MTL - I Became A Hit After My Divorce!-Chapter 14 0014: Another male supporting role

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Yan Zimeng on the plane turned on the phone the moment the plane landed, but there were several messages coming in, but none of them were from Nangong Jue.

Yan Zimeng felt extremely uncomfortable. She had no choice but to leave him back then. She loved acting, but she had no further development in China. She was recognized by the Nangong family as an illegitimate child, but she had no real power at all, and could not give her more blessings, so what was wrong with her wanting to have a better development?

In these years, no matter what she does, her favorite is always his.

How come he doesn't understand himself so much?

"Sister Yan, it's time to get off the plane." Xiao He reminded Yan Zimeng.

Yan Zimeng finally recovered, got up and put on her sunglasses and got off the plane. Just two steps away, a call came in, she glanced at it and picked it up: "Brother Jinxuan, I got off the plane. ...the company has arranged for someone to pick up the plane...what are you here too? That's great..."

When I hung up the phone, the unbalanced and unwillingness in my heart finally calmed down a little.

Yang Jinxuan saw Le Yao as soon as he entered the airport lobby, and walked over with a gloomy face: "Han Binglan, what are you doing here?"

Le Yao turned her head and saw.

Yang Jinxuan, another good friend of Nangong Jue, the young director of Yang's group, and a loyal admirer of the heroine Yan Zimeng, did a lot of hurtful things for the heroine, and finally She almost tossed the whole Yang family into it, but she didn't know what happened later, and she didn't know if the author didn't write it or she skipped it and didn't read it.

Always a cannon fodder.

"Young Master Yang, I don't need to report to you what I'm doing here, right? Besides, this airport is not yours." Le Yao rolled her eyes, what's so arrogant? They are all cannon fodder, who is more noble than who?

Yang Jinxuan's eyes narrowed slightly, why does this woman feel different from before?

Le Yao was too lazy to get involved with these brainless male partners, and turned to leave, but the other party reached out and pulled her: "Han Binglan, you..."

"You let go." Just as Yang Jinxuan's hand just touched Le Yao's arm, someone suddenly rushed over, picked up the bag in his hand and hit the opponent, " Dare to touch her to try?"

Yang Jinxuan was so frightened that he hurriedly took two steps back, and only then did he escape the attack of the limited edition leather bag.

"Are you all right?" The woman turned to look at Le Yao.

"It's okay." Le Yao smiled and shook her head, her heart was warm, and her nose was a little sore.

"Qiao Qiao, why are you crazy?" Yang Jinxuan obviously knew a woman and stared at her depressedly.

"Yang Jinxuan, Alan obviously doesn't want to talk to you, why are you doing anything? Last time you pulled her down and the arm was bleeding. Now you have to repeat the same trick?" Qiao Joe pinched his waist, "Do you believe that I can abolish your third leg in no time?"

"Bah." Qiao Qiao spat at Yang Jinxuan's back.

"Jojo." Le Yao reached out and hugged her, "You are finally back."

Qiao Qiao finally put away her anger, but she still slapped Le Yao: "Just for the sake of Nangong Jue, any cat or dog can bully you. Are you angry?"