MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 271

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Suo Niu was stunned, obviously not expecting that she would be rejected.

However, she quickly helped Zhao Yejia to figure out a reason to excuse her: "Is it because of any special reason? Special techniques, professional rules, or something like a real name?" "No, no So complicated."

Zhao Yeshou said with a wry smile, "I just promised a friend, that's all."

Back then, he was only doing fishing work as a tour guide for Hoops' activities in Nancheng. Before he left, he also agreed to Gu Yizhu,

After the work was over, Solarian himself

I don't even know the name of...

Now it seems that, except for his name, Zhao Yesui has nothing to lose.

In this case, we must defend our last bottom line!

Never Lie Zhao Yesui decided to keep his promise, even though it seemed meaningless.

"Well, that's okay." Suo Hoop didn't care much about such trivial matters, and just thought angrily: "Then, what should we do next to deepen our relationship..."

This is a very serious proposition.

What should people do to deepen their relationship with each other?

For ordinary people, it is probably to stay together more and carry out various activities. As the so-called long-term love, whether it is a long time or a long time, there will always be feelings.

I don't know if this method has any effect on Suo Niu, but it definitely won't work on Zhao Yesui.

If Zhao Yesui was made into a game character and put into Galgame, then he should be the easiest one to give for nothing.

If you want to deepen your relationship with Zhao Yeshou, you only need to unilaterally improve your favorability towards Zhao Yessang. You don't need to give gifts, you don't need to spend too much effort, you just need to unilaterally attack yourself. Then Zhao Yesui will take over all the feelings you hold for him, and his goodwill will rise.

So, the point is to raise Sora's favor with me?

Zhao Yesui felt that he seemed to have found a way to get through quickly, and began to think about how to quickly make Suo Lan improve his goodwill towards him. It's definitely not good to have love for a long time, no matter which time it is, he doesn't have time now.

So, what should be needed is to trigger a special event together?

But where is the special event to trigger at such a time...

Zhao Yesui thought about it for a while, and suddenly thought of something he had discussed with Suo Hoop before. About her "future".

Everything about Hoop is flawless, she's a born warrior, unshakable by anything, and there's nothing wrong with her except the conflict between her destiny as an apostle and her personal future.

As a senior PUA master, Zhao Yesang is well versed in the way of it. Although plain and watery exchanges can stabilize the relationship and warm up the relationship, he has no time for this federation now.

Therefore, this method can only be used to almost expose the wound.

Zhao Yesui sighed in his heart, and then went straight to the point: "Miss Artisan, I think that exchanging ideals about future life should allow us to quickly get acquainted." "Miss Artisan, what do you want to do in the future? Woolen cloth?"

Suo Xian obviously did not expect that Zhao Yesui would ask such a question, and pursed his lips and said, "Haven't we discussed this question before... Mr. Viewer, can I not answer it?" "No ." Zhao Yesui said seriously: "I know this is difficult for you to say, but this is all for the task, I hope you can overcome the difficulties." However, the "task" that used to be unfavorable in the past is also at this moment. Ineffective, Sora just frowned and said nothing.

Just when Zhao Yesui was going to pursue the victory, Sora suddenly looked at him and asked, "So, Mr. Viewer, how about you?"

"Since it is an exchange of prospects for the future, it should be mutual, right? Then, Mr. Viewer, can you tell me your expectations for the future?" "What do you want to do?"

Suo Wei's counter-general made Zhao Yesao a little caught off guard, but looking at Suo Hoop's serious look, Zhao Yesao felt that there was probably no way to refuse, so he thought about it seriously. Then he found that he couldn't answer either.

"Well, maybe, save a friend, and, then..."

Zhao Yesui racked his brains and thought: "Then, try to be a good person and help others as much as possible?"

"Mr. Viewer, do you mean to take the initiative to take the responsibility of saving others?"

The hoop asked, "Is that so?"

