MTL - I Became An Ace Broker-Chapter 266 bold idea

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Entering the new year, Duan Jingxi's comeback has become the company's top priority.

After the broadcast of "Today's Legal System" for five consecutive days, the names of Duan Jingxi and the late director Wang Guohua occupied the headlines of major entertainment news.

On the one hand, there is national condemnation of Wang Guohua, and on the other hand, sympathy for Duan Jingxi's tragic experience.

And it was the first time for Cui Yongyong to tear open a big hole in the unspoken rules of TV stations in the entertainment industry in the form of legal programs, and the entire entertainment industry was in an uproar.

The uproar was just a superficial phenomenon, people in the entertainment industry would not be ignorant of this, they just pretended not to know.

Various big-name artists, even many artists and directors that Duan Jingxi had worked with before, expressed their voices on Weibo to support Duan Jingxi's fearless spirit.

For a while, Duan Jingxi's comeback was full of excitement, and everyone was watching the changes. After all, everyone in the industry knew that behind her stood a newly emerging king of the entertainment circle.

Zhao Jiajia, director of Jingdu City, also read all the scripts at this time, and was very satisfied with this "Story of Yanxi Palace", and then signed a cooperation agreement with Fengxing Tianxia. The director and producer are all fat sisters.

Now that New Year's Day has just passed, and there are still two months before March, Fengxing Tianxia Company has begun to prepare for the recruitment of actors for the new drama.

"Story of Yanxi Palace" is a court drama in ancient costume. The drama tells the story of Wei Yingluo, a court lady who, with her courage, quick-witted and flexible mind, and a broad mind, resolved the difficulties in the court and finally The story of becoming the concubine of Emperor Qianlong.

There are many main characters in the play, and the actor structure is huge, so the choice of actors has become the next key task.

In addition to the protagonist Wei Yingluo, the main characters also include Emperor Qianlong, Empress Fucha Rongyin, Concubine Nala Shushen, Imperial Guard Fu Heng, Concubine Gao Ningxin and others.

Now only the role of Empress Fucha Rongyin has been decided to be played by Duan Jingxi, and the other roles have not been finalized.

On this day, Sister Fei flew back to Jincheng and sat in Yin Xiaozhong's office, "Brother Xiaozhong, I really didn't expect that this drama will start so soon. Leave it to me, I'm really a little timid."

"Sister Fei, I believe in your ability, and because this drama is more important, I trust you to do it." Yin Xiaozhong replied.

Sister Fei nodded gratefully again.

"How do you choose actors?" Yin Xiaozhong asked.

"This show needs too many actors. In addition to specially inviting some designated actors to play important roles, I propose to select actors for a program, and then assign the selected actors to different supporting roles. First, this method is more It is fast, and there will be more new faces, which will make the audience look forward to it. Second, you can also use the method of actor selection to dissipate the heat of this drama in advance." When Sister Fei got the script, she actually She thought of these problems, and now that the start-up time has been set, she said these suggestions.

Yin Xiaozhong nodded in agreement.

At this time, Duan Jingxi, who had been sitting on the sidelines, said, "The main character in this play is Wei Yingluo. How should we choose the actor for this role?"

"That's right, Wei Yingluo is the number one heroine of this drama, and maybe she will become a hit because of this drama, so she must be careful in her choice of actors." Fat Sister also said.

Yin Xiaozhong looked at the two of them and asked, "Do you have any better candidates?"

Sister Fei and Duan Jingxi looked at each other. The two had already met once two days ago. After all, both of them are the key personnel of Fengxingtianxia. The show is so huge, and they always thought that actors should be found from within the company. And keep invitations to a minimum.

Combining the characteristics of the characters in the script, and taking a look at all the artists in the company, in fact, the two of them really feel that there is one person who is more suitable for this role, and this person is not an actor.

Sister Fei cleared her throat, "Actually, Jingxi and I have studied this matter before, and we really think that there is a suitable candidate in the company, but she is not an artist."

Upon hearing that the candidate was not an artist, Yin Xiaozhong was a little surprised, and asked suspiciously, "Who?"

"Li Wan." Sister Fei replied with a serious expression, it could be seen that she was not joking.

"Li Wan?" Yin Xiaozhong rubbed his ears with a look of surprise, feeling that the answer was a bit inconceivable, "She is not an actress or a singer, let her be the lead actress in a new play?"

"Yes, it's her. From the character setting in the script, we think it's basically the same as Li Wan's character setting. Stubborn character, slightly childish temper, coupled with the simplicity of that little girl, slowly Evolve into a scheming mature woman, these points are too similar to Li Wan." Sister Fei continued.

Yin Xiaozhong really didn't think of Li Wan as an actor before, so he didn't compare Wei Yingluo's character with Li Wan's character.

But after listening to Sister Fei, he thought about it carefully and found that they were really similar.

Li Wan has just walked out of the campus, she has the kind of innocence and simplicity that belong to a little girl, and she has a stubborn personality, coupled with a flexible mind, she will not panic when encountering major events. After becoming a top executive, she has entered a mature state, indeed It is very similar to Wei Yingluo in the script.

"Hearing what you said, it's really a bit similar." Yin Xiaozhong scratched his hair and said thoughtfully.

"We both thought of her after careful consideration." Duan Jingxi added.

"But, hasn't she studied acting? Wei Yingluo's roles are so important, and many of the performances are very deep. If she hasn't studied acting, she shouldn't be able to perform that feeling, right?" Yin Xiaozhong asked.

The two looked at each other again, and Sister Fei said, "I might not recommend using Li to play other companies' plays, but this is our own play. Even if she doesn't know how to act, she can still have a short training. And even if the jammed machine wastes resources, it is our company's own resources, no matter how much is wasted, if Li Wan becomes popular, the benefits brought back will definitely be greater than what was wasted in the process of filming."

In fact, Sister Fei's words are very reasonable. For Fengxing Tianxia Company, the key is to maximize the benefits, and starting Li Wan, an absolute, can definitely do the best to maximize the benefits.

"I know some acting mentors, and I can guide the whole process with the group, and have them guide every movement and every expression. Li Wan is so smart that he will be handy soon." Duan Jingxi echoed.

Yin Xiaozhong still feels that this plan is a bit unreliable. In a big drama, completely using an outsider to play the leading role is something he never dared to think about before.

"Let's ask for Li Wan's opinion first. I seem to have talked with her about entering the entertainment industry before, but she doesn't seem interested. Besides, she has her own affairs to be busy at the branch office, and it may be more I won’t agree.” Yin Xiaozhong vaguely remembered talking about acting when he seemed to be joking with Li before, but she didn’t agree.

"Actually, I can see that Li Wan listens to you very much. As long as you ask her to participate in the performance, she will definitely agree." Duan Jingxi said.

Fat sister nodded in agreement.

Yin Xiaozhong thought for a while, "It's better to ask her opinion, I don't like to force others to make things difficult."

Sister Fei and Duan Jingxi both knew Yin Xiaozhong's personality, so they couldn't force him any more. They just told him that Li Wan was really suitable for this role, and that he only needed to act in his true colors and the effect should be good.

"You two's idea is really bold, it's really beyond my expectation." Yin Xiaozhong muttered.


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