MTL - I Bound Aizen-Chapter 39

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"What's wrong with you today, why do you suddenly ask these inexplicable things?"

Under Ye Yi's puzzled gaze, Mikami Yu recounted what he found yesterday.

He can still trust Ye Yi's character.

After all, for the sake of his friends, this guy doesn't even have to be the head of the noble family.

In my own words, this level of prosperity and wealth is not something that can be let go just by saying it.

As the Patriarch of the Sifengyuan family, even if Ye Yi doesn't have relevant information now, if he wants to find it, he will definitely find it.

It was better for her to make it clear earlier than to hide it.

Yoruichi quietly listened to Yu Mikami's narration.

Gradually, she frowned.

Ye Yiteng stood up when he heard Yu Mikami deduce that his Reiatsu could be controlled as long as it was fused with other objects.

She almost rushed in front of Yu Mikami and pressed his mouth.

Even though she knew there was a sound-proof ghost path, she couldn't help but release the reconnaissance spiritual pressure to check if there was anyone nearby.

Under Mikami Yu's surprised gaze, Yoruichi lowered his voice and said:

"Yu, remember, from now on, you must not tell anyone about your ability!"

"Do you understand, absolutely, don't tell anyone!"

Mikami Yu took away Yoruichi's hand that was pressing his mouth.

"I know this ability is very strong, so I put the soundproof ghost way first."

Ye Yi shook his head: "No, it's not a matter of strength or weakness."

Her expression was very serious: "The problem is, Yu, your ability is very similar to a person."

"Who?" Mikami Yu asked strangely.

Ye Yi lowered his voice: "The former captain of the 11th squad, Mocheng Kenpachi!"

Yu Mikami frowned slightly, thinking about the name in his mind.

Then he found that he didn't seem to have heard of this person in the entire Reaper animation.

Before he could ask, Yeyi explained:

"The ability of Mojo Kenpachi is to integrate his spiritual pressure into various objects, so as to gain control over these objects."

"When he was at his strongest, the entire Seireitei was under his control. It can be said that as long as he is in the Seireitei, he is invincible!"

"However, not long after, a plan he presided over angered the forty-six room... He lost his status as the captain and was imprisoned in the endless hell."

"Do you understand, Yuu, if Room 46 knows that you have the same ability as Kenpachi Mojo, they will definitely suspect that there is some connection between you!"

"At that time, you will be unable to move an inch in Seiling Court, and you may even be sent directly to the nest of maggots for some trumped-up charges!"

Hearing Yeichi's words, Mikami Yu couldn't help but feel like a cat.

Good guy, I finally got a golden finger that doesn't rely on Aizen, but because of this outrageous reason, I was forcibly banned?

Seeing Mikami Yuu's depressed look, Yoruichi couldn't help but smile.

"Don't look like you've suffered a big loss, I just told you not to talk nonsense outside."

"If you practice secretly by yourself, even if it's Room 46, it's impossible to predict the future, and come here to arrest you, right?"

Hearing this, Yu Mikami's eyes lit up.

Ye Yi said again: "I went to Liuhun Street yesterday and found a good place."

"I'm going to arrange it there for a special hot spring."

"When the time comes, you will practice your new ability there, and I will help you out!"

Seeing Ye Yi's hearty smile, Mikami Yu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

No wonder Broken Bee likes this night so much.

This guy, occasionally, really gives people a sense of reliability.


Leaving Sifengyuan's house, Mikami Yu turned over the wall and walked towards the dormitory.

The moonlight shone softly on the smooth road of Seireitei.

On the way, you can occasionally see the night watchman Reaper who is responsible for the security of the inner court.

As he walked, Yu Mikami's footsteps gradually slowed down.

Seeing not far away, two gods of death carrying lanterns, he frowned.

With these guys, he has had countless dealings.

Especially before he became a formal disciple of Yamamoto, he often sneaked into Seireitei.

After a long time, the patrol routes of these night watchmen are generally used to him, and he has figured out the door.

On weekdays, although these night watchmen of death often change their routes, the overall defense mode will not change.

At least, make sure that all the main roads are always occupied.

