MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 943 Chase!

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When the rest of the mutant zombies saw that Lin Xinghai had instantly killed the two strongest mutant zombies in the team.

The expressions on their faces changed from anger to panic in an instant.

Lin Xinghai was able to instantly kill the two strongest beings in their team, and there was no doubt that he could kill them at will.

In this case, how can we not be afraid.

So after they looked at each other, they snorted and fled in all directions.

This is the first time they have fled since they attacked the Yangtze River Theater.

However, Lin Xinghai, who had been prepared, would not let them get their wish.

He came here to kill.

The direct speed was fully open to catch up, and then a massacre began.

Basically, in the early or middle stage of the fourth level, he simply used strength or thunderstorms to solve it.

Only in the late fourth level or even the peak of the fourth level, in order to solve them quickly, it is necessary to use the Thunder Spear.

"Sword Comes"

Because at the later stage of the fourth level, even the mutant corpse with weak defense still contains a huge amount of energy.

Under such circumstances, if Lin Xinghai wanted to kill him with a normal attack, it was normal for him to be delayed for a minute or two.

What Lin Xinghai wanted was a quick solution before these fourth-level mutant zombies reacted.

With his all-out efforts, the remaining 6 mutant zombies were all caught up in just ten seconds, and then killed one by one.

From Lin Xinghai's action to the complete end, the whole process only took half a minute.

At this time, the battle behind him had just begun, and even the five experts from the gods and demons who were urgently transferred from the military had just arrived at the scene.

But the most important battlefield, the battle has ended.

In other words, from this moment on, the battle situation has no suspense.

Of course, after Lin Xinghai killed all these fourth-level mutant zombies, he did not return immediately, but went to other battlefields immediately.

With his perception power of 100,000 points, even underwater, he can clearly perceive the range of more than 20,000 meters.

Therefore, he was able to explore the scope of most of the battlefield, and he had long remembered where there were still four-level mutant zombies.

You must know that these fourth-level mutant zombies are usually difficult to find, and they will not gather together, so even if it is Lin Xinghai, it is impossible to kill a little more in one breath.

But it is different now. The number of mutant zombies gathered here in the Yangtze River War Zone is definitely more than 100. It is precisely because of this that many powerful people in the gods and demons will be suppressed here.

For other gods and demons, this is definitely news that makes them restless.

But in Lin Xinghai, it was a surprise.

This means that he can let go of his hands and feet and kill himself.

He knew very well that the chance of hunting mutant zombies on a large scale was probably the only one.

After the news that he can kill the fourth-level peak mutant zombies in seconds, I am afraid that as long as he is on this battlefield for one day, the rest of the mutant zombies will shrink.

What's more, every fourth-level mutant zombie represents a huge amount of wealth. In this case, he is even less likely to let it go.

In the next few minutes, all the soldiers and officers on the defense line of Area A saw a scene that they will never forget.

A **** and demon body composed of thunder and lightning is advancing rapidly, and behind him is a pair of wings composed of thunder and lightning. The lightning is lingering everywhere, and all the fish and zombies intercepted along the way have died.

Compared with other gods and demons, the 10-meter-high gods and demons in front of them are almost twice as big as the rest of the gods and demons, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Of course, what is more important is his strength. Wherever he goes alone, whether it is fish zombies, abyss creatures, or those mutant zombies of the first, second and third levels, they will all be killed.

Even in the face of the endless tide of fish corpses, he was like a stroll in the garden.

Of course, compared to ordinary soldiers and officers, the powerhouses of the gods and demons sitting in various places were even more frightened.

Because they all clearly felt that the destination Lin Xinghai went to was where all the fourth-level mutant zombies were.

Then these fourth-level mutant zombies that gave them a headache, in front of this figure like the **** of thunder, like a chicken and a dog, they would be killed quickly in just a few strokes.

The news is spreading like crazy.

In the military's communication channel, there was a certain line of defense, and there was news that a strong man had killed the fourth-level mutant zombies.

Since it was a level-4 mutant zombie that was killed, no matter what level it was, it was definitely a big deal.

Such things are not only circulated among officers, they also need to report to them as soon as possible.

Because the death of a level-4 mutant zombie will directly affect the local battle in a region, such important information must of course be reported as soon as possible.

This directly caused the staff on the staff to be a little confused.

Originally, the big event of 10 mutant zombies suddenly appeared, which made them quite devastated, and they were constantly coordinating the powerhouses of the gods and demons everywhere.

And when these coordinators contacted the rest of the gods and demons, the reply they got was basically unable to walk away, and they were temporarily unable to assist in the defense.

However, many coordinators just hung up the phone, and the other side called again, saying that they can go to help defense now.

There are even some coordinators who are in the process of talking. In the previous sentence, the strong man in the gods and demons was still saying that he was unable to pass, but the next moment he changed his words said that he could pass now.

When they asked about the situation, they almost all got the same answer.

A strong man in the **** and demon realm like the incarnation of the **** of thunder, in just three or two moves, he solved a fourth-level mutant zombie.

Such news is of course shocking, and what is even more shocking is that this strong man is sweeping the entire battlefield.

And they didn't even know who it was.

Until the Thunder Legion, the news came back that the 10 fourth-level mutant zombies that attacked them were all killed by their legion commander.

After repeated confirmation by the staff, they realized that the powerful man in the god-demon realm who looked like the incarnation of the God of Thunder turned out to be Lin Xinghai.

It can be said that until this moment, these staff officers really realized that the four words "quasi-regular environment" mean the meaning.

This represents absolute crushing in combat power.

"This is really exaggerated. Even Marshal Huo Feiteng made his own shots before, and it doesn't feel so exaggerated!" A staff officer couldn't help but muttered while looking at the number of kills that were constantly being counted.

In just three minutes, the number of fourth-level mutant zombies killed by Lin Xinghai exceeded 30.

This also counts the time to hurry, otherwise this time will only be shorter.

At the beginning, even if Huo Feiteng personally attacked, the number of mutant zombies killed was only this number, but now Lin Xinghai obviously has no intention of stopping.

Hearing the staff officer's dick, Liu Fei, the passing chief of staff, couldn't help but glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense, and be careful if you talk nonsense."

Although he said this, he couldn't help but feel a sense of recognition in his heart.

He also felt that Lin Xinghai's record was even more exaggerated than Huo Feiteng's, at least his ability to fight continuously.