MTL - I Became the Pet of the Five Bosses-Chapter 535 restart

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In the past two years, the five people have almost figured out the rules of the small world, and even brought Mu Chonglai and Ji Qingqi to do experiments.

Like them, Mu Chonglai has the memory of the small world, so the five people did not hide it from him and told him about it. When Mu Chonglai was brought into the small world, the memories were all there, just like them.

When he brought Ji Qingqi in, because he had no memory of the small world, in order to avoid trouble, Ji Qinglin didn't say much at that time. Later, when they entered the small world, the five people found that Ji Qingqi had no memory.

After several repeated experiments, the five people found that if they stated their purpose clearly before entering the small world, the people who were brought in would restore their memories in the previous small world. If they did not say anything, when they entered, they would no memory.

But no matter what, when they come out of the small world, the experience inside is a dream for them, and it will not have any substantial impact on the body in reality.

That's enough, Su Ci watched Mu Hao take out the dishes from the kitchen, and the thought in his heart became clearer and clearer.

After eating the cake and washing up, the young couple lay on the bed, Mu Hao Hao nestled in Su Ci's arms, and found that her boyfriend rarely touched her, just quietly hugged her, the atmosphere was harmonious and quiet.

Although Mu Hao Hao felt that the atmosphere was very good, it was too inconsistent with the usual style of a teenager. She raised her face and looked at him: "Su Ci, what's the matter with you?"

The teenager laughed, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead: "It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly remembered the past."

previous thing? Do you mean when she was doing quests in the book world?

Those endings were really too tragic, even though it has been raining and sunny now, Mu Haohao still feels uncomfortable when she thinks of these, she hugged the boy's waist tightly and didn't speak.

Aware of her silence, Su Ci paused for a moment. He considered his words and proceeded step by step: "Okay, do you miss those times?"

At those times, her eyes were full of tasks. In retrospect, she has actually failed the five of them all the time. She regarded them as tasks, but they regarded her as their lives.

Looking back at this time, in the two lifetimes in the book world, the most impressive thing in her memory was the way they said goodbye to her at the end.

Mu Hao Hao didn't want to think about this, so he rubbed in Su Ci's arms and said coquettishly, "Su Ci, let's not talk about this, okay?"

The boy's eyes were dark... So, Hao Hao didn't want to go back and experience those times when the five of them were pampered together, right?

Then, don't tell her the truth, and let her think that she was just having a dream.

Thinking of this, Su Ci smiled at her: "Well, then I won't mention it."

He leaned over to kiss her, and Mu Hao Hao felt guilty in his heart, and it was rare to take the initiative to respond.

When she was extremely tired and fell asleep, Mu Hao Hao vaguely heard Su Ci whispering in her ear: "Okay, have a good dream."

With the boy's light kiss on her lips, the delicate girl fell into a sound sleep.

The torrential rain came without warning, and the students in the entire third and second grades of high school were restless. It was less than three minutes before get out of class ended, but everyone's plans were disrupted by the sudden heavy rain.

Almost no one brought an umbrella, and the students were whispering in twos and threes, mostly complaining that the rain had come at an untimely time.

Mu Haohao's seat was against the window, the rainstorm was mixed with the strong wind, and within half a minute, she felt that the small half of her body was wet.

She got up and wanted to close the window, but just as she stretched out her hand, a figure outside blocked her vision.

The boy in a baggy school uniform stood outside, staring at her with eyes that were sharp and focused like a falcon, mixed with some kind of undercurrent of forbearance to the extreme.

Mu Hao recognized him well—this is the younger brother of the famous twin school grassroots in No. 1 Middle School, Su Ce.

As famous as Su Ce's appearance, it is his violent temper that explodes at the slightest, which is completely different from his twin brother's cold and alienated personality, so even if the twins look exactly the same, everyone can tell who is the older brother and who is the younger brother.

Mu Haohao was stared at by him until his whole body trembled, and his hand that wanted to close the window shrank back unconsciously... His eyes were so terrifying, as if she owed him a lot of money.

But she doesn't know him.

Mu Hao looked at Su Ce, who looked like a bad boy, and was a little cowardly. He didn't even dare to close the window, so he stepped back and sat back in his seat.

The strangeness in the little girl's eyes and the fear of him brought Su Ce back to his senses... Yes, before he fell asleep, Su Ci didn't tell Hao Hao that he wanted to bring her into the small world. Hao Hao doesn't know them now. Even she doesn't have all the memories in reality and when she was doing tasks before, she is a brand new Mu Haohao.

Su Ce scolded in a low voice, looking at the little girl's half-wet arm, anger surged in her heart, and she closed the window with a snap.

His movements were a bit big, and the eyes of the teachers and students in Class 2 unconsciously focused on him.

Fortunately, just after the window was closed, the get out of class bell rang. Ji Qing, who was sitting behind Mu Haohao, got up and ran out with the basketball in his arms. The two equally seductive teenagers didn't know what to say. Su Ce took the basketball and threw it away. Tossed, his eyes fell on Mu Haohao, but he just left at a touch, not letting her find out.

After hooking Ji Qing's shoulders, the two teenagers quickly left the door of the second class.

Mu Haohao was relieved... It turned out to be looking for Ji Qingqi. She just thought when she had provoked Su Ce, otherwise why would he look at her with that kind of gaze?

Maybe she just had a dazzling look, right?

Mu Hao Hao didn't pay much attention to this episode, she was even more worried about the heavy rain - the driver's car could not drive into the school, and it was five or six minutes from the third grade to the school. She didn't have an umbrella, how could she get out?

After dawdling, I packed my schoolbags and walked to the corridor on the first floor. It was full of students sheltering from the rain. Everyone crowded together, trying to wait for the rain to lighten or stop, but after waiting for a few minutes, the heavy rain did not want to stop at all. Meaning, it's getting bigger and bigger.

Some students who couldn't wait directly rushed into the rain with their heads in their hands and ran very fast. Some people took the lead and others followed.

Mu took a good look, changed his bag to his arms, and rushed into the rain with a burst of anger.

The imaginary heavy rain did not fall on her body. Someone spread the school uniform on her head and protected her head tightly.

Mu Hao Hao was stunned for a while, then looked up.

I saw Su Ce's irritable face: "Wait a few more minutes and you will die, don't you know your own physique?!"

As soon as it rains, you catch a cold, when you catch a cold, you get a fever, when you get a fever, you lose meat, and you lose at least four or five pounds when you get sick.

He had already asked Ji Qingqi to go to the canteen to buy an umbrella, thinking about getting one for her later, but as soon as he arrived at the teaching building, he saw the delicate and soft girl learning from those stunned young girls, rushing into the rain regardless .