MTL - I Became A Virtuous Wife and Loving Mother in another Cultivation World-Chapter 302 You bastard

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Rongqi asked: "Since it is not watching us not let us go out, then what are you doing to see us?"

Concealed and said: "Look at you, don't let you hurt."

"Then we are going out now, don't you object?"

Hidden record shakes his head.

"Xiaoyi, let's go." Rongqi excitedly ran out of Rongyi's hand.

Concealed frown reminder: "Jing Shaoye is pregnant, can not run."

Rongqi quickly slowed down his feet and gently touched the stomach of Rongyi without hurting the tires? ”

Rongyi: "..."

They came to the gate and Rongyi took out his black sports car from the storage ring.

Concealed and said: "Right Master, I have a car."

Rong Qidao said: "Xiaoyi has a speed character in his car. It is quick and steady to drive, and he can go to Dushan City in five or six hours.

Concealed to see the black sports car flashing cool dark gold pattern, picked an eyebrow: "There is the car of the young master, but it is inconvenient for Rong Shaoye to have a big belly, or let me open it."

"Yes." Rong Yi deeply hooked his lips and sat down with Rongqi.

Concealed to start the car flying.

"You can see the congressional master in a few hours." Rongqi excitedly took out his mobile phone and opened the photo album, which was full of photos of the congressional master. He slammed the phone a few mouthfuls and wanted to die. ”

Concealed: "..."

There was a trace of worry in the eyes of Rong Yi, and he felt that his second brother really got a heart on the congressional master.

Concealed quickly, and they blinked, they left the capital.

Rongqi excitedly said: "How? Xiaoyi's car is not bad?"

Concealed a smile: "The younger car is very good, if you can, I hope that the young master can reward me with some speed symbols to let me attach to my car."

Rongyi evokes his lips: "If you turn the front of the car in the right direction, don't say some speed characters, you want me to do it for you all the time."

Concealed: "..."

"The correct direction." Rongqi looked around and we went the wrong way? ”

"While it’s wrong, it’s just wrong. West Continent is on the west side, but he has been flying east. When we go there, it’s estimated that the game is over or I have never been to Dushan City for a lifetime.”

"Ah?" Rongqi held his pillow and concealed: "Are you deliberately going around the road and not letting us go to Dushancheng."

Concealed: "I am only responsible for your safety, not responsible for sending you to Dushan City."

"How can you do this?" Rongqi put his face on the glass window and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Rong Yi said: "I know that I will not be at home, but I will not take me to Dushan City directly, but let others look at me, which means that he will use other methods to stop me."

When he saw the concealment, he expected it to be like this.

Concealed: "The young master, the master is for you, he does not want to lose you and the young master."

Rongyi: "..."

"You don't know how sad he is when you leave him every time. Although he didn't tell us, he didn't show it, but we saw him sending people around to look for you, or staring at the things you used. Or laughing, or silently drinking alone, on the day you disappear, every year, when he will be alone, we can see how much he cares about you and does not want him to lose you again."

Rongqi looks to Rongyi: "Xiaoyi, I don't think you should go, don't let the night worry and distract you."

Rongyi lowered his eyelids and said, "When you see your two sons being killed, can you be indifferent? When you know that the person who killed his son is in the land of the dragon, you can rest in peace." Waiting for a message at home or watching a partner take someone to take revenge?"

Concealed: "..."

"This..." Rongqi really can't be indifferent.

"I can't do it anyway, so I want to go to Dushan City. Even if I can't help, I want to see the death of my son. Besides, I am a holy sword, I have self-protection ability, I will not let myself. Injured."

Concealed: "I won't let you go."

Rongqi is depressed: "You can't let him go, can you always let me go?"


"You want to trap us in the car?"


Rong Yi Shen Sheng: "That depends on whether you have the ability to trap us."

Suddenly, the car is full of spiritual power, just like adding the throttle to the maximum, then, a hundred and eight degrees turn direction, a cry, the car rushed out a kilometer.

"..." concealed the brakes quickly, the car did not reduce the speed, obviously the car is not under his control. He had to use the mana to maneuver the car and put it down. However, the driver's seat is like a weapon that will absorb the spirit. The more he uses the mana, the more spiritual power he is sucked away.

It is to stop, the faster the car will fly, and it will be a few kilometers away in the blink of an eye.

Rong Yi smiled and said: "Thank you for cheering on my car."

"..." concealed the return of the mana, and the speed also declined, but the control returned to the hands of Rongyi.

Rongqi happily embraced Rongyi: "Xiaoyi, you are so great, my brother is amazing."

Rong Yi opened his hand: "Don't be too happy too early."

Rongqi put away a smile: "Do you have any other way to control your car?"

