MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 892 Recover the position (below)

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"A-level combat power rating!" said Ma Tai.

"Really?" Tang Ze suddenly stood up.

"Cough! Don't get excited, they are a support team. After they stabilize the defense line here, they will leave." Ma Tai said quickly.

Tang Zhe rolled his eyes angrily, "Next time, be more complete."

But he quickly realized what he asked and asked: "Hey, no, since they are a support team, what about our defense line if they leave? Isn't it going to collapse later?"

Ma Tai signaled to the other party to be calm, took a sip from the teacup to moisten his throat, and then continued: "Don't worry, I also applied for three combat divisions, although the combat power rating is estimated to be D-level, but there are enough soldiers. , After these three combat divisions are in place, our troops will be sufficient, and the defense will be much easier in the future."

Hearing this, Tang Ze was completely relieved.

"Amazing! No wonder you said so confidently when you left, saying, 'Children who can cry get milk', and have been taught." Tang Ze praised.

If it was him who went to the military branch, he felt that he would have no choice but to come for so much assistance.

It is very likely that only one combat division can be transferred. Even if he gives up this old face, it is estimated that there will be two combat divisions.

But in front of this...

"He won't be at the military division, right?" Tang Ze muttered in his heart.

Of course, he just sighed, and quickly brought the topic back to the right track, "Which line of defense did you arrange for this support team? I have to make follow-up arrangements here."

"I have no qualifications to arrange for others to go where, of course, the other party is also very face-saving, and went directly to the second line of defense." Ma Tai said.

Tang Ze was slightly surprised, of course he could hear the reminder in Ma Tai's words.

However, the support team will be transferred soon, and he doesn't care whether the other party listens to his arrangement, he cares more about the strength of the other party's team.

He turned on the holographic projection on the desktop and called up the sand table of the defense line in the a5 area.

The entire line of defense was roughly divided into 5 sections. The second section of the line was attacked by mutant zombies many times, and the situation was also the worst. More than half of the positions were lost.

If the opponent continues to attack at this momentum, this line of defense may not last for three hours.

"According to your estimate, with the addition of this support team, how long will it take them to recover this line of defense? Can it be done within an hour?" Tang Ze asked.

To regain the defense line, it is necessary to win the impact of the corpse tide and push it back.

In that case, instead of relying on the terrain for defense, it would have to face off against the fish and zombies for output.

I don't know how difficult it is.

Therefore, according to his judgment, it is not an easy task to regain this line of defense even for a team with a combat power rating of A rank.

"An hour?" Matti shook his head after a little thought.

"Can't you? Those two hours are my bottom line. If I can't get the front back within two hours, my follow-up battle plan will be drastically changed, and..."

Ma Tai quickly interrupted the other party's words, "No, I mean, at most half an hour, the line of defense can be recovered."

"Half an hour?" Tang Ze was really surprised now.

However, he quickly calmed down and said, "You can contact the leader of the support team and tell the other party not to be in such a hurry, as long as the defense line can be recovered within an hour."

"Slow down, and they can also minimize casualties."

Ma Tai listened and nodded. Indeed, if there is no emergency, there is really no need to let the soldiers under him go all out.

Just as he was about to get up to contact him, an information officer hurried in.

The other party's face flushed with excitement and said loudly: "Report sir, there is the latest news from the 156th Mechanized Infantry Division. With the assistance of friendly forces, they have taken all the lost positions of the second line of defense. All recovered, please indicate the next plan."


The teacup in Ma Tai's hand cracked.

On the other hand, Tang Ze, who was revising the battle plan, almost poked a hole in the screen with his fingers.

No way, this kind of news is too shocking, and the hearts of both of them are slightly lost.

Tang Ze took a deep breath, suppressed his turbulent emotions, and waved to the soldier who came to report, indicating that he knew.

Then he looked at Ma Tai with a faint gaze, "It's been half an hour! You almost made me embarrassed."

The two met at a glance, and suddenly both burst out laughing.

"Okay, let's not be in a hurry to be happy. Now this volunteer team you invited back, by the way, what's his name?" Tang Ze flipped through the information a little, "Thunder Legion is a good name, it really is moving Thunder."

"The strength of the Thunder Legion is far beyond our previous expectations. I am afraid that the plan I made before can be completely overturned."

"What should we do next? Do you have any ideas? Or we can put the rotation team on it now and let the Thunder Legion help us recover all the other lines of defense." Tang Ze said.

Ma Tai pondered slightly and then shook his head, "I don't think it's necessary to be so eager, after all, the other three combat divisions I applied for have not arrived yet, and we are currently understaffed, even if the entire line of defense is recovered, it is of little significance. , I'm afraid I will have to ask the other party to help fight the fire everywhere."

"Don't forget, the Thunder Legion just recovered the lost ground too fast, which is of course a good thing, but we didn't react, and the mutant zombies didn't react either."

Tang Ze immediately understood, "That's right, in the face of this situation, the two level four mutant zombies will definitely not be reconciled, and the next second line of defense here, I am afraid that they will suffer from abyss creatures, or even mutant zombies. attacked."

Ma Tai nodded and continued: "So my suggestion is to keep the opponent stationed on the second line of to help defend, and then put the rotation force on the second line of defense into the other In the middle of the defense line, help them reduce the pressure to deal with the counterattack of the mutant zombies."

"After all, the other lines of defense may be affected."

"Okay, then I'll make a new plan." Tang Ze also made a decision in an instant, and at the same time looked at Ma Tai and said, "In addition, I suggest you go to the Thunder Legion again."

The Thunder Legion's combat power has greatly exceeded their expectations, and their attitudes will naturally change accordingly.

"Okay, then I'll go there now." Ma Tai nodded, "But it's not good for me to go empty-handed! It's wartime, and alcohol is banned. Old Tang, your Longjing, which you have collected for many years, should also be contributed. Bar!"

"Grass, I think you want to drink it!" Tang Ze scolded with a smile, but still took out the Longjing that had been treasured for many years from the drawer and handed it to Ma Tai.