But...tonight, it's a little weird.

In some places, the night watchmen are too concentrated.

Some roads are so short of people that there are dead spots for patrolling.

Standing on the roof of a building, Mikami touched his chin.

After thinking for a while, he took out the pass token that Yamamoto gave him, and was going to find a night watchman, and ask who arranged tonight's duty.

However, just as he was about to leave, a piercing bell rang in the distance—




As the bell rang, a voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

[This is the team building of the Seventh Division! We are under attack! Assailant... ugh! 】

Hearing this voice, Mikami Yu looked a little surprised.

The voice just now was very empty.

As the No. 77 Ghost Dao, Tian Ting Kong Robben is very difficult. In addition, there are few usage scenarios, and ordinary Shinigami seldom practice it.

Being able to use this ghost way urgently in the state of being attacked is at least the vice-captain level.

A vice-captain-level **** of death can't stop the attacker?

Subconsciously, Mikami Yuu wanted to rush to the 7th division team building.

However, just when he was about to act, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

A terrible thought emerged...

Chapter 50 The Real Battlefield

"Seventh squad attacked?!"

"Damn it, who is it that dares to commit murder in Seiling Court!"

"Quick, go support the Seventh Division!"

While shouting, several night watchmen of death carried lanterns and ran in the direction of the seventh team.

However, just after running around a corner, several masked men suddenly rushed out from the shadows—

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Accompanied by the sound of the blade piercing into the flesh, the death gods who watched the night screamed and fell to the ground one after another.

Similar scenes were staged throughout Seireitei.

In front of the No. 8 team's building, a night watchman's eyes widened in horror, looking at the blade that was about to pierce his chest.

Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky.

A pink floral cloak and a big hat on top of his head.

Team Eighth Captain, Kyoraku Shunsui!

Facing the assailant, Kyoraku held his Zanpakuto high with a blank expression on his face.

Even in the dark night, the cold light of the blade is still clearly visible.

Stab it! !

As the blade swung, six or seven men in black were splashed with blood at the same time.

Looking at the assailant who fell on the ground, he said lightly: "Arrest these people, lock them up in the dojo first, and keep them under strict supervision."


A group of gods of death who followed ran over and responded together.

Jing Le put away the knife, raised her hand, and supported the bamboo hat on her head.

He looked at the night watchman who was sitting paralyzed on the side.

"It's okay."

Only then did the **** of death come to his senses, and hurriedly nodded: "Yes, yes! Thank you very much, Beijing band leader!"

Jingle nodded.

At this time, a tall girl with glasses and braids landed beside him.

"Captain, with the 7th squad as the center, battles broke out in every block."

"Especially the traffic arteries leading to the Seventh Division, where the number of attackers is the largest."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help frowning: "So many people, how did they get in without anyone noticing..."

Jingle didn't answer.

Intuition told him that what happened tonight was not as simple as it seemed.

But in a short time, he couldn't think of any reasonable explanation.

And right now, it is more important to rescue the seventh team than to find the conspiracy behind it!

"Little Lisa, the team is counting on you, don't let bad guys break in."

After giving some instructions with a smile, he moved his feet and disappeared into the night.

In the team building of the fifth team, a man with long blond hair sat on the roof, quietly looking in the direction of the seventh team.

Originally, he wanted to rush to help as soon as possible.

But... after a little thought, Mako Hirako changed her mind.

The Eighth Division is very close to the Seventh Division's base, and with the leader of the Beijing band, there should be enough support staff.

Rather than rushing over like an idiot, I might as well sit in the fifth team to prevent other accidents, causing the entire Seiring Court to lose sight of one another.

But, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

Mako Hirako was slightly taken aback.

Reiting team... the senior communicator within Seireitei.

Under his gaze, Li Ting's team members knelt on one knee: "Central Forty-Sixth Office ordered that the captain of the Fifth Division, Mako Hirako, immediately lead the troops and rush to the Seventh Division's team building for support!"

As soon as this remark came out, Hirako Mako couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

The fifth team is so far away from the seventh team, why do you have to let yourself go?