MTL - I Bound Aizen-Chapter 67

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While surprised, Yadomaru Lisa showed good combat experience.

Since she couldn't see where the slash came from, she slanted the knife in front of her and poured her spiritual pressure into it.

In this way, no matter how Yu Mikami cuts over, he will always have the time to react...

The moment the thought occurred, Yadomaru Liza's eyes widened suddenly.

She felt that an irresistible terrifying force suddenly came from her Zanpakutao.

Before she even had time to react, she was suddenly sent flying, passing through most of the field in an instant, and colliding with the defensive barrier erected by the ghosts!

The huge impact caused the defensive barrier to burst into ripples.

The faces of the ghosts in charge of the barrier all changed, and they almost failed to maintain the stability of the barrier.

Yadoumaru Lisa slid down from the barrier wall and collapsed on the edge of the barrier.

Looking at Yu Mikami standing quietly in the middle of the field, her eyes were full of astonishment.

On the high platform, Jingle Chunshui grinned, showing a look that couldn't bear to look directly.

And the hundreds of gods of death kneeling around were so shocked that their eyes were about to fall out.

One blow to fly the vice-captain... And he is also known for his strength, the vice-captain of Yadoumaru of the eighth team!

Can this still be called a student? !


The 114 behind Jiageng is what Jiageng owed in the previous book...

I'm not going to post 114 chapters in one go.

(How could it be possible to post so many ah **** QAQ

Chapter 80 Family Misfortune

"Just kidding... what kind of power is this..."

Yadoumaru Lisa stood up with some difficulty, and looked at Yu Mikami with eyes like looking at a monster.

Although she has heard about Yu Mikami's record, in her opinion, there must be some water in these records.

How can a student who has only studied in Mao for half a year rely on his strength to deal with the two captains?

But now, when she really played against Yu Mikami, she realized that those achievements were probably true!

Yadoumaru Lisa couldn't help being speechless when she thought that the boy in front of her was obviously younger than herself, but already had a strength comparable to that of a captain.

If this kind of monster grows up, how scary will it be?

It is also a good experience to witness the growth of such a genius.

"Yu Mikami, you are very strong!"

"However, if you think you've won like this, you're too happy."

"Next, I'm going to release Zanpakuto, you have to be careful!"

As she spoke, she raised the Zanpakutō and showed a handsome smile.

Mikami Yu showed some subtle eyes.

My sister, although you smile very handsomely, but... with your knife, is there really anything to look forward to?

Yadomaru Lisa didn't know Mikami Yu's thoughts.

If she could hear what Yu Mikami was thinking, she probably wouldn't be smiling so happily.


A dazzling Reiatsu erupted from Yadomaru Lisa.

While releasing the Reiatsu, she widened her eyes:

"Destroy it! Iron slurry dragonfly!"

With the sound of the liberation language, the Zanpakutao in her hand began to extend with white light.

In the blink of an eye, the one-meter long sword turned into a huge spear nearly three meters long.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Yadoumaru Lisa raised the spear high, spun it over her head a few times, then swung it down, pointing the spear forward at Yu Mikami.

"This is my first solution, iron slurry dragonfly!"

The girl showed a proud look.

So what is there to be proud of? !

Mikami Yu couldn't help but have a strong desire to complain.

It has no ability at all, it just becomes a big spear, what is the difference between this and the ghost lamp pill? !

No, it's not as good as the ghost lamp pill, which can turn into a three-section stick anyway...

It's just useless.

Although I don't really like Yadoumaru Lisa's sword, but since the other side has already started to untie it, it would be somewhat impolite not to untie it on my own side.

Mikami Yu raised the Zanpakuto, thinking about what kind of liberation language to make up this time.

At this moment, Yamamoto's voice suddenly came:

"You don't need to release Zanpakuto, you can win directly."

Mikami Yuu frowned slightly, looking at Yamamoto on the high platform.

If he didn't know the strength of Yamamoto, he would have suspected that the old man had been impersonated.

It is to increase the difficulty of my graduation exam, and to let myself use such an outrageous style of play...

After a while, if I win, do I still have to let myself slap Yatomaru Lisa in the mouth in public?

