MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 254

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Only to find out that my soul seems to have happened

some kind of change..."

"At the beginning, I was a little panicked about this change. After all, the soul is a symbol of the existence of a person's essence. If something bad happens to the soul, it is almost irreversible."

"But after I calmed down, I analyzed the change with my mother, and finally realized that this was a blessing from our Lord."

"After we have established our devout faith in our Lord, our souls will be enlightened, and from then on, we will be close to the law of death, and the thread of destiny will be at hand, and this corresponds to the vocation of our Lord, so, We quickly discovered the true meaning of this blessing and used it to identify who is a true believer."

After speaking, Ling Xuchen looked at Zhao Yesui and said, "Although this should not be my Lord's original intention, but through this method, we have indeed guaranteed the purity of the sect for a long time."


Zhao Yesang looked at her silently for two seconds, and understood that Lingxuchen was making a joke. He asked him to say what "An Ye's original intention" was, and then took the opportunity to sing praises to ease the atmosphere... Yes Ah, but what was An Ye's original intention?

Zhao Yesui silently sent a message to Li Suiye and Li Nuoyi, and their answers were similar. Li Nuoyi calmly gave the standard answer: "I don't know."

Li Suiye said blankly: "How do I know, you are the Lord God, you asked me? Big brother, are you the Lord God, or am I the Lord God?" Yes, I am the Lord God, but I don't know what my original intention is. ah hey!!!!!!

If nothing else, just because of the fact that "belief in An Ye's soul will change", if it wasn't for Ling Xuchen taking the initiative to bring it up to him now, Zhao Yesui wouldn't even know about it.

So far, the only people who know the existence of An Ye and believe in the robe should only be members of the Jingye sect. In Daya's God's Domain, there is also the first steam undead made by Zhao Yejia himself, but that guy was born. It hasn't been a few days, and whether the Steam Necronomicon has a real soul is another matter.

Therefore, without a sample, Zhao Yesui certainly did not know that such a change would occur.

However, I think it should be the black fog's pot, right?

Of course, Zhao Yeshou couldn't do it on his own initiative. He didn't even bother to answer the prayers of his own believers, so how could he put so much effort into doing such a thing? The power born from the act of believing in the Black Mist?

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Ye smiled lightly, and answered with a riddle who would never go wrong: "My lord does this, naturally there is a deep meaning to relaxation."

—Although I don’t know what my deep meaning is, but in short, it has deep meaning.

Sure enough, no one would continue to ask questions about such a standard magician's speech. The three Spiritual Races just nodded thoughtfully and said nothing. What do they each know?

I don't know if you ask me.jpg

After the episode of Ling Qianshan, Ling Xuchen finally recovered from her previous state of disorientation and became the patriarch who established the Jingye Sect by herself. After hesitating for a while, she finally said seriously to Zhao Yesui: "Master Apostle, there is something, I hope you can enlighten me...

"You said before that you came to Qi Hengtian this time to complete the trial that my lord set for you, to overthrow the oppression of Qi Hengtian by the High Tower Council, and to return the world to a peaceful night." "Then, what we are now Are all the sufferings part of this trial?"

When asked this question, Lingxuchen's beautiful face showed a rare bit of confusion. ......" Lingwan opened her mouth softly, but she didn't expect Ling Xuchen to get into the topic so quickly, she was dumbfounded for a while.

Although this was the question she decided to ask Zhao Yesao after discussing it with Ling Xuchen before, it was too fast. Originally, Ling Wanrou had planned to put the question of the question for a while. He asked Zhao Ye to settle down on the grounds of catching the wind and washing the dust, and then slowly figured it out after figuring out the character of the apostle.

As for now, it may be because Zhao Yesui's appearance is too confusing. After all, the best situation they imagined before was to encounter a death knight with a constant fear halo. It may also be because there are indeed too many in Lingxuchen's heart. Doubt and confusion made her involuntarily ask questions now.

She did accept the divine revelation from An Ye, but that was all.

Apart from the authority of the night granted to her by An Ye, she had nothing but the belief that she wanted to make Qi Hengtian a better place.

But whenever it was late at night, she couldn't help but wonder if what she was doing was really meaningful. The High Tower Council is very bad. Qi Hengtian is now in a state of euthanasia, and he is dying step by step. But, if this world really falls into An Ye's hands, will things get better?

