MTL - I Bound Aizen-Chapter 15

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Hearing Yeichi's words, Mikami Yu was a little surprised.

According to her, Urahara Kisuke has not yet become a senior member of the second team, let alone transferred to the 12th team.

In other words, Kasuke Urahara now is like ○yun in 1994 and ○Huateng in belongs to the original stock with unlimited room for appreciation.

As long as I show a little favor, I can make him feel grateful and owe him a favor.

Then, I can squeeze Urahara Kisuke as much as I can, let him complete various researches, and make various inventions that are useful to me.

I don't have high requirements, as long as I speed up the current hardware technology and the development progress of video games by two hundred years.

With Urahara Kisuke's ability, this shouldn't be too much, right?

Imagining the beautiful scene in the not-too-distant future, Yu Mikami couldn't help but smile.

Seeing Mikami Yu's reaction, Yoruichi showed doubts.

Kisuke Urahara... His name should be male.

Could it be the type that looks so cute and difficult to distinguish between men and women?

Yu Mikami has a wide range of recipes.

A trace of admiration sprouted in Ye Yi's heart.



Following Mikami Yu's shout, many people in the cafeteria subconsciously looked at Aizen who was sitting in the corner.

Aizen sighed, and put his hands on his forehead.

He has grown up so much, he hates unreasonable things the most, and the second thing he hates is being noticed.

Yu Mikami is a super value two-in-one, one worth two.

Under Aizen's helpless gaze, Yu Mikami quickly ran across half of the cafeteria and came to his side.

Looking at Aizen who was eating alone, Mikami Yu asked strangely, "Where are Mr. Cang and Seinosuke?"

"Kuchiki Aojun didn't come to school all day today. I don't know where he went. Yamada Seinosuke concentrated on reading in the dormitory, and asked his friend to bring him home for dinner."

Aizen spoke calmly.

Hearing this, Mikami Yuu frowned.

With Kuchiki Cangchun's pure personality, he will never skip class without reason.

I'll ask Mr. Kinoshita later, he should know something.

He made himself a meal, then sat across from Aizen, and began to talk about the white fighting skills he learned from Yamamoto today.

At first, Aizen was still very calm, eating while listening, but soon, he showed surprise.

"That's how it is...As expected of Captain Yamamoto, according to his technique of exerting force, the spirit pressure and the body can be highly coordinated, and he can play unimaginable explosive moves."

"Based on this set of training methods, the moves developed look ordinary on the outside, just ordinary attacks for nothing, but the power contained in them may be even more terrifying than ordinary ghosts."

Hearing Aizen's evaluation, Mikami Yuu's eyes widened.

Unlike him, a time traveler, Aizen has never seen Yamamoto's "one bone, two bones" set.

Just relying on the basic training method he relayed, he has already guessed the effect of Yamamoto's moves in the future.

Is this guy really a student of the same age as him, and not someone who was reborn from a strange old man?

When he was surprised, Aizen had already started thinking about how to use this set of moves.

After a short while, he suddenly asked: "Misami, how much have you learned about this set of white fighting skills?"

Mikami Yu held the soup bowl: "I just started learning today, how much can I learn?"

"That's right, you eat quickly, and after eating, let's go to practice."

The set of white-playing training methods that Mikami Yu brought back made Aizen aroused interest.

After eating, the two came to the dojo, put on white training clothes, and began to draw according to the training method given by Yamamoto.

When I first got started, Aizen was still a little unaccustomed to it, and the timing of the release of Reiatsu was often out of sync with the movements.

However, within half an hour, he gradually got started.


Aizen's face was serious, and he suddenly took a step forward, and punched forward with the fist clenched at his waist.

Although the movements were not very fast, Mikami Yu felt a sense of oppression as if he was facing some huge beast.

He raised his arms and condensed the spiritual pressure into a shield to resist.

It was easy to dodge this punch, but he was also curious about the effect of Aizen's punch.

boom! ! !

The huge impact almost made his eyeballs pop out.

Aizen's punch seemed to be fine, as if any fighter could hit it.

But... the moment the fist touched his forearm, a terrifying Reiatsu erupted suddenly, and the two forces superimposed together directly penetrated the Reiatsu shield on his forearm and the forearm he used for defense, directly into his body.

If it weren't for his deep spiritual pressure, this punch would probably give him dinner.

Aizen stood opposite and looked at his hands in surprise.

