvious that he has moved his mind.

"His name is Lin Xinghai. He was recruited by the Sky Splitting Mercenary Group when he came back. The genetic optimization should be around 25%." Wang Damao said quickly. He even described every detail of the fight with Lin Xinghai.

After Huaifei Axe listened, he tapped the seat with his fingers lightly, and after a full minute, he said, "You pass my order and let the Four Great Kings come to see me tonight."

"Okay." Wang Damao nodded quickly, but after a little delay, he still said: "Help Master, don't we need to notify the wolf mercenary group?"

"How do I do things, do I want you to teach me?" Huai Fei Axe said coldly.

"No... I don't dare, I'll go down and inform." Wang Damao bowed again and again and exited the room in a panic.

After the door was closed, Huaifei Axe fell into contemplation again, and he did not intend to dedicate Liu Miaomiao to the wolf mercenary group.

Although doing so can please some existences of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, the practical benefits are really not much.

After all, the wolf mercenary group is only a second-level mercenary group, and it may be able to call the wind and call the rain in the lower city, but if you look at the entire Star Shield Refuge, it is very ordinary.

So over the years, he has always wanted to find another way out for himself, and after a few years of hard work, he finally had a way to get in touch with the real bigwigs in the sanctuary.

But that's just contact.

If you really want to make those big people happy, and even hug their thighs, it is not an easy task.

The appearance of Liu Miaomiao was an opportunity for him. If he made good use of it, he might really be able to leap into the dragon gate.

Of course, the wolf mercenary group must also be notified, but in another way.

Lin Xinghai made them unable to collect protection fees. Although their Axe Gang suffered losses, the Wolf Mercenary Group suffered even more.

Because every month, they have to hand over 70% of their total income to the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group.

It is the so-called blocking people's way of wealth, such as killing one's parents.

Such a reason is enough for the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group to take action.

At that time, he grabbed 5 beauties and dedicated them to the big man in the shelter, and let the wolf mercenary group bear the wrath of the split sky mercenary group.

It's all perfect!

Of course, there is also a great risk in doing so. If the wolf mercenary group knows the inside story, then his fate can be imagined.

But seeking wealth and danger, Huai Fei Axe's eyes became more and more determined.

Of course Lin Xinghai didn't know that there was a conspiracy brewing against him.

All afternoon, he wandered around in the lower districts, and even had the feeling of a hillbilly entering the city, everything was so new.

It is like the logistics drone above his head, following him.

That's when he ordered 6 advanced nutritious meals and chose the on-site production service, and then followed.

Well, this thing can act as a cooking robot, and in the iron box hanging below it, are fresh ingredients and tableware.

And according to the introduction of the waiter, after the meal, it will clean up everything before leaving.

The service is quite good, but such a package is not cheap.

Before the sky completely darkened, he was in a good mood and returned to Room 301.

Of course, in the shelter, the so-called sky is simulated by the central control fluorescent lamps.

When the door was opened, Liu Miaomiao and several others had come back, but their faces were full of sadness.

"Yeah! What is this? Let me guess, is it a cooking robot?" Seeing Lin Xinghai coming in with a logistics drone, Liu Miaomiao put away the worry on her face and asked curiously .

"Yeah! I'll invite you to dinner tonight!" Lin Xinghai said with a smile.

After the logistics drone flew into the dormitory, it closed its rotors, extended its limbs, and quickly transformed into a humanoid robot.

Then, it opened the huge iron box, took out the ingredients and tools inside, and quickly started cooking.

During the free time before dinner, Lin Xinghai also asked about how some people were looking for jobs.

As he imagined, several people were not going well, not to mention the official institutions set up by the shelter, even the units that cooperated with the official institutions were very popular.

These jobs have nothing to do with connections, UU reading www. is simply impossible to enter.

Hearing this, Lin Xinghai was a little silent, but for a while, he had nothing to do.

Fortunately, Liu Miaomiao and others knew how to mobilize the atmosphere, and soon moved from work to some interesting things they saw and heard in the shelter, and everyone chatted happily.

20 minutes later, 6 hot high-end nutritious meals came out. After taking a bite, Lin Xinghai couldn't help feeling that technology changed his life.

This is a random robot pulled out, and the food it makes is not much worse than what he ate in a star-rated hotel in his previous life.

After dinner, the girls regained their energy and began to discuss where to find a job tomorrow. Lin Xinghai chatted with them.

The time soon came to 8 pm, and Room 301 also welcomed the first guest.

"Captain Roger, is there any mission for the mercenary group?" Lin Xinghai's eyes lit up and said after seeing that it was Roger who came in.

Now the thing he is most looking forward to is to collect 100 blood energy and awaken the ability.

"Ha, you really guessed it right. It's the first time I've seen a newcomer who is looking forward to performing a mission like you." Roger couldn't help laughing.

Many mercenary missions have a certain degree of confidentiality, so it is not appropriate to chat in the dormitory.

The two left the residence, went to a self-service cafe outside, and asked for a private room to talk.

After the food delivery robot delivered the two cups of coffee, Roger turned on the scanning function of the wrist-mounted computer and confirmed that there was no eavesdropping device in the room before saying: "This mission is very important and dangerous, although the reward for participating is very high. , but from my personal point of view, I don't want you to be involved."

The first sentence Roger said surprised Lin Xinghai quite a bit.