"This is not, but..." Rongyi means a deep smile, but you have to accompany him in the car. ”

"Ah?" Rongqi had not reacted yet. He saw Rongyi’s seat sinking. The man and the seat fell down under the car. He hurried to catch people, but the other party was too fast. He just reached out and sat down. The open hole was closed again, and he screamed: "Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi..."

He hurriedly took a picture of Rong Yi’s fall: “Concealed, Xiaoyi fell.”

Concealed very calmly turned to look at the eyes of Rongyi sitting in the place, and then through the back window to see Rongyi flying in the sky, they waved goodbye.

"The young master is fine."

Rongqi looked up and looked at him.

Rongyi smiled and said to them with a voice. This is my most treasured car. It is equal to my son, which is equal to your young master. You can't break your young master. As for the second brother, you are refining. I still don’t want to join in the fun and hurt myself. I am leaving, bye bye. ”

Concealed: "..."

Still escaped by him.

Hey, the master is doing a good job. You can't think that you have a high mana to look down on glory, or you will have a chance to escape.

"Xiaoyi, you big bastard, big bastard." Rongqi got the door button, but no matter how you can't open it, he can't beat the glass.

He was anxious to conceal: "You still don't help open the door."

Concealed helplessly: "You didn't listen to Rong Shaoye? This car is my young master, can't hurt it."

"Abominable, hateful." Rongqi patted the leather seat: "Do we have to be trapped here?"

"No, the car can still be activated, but the steering wheel is not under my control. I will continue to drive. I don't know where we will drive."

Rongqi screamed at him: "You won't let people come over the trailer?"

Concealed: "..."

Half an hour, the monks from the capital to Dushan City saw a strange wind, a large trailer carrying a cool black sports car, and they went in the same direction.

Rongyi spent half a day before coming to Dushan City. At this time, the sky was already dark, and there were still monks who came here afterwards.


Looking up at the height of the junction, you can see the monks on the two continents walking around, in case the other party will attack them.

Rongyi flew a few meters to Budasga and stopped. He originally wanted to be near the potential junction. When he found the opportunity to sneak up on them, or when they were playing, they went to the dragon to find Yin Hou, and they settled. As soon as he thought of concealing what he said in the morning, he could not do what he wanted to do without hesitation.

He hesitated to ask for a dark night, and a black shadow appeared in front of him.

Rongyi was shocked and was about to attack. He was pulled into his arms by the other side. He looked up and saw the beautiful face. He couldn’t help but smile: "The child is jealous."

Yin Yixin bowed his head and kissed his forehead: "I know that I can't keep you."

When he secretly called him, he did not have any accidents. After that, he released his knowledge and covered the entire Dushan City. As long as Rongyi arrived, he would find him immediately.

Rong Yi asked: "Since I know that he can't keep it, why don't you set up an enchantment and let me out?"

"You will be angry if you do this."

Rong Yi smiled and said: "Yes, I will be angry, but if you set a defensive enchantment on my stomach, the result will be different, I will be very happy."

Yin Yin night thought, put his hand on his stomach, set up a defensive enchantment on him, with the cultivation of Yin night, except for the dragon, I am afraid no one can hit his defensive cover: "You alone do not allow chaos Come."

"Reliably, even if I don't care about myself, I will read small things and I will never let myself mess up."

Yin Yin night took him to his room.

Jiang Yan and the demon in the room. [Seeing Rongyi came, he pleasantly said: "Hey, how come you come?"

Rong Yi sneaked into the eyes and said, "I will come and see."

"Hey, are you coming from Yu Jianfei? It must be very tired, take a break." The demon and Jiang Yan took Rongyi and lay down.

Rong Yi did stand up.

Jiang Yan said to Rong Yi’s stomach: “Is your brothers today?”

Demon said: "I saw that my two brothers are very embarrassed, but they are not jealous and do not listen to their father."

Rongyi can't smile.

The demon took out the fairy tale book: "Hey, I want to tell my brother and my brother."

Rong Yi snorted.

The demon who can't understand many words tells the story, and it is very poorly spoken. However, Rongyi listens but is very sleepy, eyelids.

I have been fighting all the time, and there is a feeling that I can't support myself to sleep.

Rongyi’s heart is strange. He is a self-cultivator. It is reasonable to say that if he does not want to sleep, he will not be able to sleep. Why does he want to sleep when he hears the voice of the demon?

Is the demon child hypnotizing him?

When Rongyi realized this, his eyelids could not be opened. Before he completely slept, he used the last glimmer of strength to say: "Yin night, you bastard."

Even when he lowered his guard, let the child hypnotize him.

The author's gossip:

Ask for a ticket

This book is published exclusively by Liancheng Reading. Please do not reprint it!