"No, it doesn't seem to be..."

Zhao Yesui couldn't give Sora an accurate answer for a while.

If you really want to investigate the root cause, his essence is probably more nihilistic than Suo Niu.

In addition to her assigned mission as an apostle, Hoop has at least a pure desire to fight. She is the kind of natural warrior who should be born to capture glory in wars, not as fragile decorations. Restricted everywhere.

So, is there anything Zhao Yesui really wants to do? He questioned his heart, and then came up with the answer.


So far, the only thing that drives him is the desire to resurrect Daya, at most Daya's expectations for him, and nothing else. For a long time, Zhao Yesui has acted like a lost traveler, without a precise goal, he is walking aimlessly, because there is no end point.

So effort is not necessary.

The reason why he is still trying to become stronger under the framework of the game of destiny is only for the reason that "this may be helpful for resurrecting Daya", but his personal efforts are very insignificant before this matter, so it seems that Like nothing was done.

In the end, when he asked himself, Zhao Yesui realized that he didn't have anything he wanted to do.

Maybe, this is some kind of protection mechanism. After all, if he really has what he wants to do, then I am afraid it will be an out-and-out disaster.

From this point of view, Zhao Yesui felt that he and Suo Hoop were really difficult brothers and sisters. If he had encountered Suo Hoop before, he might have thought "this girl might be my apostle".

Zhao Yesui shook his head, pushed the extra thoughts out of his mind, and said to the hoop: "Miss the artist, sorry, I also can't give an accurate answer."

"However, what I can tell you is that, similar to you, the reason why I want to be a good person is also a mission given to me by a friend. In a sense, I am very similar to you, Miss Warlock."

The two looked at each other silently, and probably both felt a sense of pity for each other. When the fellow sees the fellow, tears well up.jpg

After thinking about it, Zhao Yesui made a suggestion to Suo Niu:

"Since we can't figure out what's in our hearts, why don't we go and see other people's ideals together?"

"Those ordinary people who insist on living and moving towards their ideals."

"Wrong?" Suo Liwei was stunned and said, "Is this useful?"

"You can always give us some inspiration." Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said: "After all, we are all the same nihilistic people. If so, look at other people who shine with ideals and beliefs, you should feel something?"

"It seems like..." Suo Lan nodded slightly, and then said curiously, "So, who are we going to see?" "It's too troublesome to meet one by one, I have a better way."

Zhao Yesui called to Li Suiye: "Suiye, pull me and Miss Suo Niu into the game of change."

After a while, Li Suiye replied, "Ha? Big brother, aren't you cultivating with Miss Suo Xie? Why do you want to come to me all of a sudden?"

"Don't tell me, are you still going to call me? Then you can't call Sister Nuoyi, she will be sad."

"Or, do you have any perverted gameplay that you can't do in reality and want to achieve it through dreams?"


For a while, Zhao Yepai didn't know whether Li Suiye was like this by nature, or because he became the God of Slaanesh and became like this. Where is the simple Suiye before? What's going on with this black-hearted padded jacket now?!

"Anyway, let's pull us in first..."

Zhao Yeshou said weakly: "You don't need to intervene, just hand over the authority to me."

Li Suiye chuckled lightly, and then Zhao Yesui felt a ray of light hanging from the ceiling and falling in front of him.

As the current real controller of the game change, Li Suiye can certainly pull people into the game from anywhere, but Zhao Yesui and Suo Wei are both powerful transcendents, and she can't ignore their will and pull them into the game , so it can only be done in this way.

Suo Hoop looked at Zhao Yeshou, who held her hand and said, "Let's go in together."

Sora was a little surprised, but nodded slightly and acquiesced to Zhao Yeshou's approach.

Afterwards, Zhao Yejiao stretched out his hand and gently pulled the light beam downward like a light switch.

Immediately afterwards, the game of change ushered in two new "players".


