MTL - I Am Louis XIV-Chapter 587 Fanwaiyi - The grand occasion of the 80th birthday of the Sun King

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  Chapter 587 Fanwaiyi - The Grand Celebration of the Sun King's 80th Birthday (Part 1)

   "Be careful, be careful! Pay attention to safety! Go left! Sorry, please let it go, this is the sedan chair of His Majesty Henrik IV! Thank you so much!... Go right!... Be careful! Go up..."

Versailles in September 1718 must have been more lively than any other day. In front of the Grand Gallery, on the terrace by the square, the nobles stood or sat in a row against the white marble railings. This was their daily routine. - Appreciate the embarrassment and embarrassment of people who climbed up panting from the more than 700 steps.

In fact, when these steps were originally designed, the king asked people to set up a large platform on both sides every 30 steps, and a small platform in the middle every 20 steps. Later, Queen Teresa paid money to set up statues between the small platforms. , The base under the statue is flat and wide, even a lady in a whalebone skirt can sit and rest.

   But there are always some people who are strong and powerful, or do not know the inside story, do not know that the base of these statues is the legendary "Queen's seat", or they are afraid of blocking others' way and being reprimanded. They didn't dare to stop at all, and kept going up. This kind of height like a small mountain would definitely make their faces flush red, their legs become weak, and even when they were about to climb, they couldn't hold on to falling.

When such a time comes, the dauphin, the little Louis, and his wife Isabella send servants out with large silver bowls to distribute the berries and nuts left over by the king after meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner). and bread.

   Don't say it's leftovers, the people firmly believe that the food shared from the king will make them healthy and sensible. Before Louis XIV, these things would be auctioned off by the kitchen master, but now - Louis XIV was very restrained on eating and did not want to condone this strange way of corruption, so he banned this kind of behavior.

So whenever these foods are brought out, no matter how high-ranking, how rich, how picky people will be eager to take a portion in their hands, including those who have to insist on going up, so that they You can stand generously, or sit down under the guidance of the servant, add some water and sugar, so that the number of people who faint on the steps or fall down is greatly reduced.

They sat there and looked at the person who was licensed to use the sedan chair with envious eyes. As the years passed, the people around the king were no longer in their prime, and more and more people asked the king or were asked by the king to use the sedan chair. , the frequency of sedan chair lifts on these seven hundred steps also began to increase.

   But probably no sedan chair (including the king's) is as magnificent as today's sedan chair.

First of all, its supports and lifting rods are covered with a thick layer of gold - the gold foil can not withstand the wear and tear of moving, and the ends are inlaid with fine pearls; secondly, the canopy and surrounding of the sedan chair are like lake water in the sun Generally shimmering and flowing blue silk, it is covered with a soft sheer tulle, and the edge of the tulle is decorated with long fringe lace; finally, the top hat of the sedan chair is a small golden crown, from which protrudes a small crown. The cinnabar-colored gourd shaft has a large white ostrich feather inserted into it.

   Then they saw a hand sticking out from the gauze curtain, patted the lift rod, and the sedan chair stopped immediately, and the people inside unceremoniously grabbed a large handful of blueberries from the silver bowls of the servants...

   People who can sit on this sedan chair don't need to grab something to eat with us. The people around couldn't help but murmured in their hearts, but the sedan chair had continued to move, and a clown in gorgeous costumes kept commanding the side. Although the steps here are gentle, it is necessary to ensure that the people in the sedan chair enjoy maximum comfort. Of course, the best way is to move like a folding ruler.

The sedan was followed by a group of people who lowered their voices at the sight of the murmurs in their crowd—all in white sleeveless cloaks with red crosses on the front and back, "New Crusaders," someone said, so they They all began to cross their chests. Since Luciano I of Italy and Pope Innocent XII launched the tenth holy war, the coalition forces that have united many Europa countries have devoured and recaptured many territories that once belonged to God.