Compared with the "adventists" who hope that the arrival of An Ye will destroy all civilizations in Qi Heng, Lingxuchen should belong to the great existence who worships An Ye, who is independent of Qi Heng and far beyond Qi Heng's personality. Therefore, it is hoped that Pao can help Qi Hengtian and rescue Qi Hengtian from this state of "savior".

It's just that the original text of the "Long Night Canon" that Zhao Yesang copied and pasted in half an hour is so unflattering that Lingxuchen once felt like a civilized sinner. It may be a world turned into death, a breeding ground for the undead.

And now, with the appearance of an unknown god, Slaanesh, Ling Xuchen's belief in An Ye has not been shaken, but he is only shaken about whether he can truly save Qi Hengtian.

Faced with such a straightforward question from his Patriarch, after thinking about it, Zhao Yexuan slowly revealed the fact that was about to happen, as well as the official record called "Slaanesh Reborn" in the history of Qi Hengtian. :

"Yes, you, and everything Qi Hengtian has experienced so far, are part of the trial."

"This includes the oppression of the High Tower Council, the curse on the Spirit Race, the status quo of Qi Hengtian, and of course, the birth of the God of Slaanesh." "Everything is in the calculation of my Lord."

"Only by crossing all of this and ending this trial will Qi Heng be able to usher in a new life."


p.s. Sorry, I went to queue to do nucleic acid in the heavy rain today, and I held my umbrella for four or five hours. Now both hands are sore, and the more things can only be reserved for tomorrow (x

In addition, a cold knowledge, the three views of people will gradually take shape in adolescence, so it is said that children are the future of human beings, the relationship between simple age and resourcefulness is not very big, at least for human beings. This is the case with Mudbloods.


My calculation will definitely win the sky.jpg

Chapter 306 It's time to find a place in Slaanesh

God of Slaanesh... Birth?

In the past two days, the most discussed within the Silent Night Cult is the news about the God of Slaanesh. Lingxuchen did not forbid their discussion, because it was uncontrollable.

There is no doubt that if the original declaration of the God of Slaanesh is true, then a **** in charge of desire will be a lore for Qi Hengtian. This is not the most critical, the most critical is the meaning of the appearance of the God of Slaanesh itself.

The foundation of the Jingye sect's teaching is to control desire, hoping to achieve the purpose of helping Qi Hengtian's bad atmosphere and saving Qi Hengtian from the quagmire of desire. And the appearance of a **** of desire seems to be exactly the opposite of the teachings of the Quiet Night Sect.

It's hard not to think of things like God's will. After all, in the transcendent world, the will of the world and the consciousness of high-dimensional existence are real, so the birth of the God of Slaanesh once caused the Sect of Quiet Night to fall into a trap. in panic.

But now, Zhao Yesui said that even the birth of the God of Slaanesh was part of this trial?

Seemingly aware of her astonishment, Zhao Yesui said calmly, "Yes, this is the trial that my lord set for us."

"My lord advocates the destiny of change, hates the immutable and frozen world, and believes that every creature born into the world has the right to choose his own destiny, so the robe will give everyone who wants to change their own situation the opportunity to change the world."

"As far as Qi Hengtian is concerned, it is this trial."

"Lingxu dust believer, you should know better than me the current situation of Qi Hengtian, the uncontrollable desire has made Qi Hengtian's development stagnant, and the endless oppression makes people can only numb themselves in illusory dreams, so , Desire is the root of Qi Hengtian's solidification."

"Therefore, my lord gave birth to the God of Slaanesh. He is the distorted embodiment of Qi Hengtian. Only after defeating him will this distorted desire cease, and Qi Hengtian's destiny will begin to flow."

This is a statement that Zhao Yesui has prepared for a long time.

Regarding the relationship between Slaanesh and Qi Hengtian, and the Silent Night Sect, if it is just a simple binary opposition, then it is obviously not easy to arrange in the end.

It is impossible for Zhao Yesui to let Li Suiye die because of Qi Hengtian, but if she is rudely regarded as an enemy who needs to be defeated, it will lay a hidden danger for the future. That being the case, it might be better to explain in advance that Slaanesh is part of the trial set up by "Silent Night".

The followers of Slaanesh are only slaves of desire who have committed unforgivable sins, and it is impossible for normal people to empathize with them, let alone have pity on them.

