MTL - I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time-Chapter 389 All parties unite, the storm falls

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The sea monster clan was originally a mess, fighting on their own. Even if a storm came, they would only unite temporarily at most, and they still couldn't cooperate tacitly when a battle broke out.

But now, because of Hu Ling'er's appearance, everything has changed.

Because of her existence, all the tribes of the Yaozu have united like never before.

Even, in order to kill Lin Feng, Hu Ling'er felt that it was not enough to use the nine tribes of the Jiao clan, and planned to go to Yaohuangdao to unite with all parties.

After all, the monster races in other places can't reach the sea area to fight on a large scale. After all, this place is being watched by Da Zhou.

Even her own guardian is just a third-rank monster.

Today's Da Zhou is also staring at the surrounding monster tribe settlements.

Almost at the same time, the auras of many monks also emerged from several inaccessible islands in the deep sea.

On one of the islands, a black-robed man emerged, it was Tiandao Hui Huang Guardian who had run away with Lin Feng before.

There are also many human monks with introverted breath and numb expressions around him.

At first glance, the number actually has nearly 100,000 people.

Although most of them are only at the Qi-entraining level and the Foundation-building level, they are also those who are proficient in water.

This is a huge army of dead soldiers from the Tiandao Society.

Unexpectedly, they gathered on the sea area quietly, and they are obviously well-trained on the sea area, and have formed a strong water combat capability.

But at this moment, Protector Huang's face was so ugly that he even cursed:

"Incompetent bungler!"

"How can we add fuel to tactics against guys like Lin Feng?"

"I said a long time ago that such an evildoer can't be obtained, it will be destroyed..."

He has already reported Lin Feng's situation.

Because he fought with Lin Feng, he found that Lin Feng had initially possessed the combat power of distraction, and such a terrifying evildoer had already made him start to be afraid.

So he asked the headquarters to send another one of the three guardians of Tiandixuan, so that he could take Lin Feng down.

Even if they don't come to protect the Dharma, then send a few elders who are at the peak of the Leaving Aperture Realm.

His thoughts are the same, Lin Feng has become a future trouble, and he must be killed in one go.

Unfortunately, the answer given by the headquarters made him extremely depressed.

The strong couldn't be sent, not even a single soldier, because there were strong people watching in Dazhou.

The only thing that can be given to him is the 100,000 dead soldiers in the sea.

Oh, and also, the headquarters asked him to go to Yaohuang Island to contact all parties, saying that the powerful people from Yamato Heaven would go, and they had already reached a cooperation with the other party.

But Huang Hufa, who had vented a lot, still could only shake his head helplessly.

He is already considered a senior member of the Tiandaohui, and then there are several mysterious vice presidents, but he still doesn't count!

This is the internal rule of Tiandaohui. Although he has the right to life and death within his jurisdiction, he still has no say in major matters.

Immediately afterwards, Guardian Huang scanned the surrounding dead men:

"Continue to lurk, obey orders!"


Many dead soldiers responded in unison, and fell silent again.

But Protector Huang left the island in a flash.

In addition to the appearance of Guardian Huang from the Tiandaohui, in the deep sea farther away from the third chain, a large army is slowly approaching the third chain.

On the head of a huge battleship, there was a flag flying, which was actually written in the two big characters of "Dekang" in the Dazhou script.

But those who are familiar with this know that this is not a battleship of Dazhou at all, but the flag of General Dekang, the general of the Yamato Heavenly Kingdom Navy.

The fleet stopped on the sea before getting too close to the third chain, and several speedboats rushed out from the fleet, and also headed quickly in one direction.

If there is a chart, you can also find that the direction of these speedboats is also in the famous Yaohuang Island in this sea area.

In addition, from the more northern waters, a speedboat bypassed the three island chains occupied by the army of the Haihou Mansion in Dazhou Township, and went straight to Yaohuang Island.

The storm has not yet arrived, but the entire sea area is no longer calm.

At this moment, Lin Feng and Xiao Yue'er were still on the speedboat, sailing to Yaohuang Island according to the chart.

But since doing something in the Nine Jiao Clan tribes, Lin Feng didn't change his appearance, just showed up in such a grand manner, and went straight to Yaohuang Island.

Beside Lin Feng at this moment, Xiao Yue'er's eyes flickered, looking at Lin Feng full of puzzlement.

Lin Feng felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Xiao Yueer, so he opened his eyes and said:

"something wrong?"

The corner of Xiao Yue'er's mouth twitched:

"Of course there is a problem. Are you planning to go to Yaohuang Island just like this? Without making any preparations?"

She really couldn't figure it out. Since Lin Feng knew that all parties might target him, or even join hands, Yaohuangdao was the place where all parties would form an alliance.

He is a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh, so he has no ideological consciousness at all?

Not to mention avoiding, even if you really want to go, shouldn't you sneak in in disguise?

Just like going to the Nine Jiao tribes to do things before, at least pretend to be, with Lin Feng's means, even if Yaohuangdao is monolithic, it is still possible to get in.

But Lin Feng is lucky, he is going to Yaohuangdao instead of pretending.

Hearing this, Lin Feng smiled:

"No need!"

"They all know I'm here, and they'll know even if they pretend, why don't they go in a fair manner?"

Xiao Yueer choked on these words.

Lin Feng smiled and continued:

"Besides, what if I just go to them like this? Just shoot?"

"After all, it's not a real iron bucket. They each have their own thoughts and concerns. I'll just go like this. It's not good for them to do it right away!"

"If you sneak in in disguise, it will be different. It is very likely that the meeting will be the lore of all parties!"

Lin Feng explained a little bit.

But no matter what, it was beyond Xiao Yueer's imagination that he dared to run to Yaohuang Island head-on.

This is the same as throwing yourself into a trap.

After saying these few words, Lin Feng didn't continue to explain, but continued to close his eyes and start to meditate.

It has been so long since he broke through the alchemy realm last time, and his cultivation has been completely stabilized.

However, the state is still only in the early stage of the alchemy state, without any His purple elixir is special, it is difficult to improve it just by meditating, and at most it can make the cultivation base more condensed.

It is also easy to upgrade, just prepare a large amount of sufficient resources and continue to use the sky refining method to temper Zidan.

This is his promotion path, very simple and rude.

Because he condensed the purple pill at that time, it was not the end.

His purple pill can continue to be tempered, and the purple pill can be tempered 10,000 times to break through the alchemy state.

According to Lin Feng's estimation, the next time he continues, about 20,000 times can break through to the middle stage of alchemy, about 50,000 times can reach the late stage, and 100,000 times can almost reach the perfection state.

Calculated in this way, his breakthrough to the alchemy state should be very fast as long as the resources are sufficient.

And during this time, he has searched for resources a lot, and is also preparing for the next breakthrough.

There are still a lot of resources brought by Yanhuo Canyon, and a lot of them were obtained from the previous sweep of pirates.

These resources are even enough for him to break through to the middle and late stage of alchemy.

But Lin Feng felt that it was not enough.

Now that the battle is imminent, he can't break through with peace of mind.

The speedboat of the two kept moving forward, and gradually the light over the sea became dimmer, and the thick dark clouds in the sky almost blocked all the light.

Even the surface of the sea gradually became dark, as if the sea and the sky were about to become one piece.

But it didn't take long for the sea wind that was roaring continuously to subside gradually.

This weird scene made all the existences in the entire sea area nervous.

Because we all know that this is the calm before the storm.

Sure enough, not long after the storm calmed down, a more powerful hurricane broke out suddenly. During the howling wind, the torrential rain poured in. Immediately after, huge waves rose to the sky above the sea area, and the storm officially descended!