MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 100

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"You said you came from another world? Then tell me about your situation in that world, and relieve my boredom."

The sealed true God, chosen, abandoned...

Ling Xuchen suddenly made up a series of **** dramas in her brain, but with the lessons learned, she quickly extinguished the thoughts in her heart, and said respectfully: "Understood, Your Majesty."

At the same time, a sense of gratitude rose in my heart.

I didn't expect this powerful being to be so understanding...

This is probably the advantage of being a high-ranking person. As long as you give out a little favor, or even just return a small amount of interests that belong to others, others will be grateful, old PUA.

And Zhao Yesui is obviously well versed in this way. When the time and place are right and everyone is at hand, trying to fool a little girl couldn't be easier.

I, Zhao Yesui, Master PUA!

p.s. I originally wanted to write Dihua to challenge myself, but I was embarrassed to have cancer when I wrote it.

And one of the cool things about Dihua is that the protagonist doesn't know anything or swindles, and let the supporting characters make up their own minds, but Zhao Yesui obviously doesn't belong to this category... so it seems a bit strange.

Chapter 148 I will, allegiance to you! (4k5)

In the following period of time, Lingxuchen told the "supreme existence" about the situation of his world one by one.

And since she was warned, she didn't dare to raise her head again, naturally, she couldn't see what was going on above.

The supreme Zhao Yesui is holding the supreme artifact, the Tianwen 13 flagship machine produced on July 24, 2021, and recorded what she said.

And in the background program of Tianwen 13, there are also search records such as "100 lines in the novel that confuse mysteries and high-level lines", which shows the embarrassing situation of its owner just cramming.

The so-called supreme existence is naturally Zhao Yesao himself.

Wanting to let a superhuman who doesn't know the depth of his heart reveal his heart to him, Zhao Ye thought about it, and decided to use a tricky method to mold himself into a high-ranking existence, so that Lingxuchen dared not speak to himself. Lie, otherwise, you may not be able to obtain completely true information with your own interrogation methods.

As for how to pretend...

In fact, it’s not a fake. Zhao Yesui still has self-knowledge for the time being. In addition to not having the tragic past of being “sealed” and “abandoned by the world”, he is also very different from the image of the old **** he created, so as long as he does not have a general direction Even if there are any mistakes in the above, Liang Lingxuchen can't find any mistakes or omissions.

Using Nilsat's authority, coupled with some of the characteristics of the black mist, it is easy to achieve the desired effect.

However, when he lit the lights with embers of fire and conceived specific lines, Zhao Ye got stuck.

Although he has always been a middle schooler, it is quite difficult for him to speak nonsense in a serious manner, so there was an awkward silence - that was Zhao Yesui searching for relevant lines, hesitating for a long time after searching, and finally He read it out in a nonchalant tone.

Apart from these embarrassing steps, Zhao Yesui was very handy when he fooled people.

Now is the time to reap the rewards.

Zhao Yesui didn't call to stop, and Lingxuchen didn't dare to stop. After introducing himself, he began to talk about the worldview. After talking about the worldview, he started talking about the social structure. After talking about the social structure, he started talking about the cultural background. After talking about the cultural background, he started talking about the racial composition. ....

And Zhao Yesui quickly extracted the information he needed from her complicated narrative.

Qi Hengtian, this is the name of the world that the Life Strategy Bureau took a lot of effort to get from the captive.

According to Lingxuchen, the main race there is the spirit race, and there are many kinds of vassal races, such as the human race, the demon race, and the Zerg race.

As can be seen from the name, Lingxuchen is not a human race, but a member of the spirit race.

The composition of Qi Hengtian's city is very novel. It does not have the concept of a nation-state in the usual sense, but is centered on a high tower and radiates satellite cities around. The tower's master is of course the lord of the city, in charge of everything in the city. matter.

The organization that all the tower masters participate in is called the Tower Council. It is the highest power center of Qi Hengtian. Major matters related to the entire Qi Hengtian will be discussed by the parliament and the results will be obtained, and finally implemented to the entire Qi Hengtian.

The decision to invade Nancheng, and even the entire earth, was after a fierce quarrel in the High Tower Council, and finally the main battle faction won and sent troops to the earth.

According to Ling Xuchen, the Canaan Tower to which she belongs belongs to a firm dove faction, but she has no choice but to accept the decision made by the Tower Council.

However, the lack of a strong central government in this loose form of alliance is obviously not enough for the towers to unite and act for the decision of the parliament. It is a dream, at best, it forms a claim on a political level.

According to Zhao Yesui's understanding, it is probably "Qi Hengtian announced the invasion of the earth with the majority over the minority, but if there is an accident, it will be cut immediately.

