MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 317 What is the difference between me and Xian?

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  Chapter 317 What is the difference between me and Xian?

  However, it is better not to use this talent. It was only after gradually acquiring this talent that Fang Jinyu understood the true meaning of what he said when he saw the black dragon "Wish".

  The black dragon "Wish" said at the time that it hadn't opened its eyes for a long time.

   In fact, it was the black dragon "willing" not to open it!

  Because every time you open your eyes, it will bring great trouble to it, and even if you are careless, you will fall on the spot.

  When it opens its eyes, all the spirits of a world will be robbed, and all kinds of elixir and treasures, as long as this black dragon can see, will be taken away by it at a glance!

  Just like what Fang Jinyu did in "Fang Jinyu Jietian".

  At that time, "Fang Jinyu Jietian" was just the newly renamed "Fang Jinyu Jieyu".

  However, at that time, the elixir that Fang Jinyu took away with the help of the power of Hedao was only one percent of what the black dragon "wish" gained in one opening of his eyes.

   Therefore, when the black dragon "wish" to face a world and open its eyes, it will get a reverse increase from the world-favorite "-999"!

   Directly pull the upper limit of hatred in the world!

  You must know that the goodwill gained from achieving the perfect transformation of the gods can only be estimated at "+99".

   And this is enough for a monk to successfully join the Dao as soon as he enters the ninth level of Huashen!

In addition, when the black dragon "Wish" then closes his eyes, he will use another method to increase the degree of hatred again. Proving the Tao is successful, but the fundamental reason why it has been unable to step into the realm of harmony!

   It's not because of the black dragon, but because there is no one in the world who wants this guy to prove the Tao successfully!

  This black dragon "Wish", in essence, is actually a dragon that dominates the world and destroys the world!

   Withdrawing his flying thoughts, watching a certain little girl bounce away to make a deal with the person she said had Daolian, Fang Jinyu couldn't help but glance up at the sky above.

  As a big world, is it really good for a Hedao Realm from another world to come in and out so casually?

  Unfortunately, Tiandi is unconscious, and will not discuss this with Fang Jinyu at all.

   Unless he is willing to use a lot of luck to have an alternative "conversation".

  Then, Fang Jinyu put away the fate that was sealed by Qingfu with the magical power [Sun and Moon Changing Hands], which is the fate of the strange book "Shu Ling" who escaped.

  Originally, with the departure of this guy, the fate intercepted by Fang Jinyu would gradually become invalid.

   Not only because of the strange book, but also because of the distance.

  But after Qingfu knew about it, she said that she had a solution, and then tapped a few times with her little hand, and the time of this period of fate was stopped directly.

   "The method involving time is really amazing."

  Fang Jinyu thought about it, and having witnessed Qingfu cast spells on time twice, he was naturally a little moved, because there happened to be a formula in his hand that involved time.

  The Long River of Reincarnation!

  This tactic from reincarnation is the same as Qingfu's "Dream into Reincarnation Millennium Skill".

  However, in fact, the strength of this tactic can be said to have seriously exceeded the standard.

  When the practice is complete, you can go back to yesterday and walk through tomorrow!

  Even if you can't achieve perfection, you can still get the mysterious time power if you succeed in cultivation. Anything that is not good for you can turn back time and have multiple opportunities to regret it; and anything that is good for you can speed up time! Let the benefits come sooner!

  For example, time speeds up during alchemy.

  With "+1" talent, Fang Jinyu's entry into [Samsara Long River Classic] is naturally not difficult.

However, this is not a supernatural power after all. All the power can be derived from nature. Therefore, even though Fang Jinyu has started the practice of "The Long River of Reincarnation", he can only reverse the time within three inches of his body by one breath, or speed up by one. Time to breathe.

   But this is enough to make Fang Jinyu feel happy.

   After all, this is a power that he has never experienced before. It is extremely wonderful and incredible!

   "If the scope of my control can cover a world and completely control the timeline of this world, then by that time, what difference will there be between me and Xian?"

  Fang Jinyu was so enthusiastic that he decided to devote himself to practicing the [Long River Classic of Reincarnation]. After all, he went to the Donghu realm to "borrow" the elixir.

   There are not many immortal cultivators in the Donghu realm who can threaten him, and without exception, they are all god-transformation realms holding Taiqing-level pseudo-immortal treasures that suit them.

  But there are many inhuman things that can threaten him.

  Not to mention, there is an ancient thing suppressed in the Shenhua Immortal Gate. If it is released, at the cost of the death of a Taoist in the God Transformation Realm, it can instantly kill a person who is on the road to enlightenment.

   Facing such a fierce creature, Fang Jinyu could only shout "Qingfu save me".

   Except for the Shenhua Xianmen, as long as they are among the five immortal gates in the Donghu realm, there are such repressive things.

   These are all passed down from ancient times.

   This is also Fang Jinyu's first thought when he saw that among the five immortal sects, except for Shenhua Immortal Sect, all other immortal sects sent out the God Transformation Realm to "encircle and suppress" him.

