MTL - I Became the King of Villains In the Game-Chapter 388 Su Keying's new video series

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  Chapter 388 Su Keying's new video series

   Peacock City, Yanbang.

  In a coffee shop in the bustling city center.

  Dongyang, Chenxi, and Polaris are playing together, and they are sitting in the corner by the window drinking something.

  After the Scarlet Battle came to an end, they took the initiative to apply and asked to come here with Jack's Circus. One is to be closer to the core team of their own forces, so that they can receive any tasks or news as soon as possible. Second, Dongyang quietly stated that the think tank of the Heroes' Pavilion guild has analyzed that the Scarlet Battle may not end so easily...

  Jack will probably still make big moves next, follow him, and you will never make a mistake.

"Brother Beizi, you are famous again this time! In the number one video on the forum, your personal name scene is ranked eighth! This is the only honor... So many players in the entire empire, all look up to you I admire your heroic appearance, tsk tsk!"

  Seeing the Dragon King drinking a cup of latte, smashing it with a smile.

  Polaris drank the hot milk silently. He noticed the envious looks from the other players, so he shook his head.

   "Seven or eight guilds have indeed approached me in the past two days, and even the highest offered a 50 million membership contract...but I rejected them all."

   He said with emotion.

   "Before I changed it, I would definitely join without hesitation, but now this kind of thinking has faded... It is still free to be an individual player."

   "Indeed, I've seen it from a long time ago, you don't like to be restrained..."

  Dongyang nodded in approval, and then smiled.

"And if you really want to join the guild, isn't there a better choice in front of you? Not to mention our Heroic Spirit Hall, Chu Xi and Shen Ai, these are the top guilds... a contract of 50 million? Hehe, our Heroic Spirits You can write a 500 million loose contract for you alone! Others don’t understand your value, how can we not understand?”

   "Thank you Dongyang, but there is no need."

  Polaris smiled and raised his glass to Dongyang.

  Dongyang also picked up his own coffee, clinked glasses with him lightly, jokingly said:

   "Are you influenced by Jack? Why do you like drinking milk?"

   "Yes, Brother Beizi, I think you used to drink milk tea..."

   Bald and Kucha Nana looked puzzled.

  Polaris was slightly taken aback, then shrugged.

   "I don't know, maybe..."

  His emotions are a bit complicated.

  Have you unknowingly imitated the behavior of your idol?

   "I really like to drink pure milk these days, I suggest you drink more."

  Polaris Gululu took a sip and let out a sigh of relief.

  Others laughed.

   "Speaking of which, Ke Ying didn't make the hot video this time, which surprised me..."

  Honey Yuzu said suddenly.

   Everyone turned their eyes to Su Keying, who was at the side, and found that she was a little unhappy.

"Actually, I've been making a similar video, but halfway through, that guy has already published it before me. And I also found that the materials I collected before are a bit outdated, and the effect may not be as good as that guy's." good..."

  Su Keying pursed her lips.

  The good friend Ji You who was beside her, Wei Yin, smiled.

   "I said Ke Ying, is your little brain short-circuited? How could Jack's material be out of date? Tell you, he will never be out of date!"

  Su Keying was a little puzzled.

  But I saw the twintail loli stretching out her index finger.

"How about I give you an idea, why don't you make a 'Jack's growth history', and work **** his strength and appearance changes... This way all the materials from the internal test to the public test version 1.0 can be used, and you can also share it with other videos. Clear distinction."

   "As expected of Jack's brain... Brain fans, this idea is amazing!"

   Goutoujin halfway through speaking, was glared by the sharp eyes of the ending voice, and quickly changed his words.

   "After this **** battle, more players learned about Jack and became interested in him... Once this video comes out, it is equivalent to a special science popularization of Jack. I believe it will be on the hot list again soon!"

   "Yeah, I think so too."

   "Ke Ying, hurry up and do it, the idea of ​​Wei Yin is really good!"

  Others echoed, even Dongyang nodded.

"Now the number of players in the circus is close to a thousand. These are the elites of the major guilds... It can be seen that Jack's standards for recruiting newcomers have never been lowered. As the most unique benefit of the circus, the exclusive copy 'Fairyland' can support 500 people at the same time, and there will be more in the future."

  He looked at Su Keying.

"With more and more high-level players from the circus, it is impossible for us to guard this secret and eat alone like we did in the early stages of the internal test and public test...Since we can't hide it, why don't we be generous and let more people know about Jack? , so maybe we can get a good reputation...Anyway, we already have a leading edge, so let's take care of newcomers."

  Polaris nodded and looked at Su Keying.

   "In the future, we can also try to make a series of videos, releasing the maps we explored in Wonderland and the monsters we met. This information is worthless and can be used as dry goods to attract traffic... This is also our advantage, isn't it?"

  Other people's eyes lit up after hearing this.

  Chenxi thought of something even more, and said:

"If you want to make this series of videos according to Polaris, I can invest on behalf of Chuxi Guild to make the quality of the videos higher and better...The premise is that you need to add the logo of Chuxi Guild and the video at the beginning and end of the video. Some ads."