Therefore, only a few towers at the entrance of the Jin dimension reached an agreement and jointly launched an aggression against the earth. Other towers, such as the doves, are completely watching the show, while the neutrals are examining the situation. If so, they will probably fall to the main battle faction.

This is profitable, of course, it means that if the earth does have development potential, and the cost of colonizing the earth is less than the benefits that can be obtained, then the era of great colonization has begun!


"What the hell? Colony balls?"

Zhao Yejia couldn't help taking a deep breath when he heard this, and was shocked by the courage of this group of foreigners.

Although I still don't know how strong this group of outsiders is, it's impossible to be stronger than the **** they believe in, that is, Nilsyat, right?

Nilsyat was beaten down by the earthlings thousands of years ago. Who the **** gave these guys the courage to invade the earth?

and many more.

Zhao Yesui suddenly realized something.

From the beginning to the end, Lingxuchen didn't seem to mention that he wanted to wake up the great **** Nilsyat. Could it be that they didn't know that Nilsyat was lying in the city under their feet?

Then the joke is a big one...

Zhao Yesui originally thought that these outsiders found that Nilsyat was in Nancheng, so they wanted to wake him up at all costs, but they just regarded the earth as a colony?

Good guy, I am a good guy on the spot, I don’t know if you have any experience in colonizing the world before, if not, then I have to congratulate you on your first time stepping out of the world and hitting the jackpot.

When Zhao Yesui was sighing, Ling Xuchen continued to talk, searching his stomach and racking his brains, and finally thought that there was still faith to speak of.

"The great **** we believe in, he is the master of dreams, the protector of blood moon and night..."

Zhao Yesui knew this for a long time, after all, he had already dismantled part of Nilsyat's body.

However, when Ling Xuchen described Qi Hengtian's specific environment, Zhao Yesui felt interesting.

"Unlike this world, Qi Hengtian has a blood moon hanging in the air from beginning to end, and we are in the care of our Lord anytime, anywhere, that deep night is His divine grace, and only the most devout can reach Him country..."

It sounds a bit confusing, Zhao Yesui translated it in his heart, probably because there is no day in Qi Hengtian, only night, and there is a blood moon hanging in the sky, and devotees can dream after falling asleep...

No, what's so strange about dreaming? Is it impossible to dream without believing in Nilsat? Then you guys are going too far, right? You work overtime at 996 day and night, and you even have to deprive you of the opportunity to have a dark night dream?

Ling Xuchen's next words quickly explained Zhao Yesao's question.

"In his kingdom, we can learn all kinds of knowledge to our heart's content, acquire martial arts, magic techniques, or fight others to hone our combat skills, explore the truth, and study academics. Of course, if we want to simply carry out Recreational activities are also fine, but those who can enter the kingdom of our lord are his loyal followers, and generally do not do so.”

"This is his blessing to the devotees, and it is also the most important reason for Qi Hengtian's rapid development."

There were still some vague words, but Zhao Yeshou's expression became slightly serious.

To explain it in simple words, Qi Hengtian has a dream online dating platform. After falling asleep, people can enter the dream and continue their unfinished work when they are awake.

Time, this is a topic that all non-longevity species have to worry about.

Human energy is always limited, even the extraordinary, although the lifespan of the extraordinary is much longer than that of the ordinary, but the things they want to explore are also more obscure.

This dream online dating platform gives people more time, and more time means more possibilities. If this dream can simulate reality, then virtual battles in dreams and so on are in reality. Inconvenient things will also become possible.

With a little brainstorming, Zhao Yesui can think of hundreds of ways to develop the Dreamland online dating platform.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the dream state can still have the effect of restoring fatigue, then the existence of this online dating platform alone will increase the potential of the entire civilization.

Nilsat, is he such a capable guy?

Zhao Yexuan thought about it, and it is estimated that Qi Hengtian's development and reuse of Nilsyat's dream priesthood. If this guy has this ability, he will not be unable to wake up.

Finally, Ling Xuchen said everything she knew about Qi Hengtian. She didn't know what to say. She had already started to talk about her seven aunts and eight aunts, and why her mother was the Lord of the Canaan Tower. , Why did I have a good friend who grew up playing with me, and the Tyranid next door gave birth to a nest of worms...

Seeing her hard-working look, Zhao Yesui finally coughed and interrupted her words.

"So . . . an interesting world."

"Forget it, for the sake of relieving your boredom with me, please forgive your arrogance. Leave my kingdom of God for now, and I can forgive the past."

