MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 965 Attributes are comprehensively improved

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After breaking through to the peak of the gods and demons, Lin Xinghai couldn't wait to open the system panel to check it out.

Host: Lin Xinghai

Constitution: 93430 points

Strength: 93430 points

Speed: 93430 points

Perception: 160000 points

The power of blood: 97583 points

Power of Thunder: 97583 points

Realm: The pinnacle of the gods and demons

The power of blood (system): 100 million points

Thunder God Body (God and Demon Realm): Progress 100%

Ability: Time acceleration (can speed up time by 10 times)

Special physique: Thunder control physique (100% increase in thunder energy attack, 100% increase in thunder energy control)

Thunder Spear (Dacheng): Proficiency 100%

Leibu (successful): proficiency 100%

Wind and Thunder Spear (Successful): 100% proficiency

Phantom Movement (Perfect): Proficiency 100%

Advanced Shooting Skills (Successful): 100% proficiency

Forging God Method (Perfect): Proficiency 100%

With his strength breaking through two realms one after another, his three attributes have increased by 20,000, and each of them is now close to 100,000.

As for the power of blood energy and the power of lightning in the body, the increase is even more, because he can increase by 20,000 points every time he improves one realm, and the breakthrough of two realms increases by 40,000 points.

And now, the combined power of blood energy and lightning in Lin Xinghai's body is approaching the 200,000 mark, which is also beyond the reach of other experts in the gods and demons.

Of course, the most exaggerated increase was his perception. After reaching the God and Demon Realm, he increased by 30,000 points for every small realm he raised, and when he broke through two small realms in a row, it increased to 160,000 points.

What's more important is that due to the divine forging method, his perception strength is twice that of others, and the 160,000 points of perception can be completely equivalent to 320,000 points of perception.

In addition to these, Lin Xinghai has also made some preparations in other aspects, such as the power of the blood energy of the system, which originally only had a few million points, but this time he intends to enter the abyss plane, so he must be well prepared and continue to absorb it. In the case of Yuanjing, it has increased to 100 million points.

With such a majestic blood energy as a backup, when using system abilities, especially the high-level self-healing ability that consumes a lot of energy, he no longer has to worry about the lack of blood energy.

The only thing that made him depressed was that his Thunder Spear could not be cultivated to the perfect state.

He can feel that he cannot improve, not because his physical fitness is not strong enough, but because of the Thunder Rune.

Only after he has cultivated ninety-nine-eighty-one thunder runes can he push the Thunder God Spear to a perfect state.

And he has a hunch that it is definitely a transformation, and the power of the Thunder God Spear will be greatly improved.

"Let's do it first! With my current strength, going to the abyss plane should have no problem protecting myself." Lin Xinghai whispered to himself.

Of course, he dared to go to the abyss plane, and the most important thing was the system function he obtained when he was in the shape of the body: simulation ability.

That is the ability to simulate itself into any creature, and even the appearance can be exactly the same.

For those corpses, they can only disguise as ordinary zombies, but the powerhouses on the abyss plane of this intelligence may already know it, and they will definitely be vigilant.

But Lin Xinghai is different. He can directly disguise himself as a mutant zombie. As long as he is not exposed, it is absolutely safe.

In addition, he has another means of life-saving, that is, after breaking through the gods and demons, the new function opened by the system: storage space.

When it's really dangerous, he can hide in the storage space, so that others don't want to find him.

Of course, according to his estimation, hiding in the storage space is not 100% safe.

If the powerhouse of the abyss plane has the ability to directly destroy that piece of space, he should be able to break open his storage space.

But let's not say, will you encounter a powerhouse of that level.

Even if they met, as long as Lin Xinghai didn't hide in the storage space directly in front of the other party, he should first find a place to hide his sight, and then hide in.

When the other party is not sure which space he is hiding in, it is difficult to target himself.

"Go to Marshal Huo Feiteng first, and report to him. By the way, let me see the strength of a strong person in the rule realm." Lin Xinghai said softly to himself.

As he spoke, he stood up and walked towards an armored vehicle not far away.

That is Huo Feiteng's VIP training room. After all, the other party is not comparable to others in terms of identity or strength. It is impossible for Lin Xinghai to really get a small cubicle for the other party, so he just vacated an armored car. .

"Why do you have time to come to me... Hey! You broke through again?" Huo Feiteng said with a face full of surprise.

He can be said to have witnessed the rise of Lin Xinghai. You must know that the first time he saw Lin Xinghai a few months ago, the other party was only quenching his inner state!

It's been so long, it's already the peak of the gods and demons.

"It's alright! As long as you get enough medicinal pills, you can break through a small realm in three or four days." Lin Xinghai shrugged and said indifferently.

But hearing this, Huo Feiteng's mouth twitched.

He still remembered how difficult it was to break through a small realm when he was in the realm of gods and demons, which was almost based on years.

But at this time, he didn't care anymore, but asked excitedly: "Since you are already at the peak of the gods and demons, how far is it from the ruled realm?"

"I don't know, it's not a matter of time, but a matter of cultivation resources."

Lin Xinghai shook his head and counted with his fingers, "I just broke through to the peak of the gods and demons, and at least 1000 pills of gods and demons are needed to cultivate to a state where I can break through, but I can't break through immediately, I must reaching the limits of the human body.”

"According to past experience, if you want me to reach the limit, then the medicinal pills that I spend will have to break through at least 10 times that of a small realm. That is to say, it is conservatively estimated that at least 11,000 medicinal pills must be prepared."

"And this is just a conservative estimate. Maybe 20,000 to 30,000 pills, it's also possible, after all, I don't know where my limit is."

After speaking, Lin Xinghai didn't know whether to be happy or painful.

Everyone's limit is different, but there is no doubt that the higher the talent, the more terrifying his limit height is.

And Lin Xinghai's talent, with each of his realms, broke the limits of the human body and became more and more terrifying.

God and Demon Realm is the last realm of physical improvement. He has a feeling that if he wants to reach the limit, it will be more difficult than ever.

But if it reaches, I am afraid that the improvement will be unprecedentedly huge.

Hearing Lin Xinghai say this, Huo Feiteng's expression contained a hint of complexity, "Actually speaking, a genius like you should be cultivated by our country with all our strength, but we... can't cultivate it."

At the end, Huo Feiteng's tone was a little apologetic.

There is no way, more than 10,000 gods and demons pills, even if the whole country is scraped, it is estimated that they will not be able to come up with so many.

"I know, so I plan to go to the abyss plane. There must be a lot of cultivation resources there. I can get it myself." Lin Xinghai said with a smile.

This is also the most important reason why he wants to go to the abyss plane.

"What!" Huo Feiteng's voice suddenly increased an octave.

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