   Not long ago, Luciano I also captured Athens, an important city with special significance, which made the Italians cheer for a whole week, and some people went there to make pilgrimages and cherish the memory of the ancients despite the frequent wars there.

   "It's the Poles," said one, pointing to the fur draped over the shoulders of the knights. French knights also use fur, but in September... only Poles are so fearless.

Someone had already run to inform the Duke of Burgundy on the terrace at the highest point, and he hurried down the steps as soon as he heard it—given that his father was already nearly sixty years old, it was not uncommon for him to be able to take on the heavy responsibility of welcoming the distinguished guests. Only him.

   "Your Majesty?" He ran to the carriage and said helplessly, "Didn't your grandfather give you permission to ride in the lift car?"

   "Ah," said the person in the sedan rudely, "I don't want it! It looks like a... beep, it's still the kind that can go to heaven! I'm not going to heaven so soon!"

The Duke of Burgundy couldn't help laughing and laughing. He wanted to help Henrik IV when the sedan stopped - he was only two years younger than Louis, and he had been on the battlefield for decades, in Poland twenty years ago. One eye was also injured in the riot caused by the nobles, and his physical condition was not ideal. Originally, Louis did not plan to let him travel long distances to Paris. It was fine at the time, but the older he got, the more stubborn he became, and the more irritable he became. He would not listen to anyone's persuasion. He had to come to Paris, and he would walk without a horse.

  This is of course impossible. It seems that even the Sun King cannot reverse his will. The Duke of Enghien had to ask trusted knights to send his old father to Paris for him.

"What's the matter with the... lift car?" one of the new Polish knights of the Crusaders looked around curiously, and he saw that what Henrik IV called a beep--it kind of looks like it, on the ropes. Pulled down and slowly rose up, after the door opened, several people walked out.

   "I don't know," said the other knight, "but I remember seeing something similar in mines."

   He is right, the prototype of the lift carriage is the thing in the mine that is driven by a steam engine to pull the ore from the ground to the ground. Originally, there was a carriage to carry the ore, but now it has been changed to be more comfortable and more refined. The venerable Henrik IV was right, three hundred feet height would be scary, so there were no reserved windows on the carriage, only a vent at the top, and when the door was opened it looked exactly like One bite...that.

Henrik IV is still shouting loudly. In recent years, all the old people who have been on the battlefield will have this problem. It is said that most of them are deafened by the roar of the artillery. Now everyone in the big gallery is turning around. He looked at him, and then quickly bowed to salute at the reminder of the ceremonial officer - there is also a portrait of Da Kongdai and his son on the battlefield in the large gallery.

At this time, the crowd separated from the other end to the left and right. Louis XIV walked out of the crowd with a cane. Next to him was a helpless young Louis. His father also became stubborn, and he must come out to meet Heng in person. Rick IV, originally he could meet the Polish king in the Hall of Victory, but Louis said that he was not old enough to even walk a few steps.

It's just—Louis rarely showed a weird look. He admitted that he and Henry hadn't seen each other for a long time, maybe it's been... ten years, but he clearly remembered that the last time Henrik IV was a strong and strong man, Now, he still looks tough, but he has a beard and sideburns, his hair and beard are not very obedient, and only an inch or two in length is developing freely in all directions, so that this majesty looks like a A bearded lion.

   Henrik IV was also looking at Louis XIV. No one can deny that the most dazzling sun for France has been sinking day by day, but even if some people are old, they are like full-blown flowers, and they have more precipitation than when they are in full bloom. Trembling grief and love.

Louis XIV still kept his curls over his shoulders, but they had changed from golden brown to lustrous silver. He was thinner than when he was young, but his face was more defined, and the fine lines at the corners of his eyes were like layers of snow. The piles made those blue eyes look like winter lakes, bright and deep.

   The two His Majesties hugged each other silently, feeling each other's raised bones pressing against their chests.

