MTL - I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land-v2 Chapter 359 Return to the original (finale)

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He flew out from behind Jiang Xiaocheng, and then his body became bigger and bigger, never the size of a palm, and soon became the size of a human.

"It's been two thousand years, and you're still at this level. It's really useless." Keeping Xiaocheng motionless, she let Xiangba tightly bind her body together.

Afterwards, a terrifying aura like a deep prison rushed out of Xiaocheng's body, and within a moment, it tore the elephant grass blade into pieces.

A painful sound came from the sky, announcing the entire forbidden area. That's Meng Miao's drink.

After Xiaocheng was torn into pieces, it was obvious that he was not having a good time. Xiang Ye stared at Jiang Xiaocheng on the ground in a daze, as if seeing her for the first time. Resisting the attacks of Liu Jing, Tao Tiantian, and Xiang Ba, it seems that they are still able to handle it with ease.

"Are you right?" Xiang Ye asked angrily.

The guy in front of him is definitely not Jiang Xiaocheng, nor is he that beast. Jiang Xiaocheng will never hit his sisters hard, and the beast does not have such terrifying strength.

"I'm you." As if hearing Xiang Ye's question, Xiao Cheng turned around and looked at Xiang Ye with a slight smile, but the strange aura on his face was hard to hide.

"You are me?" Xiang Ye was startled again, he wanted to jump out of the body, but at this time, Xiang Ye found himself imprisoned, unable to move at all.

Another rattan waved down from the sky, and the rattan penetrated into the ground like a giant pillar. The earth trembled and the mountains shook loudly, and the mountains and clouds in front of the rattan were directly pushed away by this force. Open, the huge rattan directly plowed out of the ravine on the ground, coming with an indomitable momentum.

Landslides and ground cracks, like the end of the world.

Jiang Xiaocheng looked disdainfully at the vines that looked like mountains, and then slowly stretched out his hand. In the palm of his hand, a black death energy rose up, and the majestic power of the earth in the ground was attracted by this power, and he also gallop out.

"What? What? How can you use my power?" Xiang Ye, who was in the ground, was horrified. From this moment, Xiao Orange directly mobilized the power of Xiang Ye's body.

Xiaocheng laughed lightly, then directly lifted the cane that Nian attacked and patted it down.

A deafening sound resounded on the ground, and the collar, which was as big as a mountain, was turned into ashes under the blow of Xiaocheng.

"What's yours is mine, and I will do what you know, like this." Seeing Liu Jingjing's branch being crushed with a palm, she raised Xiao Cheng's hand and said.

This is exactly the move Xiang Ye is most used to and best at. With the palm of his hand, everything in the world can't stop it!

"Liu Jing!"

A faint hum of pain came from the sky, but it quickly disappeared. Xiang Ye's eyes widened, Liu Jingshan was also severely injured by Jiang Xiaocheng at this moment.

"It's not over yet."

There was another shout, and in the dusty sky, it rained flowers at this time. Countless petals fell from the sky and landed on the ground. The wind picked up, and the petals whirled along with a strange wind, and then slowly moved towards the position that held Xiaocheng.

After a while, the huge flower bud composed of petals completely imprisoned Xiaocheng in it. On the ground, a peach blossom bone the size of a mountain was formed.

At this time, vines fell from the distant sky again, and this time, dozens of vines fell down. The vines penetrated into the ground and rushed towards Xiaocheng's position again. The mountains shattered and the rivers changed. Flow, the earth splits.

"You were not suppressed last time, but this time you will be wiped out completely."

Above the sky, Xiang Ba's voice also sounded. Countless blades of elephant grass rolled from the sky, they were scattered beside the huge flower bone and then grafted onto the flower bone. From a distance, it seems that those leaves are growing on the off-plan flowers.

At this time, a huge column emerged from the bottom of the flower bud, directly banning it and pushing Xiaocheng's flower bud to the sky.

"Flowers and trees are both the beginning and the end."

A voice resounded between heaven and earth at this moment.

Following this roar, the flower bone standing between the sky and the earth slowly bloomed. Huge petals bloomed from the flower core, and soon filled the entire sky. The refreshing fragrance of flowers floated out from the flower, filling the entire space. . And in that huge peach blossom, Jiang Xiaocheng's figure was firmly imprisoned in the center of the peach blossom at this moment, unable to move.

Another voice sounded, and at this time, the cross-stitching that covered the entire sky changed again. The petals that covered the entire sky without a single gap fell off one by one at this time, and the zokor red stamens quickly turned from red to yellow, and finally turned black and fell down.

With the sound of the last voice, the peach blossom standing in the sky completely withered at this time.

The peach petals turned into black air one by one, and even the leaves under the petals turned yellow, and the jasper-like grass leaves curled up one by one, and fell off completely with the petals.

The huge shock sounded again, and this time, the branches supporting Huana couldn't hold on, turned into dust, and quickly collapsed on the ground.

The sound of coughing came from Jiang Xiaocheng's mouth.