  In the ancient times, there were immortals preaching in the realm of the Donghu. Who can guarantee that those immortals must have left nothing in this realm?

   It's just that Fang Jinyu's plan to devote himself to cultivation was soon interrupted.

   Another wind and fire thunder weapon appeared in the sky, and something wanted to break in, so that Jiu Huang spontaneously attacked the other party.

  Fang Jinyu interrupted his practice. He came outside the main hall and looked up at the sky.

"What it is?"

  Although the thing was still outside the Nine Desolations, after Fang Jinyu released his consciousness, he could already see that it was a building that looked like a pavilion.

  The reason why Fang Jinyu was so amazed was that the size of this building was really too big, almost covering the sky and blocking out the sun, and it was as big as the Nine Desolation Heaven and Earth!

   "Lingtian Pavilion?"

  At this time, Fang Jinyu saw the plaque hanging on the pavilion building.

  So he shot without hesitation.

  The name of the pavilion that he destroyed with the magical power of the book of heaven [Fa Tian] before was called Lingtian Pavilion. And the huge pavilion building right now is also called Lingtian Pavilion. If there is no connection between the two, no one would believe it.

   Not surprisingly, the other party is here for revenge!

   But if there is an accident, the other party is not here for revenge, but for so-called business, Fang Jinyu doesn't believe it either.

  In addition to being in harmony with Dao, what other things can attract such a cross-border existence? However, in the "vigorous" state of the Nine Desolation Immortal Dao, if outsiders want to join the Dao, it is very difficult.

  Unless it is a perfect transformation of the gods, otherwise, no matter how powerful the way of cultivation is, it will take at least five thousand years to adapt to the world!

  And if the other party didn't come here for the position of the Daoist, then it would be even more problematic.

  It definitely has other plans, and it is more dangerous!

A masculine and majestic man's face with a peerless appearance appeared in the clouds and mists of the sky, as if it was just a mirage transformed by the clouds of heaven and earth. Backed away.

  However, the other party wanted to leave, but Fang Jinyu had no intention of letting the tiger go back to the mountain. With the killing intent in his heart, the power of heaven and earth carried by that face instantly condensed into a killing sword.

  This sword has no name, but its aura is so terrifying that even people who are on the road to enlightenment will feel numb in the scalp and tremble in their hearts when they see it.

  Because of this sword, it already has 20-30% of the power projected by the "Youchang Spear".

   "Tianshu-level supernatural power..."

  Someone in the Lingtian Pavilion had recognized it a long time ago. The God Transformation Realm people who had been sitting upright in it, condescendingly looking down at the Nine Desolation Land that was about to arrive, all turned pale at this moment, with panic and disbelief all over their faces.

  Because this Lingtian Pavilion is very special, the "world ghosts" who know the origin of Lingtian Pavilion will not touch them even if they can easily kill a monk in Lingtian Pavilion.

  Being able to become a "world ghost", all of them are ghosts and ghosts. In addition, sometimes they need to replenish one or two from Lingtian Pavilion, so they are willing to give Lingtian Pavilion monks a face.

  After all, Lingtian Pavilion has no conflict of interest with "Jie Gui" in many cases.

  However, he has never been to Jiehai, and the person who has been with him the most is Fang from the Donghu boundary, so he naturally doesn't know this.

Therefore, when his killing sword fell, the entire Lingtian Pavilion's monks were motionless in doubt and panic, and their expressions were maintained at the moment when the killing sword fell. It was as if time had been frozen in this place. And the cultivation of the gods in their bodies has already quietly dissipated at this time.

  It was their primordial spirit, and at that moment, all of them were killed by a sword!

  People are dead, and the mana they cultivated through hard work will naturally disappear, and they have never carved the heaven and earth, so they can't even leave traces of practice.

  The only thing that can stay is the treasures they have accumulated in this life, and this Lingtian Pavilion.


  The fall of the second Lingtian Pavilion did not have any impact on Jiuhuang.

  After Fang Jinyu used the magical power of the heavenly book [Xiangdi], the ground solidified and condensed into a shocking giant mountain, firmly catching this Lingtian Pavilion.

  A figure solidified from nothingness, and appeared in front of this resplendent attic.

   This is naturally Fang Jinyu.

  He looked at the huge monster in front of him, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes, because he didn't show mercy when he made a move before. Moreover, even if he wanted to show mercy, he didn't have the ability right now.

   After all, Fang Jinyu has only cultivated these supernatural powers to the introductory stage, and he is still unable to control the power of the supernatural powers.

  However, after suffering such a terrifying blow, this Lingtian Pavilion was not damaged at all!

  So, as soon as Fang Jinyu raised his hand, an empty body walked out and stepped into the Lingtian Pavilion.

  Professional sixth child, never easily put himself in danger.

"so much…"

   Then, even with Fang Jinyu's state of mind, he couldn't help but be shocked.

