MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 252

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This is almost an outright threat, but Ling Ruoyun ignored it and said with a smile: "Lord Tower Master, did you forget something?"

"I should have mentioned to you at the beginning that I would like to invite your female relatives to come to the ceremony, because only then can my missing psionic power respond, and about this, I can also swear to the spiritual sun, I said Absolutely true, nothing false."

The special envoy began to tremble slightly, and said in a barely audible voice: "Lord Tower Master... what he said... every sentence is true."


The owner of Nanheng Pagoda closed his eyes, and after a while, he laughed angrily and said, "Okay, okay, okay, then it's up to you."


Nanheng Tower Master looked at the overlapping figures on the surrounding high platforms, and said coldly, "Can you let the irrelevant people wait to leave first?" "Lord Tower Master, I haven't finished yet."

Ling Ruoyun was not afraid of danger, and said in a calm tone: "This is my last request, because I found that my psionic power is only more active when more people watch it, so I hope that this time the birth ceremony will be performed. , to be able to broadcast live to all Qiheng people through the dream of all living beings, of course, it is their business whether they see it or not."

The special envoy felt that he would probably die soon, and said in a self-sacrificing manner: "Every sentence is true."


The silence this time was longer than all the previous ones combined. After a long time, the tower master Nanheng quietly looked at Ling Ruoyun and said softly, "Ling Ruoyun, have you really thought about the consequences?"

The icy murderous intent pervaded at this moment, and the psionic pressure from a top king made Ling Ruoyun feel fear from the bottom of his heart. But with the blessing of Slaanesh, that fear soon turned into supreme pleasure.

This is the scariest part of Slaanesh.

No matter what kind of sensory stimulation, fear or joy, in the end, it can become an intoxicating pleasure. Under such pleasure, a morbid flush appeared on Ling Ruoyun's face, and said in a vain tone: "Of course, my pagoda master." Nanheng pagoda master stopped talking, just closed his eyes and waited for the birth spirit The ceremony is held.

Soon, the wife, daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, mother, grandma, grandma Zeng of Nanheng Pagoda Master, in short, all the female relatives who can be called, landed in this dream one by one, with complex and indescribable eyes. Looking at the master of Nanheng Pagoda.

At the same time, the dream of all living beings has also made preparations to broadcast this hopeful birth ceremony to Quanqihengtian. In this way, an unprecedented, probably not the latter birth ceremony kicked off.

Under the Nanheng Tower, the Jingye Sect resides.

Lingxuchen is intensively preparing for the arrival of the Apostle. Although she still doesn't know how the Apostle will arrive at the station, it is always right to prepare first.

Soon, she was interrupted by a series of deadly calls while she was busy at work.

Could it be that something urgent happened?

When Lingxuchen nervously connected to the communication from the external branch, he found that they were all sending the same message. It was this news that made Ling Xuchen fall into silence for a long time.

After a long time, she muttered to herself:

"This is too Slaanesh..."

But soon, she realized something was wrong.

Even she thinks this whole thing is too Slaanesh, don't all the people in the High Tower Council even realize this kind of thing? Or, someone just skips his turn while the opponent can't sleep. Start playing?


p.s. It took three hours to write, two hours to delete, and I can’t help it if it’s not enough for Slaanesh, if it’s still banned, then I’ll set up a full subscription group immediately (x

Chapter 303 Miss, is this our first time meeting?

In front of Zhao Yesui and Suo Hoop, there are four cards slowly disappearing.

Three 8s with a 4.

Naturally, this was not a card played by Zhao Yesao. After playing cards one after another, only the last bomb was left in Zhao Yesao's hand. If the bomb was used in such a place, it would be too wasteful. So, Zhao Yesui put his idea on Suo Niu.

Suo Xie has only played cards once from the beginning to the end, and because the "Landlord" hand is really bad, Suo Xie actually has a lot of weighty decks in his hand, but he couldn't give them to the landlord before. The reason for the chance to play a card is that there is no chance to play a card.