Being attacked like this, even someone as strong as her would be unbearable.

And the power they get from the earth.

This is not only a reincarnation for her, but also a reincarnation for Liu Jingjing, Mo Tian, ​​and Xiang Ya.

"Cough cough cough. Is it worth it?"

"Thousands of years of cultivation, ten thousand years of time, and the impermanence of the world, this time you use your whole life to carry out a life-and-death reincarnation against me?"

"Cough, cough, cough" covered Xiaocheng's mouth, and tried her best to stand up from the ground. She raised her head and looked up at the sky. At this moment, the figures of Liu Jingjing, Tao Tiantian, and Xiang Ya all disappeared, and there was no trace of them in the world.

"Cough cough cough, but I still won."

"In this world, I am the only one who respects me!"

Jiang Xiaocheng suddenly laughed, and laughed heartily.

Liu Jingjing, Taotao Yaoyao, and Xiang Biao are all opponents she can't help. If they don't take the initiative to explode their spiritual energy and die together with her, Xiaocheng has no chance of winning.

But this time, this time, as if they had taken the wrong medicine, they went all out and vowed not to give up until they reached their goals. The power of reincarnation poured into her body, eliminating most of her power, but even so, she was still the winner in the end.

"Liu Jingjing?"

Xiang Ye felt that something had completely dissipated from his body, he couldn't help but panic, and hurriedly shouted.

"Stop shouting, they are all dead."

"No! They should have all disappeared, there are still traces after death, but she..."

Jiang Xiaocheng turned around at this moment, and said coldly to Xiang Ye. The great enemy of the world has been wiped out, and only this guy remains in the world.

However, he has been completely sealed into the earth, and he has no freedom. Doesn't hurt the result.

"They died?!"

Xiang Ye said in a daze.

Jingjing, Taoyaoyao and Xiangba really disappeared.

"Why did you do this?" Xiang Ye became agitated, struggling desperately on the ground.

But at this moment, the earth seemed to be a prison, completely imprisoning him in the earth, and he couldn't go anywhere except staying underground.

"Do you know why you have emotions when you wake up?" Jiang Xiaocheng looked at the ground under her feet, and did not answer Xiang Ye's question, but asked suddenly.

"Before you thought of you, you were indifferent like a god, but after you wake up, you become more and more like a human being."

Xiang Ye was stunned again, yes, he had never thought about where his emotions came from.

The awakened emotions return little by little, and take shape little by little. Now, if he is not without a body, he is completely a "human".

"This is the fake emotion I gave you. Take a look, is it suitable for you?"

"When the earth has emotions, there will be more and more weaknesses."

Jiang Xiaocheng said this and stopped.

The bewitching face was full of madness.

"Yes! I also have a daughter, Jiang Xiaocheng, who is Jiang Xiaocheng."

"Jiang Xiaocheng is still there? What do you want to do with Jiang Xiaocheng?"

Since she said that Jiang Xiaocheng is still there, then Jiang Xiaocheng must still be there, but it is not him who is occupying Jiang Xiaocheng's body now, but another guy.

"Don't treat Jiang Xiaocheng, I'm just such a daughter."

For the first time, Xiang Ye lowered his head to a person. He looked at the figure standing on the ground. It was his last daughter and the one he cared about the most.

"Please, don't do her any harm."

"I will listen to what you say. I will not appear in this world, I will not appear in this world."

"Please." The earth had no tears, and neither did Xiang Ye. But after this sentence was finished, countless dark clouds filled the sky, bursts of thunder sounded, and it rained heavily.

"But, if she doesn't really disappear, you won't disappear." Jiang Xiaocheng didn't pay attention to what Xiang Ye said, she stared at Wen Ye closely, and said indifferently.

"Don't! Don't!"

Xiang Ye panicked, that figure gave him hope, but in the blink of an eye it brought him despair again.

A pitch-black shadow slowly came out of Xiao Cheng's body, and as the shadow left, Xiao Cheng's body softened and then fell down.

"I woke up."

As the black shadow left, Xiaocheng who fell on the ground let out a slight groan, and then opened his eyes.

After waking up, Jiang Xiaocheng looked at the nimble fingers and the body that he manipulated as he wanted, and was amazed for a moment.

Looking at Jiang Xiaocheng who had woken up, Xiang Ye shouted that this is his last daughter, and she must not let her have any problems.

"Father? Why are you back in the field again?"

Jiang Xiaocheng didn't notice the danger in front of her, she looked at the ground under her body strangely. In the earth, that reassuring atmosphere has always been by his side and has never gone away.

"Ah, run!"

The pitch-black figure has formed a huge sky behind Jiang Xiaocheng, and it doesn't care about Xiang Ye's reminder to Jiang Xiaocheng.

"It's too late!" After this sentence was finished, the sky turned into countless spikes, piercing directly behind Xiaocheng.

Countless spikes are like bows and arrows, directly turning Xiaocheng into a hedgehog. The steel body that he was most proud of at the beginning was as fragile as tofu at this moment.