Faced with Mikami Yu's dissatisfied gaze, Yamamoto remained expressionless.

On the contrary, Jingle Shunsui, who was standing behind, secretly made a calming gesture to Yu Mikami.

Mikami Yuu was almost amused.

This Jingle Shunsui, Yadoumaru Lisa is your vice-captain, don't you ask the old man for an explanation, and let me calm down?

Withdrawing his gaze, he looked at the girl in front of him.

"Vice Captain Yadoumaru, just now your captain gestured for me to hit me hard."

Hearing this, Yadoumaru Lisa turned her head to look suspiciously.

On the high platform, Jingle Chunshui was quickly retracting his hands into his sleeves.

Yadomaru Lisa narrowed her eyes.

Jingle Chunshui almost peed.

When Yadoumaru Lisa looked away, Kyoraku Shunsui raised his hand and wiped his sweat.

My little junior brother is really good at being inappropriate.

On the field, Yadoumaru Liza regained her stance—

"Although I don't know what my idiot captain is doing, but he is right about one thing."

"Since you want to fight, you should go all out to fight. Fighting is just a matter of fun!"

"Looking forward and looking backward, I dare not let go of the fight. Isn't it a little girl?"

Good guy, is this expelling yourself from being a girl?

Mikami Yu couldn't help but laugh.

He waved the knife lightly: "I understand."

"Come on, Vice Captain Yadoumaru!"

Yadoumaru Lisa took a lunge: "You can just call me Liza."

"I'm coming, Yuu!"

The moment the voice fell, she shot out like an arrow from the string.

Although she was holding a big spear two people tall, her speed was not affected in the slightest.

Her big spear not only has powerful attack power, but also has a strong effect of breaking the spiritual pressure.

If Yu Mikami uses Kido to defend, or tries to shake himself away with Reiatsu, this is his chance to turn defeat into victory!

Swinging the spear, she gave a loud shout and stabbed Yu Mikami in the chest!

However, in the face of her fierce spear, Mikami Yu flashed his figure and instantly appeared on the side of the spear.

Yadomaru Lisa's eyes widened.

How is it possible... what speed is this? !

Shunpo dodged the spear, and Mikami Yuu directly approached Yadoumaru Lisa.

Long-handled weapons, as long as they close the distance, they will lose their combat effectiveness in an instant.

Yadomaru Lisa is naturally aware of this shortcoming of her own.

The moment Mikami Yuu rushed towards her, she had already let go of the spear holding her hands, ready to release the ghost way she had prepared long ago.

"Thirty-three of the broken way, Cang Huo..."

"too slow."

Mikami Yu swung his knife, and chopped the blue fireball in Yadomaru Lisa's hand that hadn't yet formed into pieces.

Then, he clenched the five fingers of his left hand into a fist, pushed his arm forward, and directly hit Yadoumaru Lisa's chest and abdomen.


Yadoumaru Lisa's eyes were wide open, her feet lifted off the ground uncontrollably, her body arched.

An invisible shock burst out from her back and disappeared into the air.

Mikami Yu slowly withdrew his fist and let out a long breath.

Yadoumaru Lisa fell to the ground with a plop and lost consciousness.

Mikami Yu reached out to support her, and looked at Sparrow on the high platform.

Quebu was stunned for a moment, then coughed and raised his right hand.

"The winner, Yu Mikami!"

"Mao was born again, Yu Mikami, graduated early and passed the assessment successfully!"

After the fourth team rescued Yadomaru Lisa, Yu Mikami turned around and left.

He couldn't figure out what Yamamoto was doing.

He is obviously a respectable captain. Although he has a lot of minor problems on weekdays, he is generally considered a good person.

Why do you want to do something like this today?

Seeing Mikami Yu who walked over with an unhappy face, Aizen raised the corners of his mouth.

"Why, did something unpleasant happen?"

Mikami Yuu sighed: "The family is unlucky!"

Aizen laughed and said, "I'm afraid this is just the beginning."

"If I'm not wrong, in a while... there will be even bigger surprises waiting for you."

Mikami Yu's mood suddenly became terrified.

Chapter 81 On the Ups and Downs of Seniority