Now is the time to chase after the victory, there is no reason to rot the cards in your hand. Therefore, Zhao Yesang lodged a reasonable complaint with the store manager.

Almost all chess and card games have a mechanism similar to "burning the rope", that is, when a party does not move for a long time, it will be punished accordingly, such as automatically playing cards or skipping the meeting, etc. .

Based on this reason, Zhao Yesui complained to the store manager that "Landlord" was not playing cards for a long time, which is obviously a passive game and flouting the rules, so he should skip his round and fast-forward to Solan's round.

.....The store manager can only say yes, yes, yes, he has seen my fruit photos, and it is a ghost if he can play cards.

However, the appeal made by Zhao Yesui is also a reasonable appeal based on the rules, and it is unreasonable to play chess and card games for a long time. The most important thing is that the store manager really justified the loss in the last incident. After all, it can be directly ended once. The opportunity to compete, so in the end, he agreed to Zhao Yesui's request.

So, Zhao Yesui ended the round, skipped the "Landlord" card round, and went directly to Suoji.

The purpose of the three belts and one played by Suo Lan is to "let all those involved in the incident of Nanheng Tower Master ignore the elements related to Slaanesh.

Just follow the original rules."

If you want to distort the original rules and force this matter to be true, then the fate of the entire Qi Hengtian may require Zhao Yesui to hit a bomb to interfere, but if you just ignore the "Slaanesh" part, then It can still be done.

After all, Slaanesh has only announced its existence so far, and there has been no actual record other than the destruction of the Moonflower Tower, not to mention that the higher-ups of the Tower Council also know that the Moonflower Tower is their own doing, so The understanding of Slaanesh is still very shallow, and it is not difficult to distort this understanding.

—In the end, the Eldar are really too Slaanesh, their laws, their thoughts, and their existence are all in line with the concept of Slaanesh, otherwise it would be difficult for Zhao Yesui to achieve such a victory.

When the king bombing and the creation of great evil began, the situation of the battle had already begun to reverse.

As for why Zhao Yesui attacked the master of Nanheng Pagoda, it is not because he has any bad tastes, but because of various considerations.

On the one hand, it is to attract attention. This effect is very significant. Almost all people in Qi Hengtian are now watching the live broadcast of Ling Ruoyun and Nanheng Pagoda Master in the dream of all living beings, and the spiritual birth ceremony. Both sides are still a general and A tower owner will never come again when the opportunity cannot be missed. Of course, no one wants to miss this opportunity.

On the other hand, it is to take this opportunity to expand the strength of the sect of Slaanesh.

With the combination of cards, Slaanesh and the impotent spirit clan, no one can avoid this birth ceremony, and this is the best chance for Slaanesh to intervene.

The drastic changes in emotions are like a lighthouse in the dark night, Li Suiye will easily discover his existence and "bless" him during this period.

In this case, of course, the most valuable target must be selected.

If the scope is limited to the Nanheng Tower, the most valuable target is undoubtedly the owner of the Nanheng Tower. Although Zhao Yesao always feels a little strange, it was finally settled. Now it looks like the effect is remarkable.

Zhao Yesui can now hear Li Suiye's live broadcast:

"Oh, big brother, I pry open his brain..., what is this, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, don't have anything else in mind?"

"Well, he really didn't just kill people in the dreams of sentient beings... I count, he seems to have killed more than 700,000 people in his life, and every time he suppressed his strength to the point of equal to the opponent, and then Forcing the other party to fight to the death with himself, except for a small number of criminals, most of them are normal people..."

"In addition to the famous martial artist, there are quite a few women and children who can't fight. He seems to like killing..." "—Sure enough, he is not a good person."

Certainly not a good person.

In theory, the dreams of all living beings can satisfy all desires, but if people who really have power, will they really only be satisfied with the illusions created by the dreams of all living beings? Qi Heng Tianren, in addition to indulgence is laissez-faire, nothing else.