  Dongyang and Goutoujin heard the same request.

  Su Keying opened her mouth slightly, she didn't expect her distressed matter to be solved so easily, and there were unexpected gains. She thought for a few seconds, then smiled.

   "Good! Thank you for your suggestions, I think it works!"

   “It’s always better to brainstorm than to think alone…that’s what our small team was all about, isn’t it?”

  The horseman raised his fruit hot tea and signaled to everyone.

   "Come on, let's have a toast! Even if it's to celebrate the victory of this mission, and... the end of the upcoming version."



  All the master players looked at each other and smiled, the atmosphere was extremely cheerful.




  Chen Lun has left the winery alone at this moment, and set off for the headquarters of the Congress of Generosity.

  The speaker told him that after clearing the war zone he was in charge of, he needed to return, and a secret meeting would be held for him at that time.

  The companions are resting at the winery, but he still has a lot of things to do.

   After coming to the headquarters.

  In the magnificent hall on the first floor, Chen Lun once again received the respectful eyes of many congressmen. Many congressmen got up from the sofa and bowed to him.

   "Master Jack."

   "My lord consul."

  Chen Lun had already changed into the consul's costume before going out, and a set of gray robes over the retro knight armor. When passing by them, he smiled and nodded slightly.

   "Good day, everyone."

   After saying hello, he went straight through the shadow curtain and went up to the second floor.

   He could vaguely hear discussions about him coming from behind, but Chen Lun didn't care.

  Pushing open the heavy wooden door, I saw the six consuls sitting around the marble round table, and the speaker Azgielo in the high position behind.

   "Jack, here you come."

  The Speaker nodded at him.

   "The three consuls Houston, Mulenga and Yasmin will arrive later, please sit down and wait for a while."

   "Yes, Speaker."

  Chen Lun stroked his chest and saluted, then sat down in his own seat.

   The three consuls Ginsberg, Peggy and Bindu turned to look at him with smiles on their faces.

   "Good day, my lords."

   "You're welcome, Jack, now that you're on the same level as us, just call us by our first names."

   Ginsberg laughed lightly in his majestic voice.

  Chen Lun smiled humbly, called the three consuls again by their names, and said good day.

  They had a brief exchange with Chen Lun for a while, and then the three consuls who were absent arrived late.

   "I'm sorry, everyone, there is some anxiety in the theater and it took a while."

   Mullen took off his helmet after he entered the chamber, and with an apologetic face, he strode back to his seat and sat down. The situation of Houston and Yasmin is similar, they seem to be in a hurry.

   "Is there something that requires an emergency meeting?"

   After taking his seat, Houston said indifferently.

  He glanced at Chen Lun.

   "Is it because Consul Jack took the lead in completing the task of clearing the 'Yanbang No. 2' war zone? If there is a need for commendation, I can order someone to write a letter of commendation, or go to the large conference hall on the first floor to give a speech."

  Hearing his tone full of gunpowder, Mulunga asked calmly:

   "Houston, don't bring your emotions here because of the troubles in your theater... As a newcomer to the Senate, Jack is the first consul to complete the task of clearing and suppressing. Isn't it worthy of commendation?"

  He tapped on the table.

   "Not to mention looking at the entire empire, the team he led was also the fastest advancing in the Scarlet Battle... If you don't praise him, should you praise you?"

   "Hmph! I haven't mentioned this yet!"

  Houston snorted coldly, stared at Chen Lun closely and said:

"I would like to ask, Consul Jack, what is your purpose for breaking into the 'Jewel State No. 4' war zone that I am in charge of without saying hello, going deep into the enemy camp to wreak havoc...I am not accusing you of taking credit , but your behavior has seriously affected my strategic deployment!"

   "I was kind enough to help you share the pressure, but why did it become a deliberate trouble in your mouth?"

   Peggy chuckled.

   "Under the premise that the two sides will not easily use high-level combat power, what do you think is the key connection between the rear of the Red Apple Church and the area where you are fighting?"

  Houston hadn’t spoken yet, but Landa, who was also a female consul next to him, spoke lightly:

   "So, can I also visit your war zone at will under the banner of helping, Peggy?"

   "As long as you dare to come, I welcome you at any time."

   Peggy squinted, smiling.

  Chen Lun secretly observed the verbal confrontation between the two consuls, and knew that he could no longer remain silent. After all, he was the cause of this incident.

  So he stood up, with a polite smile on his face, and said softly:

   "Everyone, this matter is ultimately my fault. I hereby solemnly apologize to the Houston Consul!"

  The four consuls of Houston, Landa, Malek and Meade looked at him indifferently.

   "Apology is enough?"

   Malek is a fat man with a round face, he sneered.

"of course not."

  The smile on Chen Lun's face did not diminish.

   "So I plan to lead the team to the "Jewel State No. 4" war zone to help the Houston Consul wipe out the red disaster as soon as possible... After all, I don't have anything else to do, so I am idle, right?"

"what are you saying?"

  Houston looked coldly, and his tone was extremely bad.

  (end of this chapter)