MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 15 Seven Zero Scientists (15)

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So, Gu Xinchen and Li Xiangxiang, who were waiting for feedback together, soon came to Baizhi.

Gu Xinchen was taken aback.

"Why are you here?!" he asked in surprise.

Bai Zhi stood not far from them and stopped, with a calm expression: "Where can I be if I'm not here? If you find someone to teach me, you must wait not far away, waiting for the three of them to give you feedback, right? "

So the two of them stayed by the back door of the school, and it was... too easy to find.

- I don't know if I'm young or arrogant enough to have no scruples.

Gu Xinchen didn't speak, his brows furrowed together.

Li Xiangxiang couldn't help but be shocked: "Are you okay?!"

How did Li Baizhi, a little girl, escape from the hands of three men? !

"Of course I'm fine. What can the three little **** do? It's nothing more than humiliating me and making me uncomfortable. They can't do it. You want to find someone to harm me, why don't you know how to be smart?"

Saying that, Bai Zhi glanced at Gu Xinchen: "Li Xiangxiang, I don't think you are smarter than your three brothers. Are you sure you want him to take care of me?"

"You—" Li Xiang smelled a little, "You are not allowed to say that to Xin Chen!"

"I'm just telling the truth." Bai Zhi looked at Gu Xinchen and raised her eyebrows with disdain.

Gu Xinchen was finally annoyed, and raised his finger to point at her: "Li Baizhi, don't think that these three little **** are all I can do. I just wanted to teach you a lesson first, but it's good, you angered me. , I will show you my true means!"

When Li Xiangxiang heard this, she raised her chin, "You won't be complacent for a few days!"

Bai Zhi shook her head: "Tsk tsk, aren't you afraid that the three of them will confess you?"

Gu Xinchen sneered and said, "Do you have any evidence? Will I admit it? As long as I don't admit it, what will happen if I confess it, and in the capital, who would dare to arrest me? Do you, Li Baizhi, have that ability?"

The voice fell, and the security personnel sent to protect Bai Zhi came out.

Gu Xinchen's words were choked in his throat, and he was stunned.

Bai Zhi: "He just admitted it, detain him."

Gu Xinchen: "???"

He was stunned, and had already been arrested.

"No! You can't arrest me! I'm the young master of the Gu family, and you have no evidence! I didn't order it! Li Baizhi didn't get hurt at all, you can't arrest me!" Gu Xinchen stared.

"Is there no evidence?" Bai Zhi stretched out her hand, shook a small thing in her hand, and then chuckled, "New product, the camera just made by the experts of the Academy of Sciences in the past two days, with sound, it's just right for you. ."

Gu Xinchen's face was blank and shocked.

Li Xiangxiang was also stunned, and stepped forward to grab the security guard: "What are you doing? You let go! Who are you?! Why do you arrest people!"

The voice was full of disbelief.


They also arrested Li Xiangxiang.

Just kidding, who is Baizhi, Baizhi is one of the talents who need protection the most!

This is the future elite of their country, a high-level talent, who knows whether the person who wants to harm her is a personal hatred, or other countries have snooped on the secret, so they want to harm her? !

Harming her is one of the hopes for the future!

Can the country allow it? !

Arrest them, arrest them all and interrogate them, and never let a spy go!

We must not allow future hope to be persecuted!

So, Gu Xinchen, who thought it was nothing at first, never thought that he was really detained in the police station like this.

No matter how much he shouted or protested, it was useless.

Li Xiangxiang is the same.

Fortunately, the two were indeed not foreign spies, so they soon stopped tossing them and began to deal with the whole case.

Bai Zhi provided "evidence", and the three little gangsters also explained what they should explain.

It was true that because nothing was wrong, Gu Xinchen's instruction to the three gangsters was to teach Bai Zhi a lesson, so the plot was not serious.

If Bai Zhi was not a staff member of the Academy of Sciences, and was not an object that the country needed special protection for, Gu Xinchen would be easy to wash off, and he wouldn't even be able to get on him.

But unfortunately, Bai Zhi was the key protection object, and he even took out the new camera of the Academy of Sciences and took out Gu Xinchen.

The final result - Gu Xinchen was detained for a month.

Although Li Xiangxiang also participated, it was not planned or executed by her, so she was released after being locked up for a few days after the trial.

Li Xiangxiang, who came out of the police station, looked frightened. Gu Xinchen was still locked up. She had nowhere to go, so she could only go back to school.


The school gave her a big demerit!


"No! No! Why do you write me down?!" Li Xiangxiang was shocked, grabbing the director's hand and unwilling to accept it.

The director was also very angry: "You're embarrassing us at Beijing Normal University! Besides, you skipped classes for no reason, and sneaked out without asking for leave! The school did not expel you because it was not easy for you to get into the university!"

"No, I beg the director not to write me a demerit..." The major demerit should be written in the file. How will she find a job in the future? !

"Li Xiangxiang, if there is another next time, the school will definitely expel you!" The director hated that iron was not steel.

If it is not easy to get the learning opportunity, the university that I finally went to, whether it is teachers or students in the school, all of them study hard!