Therefore, they have always been very honest, and they will do whatever they want. As long as they can satisfy themselves, they don't need to consider what kind of consequences it will bring.

Ling Ruoyun also secretly ate more than 600 people outside of the dream of all living beings. As one of the most powerful people in Qi Hengtian, the owner of Nanheng Pagoda obviously has more ways to satisfy his desires.

"Sure enough, the inflated desire will eventually engulf the world. In the end, the dreams of all living beings are just an anesthetic for the weak, allowing them to immerse themselves in beautiful dreams, and then gradually enter death, like a lamb engulfed by the slaves of these desires. ..."

Zhao Yeshao sighed softly, shook his head, and said nothing.

From the very beginning, he felt that the seemingly beautiful utopia of Qi Hengtian was too false.

In the end, all resources and force are only in the hands of a sparsely populated race, and other races are just their slaves in essence, to maintain the firewood of the dreams of all beings. Will such a civilization really be a utopia?

In the end, the dream of living beings is only a tool to maintain the rule, so that the ruled can paralyze themselves, and the real ruler can bypass the restrictions of the dream of living beings at any time and impose their desires on the ruled.

And the ruled have no way to resist this distorted order, because the dream of all beings is still the best tool for maintaining stability.

The world is dead, the development of civilization is stagnant, the changes of society are as silent as a pool of stagnant water, and everyone is actively or passively chasing their desires, because otherwise they cannot live. So, only the variable enough to destroy the whole world can break this twisted order.

The Cult of the Quiet Night is one of them, as is Slaanesh.

Only by cutting off all the necrotic roots can the dead trees be able to spring again.

The slaves of desire who have committed sins are this necrotic root system. They are also born believers of Slaanesh. They and Slaanesh will become a "trial" that Qi Hengtian is about to face. Only after passing this trial can Qi Heng have the chance to be reborn.

Li Suiye was still doing the live broadcast with a slap in the face. After sorting out his thoughts, Zhao Ye called his lovely lady Patriarch on the phone.


In the worship room, Ling Xuchen knelt down in front of the statue and prayed quietly to cushion the impact of the scene he just saw.

The front-line war reporters are very conscientious and conscientious, and there is a photo attached to the information sent, Ling Xuchen felt that the three views were completely destroyed after only one glance.

Immediately came to the prayer room to confess to An Ye.

As a spiritual clan, Ling Xuchen should theoretically be immune to this kind of thing. Although she herself has always restrained her desires, after all, living in this big dye vat, she will inevitably hear something.

However, Ling Xuchen has never seen such a big game.

It was broadcast live to the whole Qi Hengtian, and there was also a row of relatives standing there...

Lingxuchen thinks this must be Slaanesh's conspiracy, but why can't everyone see it?

After a sincere prayer, Lingxuchen gradually calmed down. Just when she was about to stand up and go back to work, she suddenly received a familiar "call".

After communicating with Zhao Yesang many times, she gradually distinguished the difference between Zhao Yesang and An Ye's calling. This is also the purpose of Zhao Yesang's special creation of the second-level authority, so that she has an extra vest. Ling Xuchen's expression became solemn, although she remembered that the apostle said that she could not see her side, but she still sorted out her demeanor, and sat upright and connected to the communication from Zhao Yesui:

"Lord Apostle, it's me, Ling Xuchen, do you have any orders?"

"Oh, nothing, I just wanted to tell you guys." Zhao Yesui replied, "Didn't you tell me the way to the underground station last time? I think now is a good opportunity, so I want to hand over to you. a bit."

After telling Ling Xuchen about meeting her last time, Ling Xuchen told Zhao Yesui how to go to the underground station, and euphemistically suggested that it might not be very suitable to enter the station now.

But now, Zhao Yecang has done such a big job specially, diverting the entire attention of Qi Hengtian, plus the original method of entering the station is very hidden, but he is afraid of frequent access and exposure, and now is undoubtedly the most Good chance.

