MTL - I Became A Virtuous Wife and Loving Mother in another Cultivation World-Chapter 30 This guy is really hot.

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In the house, the law quickly flipped through the remaining materials, and did not dare to look at each other while watching: "Ordinary materials, low-grade materials, medium-grade materials, ordinary materials of the first grade, no material of more than one boutique can be played. The sacred instrument is too unbelievable, it is really unbelievable, and the herbs can still be refining the device. If this is said, no one will believe it."

The instruments are divided into nine levels, each of which is divided into all kinds of products, refined products, utensils, products, authentic products, honorable products, holy products, immortals, and gods. There are no fine materials, best materials, rare materials. In the case of celestial materials or sacred materials, it is impossible to create a genuine device above the root.

Don't look at the grandson's move to the non-level ritual instrument, which is equivalent to the third-level refining magic weapon. After it is completed, the refining period and the foundation period of the monk can be replaced before the golden dynasty. Therefore, it is definitely the best magic weapon for him. After all, their repair can not drive the three-level instrument.

However, before the use of the following materials to create a magic weapon, no one will waste precious materials to create low-level instruments.

If the law is not eyeing the grandson's materials, they must think that the grandson is moving to falsify and infiltrate other high-grade materials.

"Holy, holy, holy goods!!!" The speed is astounding, and there is only a lot of surprise in my heart. The material is bought by him personally. It is very clear that the quality of the material is impossible to produce the holy product.

The law quickly asked: "The son moved, how did you create a holy product without rare materials?"

The long-grandson moved to look at the device and shook his head, saying that he did not figure out how to type it out:

"I still use the warm fire to refine as I used to, and I didn't use any special methods to build it." "It's not in the refining method."

Rongyi took the instrument and checked it again. He nodded with satisfaction: "I thought that you can only play the most respected products before coming, but did not think of a holy product. Therefore, it is said that the warm fire is also good, and the instrument can be refining. better."

This made the grandson move very excited, and once again aroused his strong desire to stay here to continue to learn to build instruments.

The frown of the law asked: "You have done your hands and feet in the material?"

Rongyi asked the familiar instrument and asked: "Have you checked the material just now? Did you find that I have done things in the material?"

The law of the law is that it is strange to check the problem: "I have no hands and feet, how is the sub-transition of the sacred instrument?"

Rong Yi asked him again: "Why do you think that ordinary materials can't make a holy product?"

“Since ancient times, there have been only rare and above-level materials to make a holy product. No one has ever been exceptional.”

"There has never been an exception for what you said. It means that someone tried it. It just didn't succeed. If it didn't succeed, it didn't mean it didn't work." In the world before Rongyi wore it, the materials were scarce, and everyone could only find a way to learn from other In terms of improving the quality level of their instruments. Of course, it is not the refining materials that can be used to refine the medicinal herbs. It is also possible to produce good quality implements, as well as the refining equipment and the process of the refining, as well as the design and refining of the implements. Judging can have a good quality instrument.

This makes the item irrefutable.

Rongyi brought the instrument to his wrist and looked at the speed of being unable to return to God in shock: "A speed, 09:42B1/424.4%

gone back. ”

"Ah? Oh." Rong quickly returned to God to take out a hundred Lingshi from the food ring for the grandson to move.

Rong Yi said to give him a thousand Lingshi. ”

The instrument made him very satisfied, and he gave less than a thousand Lingshi.

"Yes." Rong quickly took out nine hundred Lingshi.

The grandson moved quickly and refused: "I don't need to give me money. I am very happy to refine the implements for you. And you have learned a lot, and I have a new understanding of the refiner. Thank you very much." ”

Rong speed directly put Lingshi into his hands.

The long-grandson moved and quickly slammed the stone back: "I really don't need to give me a stone. If you have to give it to me, why don't you give me the rest of the materials? I, my instrument is broken, I want to use the rest of the material to repair the instrument to participate in the test of the Nine-Five School at the beginning of next month. I want to enter the Jiuji School and the Yunyi Reality Learning Refining Machine."

When the grandson moved to be willing to stay, he was also scornful: "Hey, is it good to learn the refiner with Yunyi? I don't like the instrument he built."

The long-grandson moved to smile: "Everyone has his favorite refiner, I just came to Haishan College to learn the refiner."

Rongyi didn't want to take the rest of the material away: "I can't use it anymore, you use it." "Thank you." The grandson moved and asked quickly: "The son, take the liberty to ask you that you are refining." Teacher?


Rongyi smiled. If I want to be a refiner, I still need to come to you to play the game? ”

The sneer sneer: "If you are not a refiner, how do you know how to use a material with a herbal refiner? Can you accurately master the refiner method?"