- She was so irritated by her divergent thinking that she couldn't help but listen to it, and Zhao Yesui was afraid that she couldn't help but want to kill.

Although the best way to deal with the information is to let Lingxuchen disappear into Anke Street without a sound, Zhao Yesui will not break his oath for this matter.

More importantly, he wants to turn Lingxuchen into a chess piece and enter Qi Hengtian's interior to give himself a chance of winning in the chess game of Nancheng.

He didn't know that he had walked in front of the gate of **** for a while, and the joy of the rest of his life naturally rose, but he still said politely: "Thank you for your generosity, and I will always remember your kindness in the next meeting.... .."

"Grace?" Zhao Yesui chuckled and continued to say in an indifferent voice: "No need, because you will curse me and hate me because of what happened next, so it's better not to remember me. ."

As soon as these words came out, Ling Xuchen subconsciously raised his heart, but he didn't dare to look up, so he could only ask respectfully, "What do you mean?"

"My existence cannot be revealed yet, so if you want to live, you have to live under my watch all the time."

Zhao Yesui ended the recording, opened the browser, looked at the screen of the phone, and solemnly declared: "Submit or die, choose one or the other, choose your destiny."

Just based on the few words revealed by Zhao Yesui, Ling Xuchen can make up an annual drama of the old god's recovery and return to the divine position with no less than one million words.

And how does she choose...

After a brief hesitation, Ling Xuchen gave a wry smile.

Like before, does she really have a choice?

Does surrender or death make any difference to a true god?

She sighed softly and asked softly, "The meaning of surrender is to make me believe in you, or do things for you?"

"I said, you only need to be under my watch, I don't need your belief." Zhao Yesui said while swiping the forum: "Are you a believer of other gods or not, it doesn't matter to me. The difference, I am not the same as those empty beliefs in God."

Empty...believe in God?

Lingxuchen vaguely guessed something, she was just a shallow believer who couldn't be shallower, she no longer hesitated, and said, "In this case, there is only one answer."

She used strength with both hands, broke the long sword in her hand, and said in a deep voice, "I will, allegiance to you!"


Your allegiance is allegiance, why should you break the sword? What did the sword do wrong?

Zhao Yesui can only temporarily guess that this may be some kind of special ceremony of Qi Hengtian to show his determination or something.

After thinking about it, he put down the phone and said, "If that's the case, then recite my god's name, and you will be bathed in my eyes for the rest of your life. If there is any change, I will initiate a belated judgment against you."

"It should be like this." Ling Xuchen replied.

But the supreme being did not immediately say his divine name, but said leisurely:

"Let me think about..."

Is it because he has been sealed for too long, so he forgot his name?

Lingxuchen couldn't help but feel awe.

Finally, the deity sighed and said, "The nameless chaos of ignorance, the lord of death and souls, the **** of reincarnation, the protection of newborns and women, and the benevolent **** who controls the sea of ​​dreams... It's my god's name."

Such a long god's name.

This was Lingxuchen's first reaction, but she soon realized that it was a great disrespect to the gods, so she lowered her head a little and recited: "The chaos of the nameless and stupid, the one who is in charge of death and souls. Lord, the **** of love who is in charge of reincarnation, protects newborns and women, and controls the sea of ​​dreams..."

As soon as the words fell, she felt that a stalwart and cold gaze was cast on her body, and all her secrets seemed to be penetrated under this gaze, and there was nothing to hide.

But it disappeared quickly, as if it was just her illusion.

However, Lingxuchen is very clear that this is not an illusion. From now on, she will probably live under the gaze of the gods.

Feeling a little heavier, Ling Xuchen sincerely asked, "If you need me, how can I tell your name?"

There was another long silence, so long that Ling Xuchen wondered if the **** had left.

But in fact, it's just a well-known cancer, Mr. Zhao Yesui, who fell ill again and again, and doesn't know what name to name himself.

In the end, he decided to take a word each from Encore Street and his name.

So, Ling Xuchen heard the answer that seemed to cross the river of time: "You can call me An Ye."

Good night...

Lingxuchen chewed on the name, feeling that there must be a long history behind it, full of blood and death.

"Go back, remember, be careful with your words and deeds, or death will catch up with you first."

Ling Xuchen only heard this sentence, and then felt that the world in front of her began to distort. When she regained consciousness, she found herself standing in a remote alley, and various voices poured into her mind again. middle.

It was as if what had just happened was just a dream.

But as a professional dreamer, Ling Xuchen knew very well that what she had just experienced was by no means false.

She really saw a real **** and became an alternative "Blessed One".

What will your future be like?

With a heavy heart, Lingxu Chen took a step forward neatly.