Because at this time, in this Lingtian Pavilion, there are hundreds of kinds of spiritual objects of ninth-class natural treasures and earthly treasures. As for the spiritual objects of eighth-class natural materials and earthly treasures... there are naturally more, as many as thousands of kinds !

  In addition, Fang Jinyu actually saw a "super-ninth-class natural material and earth treasure level" spiritual object!

  A jade-like chrysanthemum.

   "Yuqing fairy chrysanthemum?"

  Fang Jinyu recognized it, and his eyes lit up instantly.

  Because this Yuqing fairy chrysanthemum, after blooming, will give birth to a strange substance called "Jade Qing Qi", which can add a rhyme to the pseudo-celestial treasure of the upper Qing Dynasty.

   "Yuqing is finally hopeful now!"

  Fang Jinyu stepped into it, and at the same time withdrew the virtual body.

  He was the first to take away this Yuqing Immortal Spirit Chrysanthemum, because the spirit had already matured, and the jade-clear aura lingered on the petals.

   Regarding this, Fang Jinyu would not be polite.

  Thus, the "Seal of I Want to Turn the Sky", which hadn't been improved for a long time, was finally enhanced again.

  The second rhyme, the rhyme of Yuqing is condensed and formed!

  Because it fits with Fang Jinyu's attributes, the moment I want to turn the sky seal was successfully upgraded, a strong aura erupted, causing the huge mountain below Lingtian Pavilion to collapse instantly.

  Fang Jinyu reacted quickly, reaching down a little bit, as if turning a stone into gold, this huge mountain was strengthened again.

  At the same time, Fang Jinyu also put away his magic weapon.

  Then he took a look at the "Super Ninth Class Heavenly Material and Earth Treasure Level" Yuqing Immortal Spirit Chrysanthemum. At this time, this spiritual object had become dim, and even appeared a little withered.

   "After thousands of years of cultivation in the Xiaodan world, this Yuqing fairy chrysanthemum should be able to recover." Fang Jinyu inspected it and took it away after making sure that the spirit was not dead.

   This kind of spiritual creature is completely unpredictable.

Then, Fang Jinyu began to count the other spiritual objects in the Lingtian Pavilion, including elixir and other spiritual objects, such as some kind of strange stones that can be used as a support for transforming gods. In addition, Fang Jinyu also found some pills Medicine and two fake fairy treasures.

   "There are thousands of yuan, thousands of methods and thousands of panacea, but the number is not many, only seventeen."

   "There is also the Thousand Mountains and Thousands of Water Pill that is suitable for the fourth level of the God Transformation. This is refined from the earth veins and water veins, which is of great benefit to the cultivation of the fourth level of the God Transformation."

   "This is the Taiyi Taiyi Golden Pill, which can be taken in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, and can even be used as an auxiliary pill when breaking through the seventh layer of the transformation of the gods."


After counting the elixirs, Fang Jinyu found that these elixirs corresponded to a complete range of cultivation bases, from those swallowed at the early stage of the transformation of the gods to those used in the later stages of the transformation of the gods, and even the auxiliary pills at the time of the ninth level of the transformation of the gods— "Ask for the Immortal Qidan", there is one in this Lingtian Pavilion!

   "It seems that it is really for business, but..."

  Fang Jinyu remembered the previous Lingtian Pavilion.

  The lingtian, which landed with a lot of noise and caused the death of a large number of people, is actually an empty "attic"!

  It was empty inside, except for the flamboyant red-clothed boy, four servants of the God Transformation Realm, and some servants of the Nascent Soul Realm with lower cultivation levels, there were no spiritual objects.

  Looking at the appearance of the previous Lingtian Pavilion, no matter how you look at it, it looks like it is here to "buy goods".

  Then, Fang Jinyu left the Lingtian Pavilion and returned to the Xiaohe Peak of Tianlingmen with a large number of spiritual objects.

  He started alchemy.

  Although many pills were found, Fang Jinyu dared not use them.

At this time, Fang Jinyu began to refine the elixir, which was called "Flawless True Moon Pill". .

  The reason why the reputation is small is only because the refining of this kind of elixir is too difficult, and the elixir it needs is too difficult to get together.

  If you can choose the Flawless True Moon Pill, no one in the Transformation God Realm will choose the Thousand Yuan, Thousand Method, and Thousand Spirit Pill.

  Fang Jinyu emptied out the Lingtian Pavilion, and naturally made up the elixir needed for this panacea.

  In the first year of alchemy, everything went smoothly.

  However, in the second year of alchemy, there was an accident. It was darkness that appeared suddenly. As soon as this darkness appeared, it seemed to cover the sky and cover Fang Jinyu in an instant.

   In this endless darkness, Fang Jinyu lost all senses.

  He seems to have become a mortal!

   At this time, a voice appeared.

"Dare to plunder the Lingtian Pavilion under my jurisdiction. It's very brave. It seems to me that I haven't killed for a long time, so you have such an illusion? If so, then I will punish you every day. It's not as painful as death... eh? Why are you again?"

  (end of this chapter)