MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 408 Deformed Annabelle (1)

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  Chapter 408 The deformed Annabelle (1)

   Now it seems that in the stabilization of the butterfly effect after the previous big retracement, we can see that Yan Junze will make a big retracement to the manor where Annabelle is located in the future to complete this task.

  So Yan Junze's choice to join the mission of the deformed Anlabelle after the Corpse Bride was completed was already a fateful decision.

  As we get closer, the manor houses similar to row buildings are fully presented in front of us.

  Although it was in the dark, there were dim ground lights on the grass on the first floor surrounding the building, which could show the outline of the entire building.

  The building and the surrounding grassland are exactly the same as what he saw when he went back last time.

  Yan Junze can even recall some scenes in this building.

   Before entering the building, he became cautious.

  Although now is the best time to get close to Ann Labelle, but because of the previous experience, we must be careful whether Morrison, the **** of death, will appear here.

  Hiding himself under a short-necked tree about a hundred meters away from the manor building, the darkness here completely blocked Yan Junze's figure.

  He took a deep breath, not far away he could hear the sound of waves beating against the rocks on the shore, and there was constant sea breeze blowing into his open collar.

  Yan Junze tightened his collar, feeling the coldness of this isolated island.

  In order to accurately locate Ann Labelle's room, he chose to activate [Strange Event Perception].

   Not long after, a mission message popped up in my mind.

  【The coordinates have been determined: Room C10 on the third floor of Shampel Manor in the northwest corner of Ruisen Island. 】

  【Task Name: Born Innocence;

  Mission Level: Terrified (High);

  Mission background: Annabelle is exactly 100 years old this year. She doesn't know if she will die naturally, anyway, she has never considered it. In the eyes of her family, she was regarded as an alternative since she was a child, an alternative that no one would communicate with her or contact her. At the age of 99, Ann Labelle understood why she was born different. It turned out that she could be called "weird". Then, she started getting weirder, less human, and more... scary;

  Mission Description: Take care of Annabelle for one night, without using any means of removing spirits, and stay safe until dawn. Perhaps, this is the greatest comfort to her soul;

  Mission reward: 1900 points of different-dimensional energy;

  Mission penalty: follow the last servant who took care of her;

  Mission Tips: 1. The evil spirit cannot be locked; 2. Anlabelle’s behavior is sometimes very strange; 3. The way you choose to face her will be the key to solving the problem;

  Remarks: Hold your breath, imagine yourself as an ordinary person who cannot get rid of the spirit, and feel the trembling from the deepest part of your heart. 】

  Champire is the name of this manor. According to the information of the Half Moon Association, Annabelle's grandfather started his business with perfume, and the brand of that perfume seems to be called "Champelle".

   This should be the origin of the name of the manor.

   After reading the task information, Yan Junze felt that Annabelle might want to be an ordinary person too much, rather than a deformed person who has been excluded all the time, so she has this obsession.

  If I treat her well in this mission, it can make her feel some warmth, maybe it can dispel her obsession, and it is even possible to directly change the weird body that was born with her.

  After all, although her family will not abandon her directly, only she can understand the feeling of being rejected by these family members from birth to now because of her deformed body.

   At this moment, Yan Junze was taken aback suddenly, and a new task message appeared in his mind again.

  He didn't expect that there was a weirdness in this manor, and the weirdness also had obsessions.

  After seeing the name and level of this task, Yan Junze's mind went blank for a moment.

  【The coordinates have been determined: the Shampel Manor in the northwest corner of Ruisen Island, the "invisible servant's room" on the first floor. 】

  【Task name: Her name is Aunt Mei;

  Mission Level: Disappointment (Low);

Task background: Aunt Melissa smuggled to Metropolis at a very young age. Her parents died early, and she was coaxed by her uncle to sell it to Stanley George (Annlabelle’s grandfather), the founder of Shampoo Perfume. Servant for life. When Melissa was fifty-three years old, she accidentally fell into a rare leech pond on Risen Island. Thousands of red-tailed tabby leeches covered her body. She was infected with the extremely rare leech-inhabiting disease and died. . For fear of infection, the George family dared not touch the corpse. Stanley's son Jonathan ordered the room where Melissa died to be sealed with cement, and a thick wall embedded with disinfectant powder was added around it. So far, Melissa's room has become a hidden servant's room;

