MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 5 Arrive at Star Shield Refuge

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After confirming to join the Split Sky Mercenary Group, Lin Xinghai and Roger chatted for a while before returning to the trunk.

Although the conversation between the two was short, it was enough to give Lin Xinghai a general understanding of the Sky Splitting Mercenary Group.

There are a total of 35 people in the Split Sky Mercenary Group, and the positions are also very simple. Head, deputy head, and then three captains, Roger is one of them.

It can be said that there are only two people on Roger.

This is also the reason why Roger dared to say that he was covering Lin Xinghai when he first invited him to meet. He did have such confidence.

For such a situation, Lin Xinghai is of course happy. With Roger here, at least there will be no **** things like being harassed by the old members.

Sitting back in his seat again, Lin Xinghai noticed that these people in the car were all looking at him with strange colors.

But it's normal to think about it. After taking "Lesson 1", these people have some understanding of the cruelty of the end times.

It is estimated that they are all worried, afraid and other negative emotions now, worrying about the future.

However, Lin Xinghai, who was also in Refuge No. 83, had a relationship with the mercenary in a blink of an eye. How could these people have no idea in their hearts.

In particular, some of the women in the car had other thoughts and secretly greeted Lin Xinghai.

But Lin Xinghai completely turned a blind eye to everyone's fiery or searching gazes, and closed his eyes to rest after sitting down.

Of course, in reality, he was looking at the system panel.

Looking at his own panel data and recalling Roger's data, he was almost certain that everyone's attributes were biased.

He is for speed, Roger is for power.

This kind of attribute bias, which is better or worse, he still does not know for the time being. However, it is right to improve the degree of genetic optimization of oneself, and the whole can be improved anyway.

Thinking of this, he clicked the + sign after the genetic optimization degree.

After deducting 1 point of blood energy, a special energy filled his limbs and bones again, making him feel very comfortable, as if the whole person was about to sublimate.

What he has time now is that until the comfort completely disappears, he slowly clicks the + sign again.

"Ding! Do you spend 2 points of blood energy to improve the degree of genetic optimization?"

Looking at the system prompt that popped up, Lin Xinghai's expression changed immediately.

"How come the power of blood has suddenly increased?" His face was not very good-looking, because this meant that the plan to directly become a genetic optimizer was shattered.

And he thinks more, will the power of blood expend more and more as the degree of genetic optimization improves?

"Hey~ it seems that even if there is a system, it is not so easy to improve your strength." Lin Xinghai sighed in his heart.

Of course, if his words were heard by other genetic optimizers, he would probably have his heart pumped to death.

Generally speaking, a person with a genetic rating of D or E who wants to become a genetic optimizer will not even think about it for a year or a half.

Lin Xinghai used up all the remaining 12 points of blood energy, and the genetic optimization level increased to 26%.

Host: Lin Xinghai

Physique: 21 points

Strength: 18 points

Speed: 26 points

Blood Power: 0 points

Degree of genetic optimization: 26%

"My strength attribute is the weakest, will the attack power be weak?" Looking at his attribute panel, Lin Xinghai couldn't help but muttered.

Of course, this is not something he can change. After turning off the panel system, he really closed his eyes and rested.

The convoy moved fast. Lin Xinghai thought that the journey would end soon, but he didn't expect that it would take five hours to start.

On the way, they encountered dozens of waves of zombies, large and small, but unfortunately, the team continued to move forward after eliminating the zombies, and there was no intention to stop at all.

This made Lin Xinghai regretful, otherwise he would have gained a lot of blood energy.

Finally, the convoy came to the foot of a bare mountain, which lifted the defensive formation and drove along the road into the tunnel.

The walls inside the tunnel are all made of alloy casting, and every 50 meters of the tunnel, there is a bunker as a fortification.

The entire tunnel is no more than 200 meters long, and at the end of the tunnel, there is an alloy gate with a thickness of one meter.

Entering the door, there is a rectangular hall with dozens of elevators lined up around the hall.

These elevators are large and small, and even the smallest ones can hold up to 30 people at a time.

As for the largest elevator, walking in is like entering an alloy house with hundreds of square meters, which really opened Lin Xinghai's eyes.

This super-large elevator can even transport three personnel carriers at one time.

The elevator stopped 300 meters underground. This is the real location of the Star Shield Refuge.

"It's no wonder that in the environment of the end of the world, humans can survive safely." Standing on the alloy ground, Lin Xinghai couldn't help muttering.

"You take these things first. I'll report the matter of joining the group later. When it's done, I'll come to you again." Roger said, and handed over a bag.

Lin Xinghai took it and glanced inside. There weren't many things inside, just 4 bottles of light green potions and a badge.

"This is?" Although Lin Xinghai had some guesses in his heart, he couldn't help but ask.

"The four bottles of genetic medicine are the ones I paid you first. Those are the badges of our mercenary group. You can directly show the badges when you encounter anything. In the lower area, no one dares to provoke a mercenary. "

"Okay, I'll go first, don't be lazy, try to become a genetic optimizer and enter the middle-level area as soon as possible." Roger said, patted Lin Xinghai on the shoulder, and turned away.

Holding the bag in his hand, Lin Xinghai felt a slight warmth in his heart.

If according to the normal process, he first joins the mercenary group, goes through the test, and then distributes the genetic medicine, then he will have to wait at least two or three days.

And genetic medicine, of course, the sooner you take it, the better, after all, it takes time to absorb genetic medicine.

"According to Roger's description, with my B-level genetic evaluation and high-intensity training, I can absorb a bottle of genetic potion within two days. In this case, before performing the first mercenary mission, I will Should be able to become a genetic optimizer." Lin Xinghai smiled.

The time to absorb genetic medicine is different for everyone.

The higher the genetic evaluation level, the faster the absorption of genetic medicine, and the better the absorption effect. In addition, high-intensity training can also speed up this process.

Lin Xinghai put away the bag, and then followed the flow of people towards the meeting point.