MTL - I Bound Aizen-Chapter 18

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Sensing the aura emanating from the mountain itself, Kyoraku and Ukitake subconsciously looked nervous.

Kyoraku looked at Yu Mikami.

My little junior brother is really capable. How long has it been since I got started, and I have already started to make old man Shan angry?

Fuzhu swallowed his saliva.

This little junior, in some respects, seems to be more powerful than Jingle...

Under the gaze of the two, Yu Mikami was taken aback for a moment.

Then suddenly remembered something, oh.

"Master Chief, are you talking about the matter of 'learn all the basics you taught for nothing in a week, and teach me the superior skills'?"

"Then I shouldn't have used it."

Hearing this, Yamamoto showed a kind smile.

Ukitake and Jingle's eyes widened together.

Chapter 24 Official Disciple?

Hearing Mikami Yu's words, Ukitake Kyoraku looked surprised.

Within a week... learn the basics of old man Shan?

Is this little junior brother so brave?

How dare this kind of Haikou boast?

Both came from the student days, and the two quickly guessed the cause and effect of the matter.

This talented junior brother probably has been learning things very quickly and has accumulated a lot of self-confidence.

I just learned the basics of Yamamoto, and I was anxious to learn advanced skills.

On the other hand, Yamamoto is ready to teach the little junior a lesson, so that he will not be greedy for meritorious deeds.

After understanding this, the two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

It's all what they've experienced before.

Yamamoto let out a low laugh.

"Why, do you want to regret it?"

"At this point, it's too late to regret it!"

"The old man said it before, if you can't master the basic skills within a week, the old man will send you to practice under the waterfall."

"It just so happens that there is a nice waterfall in the 16th district of Nanliuhun Street."

"This week, you don't have to go back to school, just reflect under the waterfall!"

"Come on!"

The moment the voice fell, several Li Ting team members appeared in the room instantly, kneeling on one knee, waiting for Yamamoto's order.

Yamamoto was about to speak and asked them to wait on Master Mikami to go to the waterfall, when Yu Mikami hurriedly said:

"Wait a minute, Commander-in-Chief!"

"Is there anything else to say?"

Yamamoto glared at him.

Mikami Yu maintained the posture of raising his hand to speak, and said, "I have mastered it."


Yamamoto looked suspiciously.

Already mastered?

He didn't believe this.

The set of white foundations he developed is very different from the one taught by Mao.

Before, he also thought about promoting his own training method.

But soon, Yamamoto discovered that if a student who is not talented enough, practicing his own set of things will actually hurt the body, it is better to learn the ordinary version.

No matter how talented Yu Mikami is, it is too unrealistic to master this set of things within a week.

Besides, Mikami Yu's character, how could he not know.

If this guy has really mastered it, he must have come to him triumphantly and asked him to teach advanced usage.

Such a good opportunity, how could this little **** miss it?

"What have you mastered?"

"I've mastered advanced techniques with one hand."

Mikami Yu clenched a fist and shook it for Yamamoto.

Yamamoto: "?"

Before he could recover, Mikami Yu continued: "So, Commander-in-Chief, you can skip the first step and teach me how to use two hands!"

Yamamoto: "???"

Seeing that Yu Mikami didn't look like he was joking, he couldn't help showing a suspicious expression on his life.

On the side, Jingle couldn't help looking at Ukitake.

"Well, Shishiro, did I hear wrong..."

"Our little junior, in a week, started from scratch and learned the 'one bone' of old man Shan?"

Fuzhu blinked his eyes, also with an unbelievable look.

Yamamoto frowned and stared at Yu Mikami.

A few seconds later, he waved his hand, signaling Mikami Yu to make a move.

After a few days of familiarization, Yu Mikami has become fully proficient.

He took a deep breath, took a step forward, and punched Yamamoto!

boom! !

Yamamoto raised an arm to block, and a circle of white air blasted!

Feeling the explosive power from his arm, Yamamoto couldn't help feeling like a **** dog.

This kid...really learned!

I only gave him basic training methods, and didn't teach any specific skills at all.

This guy, just by groping on his own, realized the "one bone" exertion technique!

He always felt that his two students, Jingle and Ukitake, were already very dazzling geniuses.

In the end, compared with Mikami Yuichi, these two people are simply mediocre!

For a moment, Yamamoto was shocked at first, then couldn't help being ecstatic, and finally showed a dignified look.

Yu Mikami stared at his fist.

He seemed to feel something from that punch just now.

There seems to be room for further cooperation between fist and Reiatsu.

If the two sides can achieve complete synchronization, the power may be multiplied again...

Just as he was thinking, Yamamoto's voice suddenly sounded.

"Yu Mikami."


Mikami Yuu came back to his senses and looked at Yamamoto.

"Captain, I just thought of an idea, listen to it, if you press the spirit..."

"Yu Mikami, are you willing to become the old man's disciple?"


Mikami Yu's expression froze, revealing a look of astonishment.

Jingle's eyes brightened.

Standing behind Yamamoto, he hastily winked at Yu Mikami.

And at this moment, Mikami Yu also gradually came back to his senses.

Under Yamamoto's gaze, he stood at attention.

"Student Yu Mikami, I met the teacher!"

After seeing all kinds of magical powers of Yamamoto, he will not find it troublesome to be a teacher like at the beginning.

This old man is an inexhaustible treasure house of knowledge.

Hearing this, Yamamoto nodded in satisfaction.

In the beginning, he asked Mikami Yu to learn from him, mainly to help him block the harassment of the nobles.

But now, he was really tempted.

This kid, if he carves well, his future is limitless.

With such good material, it would be a waste of money to allow him to grow savagely.

Now that he is officially accepted as a disciple, it can be regarded as a matter of his mind.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Fuzhu also smiled.

He seemed to think of something, hurriedly left the dojo, and ran to Yamamoto's dormitory.

Not long after, he came back with a scroll and pen and ink in his arms.

"Mr. Yamamoto, I brought the roster of the masters, and I will officially add Mikami-kun to it today!"

Hearing this, Yamamoto nodded.

After the simple apprenticeship ceremony, he picked up the brush, unfolded the scroll, and wrote Mikami Yu's name at the end of the scroll with vigorous brushwork.

At this point, Mikami Yu officially became a member of Yuanliu Zhaimen.

He wanted to hurry up and ask Yamamoto how to improve the skills he had just figured out.

As a result, Yamamoto put away the scroll and said that he still had something to do, and he would talk about it next time if there was any problem, and he sent all three of them away.

Walking on the promenade of the first team, Yu Mikami couldn't help but click his tongue.

"How do you feel that after becoming a formal disciple, the treatment is not as good as before?"

Hearing this, Jing Le chuckled.

"Don't worry, Yu, you still have a chance to feel the unreliable old man Shan in the future."

Fuzhu gave him a blank look.

He comforted: "You, don't listen to Chun Shui's nonsense."

After looking around and confirming that no one was there, Fuzhu lowered his voice and said:

"A few days ago, there was a battle on Nanliuhun Street."

"A group of rebels attacked the patrol team of the thirteenth guard team."

"Originally, the patrol team was attacked and lost, but an unidentified **** of death suddenly joined the battle."

"In the rebel squad, there was a Reaper who used Shijie to resist, but was easily suppressed."

"After learning about this incident, Mr. Yamamoto sent someone to investigate. We just came to report the progress."

"Mr. Yamamoto didn't mean to neglect you. He was just worried that new unknown forces would interfere and affect the situation, so he had to concentrate on dealing with this matter."