He himself didn't expect that this punch would have such an effect.

What Yamamoto taught Yu Mikami was just a basic training method, and there was no specific method of using moves.

His punch was completely based on the training method given by Yamamoto, and he punched it tentatively.

Unexpectedly, it was so ferocious.

After recovering, Aizen hurried over: "Misami, how are you?"

"It's okay, I can't die."

Mikami Yuu flicked his wrist and grinned.

He looked at Aizen at this time, as if he was looking at some monster.

It wasn't because of how fierce the punch just now was, but he never expected that Lan Ran's punch just now would directly send out a system prompt.

[It is detected that the binding object "Aizen Soyousuke" has acquired new skills and is automatically synchronizing... Synchronization complete! 】

[Your understanding of Bai Da has improved, and you have successfully mastered the secret technique, One Bone! 】

This perverted guy actually learned one of Yamamoto Motoryuzai's big moves, one bone, by relying on the basic training method and his own exploration!

The truth is off the charts.

Seeing that Mikami Yuu was fine, Aizen breathed a sigh of relief.

He smiled and said, "The trick just now was figured out by me in a flash of inspiration."

"I'll tell you how to use it, and you can try it too to see if it can be used."

Hearing this, Mikami shook his head: "No, I already know it."

Lan Ran was slightly taken aback, and said with some doubts: "Are you sure? The move I just did was not simply punching and releasing spiritual pressure."

"Why don't you try?" Mikami Yu smiled maliciously.

Looking at Yu Mikami's expression, Aizen felt a little bad.

However, he still couldn't believe that Mikami Yu had also mastered the moves he had just figured out by chance.

After thinking about it, he nodded, made a defensive posture, and motioned Mikami Yu to call.

Mikami had a good time.

Under Aizen's gaze, he took a deep breath.

Then, close the five fingers of the right hand together and make a fist.

Different from Aizen's tentative attack, his punch is full of confidence—

one bone! !

Seeing Yu Mikami's fist swinging head-on, Aizen's pupils shrank.

Then, the whole person seemed to be hit by a dump truck with all its strength, and flew out uncontrollably.

Chapter 21 is too positive

Aizen lay on the ground, staring at the ceiling, lost in thought.

The pain in his arm reminded him that what happened just now was real.

This guy Mikami Yu has indeed mastered Captain Yamamoto's boxing skills.

I tried dozens of times before I discovered the usage of this trick by accident. As a result, Yu Mikami did the same thing as himself with ease...

From birth to now, Aizen had doubts for the first time.

I don't know how talented I am, right?

When he was thinking about his life, Yu Mikami ran over, and helped Aizen up while asking about his health.

"Oh, Soyousuke, are you alright? You see that this is such a mess. I think you've defended well. I thought you couldn't be hit with a single punch. I didn't expect you to be blown away!"

Aizen: "..."

Whenever Yu Mikami said these words, the smile on his face restrained a little, and he pretended to believe it.

"Mikami, did you just learn that punch just now?"

Aizen couldn't help but ask.

Yu Mikami nodded: "I swear on the captain's arm, I just learned it."

Aizen pursed his lips.

Although this oath was very weird, but based on his understanding of Mikami Yu, this guy would not lie about this kind of thing.

In the past few days, I have received so much help from Mikami Yu, and I should find a way to repay it.

Originally, he thought that while improving his strength, he could study some useful moves and teach them to Yu Mikami.

But now it seems that this guy's savvy is not inferior to his own in the slightest. The ability that he has researched for a long time, maybe this guy has already figured it out by himself.

After thinking about it, Aizen felt that if he wanted to repay Yu Mikami, he might have to rely on the ongoing research.

He silently made up his mind to speed up the progress of the experiment, and some experiments that were not easy to do were also put on the agenda.

Seeing Aizen's distracted look, Yu Mikami patted him.

"Souyousuke, are you alright?"

"...It's okay, I can't die."

Aizen imitated what Yu Mikami said just now, and replied.

Mikami Yuu grinned, and then confirmed: "Check your body, don't have any hidden injuries."

Hearing this, although Aizen didn't think it was necessary, he still used the spiritual pressure to circle his body as he said.

Then said: "Don't worry, I checked it, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Mikami Yu nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing his appearance, Aizen frowned slightly.

It feels like... this guy seems to have some bad idea again.

I have to pay a little more attention recently.