Ling Xuchen also remembered the information she had just obtained, and pondered: "Well, now is indeed the best opportunity..." Then, she reacted and said in surprise: "Lord Apostle, you guys Have you reached the Nanheng Tower yet?"

"Well, don't worry, I can guarantee that we have not been targeted by anyone and will not cause you any trouble." Zhao Yesui replied, "So, what is your opinion on this matter, Miss Patriarch?"

"No no no, of course I believe in the apostles, you..."

Ling Xuchen first denied Zhao Yesang's previous sentence, which came from the heart, and she would naturally not doubt the ability of the apostle if he was wanted by the entire Qi Hengtian. So, after thinking about it for a while, she said, "Then ask the apostles to enter the station according to the method I said last time, and we will be ready to welcome you."

"Okay, but you don't have to go to great lengths to meet you, just keep things simple."

The handover went smoothly, and Zhao Yejia didn't waste much time, so he said, "By the way, Miss Patriarch, is this outfit on your body the uniform of our sect? Do me and my entourage have the same set?"

"Of course it can..."

Lingxu answered in a dull manner, and then Zhao Yeshou exchanged a few words before disconnecting the communication. After this, Ling Xuchen suddenly realized a problem.

Lord Apostle, can he see me here?????

Well, last time...

Ling Xuchen recalled the first time he connected to the communication from Zhao Yesao, and his pretty face couldn't help turning red.


Half an hour later, after repeatedly confirming that there were no tails behind him, and using clever means to make the three of them disappear from everyone's sight, Zhao Yesui found one according to Ling Xuchen's method. Floor-to-ceiling mirror, with the emblem of the Quiet Night Sect drawn on it, and a secret phrase attached.

This is the best anti-counterfeiting mark. Unbelievers will not have any reaction when drawing this emblem. On the contrary, it may be sensed by Lingxuchen, a "sage on earth", and only devout believers will get a response when they draw it.

The secret language is for insurance in case of emergency, and it is changed from time to time. However, because the underground station has not been in and out for a long time, Zhao Yesao guessed that the password was temporarily set by Ling Xuchen after his request.

The mirror surface gradually "boiled", forming a swirling vortex, in which the emblem and the secret language were involved, making the vortex gradually light up, and finally the vortex calmed down and spun quietly.

Before Zhao Yesui could say anything, Sora said: "I'll go first, there's no reason to let the viewers take the lead." After she finished speaking, she stepped in, and a moment later, she sent the message from the game of destiny. information.

[So here: Safe. ]

Zhao Yejia didn't have a chance to stop the whole process, so he could only helplessly shrug his shoulders, and drag Lingyue Ru to walk in together.

As they entered, the mirror immediately subsided.

After a distorted feeling, Zhao Yesui felt his eyes light up, and then he had a real feeling of stepping on the ground.

He opened his eyes, and in the crowd in front of him found the stern-faced hoop, as well as his only acquaintance here, the Patriarch Ling Xuchen. However, for some reason, Ling Xuchen looked at him with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Miss, are we meeting for the first time?


p, s, see Chapter 259 for details.

Chapter 304 I call you brother, you call me dad

Perhaps after listening to Zhao Yesui's order to "keep everything simple", not many people came to greet him.

At least there are only two people Zhao Yezhao can recognize at a glance.

One is his lovely lady patriarch, and the other is a silver-haired, red-eyed young woman who is 80% similar to her, but with a plumper body and more mature eyebrows and eyes. If nothing else, this should be Ling Xuchen's mother Ling Wanrou.

In fact, when she first came into contact with Ling Xuchen as an apostle, Zhao Yesui had already met Ling Wanrou, but at that time, like Ling Xuchen, she didn't have an inch of thread, out of indecent assault The idea of ​​not looking, Zhao Yesui didn't take a close look.

However, Ling Wanrou's iconic dull hair was still spotted by Zhao Yesao, and now Zhao Yesang recognized her by virtue of this feature. When Zhao Yesui regained consciousness, he heard Suo Niu's voice of defense:

"I am not an apostle..."