MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 933 underwater equipment

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When Lin Xinghai hung up the communication, he was greeted by the expectant gazes of the members of the Xinghai team.

"It's settled. Later, you can bring the other students from the first class to experience the atmosphere of our Thunder Corps." Lin Xinghai said with a smile.

The others also suddenly smiled.

At this time, the little fat man suddenly smiled and said: "Boss, what if they all ask to join our Thunder Legion after they feel it?"

"Of course it is..." Originally, Lin Xinghai wanted to say that he had accepted everything. After all, the Thunder Legion had already prepared for the next expansion. Instead of recruiting other soldiers, it would definitely be better to directly accept these talented students from Donghai Academy.

However, when the words came to his mouth, he paused, and finally shrugged and said, "I also want to accept it all, but it is estimated that the school does not allow it."

At the beginning, Fatty and others could join, it was entirely because they were members of the Xinghai Squad.

Lin Xinghai set up the Thunder Corps directly in the name of the Xinghai Squad. Under this circumstance, it was only natural for Little Fatty and others to join.

If Lin Xinghai and the others are senior students, the college will provide some resources to support them.

But this is also the limit.

If Lin Xinghai wants to blatantly recruit people, let's not say whether the school is willing or not, even the military can't justify it.

After all, the graduates trained by the three major academies are all officers, and many combat divisions across the country are watching!

Hearing Lin Xinghai say this, the little fatty and the others thought it was right, while the rest of the people who were eavesdropping were even a little overjoyed.

After all, the Thunder Legion will expand to 10,000 people in the future, and the positions of officers are limited. One radish is one pit, and they don't want to train a bunch of competitors.

Everyone walked out while talking, and soon left the airport.

At this time, Lin Xinghai looked at Hua Rong, the senior liaison beside him.

"Colonel Hua, we are going to the war zone now, do we need to go through any formalities?" Lin Xinghai asked.

He is very clear that the staff is commanded as a whole, and any place, whether it is one more team or one less team, must be reported.

In this way, the staff can be more convenient and conduct overall command.

"General Lin, you don't need to worry about these, I will explain it directly to the staff." Hua Rong said immediately.

After a pause, he then asked: "If you go to the underwater battlefield, will you ask the logistics department to send the aquatic equipment over now?"

This time, Lin Xinghai became slightly interested, "What underwater equipment do you have?"

Hua Rong didn't talk nonsense, immediately turned on the holographic image function of the wrist-mounted computer, and then presented four pieces of equipment in front of everyone.

The first one is the underwater combat uniform.

The second is a special combat boot with a device hidden inside that pops the fins for easy swimming.

The third is an oxygen supply mask, which has the functions of providing oxygen, communication and lighting.

As for the last one, it is an arrow bullet dedicated to underwater combat.

There is also corresponding data next to each projection.

Lin Xinghai looked at the projected equipment, did not speak first, but saw the little fat man beside him, "What do you say we need?"

The little fat man was also looking at the projected equipment and the data on it. Hearing Lin Xinghai say this, a look of disgust appeared on his face, "Except for the last arrow bullet, we don't need the rest."

"We are wearing this latest combat uniform, which already has underwater combat capabilities, is completely waterproof, and has a defense that is much better than the underwater combat uniforms they provide."

"As for their combat boots, they have the function of adding a flipper. Although our combat boots don't have them, they don't really need them."

"The flippers are only for swimming, which can save effort, but what we need in combat is speed. With the strength of all our blood and energy, it will be faster to kick the water directly, not to mention that the micro jets we use as combat boots can also be used in the water. Use, including this, I don’t know how much faster it can be.”

"The last thing is this oxygen supply mask. In fact, we don't need it. Our combat helmet has a built-in artificial fish plug, which can allow us to fight in the water for ten hours without a problem. As for other functions, it also has."

"So, there are only special arrow bullets for underwater combat, which are somewhat useful to us."

The Ripper Rifle can also shoot directly in the water, but the resistance of the water is too great. With ordinary bullets, the effective range will be sharply reduced to a few meters.

Of course, even the arrow bullets provided by the military can only maintain an effective range of more than 30 meters underwater.

Therefore, in underwater combat, the power of firearms will be greatly reduced, and more rely on close combat, which is why those ace divisions are so difficult to deal with fish zombies.

Hua Rong was a little annoyed when he heard the little fat man say this.

Before, he felt that the equipment on the Thunder Legion seemed unusual.

But now after hearing the other party's self-description, he suddenly felt that the other party's equipment was much better than he thought. No wonder the military executives asked him to be the liaison officer.

After Lin Xinghai listened to the little fat man's story, he looked at Hua Rong and said, "If that's the case, then please inform the logistics to prepare a batch of bullets for us."

"Okay, how many bullets do you want?" Hua Rong suppressed all kinds of strange emotions in his heart and asked immediately.

"Prepare 1 million rounds for me first!" Lin Xinghai said.

"So much?" Hua Rong said again in surprise.

"You just need to apply." Lin Xinghai said with a frown.

They have 2,500 people here, and 1 million rounds of ammunition are allocated to each person, so that's 400 rounds. He really doesn't think there is much.

Hua Rong also knew that he had made a blunder, and hurriedly arranged it.

Soon, military vehicles came from a distance, "General Lin, we can get on the bus. These military vehicles will send us directly to the battlefield, and the ammunition is also on it."

Lin Xinghai nodded, and immediately signaled the members of the Thunder Legion to get into the car.

At the same time, in the Yangtze River below the East China Sea base.

Countless people are already in the river, fighting with fish and zombies.

Jian Hua stabbed out a knife and killed a zombie shark, then turned to look behind him, a student whose arm was torn off and bitten off.

He pressed the communication button next to the oxygen supply mask and said in a deep voice, "Chen Hang, I said before, don't be brave, these shark zombies are too flexible, and your fire ability can't be used in water at all, When you encounter it, you immediately ask for help, and now you return immediately and go to the medical department for treatment."

The student named Chen Hang gritted his teeth and said, "I don't want to drag my legs back, and the wound is not too deep, so I can continue to fight by sealing it with hemostatic gel."

"No. If I encounter this kind of shark zombie again..." Jian Hua still wanted to teach a lesson, but an emergency communication sounded.

He hurriedly listened to it, but just after listening to two sentences, his face was full of astonishment.