And whether it is what Zhao Yesui will do next, or the future development of Qi Hengtian, it will be consistent with what Zhao Yesang said, that is to say, this will be a true lie

Suo Ji glanced at him without a trace, obviously not expecting Zhao Yesao to think of this reason.

She watched Zhao Yesang summon Li Suiye and Li Nuoyi with her own eyes, and turned Li Suiye into the God of Slaanesh. She was still worried about how Zhao Yesang would resolve the irreconcilable contradiction between them. However, Zhao Yesui turned the contradiction into a convincing trial with a method that could be called a genius.

As expected of Mr. Viewer, he immediately stunned the unseen local natives...  

Sora looked at Lingxuchen and the others who were in deep thought, and couldn't help but sigh.

But soon, her expression froze slightly.

Today's spiritual dust, isn't it the me of the past?

At the beginning, wasn't I just fooled by Mr. Viewer? The native was actually me.jpg

Realizing that she was laughing at herself, Sora quickly restrained her expression and turned her attention to Zhao Yeshou.

She thought that Zhao Yesang should still be as calm as when she had fooled her, but she saw that Zhao Yesang's eyes were a little erratic, and she seemed to have a feeling, as if she saw something that they couldn't see. .

Ling Xuchen and the others were still mulling over what Zhao Yeshou had just said, so only Suo Niu saw what Zhao Yesang looked like now. Moreover, among these people, only she could see what happened to Zhao Yesui now.

Is this...inspired?

Moreover, it doesn't seem to be the inspiration for combat, but more for the inspiration for enlightenment?

Inspiration is a BUFF that everyone in the Pan-Xinghai Sea may have, and its functions also cover all aspects. It is not only possible to activate it in battle, but also when casting equipment, planning strategies, practicing spells, and even giving birth to offspring. Inspiration is possible at any time.

For example, when Zhao Yejia forged the Fire Sword, he stimulated the buff, thus casting the Fire Sword of the highest quality.

By analogy, when you are inspired when planning and planning, you will come up with strategies far beyond your own level of ingenuity; when you are inspired when practicing magic, you will greatly improve your proficiency, and it may even be possible to innovate and create new ones. A new spell is coming.

As for having offspring...

Needless to say, there are many high-ranking existences who rack their brains to find suitable inspiration in order to produce their own satisfactory offspring, and there are even evil sects such as "Two or Three Theories on the Influence of Different Inspirations on Children with Different Attributes" Books, arranging the birth of offspring like drawing cards, has become a metaphysics.

This of course also includes inspiration for enlightenment.

However, Suo Lan pondered for a long time and did not realize how Zhao Yesang realized the Tao. Are there any elements in what he said just now that would inspire him? Only Zhao Yesang himself knew what had just happened. what.

Yes, what he said just now was just a pretext to deal with the current situation.

Zhao Yesui has always been very good at making up this kind of true lie, this kind of lie that is beneficial and harmless to others, he does not speak out of conscience.

There are tens of thousands of things about to happen in the world. In this case, it is not difficult to accept one or two things that change the way of telling a little bit every now and then, right? , but remembered all the scenes he had experienced since he entered the game of destiny.

The first scene, and also the fifth scene, belongs to the world of steampunk. As the wall breaker of the national teacher, he pushed the national teacher back to the alternative road of conferring gods. With the method of surveying the sky, let this-step The world, which is approaching the social closeness of the end-of-life, is flowing again.

The second scene is the scene of the city of resentment belonging to the investigator module. He carefully planned a road of revenge, blood for blood, for the eccentrics who wandered in the city and did not want to leave. This most primitive The savage behavior dissipated the grievances of the weirdos, and the city ushered in its own future in the dawn.

In the fourth scene, one of the tens of thousands of pasture worlds in the Tianmo Palace, Zhao Yeshou slashed the demons and shepherds of Moxian County under the sword, pointing out a new way for Tang Bond, although he did not know this world Where will it go in the end, but a rebel who has smashed the chains on his body and is no longer bound has been born.

When I look back and examine it, it turns out that I am playing the role of a person who changes destiny and brings life to the world?

Zhao Yesui had never had a clear understanding of what he had done. He was just trying to be a good person according to Daya's last wish. If you want to say what he did it for, it's really hard to say.

Just like in the classical infinite stream, there will be a big ball of light for the reincarnator to carry out the task of life and death. If not, it will be obliterated. This is the most direct goal and motivation, and Zhao Yesui has participated in several scenes until now. , but without a goal that must be achieved.