This person doesn't cherish it so much, he can't wait to kick such a person out of school.

It was only after the school weighed it that it finally decided to give her another chance.

"You can do it yourself." After speaking, the director left angrily.

Li Xiangxiang's body shook...

How could this be so?

Shouldn't it be Li Baizhi who is unlucky? How could she be deceived and Gu Xinchen still detained?

Thinking of Gu Xinchen, she began to mutter—

"Xinchen, Xinchen, when will you come out..."

She was talking, Gu Xinchen was talking, and he was even thinking, didn't his family find out that he was detained? Why didn't you come to save him?

He was so angry and so angry.

The school should already know about his detention, right?

He has just been admitted to the university, and he has not shown his glory yet, why is it like this? Must be saying bad things about him in school now, right? How could he have the face to go back to school then? Can the school keep him?

Gu Xinchen covered his face.

Why didn't the Gu family come to pick him up?

"This is the end?" System 444 was a little confused.

Bai Zhi's hands kept moving: "It's over, I don't have time to play with them, I still have a lot of research to do."

If she hadn't found them annoying and thought of the original owner's request, she wouldn't have bothered to pay attention to them.

"Gu Xinchen will definitely take revenge on you when he comes out!" System 444 said affirmatively.

Bai Zhi's expression was calm: "Come on then, just in time - sit in the bottom of the prison."

System 444: "..." Sure enough, it knows that this host is not a soft-hearted one!

The month of detention is quickly approaching.

When Bai Zhi took the note back to the countryside to pick up her grandfather, Li Xiangxiang was picking up Gu Xinchen at the gate of the police station.

In a month, Gu Xinchen has changed a lot, his eyes are more gloomy, his handsome appearance has disappeared, his beard is unshaven, he has lost a lot of weight, and now he is blue and black.

Li Xiangxiang: "Xinchen! Xinchen, are you all right? I'm about to die of worry!"

She jumped up and hugged Gu Xinchen with a worried look on her face.

Gu Xinchen slowly pulled her away, pursed his lips and gritted his teeth: "Li Baizhi!"

"Xinchen, I was remembered by the school, and you have been detained for so long. It's all Li Baizhi's fault! It's all her fault!" Li Xiangxiang's eyes were red, full of hatred.

"Are you hiding something from me? What happened to Li Baizhi? How could she be protected? Why would someone keep interrogating me if I was a traitor? Why did you want to harm her?" Gu Xinchen asked.

Li Xiangxiang's eyes flashed, and she finally said, "Xinchen, she seems to have joined the Academy of Sciences..."

"Li Xiangxiang! You are hiding this from me?!" Gu Xinchen was furious.

Li Xiangxiang quickly pulled him and begged: "Xinchen, I'm not sure, and even if she joins the Academy, won't we take revenge? She hurt us like this, I hate her!"

Gu Xinchen took a deep breath, and then gritted his teeth even more—

"Li Baizhi, I won't let her go!" Even if she joins the Academy of Sciences!

"Xinchen, I finally waited until you came out. I hate her so much, but I can't do anything about her!" Li Xiangxiang pulled Gu Xinchen, like a life-saving straw.

Only he can avenge her, and only he is her hope.

She was recorded a major demerit, everyone in the school excluded her, and the teachers would not give her a good evaluation. She would definitely not be able to find a good job in the future, so she could only point to marrying into the Gu family.

As long as there is Gu Xinchen, she has everything, she can take revenge on Li Baizhi, and she doesn't have to worry about the school's cold eyes and demerits.

As long as there is Gu Xinchen!

"Li, Bai, Zhi! Wait till you die! I'll definitely pay back—"

Gu Xinchen's words stopped abruptly.

Because, a car stopped in front of me, and two men got off.

His eyes lit up and he took two steps forward: "Dad!"

After the middle-aged man in the car got off, without saying a word, "Pa-" slapped him in the face, blinding him.

Gu Xinchen was stunned.

"Gu Xinchen! It seems that sending you to the countryside to become an educated youth didn't make you any better. You are so troublesome that you actually hurt the talents protected by the state. You have implicated our family! The impression above us is very bad!"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, looking at Gu Xinchen was not like looking at his son, but more like looking at his enemy: "You will only make trouble. If you cause such trouble now, we will treat Gu family without you in the future!"

The young man next to the middle-aged man also looked at Gu Xinchen very unfriendly. His half-brother had always been spoiled. Before, he just thought about throwing him to the countryside. It won't hurt him either.

Unexpectedly, he would cause trouble in the name of the Gu family!

He had no relationship with this younger brother at first, and now he hates him even more. If his father was still there, he would definitely break his leg!


"To prevent you from causing trouble again by using the name of the Gu family, we can't keep you in the country, and we won't give you a penny. From today, you can have whatever surname you want, just don't use the surname Gu, and don't come back. !"

Said and waved: "Take it away!"

So, Gu Xinchen was carried and pressed into the car, only to hear his cry—

"Dad! I was wrong!"

Li Xiangxiang was stunned and stood dumbfounded.