Compared with the previous use of the dream register, the feeling is much milder. After all, the dream was carried out by Li Suiye himself. Of course, it is much better than those mass-produced products.

After just being in a trance, Zhao Yesui found that he had entered the game of change.

Surrounded by an empty hut, Zhao Yesui was very familiar with this place, because it was the place he personally designed and used as a personal space for dreamers. There should be further upgrades in the future, but for now, it is only necessary for the dreamers to have a place where they can rest for a while.

Suo Xie also came to this personal space with Zhao Yesui. She looked at the surrounding environment with some curiosity and said, "Mr. Viewer, is this the dream of all beings?" For her, this is her first She entered the dream of all beings for the first time, so everything was new to her.

"Well, but it's not called this name now, it's called Change Game."

Zhao Yesui didn't have the idea to discuss this topic with her for the time being, but said, "Then, Miss Artisan, do you have anyone you want to ask? During your journey these days, you should have known a lot. People, is there anything you are more interested in?"

"People who are more interested..." Solan thought for a while and said, "Well, the one who is most interested should be the 'landlord'? After all, we have been competing with him for so many days, and we are very curious about what he is. Such a person."

"This may have to wait until after the victory..." Zhao Yesui twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Apart from him, is there anyone else?"

"Except for 'Landlord'..." Suo Lan thought for a while and said, "That should be Miss Xuchen. These days, even when she was in Shuangxiu, she was busy with the affairs of the sect, and I was curious about what was supporting her. Been working so hard all the time.”

"it is good."

Zhao Yesui didn't hesitate, and the next moment he sent a summons to Lingxuchen through the authority Li Suiye gave him.

It didn't take long for Ling Xuchen to appear in front of them, her face a little overwhelmed, and it could be seen that she was unprepared for this summons.

According to the arrangement, she should now be serving as a GM with her colleagues from the Jingye Sect, assisting Li Suiye to manage the dreamers together, and to coordinate the progress of the dreamers' attacking schedule, etc.

Time is pressing, if you want to prepare for the battle before the battle, you can't waste any time, you have to put the most suitable person in the most suitable position, so that it is possible to complete the "dungeon" strategy in the shortest time.

"Lord Apostle, and Miss Suo Li?" Ling Xuchen looked at the two of them, and for some reason, two blushes floated on her cheeks, and he said hesitantly, "Is there something important to ask me for?

Seeing her expression, Zhao Yesui knew that she was thinking about something crooked. After a light cough, she said, "It's not an important matter, I just want to ask you something."

"Spiritual dust believers, what do you think of your future? For example, life goals, why do you want to achieve this goal and so on."

Ling Xuchen obviously did not expect that Zhao Yesui came to her for such a "serious" matter, and was slightly taken aback, but soon became serious, and after thinking for a while, replied: "If you talk about your views on the future, ...that is of course to develop the sect, according to the teachings of our lord, step by step to reform Qi Hengtian, so that Qi Hengtian will radiate new vitality."

"Now Qi Hengtian, Lord Apostle, you should be able to see that it is already ill, and it is terminally ill. Even with the help of our Lord, we can materialize Qi Hengtian's sin and defeat it, but if we want to repair it, It still requires us to make unremitting efforts, it may take me a lifetime to practice, but I think it is worth it."

Zhao Yejia quietly listened to Ling Xuchen's words, nodded slightly and said, "Not bad determination."

"So, what is it that supports you in fulfilling this ideal? If I remember correctly, just six months ago, you were just a carefree noble lady, the tower of Canaan. The tower owner daughter, you are a part of Qi Hengtian's rentier class, and even among them, you are the most noble group."

"You didn't need to take this road. Before I came, this was a road with no future and could be killed at any time. To embark on this road of change means that you will lose your life. Everything you've had, even if you succeed, you'll shatter everything you've ever had."

"What brought you to this point?"

Lingxuchen pondered for a moment, and his eyes gradually changed from confusion to firmness: "Probably because I still have emotional remnants of being a 'human' in my heart.