"I'm probably the last one." Henrik IV rumbled. Apart from America, Poland was the farthest from France, and Henrik IV was also the eldest of Louis XIV's surviving relatives. He doesn't like taking trains...and he is the lord of a country, and he does come later than the others.

   "I said you should get treatment," Louie said, pulling away.

   "I don't want others to poke me with needles, and I don't want to eat dead mice."

   "I can accept it. What's your reason not to accept it? Huh? And you're not the last one. The Duke of Halleboul may have just arrived in Nantes..."

   "What's the matter? I thought he should have arrived early."

   "His boat encountered a huge blue whale..." Louis said, "So he chased after him and planned to give me an extra gift."


Louis took Henrique IV and slowly left, and the crowd behind stood up one by one. Some people couldn't help but feel a little disappointed - after the death of Grand Condé, Henrique IV took the throne, and his relationship with France seemed to be broken. Indifferent, he used to cry out in the court hall with grief, he gave up everything as a Frenchman to come to Poland, he has dedicated his whole life to this land - indeed won some favors from Schlachta, now a Look...just the Bourbons really like acting?

Henrik IV, who plays or does not play, doesn't care at all. If he hadn't had the support of the Bourbons after he ascended the throne, he would have been forced to become the puppet of the Schlachtas. After laying down a large area of ​​Albania, when he returned to Warsaw for a temporary rest, he encountered the assassination of the great nobles, and the ensuing riots. During the riots, he lost an eye. Fortunately, he also got a reason to eliminate it. The strongest group of opponents in Poland.

   "How is emancipation going on in Poland now?"

"It's two-thirds of the way," said Henrik IV, and they went into the small room next to the Bacchus Hall and sat down. The squire closed the door, and the noise outside suddenly fell a lot: "I'm not in a hurry either. , just leave it to the Duke of Engien."

  Louis sighed: "I still remember that when he arrived at Versailles, he was a wild boar."

   Henrik IV suddenly burst out laughing: "Yes! Your Majesty, it's a fluke, I don't think I can raise him to what he is now."

  Louis raised his head and thought for a while: "Why do I think this sentence is a bit wrong?"

"He did a great job and exceeded my expectations." Henrik IV was fighting outside, which was also the expectation of the great nobles in Poland, so he had no time to take care of the country, but the small children Henrik IV left behind But with the assistance of his colleagues and priests, the Duke of Enghien extended Bourbon's fans from the middle and low-level Shila Chita all the way to the serfs—the big nobles never imagined that those who hold scriptures and wear chains around their waists. The ascetic did not speak for God, but for the king.

It is also easier to incite the serfs to rebel against their masters than Henrik IV imagined. No king has done this before. In addition to the vigilance and precaution of the nobles, there are also vested interests, they are also happy to enjoy slaves The flesh and blood, but as long as they have seen what Louis does, Grand Condé and Henry will not follow in the footsteps of the former.

After all, this is a very simple math problem. If you tend to those big nobles, you may be able to get a hundred from them, and you can get 10,000 for a hundred big nobles, but if you abolish the serf system, Those tens of thousands of serfs are your people, and they may only give you one to ten each, but the cumulative amount is definitely much more than what the great nobles can give you.

   And the freed serfs will not only not covet your power like the big nobles, but they will also be grateful to you, farm your land, pay you taxes, and fight wars for you.

   "It is said that the serfs call you the King of Saints," said Louis.

   "Stop talking, Your Majesty." Henrik IV's wrinkled face showed a rare look of embarrassment: "You know this is just a poor imitation."

   "Then why don't other kings do it?" Louis is: "Everyone praises a saint, but doesn't know that a saint is made holy because he can do what no one else can."

If it was someone else, they would not lose their own interests for the dirty and lowly serfs, and they would not be willing to untie their shackles, look at those winged cavalry in full armor, look at those tall horses, look at those gold Plate a silver cup, look at those silk and satin, without the serfs working like cattle and horses day and night, where do these things come from?

   (end of this chapter)