MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 283 The Incredible Seven Red Immortals

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  Chapter 283 The Incredible Seven Red Immortals

  The place of asking, this is a special area, and it is also a place that many monks will never come across in their lifetime.

  Because this is the exclusive place where heaven and earth were born for the creator of Taoism.

   Often shaped in a Jedi somewhere!

  Like the Eight Thousand Thunder Fields, this area is connected to countless worlds. Immortal cultivators below the Nascent Soul Realm will die if they enter it. It can be said that it is a place of lore. Only a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm, who can change between reality and reality, gather and disperse freely, can barely gain a foothold in such a lore.

  Fang Jinyu once tried to transform into a thunderbolt and enter the eight-thousand-thunder field after the broken pill formed a baby, but he was quickly smashed out.

  Although Fang Jinyu at that time was not as strong as he is now, he was still in the early stage of the Nascent Soul who practiced the Thunder Dao Heavenly Book, and his strength far surpassed other Nascent Soul realms. One can imagine how terrifying this thunder field is!

  However, precisely because the Land of Asking was born in the Jedi, the Land of Asking is basically based on encouragement! Although the process of asking is difficult and extremely strict, even if you fail, you can still gain a lot, and there is no danger of falling. After all, it is not easy for ordinary monks to risk their lives to break through the Jedi and come to the place of asking.

   But the place of inquiry in the Eight Thousand Thunder Fields is a rare exception!

  Since the self-awareness of the place of asking was born, this place of asking has been dominated by killing! Even if the person who came here has almost reached a great level of dao, and is completely ready to transform into a god, but this place of inquiry in the Eight Thousand Thunder Domain still chooses to kill such potential dao creators, and then use the skills they created Dao, and what you have cultivated all your life, to nourish yourself!

   Such a place of inquiry is already the most evil and fierce place.

  On this day, two uninvited guests came to the place where eight thousand thunder domains asked.

   "Mother, this place is really what you said it is!"

"Can I still lie to you on this point? Now can you tell me that you mistook this place for what it was?" Fang Jinyu asked. All the perfect avatars need to abide by some rules.

  These rules have no binding force on ordinary monks, or acquired perfections. But for the congenital perfected god, the binding force is extremely strong!

   It is precisely because of this that this little girl would not agree to help him before.

   "I can't say!" Qingfu glanced at Fang Jinyu, but shook her head vigorously without hesitation.

   "This... is just a point, and it has nothing to do with what you have to abide by, right?" Fang Jinyu was surprised. The two seem to have little to do with each other, unless they mean the same thing.

   "But mother, you will definitely be able to guess it, even if you can't guess it now, you will definitely know it in the future!" Qing Fu said.

  Fang Jinyu nodded when he heard the words.

  He already knew it. It seems that one of the rules this little girl has to abide by should have the same meaning as the place she mistakenly took the place of asking for.

  Even if not, they are extremely close!

   At this time, Fang Jinyu saw the little girl blinking suddenly, and immediately understood that this was deliberately revealed by the little girl.

So he tacitly stopped mentioning it, but changed the topic: "I can suppress or seal this place of asking, but I can't completely destroy it. You can pull out the evil consciousness hidden in this place of asking ?"

   "Mother, in fact, you have other ways!" Qing Fu said with a strange face.

   "What way?" Fang Jinyu was slightly taken aback.

   "Sell it!"

  Fang Jinyu opened his eyes slightly, but at the same time he also understood what this little girl meant, so he took out the "Xianyu Xianqu".

  Ever since he got the fairy talisman by accident, he was able to squander the treasure bestowed by the Immortal Palace, and experienced the joy of being rich once, he has never used this thing again.

   It's not that it's not easy to use, but that he really has no money...

   Immortal Lulu, even in the Immortal Realm, it is not easy to obtain, let alone he is still in the Lower Realm!

   But soon, Fang Jinyu ran into trouble.

   "How to sell?"

  Fang Jinyu looked at this place of questioning, and couldn't help but feel a little bit at a loss. Even though he has stepped into the realm of transforming gods, he only needs to expand the land of transforming gods, so that the place of questioning can take him out of the way, but in turn, he can also use the place of questioning.

   After all, although this place of inquiry is conscious, it cannot be regarded as a complete living being. What's more, the consciousness is not very intelligent, and there are only simple concepts of "plundering", "swallowing" and "killing".

"Take a sliver of its consciousness and stuff it in for a try?" Qing Fu made an idea from the side, and at the same time opened a pair of bright eyes. It would be a lie to say that she is not curious about this gift from the Immortal Realm and Immortal Palace. .

  If it wasn't for the fairy official's exclusive use or personal binding, she would have borrowed it from Fang Jinyu a long time ago.

  Fang Jinyu felt that it was feasible, and immediately his land of transforming gods expanded rapidly, and the rhyme of freedom spread along with it. A ray of consciousness in the place of asking questions was inevitable, and was directly caught by Fang Jinyu's world of freedom.

  Then, Fang Jinyu stuffed this strand of consciousness into Xianyu Xianqu very quickly, and wrote the origin and price on the side.

  Origin: A place where consciousness was born.

  Price: Because you need to pick it up yourself, just give it as you see it.

   This is because Fang Jinyu doesn't know how many fairy talismans this thing can sell, and he's not sure if anyone wants it, so he just sells it cheaper. It doesn't matter if people miss it.

   Anyway, he also took revenge.

   If no one buys it, then it seems that it is something that no one wants in the fairyland. Fang Jinyu can only use a fake fairy treasure to seal the place of asking.

  However, to Fang Jinyu's surprise, just after he finished thinking this way, the ray of consciousness in the "Xianyu Xianqu" disappeared, and it was replaced by seven red fairy talismans.

  The deal was completed so quickly?


   Without hesitation, Fang Jinyu directly told Qingfu to run away, but at this moment, Fang Jinyu realized that a certain little girl had already disappeared.

  When Fang Jinyu left Eight Thousand Thunder Fields and returned to Nine Wastes, he found that little girl was already waiting for him.

   "You're really fast..." Fang Jinyu said in a low tone.

   "I'm in the Hedao Realm!" Qingfu said confidently, she found that the transaction in "Xianyu Xianqu" was completed, so how dare she continue to stay in the place of asking!

  Fang Jinyu was speechless, so he simply looked at the seven red fairy talismans that appeared in his Xianyu Xianqu, which were the same as the ones he got last time.

   "Could it be that the place of conscious inquiry has some unknown magical effect?"

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help thinking so.

   After all, he had completed a mission in the Immortal Palace by mistake before, and only got five red fairy talismans.

  Fang Jinyu was delighted by the purchasing power of the five red fairy talismans.

   "Mother, are you going to start shopping again?" At this moment, a little head leaned over, looking very interested, and then poked it with a little finger.

   "Mother, why don't you buy this!" Qingfu pointed to something that appeared in "Xianyu Xianqu" at this time.

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help looking over, and saw that it was a magic weapon, blue in color all over, and in the shape of a bell.

  Because of the pseudo-celestial treasure of cultivating the death knell, he was quite interested in magic weapons such as "bells", so Fang Jinyu took a closer look.

   Then, he froze.

  Because this magic weapon has only one jurisdiction, but it is priced at five red fairy talismans.

   You know, the stone cauldron he bought before has five legal domains, which is the top magic weapon, and it only has three red fairy talismans!

  (end of this chapter)