MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 885 Troubled Ma Tai (Part 1)

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Chapter 886 The troubled Ma Tai (1)

Hearing Ma Tai's request, Li Weiming frowned slightly, "It's not that I don't want to agree to your request. You also know that large bases are not shelters. The aid teams they send have certain privileges."

"Although they need to listen to the orders of our Eastern Theater, I can only designate which defense line he goes to at most, but what kind of team the other party sends, and what kind of combat method, I can't intervene in the specifics. directed."

Ma Tai frowned slightly, but quickly calmed down again, "I can't do anything about it, but I have one last request, can you introduce the commander of the other party to me, I hope to negotiate with him face to face. ."

"Yes." Li Weimin nodded immediately and agreed, after a brief pause, he kindly reminded: "But I advise you not to have too much hope."

"Why?" Matt asked in confusion.

Li Weimin: "Because it's the Star Shield base."

Ma Tai: "Star Shield Base? I don't seem to have heard of it, what's wrong?"

Li Weimin: "It's right if you haven't heard of it. According to the information, this is a base that has just been established for less than a week."

Matt: "…"

Li Weimin: "And they haven't completed the integration. Of the 100,000 troops sent this time, it is said that more than 30% are recruits."

Matt: "…"

The Thunder Corps led by Lin Xinghai set off in the early morning, and it was at least 1,200 kilometers away from the Star Shield base to the military branch in the Pearl River Delta region.

Originally, Lin Xinghai thought that it would take at least half a day, but he soon realized that it didn't take so long.

With the end of the cataclysm, various shelters became active, not to mention those large bases. In addition to clearing zombies and collecting resources, they also repaired roads.

Of course, no matter how the road is repaired, it is impossible to restore it to the way it was before the end of the world, but at least the road has been cleaned up. Although it is a dirt road, there are many potholes on the road.

But as long as these potholes or bulges do not exceed half a meter, they are nothing in the face of the powerful off-road capabilities of armored vehicles.

Not to mention that these armored vehicles modified by the little fat man have been greatly enhanced in various performances, and the off-road performance and speed are naturally no exception.

In this case, the speed of the armored vehicle can be maintained at least 200 kilometers per hour, and some places with relatively flat roads can go to 300 kilometers per hour.

Under such circumstances, they surpassed many teams at the Star Shield Base. When the first ray of morning light rose in the sky, the team finally approached the Eastern Theater Division.

At the gate of the branch, Lieutenant General Ma Tai squatted at the gate quite indifferently, with a cigarette in his mouth, and his eyes stared blankly at the front.

In the second half of the night, he finally waited for the long-awaited Star Shield base team, and the number was quite large. Five mechanized infantry divisions had arrived one after another.

However, he was full of expectations, but he was disappointed again and again, because every infantry division of the Star Shield base had a certain amount of recruits from Chengdu.

Therefore, when evaluating the combat power, if it is not because they are full, it is estimated that they will not even be rated as D-level, and it is possible to drop directly to E-level.

And this kind of barely qualified team may be okay to put on other defense lines, but his current a5 defense line is too much pressure, and ordinary teams can only be said to be able to cope with it.

On this basis, as long as the mutant zombies lead the team to rush, the defense line may collapse.

And the collapse of the defense in one place is likely to cause problems with the entire line of defense. Of course he doesn't want to see such a thing.

But the question is...

He lowered his head and glanced at the latest news sent by the adjutant, and sighed, "It seems that I really have no choice. I can only pull the team back first, and talk about it after this period."

Just when he finished muttering, sand and dust rose again on the road in the distance, and it was obvious that another team was coming.

"The scale doesn't seem to be small." Ma Tai muttered as he looked at the rising dust.

He didn't care at first, after all, the large scale didn't mean anything, maybe two or three combat divisions came together.

But as the convoy approached, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he involuntarily stood up.

As a lieutenant general, his strength is in the realm of gods and demons, and his eyesight is naturally irrelevant. Even if the team is still at the end of the road, he can gradually see the details of these armored vehicles.

When he saw that the entire row of armored vehicles had been modified, his heart gradually became hot.

How a team's combat power depends on many aspects, but it is undeniable that equipment can definitely play a vital role.

Although he couldn't see how the equipment of this team was, generally speaking, the equipment used by the soldiers was quite good for the troops that were rich enough to transform their armored vehicles.

The same can be said for a team with low-quality soldiers, no one will be willing to equip them with good equipment.

Therefore, the team that is about to appear is likely to be a strong army.

These thoughts flashed across Ma Tai's mind.

As the convoy approached, he quickly crossed out the word "possible".

Because there are too many armored vehicles in this team, it has reached 500.

It stands to reason that the number of armored vehicles in a standard division will be between 100 and 200. In this unit, the number of armored vehicles has more than doubled, and they are all modified. This can only be described as luxury. .

In other words, it is very likely that this is not just a strong army, but a very strong kind.

"Maybe the combat rating is not just B, it may reach the level of A. I want this, I want this, and no one can **** it from me." He shouted and rushed back quickly.

When Lin Xinghai led the Thunder into the East China Sea Theater, the first feeling was that there were many strong players.

In a military division alone, there are nearly 30 strong people at the level of gods and demons.

It is conceivable that only more will be dispatched.

"It seems that many people have advanced!" Lin Xinghai smiled.

You must know that looking at the entire country, although there are not many strong people in the **** and demon realm, if it is the peak of the body shaping realm, then this number is definitely more than multiplied by 10.

And these people can greatly increase the power of blood after rebuilding the quenching body realm. In this case, it is not surprising that a whole batch of breakthroughs in the realm of gods and demons.

Otherwise, according to the past situation, it would be very good to have five or six strong people in the gods and demons in a branch here, how could it be possible to reach 30 people.

All these calculations are his credit.

While Lin Xinghai was thinking about this, the convoy was guided by the guards here and drove to a specially vacated space.

To Lin Xinghai's surprise and surprise, in addition to a group of logisticians waiting here, there was a general and a lieutenant general standing at the forefront of the team.

"Is this reception standard so high?" Lin Xinghai was a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)