A painful scream came out of Jiang Xiaocheng's mouth, and she seemed to have just realized it. She lowered her head with difficulty, looked at the spike that pierced her body, and then fell down again.

At this moment, Xiang Ye was so envious that he was about to burst, and he was in so much pain. That guy, right in front of his eyes, killed Xiaocheng directly. This is his daughter, his most beloved daughter, and his last daughter.

The indifferent voice sounded again, piercing and melting the spikes in Xiao Orange's body, and then transformed into a faceless human figure. It looked at the earth coldly, waiting for Xiang Ye's disappearance.

Xiang Ye was completely insane at this moment. Looking at that indifferent figure, he wished he could tear this guy into pieces. The last concern also disappeared from Xiang Ye's body, and since then, all the people involved with Xiang Ye have been erased.

The earth shook, and cracks spread across the earth.

Mountains and rivers were broken, city walls fell, rivers diverted, and seawater flowed backwards.

After Jiang Xiaocheng's aura disappeared, Xiang Ye, who had fallen into madness, had no worries at this time. Everything in the world has nothing to do with him, and the creatures on the earth have nothing to do with him. He has only one thought right now.

"Destroy it, destroy it, no matter what price you pay!"

The endless power in the ground is all rushing, they are scurrying around in the ground, they want to rush out of the cage that imprisons them, they want to tear all living beings apart.

"If you want to perish, you must first be crazy!"

The faceless man watched the drastic changes in the world coldly and remained motionless.

The earth is collapsing, everything is dying.

"Your name is Jiang Xiaocheng, which is taken from Wang Jiangchen, but that guy is a man, so I'll change it for you and call it Jiang Xiaocheng. It sounds nice and easy to remember."

"Your name is Liu Jingjing, which is taken from the Book of Songs, Jingjing, among others, Xiao Luming and his group will take a ghostly name."

"Your name is Tao Yaoyao, which is also taken from the Book of Songs. Tao Yaoyao shines brightly. Oh, this one is a bit popular."

"Your name is Xiangba, um, I hope you will be as tall and straight as a rocky mountain in the future!"

One after another, familiar names began to disappear in Xiang Ye's mind. He wanted to reach out and grab those names, but those names were like smoke, drifting away with the wind.

"No no! I want to remember you, you are all my daughters!"

"I must remember you! Don't leave me!"

His voice became deeper and deeper and hoarse. In the end, Xiang Ye was completely subconsciously chanting these names, these names.

After chanting for a while, Xiang Ye stopped, and then, these names completely disappeared from his mind. All memories disappeared, and all emotions were completely wiped out.

"The ground carries everything!" Sighing softly, Xiang Ye raised his head and looked towards the sky.

The cold gaze is extremely ruthless, and the mountains and rivers are thousands of miles away.

"Has it completely collapsed?" The faceless man, the brand new seed of the earth, looked at the newly born spirit of the earth, overjoyed. Before the newly born spirit of the earth could react, the figure turned into a black shadow again, and burrowed into the ground.

"Hahaha, I will be the earth from now on, and the earth will be me!" The crazy voice resounded throughout the space, and it also shocked the newborn spirit of the earth.

Xiang Ye looked at the strange black shadow indifferently. Before the black shadow stood on the ground, a disgusting aura filled him.

It's like the aggregate of all the evil emotions in the world.

"This kind of thing should not appear in the world. It is harmful to the growth of all things and has no benefit. Suppress it!"

Without thinking too much about Xiang Ye, the power of the earth surged out from his body, and surrounded that breath.

With the emergence of the power of the earth, that extremely evil breath was firmly trapped by the power of the earth.

"Ah, it's impossible that you are still so strong, why are you still conscious?" It was unbelievable, the faceless man who had just entered the earth was horrified to find that a brand new force of the earth was rushing towards it like the sky was pouring He came under pressure, but Xiang Ye glanced at the extremely evil breath indifferently, and then more power of the earth emerged.

With the increase of the power of the earth, the breath of extreme evil could no longer hold on, and sank toward the depths of the ground.

"The negative emotions generated by all things need to be suppressed every once in a while."

After the extremely evil breath was dealt with, through the eyes of the main body, Xiang Ye quickly discovered something else on the ground.

A vine, a flower petal, a green leaf, and a "person" with no breath.

"It's all dead, but this world has come to a catastrophe, and there is nothing, let's start with you!"

Gather vines, petals, green leaves, and human figures together, and then Xiang Ye mobilized the power of the earth in his body, and sensualized towards these things. The power of the earth that carries all things is the most vigorous breath of life in the world. The rattan was planted on a barren land, a trace of green buds emerged from it, and then the petals not far away also moved, the flower buds stood up again, and then bloomed.

At the end is a green field. In several wastelands, green grass protruded from it, and it quickly spread over.

Xiang Ye looked at the silent figure, considered it for a while, and then buried it under the ground.

"If given the chance, one day, you will wake up."

"At that time, someone will give you a name that belongs to you."

"End of the Book"

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