MTL - I Can Level Up By Staying Idle-Chapter 213 What about trust between people?

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While Gao Haoran was "crying bitterly", Lin Mo was quietly feeling the injury in his body.

"It's so strong..."

Master Oda's seemingly casual shot just now smashed Lin Mo's internal organs.

"This is still in the case of me wearing a film battle suit, which has helped me to reduce and offset most of the damage. If there is no film battle suit, I'm afraid that the palm just now will All the cells in my body have been shaken to death!"

Lin Mo couldn't help but panic.

As expected of a martial arts master! It is too strong!

Fortunately, Lin Mo had a premonition that he might be attacked, so he found a way to get the film battle suit, in order to save his life at this moment.

However, Lin Mo did not expect that this martial arts master from the Sakura Country was so mad that he dared to attack himself in Jiangnan Martial Arts University.

"Fortunately, I have hidden most of my strength, and I still have a hole card! Otherwise, I'm afraid this time I'm really in danger!" Lin Mo thought with some fear, "But now Well... Although my internal organs have been shattered, in fact, with my '6th-order extreme' realm, such a small injury is actually nothing, as long as I lie here quietly for a while, I can recover!"

After the combat skill reaches the "sixth order", it has already reached the realm of the unity of the soul and the flesh. After reaching this level, the definition of serious injury is completely different from that of ordinary warriors.

For ordinary warriors, the shattering of the internal organs is already a fatal injury; but for the "sixth-order" masters, it is very likely that even the injury may not be regarded as a fatal injury!

Because after reaching the "sixth order" level, only the mass death of cells in the body can be called injury. As long as the cellular level is not affected much, it is almost negligible and not considered an injury.

For example, now, it seems to be hurt, but it doesn't seem to be hurt. Lie down for a while and you will be healed!

It's like an ordinary person's skin!

"Continue to play dead! Playing dead is the safest!" Lin Mo secretly said.

No matter how maddened Master Oda is, he won't be able to do something to him, a "dead man", right?

Play dead!

What's more, Gao Haoran, who was on the side, cried so real and so miserable, which undoubtedly made Lin Mo's death more real; it seemed that he really died.

High above.

Master Oda has fled to the clouds tens of thousands of meters high, and he is about to escape from the encirclement of five martial arts masters.

However, at this time, Grandmaster Oda did not feel much joy in escaping, but felt something was wrong. But now the situation is urgent, and for a while, he can't say what is wrong.

"What's going on?" The martial arts master's intuition was still very accurate, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

He looked at his palm and fell into memory; it was this palm that slapped on Lin Mo's body before.

"When I patted Lin Mo just now, it seemed that... the hand felt a little wrong?" Grandmaster Oda was shocked.

He finally found out what was wrong!

It just feels wrong!

Lin Mo is just a silver moon warrior. When he slaps it, it seems that the greater the resistance? —This should not be the defensive power that a Silver Moon Warrior should have!

But just now, Grandmaster Oda was in a hurry to escape, so he didn't notice this detail. At this time, he had already fled to the height of 10,000 meters, and then he suddenly wanted to understand!

Master Oda, who reacted, hurriedly lowered his head and looked at the ground.

The thick clouds could not hinder his sharp vision at all, and his eyes instantly locked on Lin Mo lying on the ground.

"It really didn't move, it should be dead! Moreover, the next Gao Haoran was crying so miserably, which also means that Lin Mo is dead!" Master Oda looked at the ground below. The scene still felt wrong, "No! The palm of my hand just now should be more than enough to kill Lin Mo at the cellular level... But if every cell of Lin Mo was really killed by me, he should have already died by now. It's starting to turn into pus! Why is Lin Mo's body still intact?"

A thought suddenly appeared in Master Oda's mind: Playing dead?

"Lin Mo isn't dead? Is he pretending to be dead?" No matter what Grandmaster Oda thought, he didn't understand why Lin Mo wasn't killed by himself; however, he still decided to try it out.

"Go!" Grandmaster Oda instantly shot a steel needle towards Lin Mo on the ground below.

The steel needle is the size of the bullet of a big sniper, and it is from the master of martial arts, and the speed is ten times more terrifying than the bullet fired by the real sniper!

In the opinion of Grandmaster Oda, if this steel needle hits Lin Mo, even if it is not directly blasted into slag, it will definitely be enough to blast Lin Mo's "corpse" into a big hole.

Master Oda himself fled a little faster under the reaction force of the steel needle thrown.


The needle broke through the air and instantly rubbed it red.

"Fuck me?" Lin Mo, who was lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, of course, also discovered the crisis at the first time, "I'm already dead, and this Grandmaster Oda still won't let it go. I?"

Lin Mo just wanted to say: What about the trust between people?

How can you suspect that I am not dead just because I pretended to be dead?

I'm pretending to be dead, can't you just believe it?

"Run!" Although Lin Mo had a thin film shirt on his body, he dared not let the steel needle hit him.

Even if this steel is not life-threatening to him, Lin Mo doesn't want to foolishly pick it up. Moreover, even if he took it forcibly, didn't he still reveal that he was not dead?

So, Lin Mo's first reaction was to run!