Apart from resurrecting Daya, Zhao Yesui has nothing to do, and even this matter itself is only based on Daya's affection for him. In other words, if there is something he really wants to achieve without restraint, it is probably the most terrifying thing.

This is also a matter of course. If no one is standing in front of the mirror, there will be no reflection in the mirror. If no one makes a wish to the wishing machine, the wishing machine will only be quietly dusty.

Doesn't that seem bad, though?

"The fate of change..."

Zhao Yesui muttered to himself, and before he knew it, another inspiration appeared on his personal panel. It was gray and seemed to be unfinished, but it was already unpredictable, as if unpredictable and illusory.

When Zhao Yesui came back to his senses, he found that Suo Ru had turned halfway around and quietly protected him in front of him. If anything happened, she would probably receive a thunderous blow from her.

Zhao Yesui understood that Suo Yu was protecting the law for himself, so as not to let outside factors disturb him, he took a light breath and said, "Miss Artisan, it's alright."

Only then did Suo Hoop sit up straight, and looked at Zhao Yeshou with inquiring eyes, and Zhao Yeshou nodded slightly in response.

Although it seems that a long time has passed, Zhao Yesang's "enlightenment" actually only took a short period of time. Ling Xuchen and others have not recovered from the news he just announced, so they have not recovered. Noticed Zhao Yesao's abnormality.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sora asked Zhao Yesao through the game of destiny: [Suo Fan: How? Did it trigger inspiration?]

Logically speaking, this seems to be a very private matter, but the single-celled creature, the cable hoop, probably couldn't think of this, and Zhao Yesui didn't hide it from her - because he himself didn't know what inspiration he got.

Before answering Suo's question, Zhao Yesui glanced at his personal panel. [?????]



There is no useful information other than knowing that this is a semi-finished inspiration, so it doesn't matter.

Zhao Yesui also had the idea of ​​using the cable hoop, the small database of the fantasy country, to search for information, so he replied:

[Ye Lin: Well, an inspiration was triggered, but the status display is not completed. Do you have any clues, Miss Artisan?] Suo Li was slightly taken aback, and then replied:

[Suo Fistula: Unfinished inspiration? That should be the reason why your current insight is not complete enough to truly reproduce this inspiration. ][Suo Niu: It stands to reason that as long as there is more relevant experience, it should be able to finally present it. ]

More related experiences?

Zhao Yeshi raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

In terms of general rationality, this is not a difficult thing. As long as he is a player of the game of destiny, he will definitely have many opportunities to complete this inspiration. That being the case, then don't be in a hurry. Inspiration is a mysterious and illusory example. If you really pursue it deliberately, you won't be able to get it.

Lingxuchen also digested the information in Zhao Yesui's words just now, and said in a deep voice: "The trial of civilization...?"

"I understand, Lord Apostle, we will work hard to complete this trial. Please continue to guide us and guide Qi Hengtian."

Although what Zhao Yesui said could not be verified, Ling Xuchen obviously did not have the idea of ​​asking him to give evidence.

Moreover, according to the statement given by Zhao Yesui, it will definitely better unite the Jingye sect. Everyone is smart and will not deliberately point it out. What if it is fake? She can still find An Yemian. Can't file a complaint?

Zhao Yesui could also see the thoughts in their hearts, returned from the state of enlightenment just now, smiled slightly, and said: "Yes, Slaanesh was born from Qi Hengtian's long-standing desire, and was finally created by my Lord, as The existence of the ultimate trial of civilization."

"However, as my Lord's apostle, I am still a bit thin for the time being."

"As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you won't be in danger in a hundred battles. Are you interested in meeting the pool?" Meet... him?

See Slaanesh???

Except for Suo Niu, everyone present was taken aback. Is this something I can watch for free?

No, that's not the point.

Ling Xuchen said in surprise: "Lord Apostle, what do you can call the **** of Slaanesh???"

"Yeah." Zhao Yesui guessed her reaction and said calmly: "It's just a **** inspired by my lord. Although it is the enemy we need to overcome in this trial, if we just let him If you come to talk about it, Li Chi will not dare to refuse me."

Zhao Yesui's remarks were full of confidence. Except for Suo Li who looked away strangely, everyone else was obviously stunned. Is it the status of an apostle to linger at the call of a god?