"The brain is so good that everyone wants it. I also think that the refining materials can be used to refine the medicine. If there is a chance, I will find someone to try."

The law is half-dead: "Do you mean that our brains are not good?"

Rongyi laughs and says no, it is equal to the default he is stupid.

The law anger said: "Most of the refining materials are hard and hard, I don't believe that they can be smelted into the stomach, who can withstand the body?"

Rongyi laughed, who said that medicine can only be taken orally? Moreover, he did not say that he used the refining materials to make medicinal herbs: "It’s really tiring to talk to people who don’t have a good brain. A speed, go."

"Wait." The law asked with anger: "Do you have other ways to create a genuine implement with ordinary materials?"


"I want to buy your recipe."

Rong Yi hooked his lips and held out a finger.

Xiangludao: "A fairy stone? It is reasonable."

If you buy the following sub-subsidiary, you can use the material below the boutique to play the authenticity of the above, and then sell it, he will earn more.

Rongyi teased and smiled: "A fairy stone Ling also wants to send me?"

The law sinks his face: "How much do you want?"

"A **** spirit stone."

A **** spirit stone? "The grandson moved, and the glory quickly looked at Rongyi.

In Lingshi, the **** spirit stone is the best. In addition, there are the lower spirit stone, the middle stone, the top stone and the best stone, the fairy stone, and one hundred pieces of the lower stone. A piece of Chinese goods, a thousand pieces of Chinese spirit stone is equal to a top grade Lingshi, 10,000 pieces of Shangpin Lingshi is equal to a piece of Xianpin Lingshi, 100,000 pieces of Xianpin Lingshi is equal to a piece of magical stone, can be imagined, How expensive is a spiritual stone.

The law anger said: "How can you not grab your grandfather? I think you really want money to be crazy, you don't want to sell it.

Rong speed also served his young master, but he also dared to open the mouth of a lion.

The grandson moved and said: "The son, a **** spirit stone for a refiner, will not be too expensive, the average person can not afford."

Even the biggest martial art, I am reluctant to take a **** spirit stone to change a low-level refining formula.

Rong Yi said | "If you really want to become a powerful refiner, you will not feel that my prescription is expensive."

If he wants to quickly improve his self-cultivation and leave the world as soon as possible, he will not sell the refining formula.

The law is sneer | "Even if you want to be a powerful refiner, you will not be willing to spend a sacred stone to buy a recipe. Are you a fool?"

Rong Yi raised an eyebrow: "If you are a smart person, you will buy my recipe, because my refining method is really good."

"You..." The law is full of anger, but it is undeniable that the recipe of Rongyi is really good and very special. It would be better if there were advanced parties.

"A speed, let's go."

Rongyi went to the door, and the law quickly yelled out, "Wait."

"What else?"

"A magical stone is really expensive for a low-grade refiner. It can't be cheaper?"

"Do you want a high-level recipe? Yes, fifty magical stones."

According to the rhetoric, the anger that was almost stunned was suffocated.

"Is it? Don't let me go."

"I don't have a **** spirit stone." The law is depressed: "In addition to giving the gods a spiritual stone, can you use other things to change with you? For example, to help you do things."

"Yes." Rongyi, as long as Lingshi, did not want anything else, he said casually: "If you worship me as a teacher, I will teach you all the refining tools."

"How could it be, I want to be my class..." The words said that half of it stopped and shouted Rongyi:

"In short, I won't worship you as a teacher."

Anyway, Rongyi also said casually. He shrugged unconsciously, turned and walked to the door, then stopped and took out a charm from his sleeve and handed it to his grandson. "If you don't want Lingshi, then this charm will be sent. For you, you put it on your implement, and then tear it off after the zhuxiang, you don't have to rush to accept it. I am advertising myself. If it is easy to use, you will give me publicity. This charm is free, and the next one is going to receive the Lingshi."

The magical symbol that he moved to his grandson is to enhance the attack's enchantment. Put it on the device to enchant the attacker and increase the attack power. Later, you may have to rely on selling the charm to support yourself.

The grandson moved to ask: "I don't know where the son is, and where does the family live?"

"The surname is Rong, and the family lives in Yingu Street Yinfu." Rongyi said with a speed to leave.

"This guy is really a big fire." Xiang Law went to the long-grandson to move around and saw the pattern on the sign that he had never seen before. He asked: "The strange streak, I have never seen it, other continents also Is there such a pattern?"

The grandson moved his eyebrows: "I have never seen it."

"Isn't he letting you stick it on the instrument? You try it. Anyway, your instrument is broken. It doesn't hurt to try it. It's really bad. Let's rebuild it."

The grandson moved to nod and took out the broken instrument and put the charm on the implement. Then, someone outside shouted: "The grandson moved, you give it to me."

□ author gossip I

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