Lin Mo slammed a carp, and instantly bounced off the ground, rushed in the direction of Gao Haoran, picked up the little fat man and ran together.

And at this moment, the steel needle also fell to the ground like a cannonball—

Boom! !

It was just a small steel needle, but it was even more terrifying than a cannonball. It blasted a 10-meter-wide pit on the ground, and the bottom was invisible.

If Gao Haoran hadn't been taken away by Lin Mo, he would have been affected. With his little strength, even if it is only a little bit affected, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

"M...Merco!" Gao Haoran looked at the big pit not far away in horror - the martial arts master's shot was really terrible! He was a "crying" and almost died of being affected.

"Run to the teachers!" Lin Mo didn't have time to talk nonsense with Gao Haoran, and threw the little fat man in the direction of the teachers, and then he started to flee— Just when Lin Mo revealed that he was not dead, Grandmaster Oda in the sky did not run away in an instant, but turned his direction and dived to kill Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo? You're not dead!?" Sato Ichiken, the strongest crammer, looked at Lin Mo in horror.

At this time, Sato Yijian didn't have time to think about why Lin Mo didn't die; he almost reflexively killed Lin Mo - after all, according to the original plan, but Sato Yijian Jian is responsible for assassinating Lin Mo!

Now that Lin Mo is not dead, Sato Yijian knows that it is impossible to escape. Of course, his reaction is to kill Lin Mo directly.

Facing the rushing Sato with a sword, it was a punch in the face.

Although Sato Ichiken's combat skills have also reached the fifth-order extreme, but... in front of Lin Mo's "sixth-order extreme", in the comparison of the two sides, Sato Ichiken's every move appears to be So clumsy.

Boom! !

Without resistance, Sato's sword was blown away by Lin Mo. The cells in his body were instantly bombarded and killed.

"How is it possible!?" Sato Ichijian is the ultimate fifth-order, and his vitality is naturally very strong. This punch will not kill him; however, he was beaten by Lin Mo. The power and fighting skills displayed in the fist were directly stunned.

"How could Lin Mo's fighting skills be so strong!?" Sato Yijian could feel that at the moment of the fight just now, Lin Mo's fighting skills were even better than those he had faced before. "Black soil" is even scarier! If it weren't for his relatively high punching power and strong body, maybe that punch just now would have been enough to kill him.

"Could it be that Lin Mo's fighting skills are stronger than 'black soil'?" Sato Yijian only felt that he had seen the Arabian Nights, but he had to believe it.

"What kind of little spicy chicken dares to stop me!?" Lin Mo glanced at Sato Yijian with complete disdain, and then he planned to burrow directly into the ground - facing the martial arts master. A "three-dimensional creature" that can fly, Lin Mo, a "two-dimensional creature" that can only move on the ground, is impossible to escape. For Lin Mo, the most hopeful way to escape is to go straight into the ground while Grandmaster Oda is still far away from him.

The earth has a strong blocking effect on the spiritual power.

As long as he can drill deep enough before Master Oda reaches the ground; then even if Master Oda is killed, it will be difficult to find him underground!

So, Lin Mo will drill without hesitation!

Save your life in front of the martial arts master! Don't be afraid of being embarrassed!


Lin Mo was about to burrow into the ground, but Grandmaster Oda showed a disdainful look: "Want to burrow into the ground to escape? I will give you such a chance?"


Master Oda shook his hand, and a slightly yellowed talisman appeared - this is the seventh-grade illusionist Mrs. Fujiwara of Sakura Country, who did not hesitate to permanently deplete her spiritual power. " "Fantasy Killing Talisman"; is a special item that only illusionists can refine.

"The illusion killing talisman refined by the seventh-rank illusionist at all costs is enough to kill most of the sun warriors!" Of course, Grandmaster Oda did not dare to rush back to the ground, after all... In the face of five A martial arts master is besieging and blocking, once he rushes back to the ground, it will be very difficult for him to escape!

Fortunately, Grandmaster Oda also carried a killing weapon with him—the seventh-grade phantom killing talisman!

"Mrs. Fujiwara was hit hard once in the metaverse before, and this time she refined a seventh-grade illusion killing talisman, and her illusion achievements are almost abolished..." Master Oda dark road.

Mrs. Fujiwara did not hesitate to permanently deplete her mental power twice in a row, and the price paid was undoubtedly huge. Of course, Mrs. Fujiwara's contribution was a little insignificant compared to Grandmaster Oda's willingness to exchange his life with Lin Mo.

In short, in the opinion of Grandmaster Oda, once this seventh-grade phantom killing talisman comes out, Lin Mo will surely die! You know, even if it is himself, if he is hit with such a phantom killing talisman, he will not feel good!

"Die!" Grandmaster Oda locked Lin Mo with his mental power, and then tore the seventh-grade illusion killing talisman in his hand without hesitation.


A silent illusion killing technique, like an electric snake, is extremely fast.

Lin Modu hadn't reacted yet, let alone burrowing into the ground, the electric snake had already submerged into his body and headed straight for the sea of ​​consciousness.


Lin Mo only felt that his eyes were dark, and his consciousness instantly sank into darkness.


As soon as her body softened, she fell heavily to the ground.