"My mother taught me from a young age what kind of emotions should I have as a 'person' so that I will not be captured by desires like my kinsmen and surrender to distorted desires."

"A long time ago, I thought it was okay to just go on like this, to be myself in this twisted world, and I felt like that was the limit of what I could do, because just like that, I was exhausted."

"Until that day, I had an audience with my lord."

Lingxuchen fell into memory, with a little reverence in his words, and said: "I have witnessed the true body of my lord, and I have also witnessed the true body of the dream god...

"My lord and the dream god, they are both extremely great beings. I am afraid that a mere Qi Hengtian will not be placed in the eyes of the people at all. The rise and fall of a world is only a short moment for them, that is my fundamental incomprehensible realm."

Hearing his patriarch brag about himself so embarrassingly, Zhao Yesui felt a little embarrassed, but Suo Fun listened with relish, nodding his approval from time to time. "That is, from that moment on, I understood."

Lingxuchen said word by word: "The life of a mortal, after all, is meaningless to the gods."

"Sticking to live, suppressing yourself and living like this, living your life like this, and turning all your ideals into dazzling fireworks, and turning them into just flashing meteors, are meaningless to the gods."

"If that's the case, then why don't you put your limited life into the infinite liberation cause, even if no one can understand me, even if everything I do will not succeed, but since it's just meaningless, then, do something I What I think should be done, at least makes me feel that I personally have a meaning in this moment."

"Liberate Qi Hengtian, free Qi Hengtian's compatriots from the oppression of the High Tower Council, and let Qi Hengtian have an innovative future... This is what I think should be done."

Ling Xuchen's answer was quite stream-of-consciousness style, and Zhao Yesui didn't expect that that meeting had touched Ling Xuchen so much.

At the beginning, he just had the idea of ​​playing a chess game in Qi Hengtian, and let Ling Xuchen work underground in Qi Hengtian. Who knew that he thought he was only an SR or even an R-ranked character, but he suddenly became a UR, and he established it by himself. Quiet Night Sect, and—step by step to this day.

Perhaps, his biggest gain in Qi Hengtian this time was not changing the game, nor Qi Hengtian himself, but Ling Xuchen, his patriarch.

After saying these words, Ling Xuchen couldn't help but get nervous. She didn't know why the apostle suddenly asked her such a question. Could it be that she felt that her faith was not firm enough, so she wanted to conduct an ideological assessment on her. ?

Zhao Yesui didn't say much, just shook his head and said with emotion: "Very good answer."

"Miss Patriarch, in a sense, you are much stronger than me, at least I can't like you, dedicating all of myself for some illusory goal that will not pay off.

"How could this be..." Ling Xuchen subconsciously wanted to refute: "I have never seen such an active person as you, Master Apostle. I think I am far inferior to you."

"Action is one thing, thinking is another, and in that respect, I'm just an empty shell with power."

Zhao Yeshao chuckled lightly, and said nothing more. After saying goodbye to Ling Xuchen, he sent her back to her original place. "How? Do you have any ideas?" Zhao Yesui asked Sora.

"Do you want me to tell you?" Sora was stunned for a moment and said, "Isn't this your task, Mr. Viewer?"

"Now it's our two brothers and sisters who are looking for answers together, do you think I'm omnipotent?" Zhao Ye said after a tut, "Although I seem to have always behaved like this... but in this regard, Me too."

"So, please talk about it, don't worry, just say whatever comes to your mind."

Sooz hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Then I said it? According to what Miss Xuchen just said, her ideals roughly come from the good three views she has formed since she was a child. She's dissatisfied with the status quo, but if that's the case, she probably won't do it for the sake of it."

"Until the intersection with the gods you believe in, Mr. Viewer, take this as an opportunity, and the values ​​from the higher-dimensional existence destroy her existing concerns.

And again based on what she's been through