MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 906 Cultivation artifacts (below)

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Seeing Fatty's expectant look, Lin Xinghai opened his mouth and said helplessly, "It's not for sale, so don't think about it."

Although Little Fatty actually understands that if there is such a training device, I am afraid that it is not available through normal channels at all, so he is a little disappointed, but he is not depressed.

After all, as a logistics supervisor, he has a lot of preferential treatment in all aspects, and the Thunder Points he has won are not too small. As long as he works hard, he believes that he can improve quickly as well.

"Okay, I'll post the news later."

The little fat man nodded and asked, as if he had thought of something and asked, "By the way, where have you put those training devices, boss? I will arrange it now, and it is estimated that someone will want to come to practice soon."

"You go to free up a few armored vehicles now, and then use metal plates to separate them into small single rooms. The space does not need to be large, and it is enough for people to sit cross-legged. That is a training device." Lin Xinghai said.

The little fat man was dumbfounded.

After a while, he murmured and asked, "The boss, how can we make them practice 10 times faster?"

Lin Xinghai glanced at him and said, "I naturally have a way. There can only be a maximum of 300 people cultivating at the same time, and the training time needs to be synchronized with my time, so I will notify you of the time of the meal every day."

Hearing Lin Xinghai say this, the little fat man had doubts and guesses in his heart, but he pretended not to know anything, nodded and hurriedly made arrangements.

But in fact, he was horrified, because Lin Xinghai's words had already given too many hints. Combined with Lin Xinghai's speed of training like a rocket, a guess had already surfaced in his mind.

Half an hour later, with the announcement of a news, the communication channel of the Thunder Legion instantly boiled.

"There is such a miraculous training device. One hour of practice in it is equivalent to 10 hours of normal practice. Usually, we can only spend up to 10 hours a day for practice! An hour in it is equivalent to one day of practice. "Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yeah! This training device is really scary, and according to the above notice, it will be open for about 12 hours a day. If you use all these hours, then 12 hours of practice will be equivalent to the usual 12 days."

"It only takes 3 days, which is equivalent to a month of normal practice." Suddenly there were soldiers again, and he said excitedly.

The treatment of the Thunder Legion is very good now, especially in this state of war, they can almost buy intermediate genetic medicine for a long time to cultivate, which can greatly speed up their cultivation speed.

According to estimates by many people, it only takes two or three months to increase the degree of genetic optimization to 99%.

But the cultivation device that has appeared today may shorten this time to a week or two.

At that time, if you save some Thunder Points, you can apply for Lin Xinghai, the Legion Commander, to help them break through to the Blood Qi Realm. Under such circumstances, how could they not be excited.

Of course, compared to these ordinary soldiers, these geniuses in Donghai Academy were more excited than others after hearing the news.

After all, what do they lack the most for such geniuses?

That is undoubtedly the time.

Originally, everyone's time is the same, and you can't buy this thing with money.

But now Thunder Point can!

"Ah Xing! You made it public, is it really okay?" Liu Miaomiao came to the headquarters as soon as she received the news, found Lin Xinghai, and asked worriedly.

She knew very well how much of a sensation Lin Xinghai's ability would cause, and if it was not handled properly, it would definitely lead to great trouble.

"Don't worry, I know it." Lin Xinghai smiled and comforted.

"But..." Liu Miaomiao was still worried.

Seeing the other party like this, Lin Xinghai can only say: "It's nothing, but let me tell you a secret, my combat power has surpassed the peak of the gods and demons."

Liu Miaomiao's eyes widened instantly, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Lin Xinghai nodded.

When he was in the capital city before, he was only in the middle stage of the body-shaping realm. Now he has broken through to the late stage, and his strength has risen a lot. Now it is no problem to play two peaks of the gods and demons at the same time.

After making sure that the other party was not joking, Liu Miaomiao was a little disappointed in her heart while she was excited. He felt that the gap between him and Lin Xinghai was getting bigger and bigger.

Thinking of this, she pursed her red lips and said, "In the medical department, I want to reduce my working hours a little and practice with you."

"Of course there is no problem." Lin Xinghai said while stroking the other person's hair.

Another half an hour passed in the blink of an eye. At this time, after more than an hour of repairs, the entire line of defense has been roughly reinforced, and some damaged heavy machine guns and defensive artillery have also been replaced.

The defense of the entire front has at least returned to its peak state of 80%.

At this time, another good news came. The three combat divisions supporting the A5 defense line were about to arrive.

These three combat divisions were all sent by the Xinghai Base, and they were led by Lin Zhengyang, the military's top leader.

As soon as he arrived, UU read www.uukanshu. Com was immediately warmly received by the two commanders, Ma Tai and Tang Ze.

"Thank you very much for the assistance of your Star Shield base. Now there are three more combat divisions, our A5 defense line is temporarily worry-free." Ma Tai took the lead to greet him and said with a smile.

In fact, whether it is Ma Tai or Tang Ze, his position is one level higher than that of Lin Zhengyang, and he is also the commander in charge of the A5 theater. It stands to reason that Lin Zhengyang does not need to be so polite.

But there is no way, whoever called the Thunder Legion is also from the Star Shield Refuge, and Lin Xinghai also personally explained to Ma Tai that he should take care of the team coming from their side. In this case, the two senior leaders asked someone to not give face.

"The two generals are polite, this is what I should do." Lin Zhengyang also quickly said politely.

After the two sides were simply polite, they immediately made arrangements for the defense line.

Even during this process, Tang Ze, the commander-in-chief, asked Lin Zhengyang's opinion many times and fully respected him.

With a series of defense changes, the Thunder Legion quickly withdrew from the front line.

These people can't wait to apply for a training device.

Since there are only 300 training devices, while the Thunder Legion has 3,000 people, only one-tenth of them can practice.

In this case, the order of precedence is important.

If it is other departments, it may be a long time to wrestle when encountering such a thing.

But the Thunder Legion was newly built, and this was Lin Xinghai's one-word hall, so this kind of thing quickly came to a conclusion.