  Mission description: Melissa has always been a kind person, she is still in pain and suffering, please find a way to help her out;

  Mission reward: 2100 points of different-dimensional energy;

  Mission Punishment: Beware of leech-inhabiting disease with weird forms;

Task tips: 1. The evil spirit cannot be locked; 2. Melissa is very strong, but she seems to have no way to deal with the weird virus that brings death to herself; 3. Before you are sure enough, do not touch her body;

  Remarks: None. 】

  Looking at this task that he discovered by accident, Yan Junze just felt that it was a coincidence that he could meet a crooked nut named Aunt Mei here.

  Then he turned his attention to the task level: the soul flies away.

   This is obviously a brand new task level. Before this, Yan Junze had never seen a task of this level.

   But of course, a task of this level also shows that the risk factor is extremely high, whether it is Melissa or those leeches that have become weird forms, they cannot be ignored.

  The task that should have been discovered by accident has successfully aroused Yan Junze's strong interest, but he only has the black spirit umbrella in his hand, so he needs to save some energy for reversing.

  In addition, there is the more important task of Ann Labelle waiting for him. In addition, he needs to pay more attention to the appearance of Morrison, the **** of death. There are too many factors to consider and take into account.

  If you try to complete this highest-level task so far, Yan Junze feels that he can't even achieve half of the success rate.

  He stared at the task in his mind named [Her name is Aunt Mei], and slowly shifted his attention to the title "Aunt Mei".

  I always feel a little weird in my heart, and an indescribable strange feeling fills my chest.

   "Aunt Mei? Melissa?" Yan Junze slowly repeated these two words.

   Soon his attention was shifted to the building in the darkness in front of him. Now let's not think about this soul-dissipating task. Under the influence of many unfavorable factors, he is currently unable to complete it at all.

   Let’s finish the mission [Born Not Guilty] of Anlabelle first.

   After making up his mind, Yan Junze went over the task again, and he couldn't use the means of exorcism, that is, he couldn't confront the natural weirdness of An Labelle. He felt that he was either acting cute or pretending to be a grandson.

   "I don't know how terrifying this deformed woman is right now?" Yan Junze said to himself.

   Walking out of the shadow under the short-necked tree, he stooped to the side of the building. He would not choose to go in through the main entrance, where most of the gloves were set by Morrison, the **** of death.

   Or after passing by himself, it is likely to trigger the appearance of Morrison's projection clone.

  Of course, entering from other places also has the same chance of triggering Morrison. This is inevitable, but if Yan Junze finds the trigger, he can completely solve it by reverting.

  In short, do not give Morrison a chance to appear.

   On the side of the first floor of the building, there was an open window, but Yan Junze still didn't get in. He continued to walk around the house, and then saw another open window on the first floor.

   In addition, there are many windows on the second floor that are open.

   Not long after, he made a big circle around the building and returned to the front.

  During this period, he saw two side doors and one back door, but Yan Junze suddenly discovered that entering through those open windows, side doors, or back doors may trigger the appearance of Morrison's projection avatar.

  Maybe, the main entrance will be a place that the other party avoids because there are more people entering and leaving.

  Thinking of this level, he stooped to the tall solid wood door, pushed lightly, and the door was unlocked.

  In fact, it is easy to understand. This is Risen Island, an isolated island that belongs only to the George family, and no one else lives besides it.

  Thieves will not come all the way across the ocean just to steal this family.

   Moreover, Yan Junze guessed that the direction of the import and export of this isolated island may be guarded 24 hours a day.

  In fact, three sides of the coastal area of ​​Ruisen Island are steep cliffs, making it impossible to dock a boat. There is only one side that can be close to the island, and the place to dock on this side is relatively narrow. There is a lighthouse at the entrance and exit. The George family also built a stone house next to the lighthouse, where people who have been stationed for a long time live.

  Other places on this side seem to be able to dock ships, but there are many reefs under the sea water on the shore, and they are very close to the road shore.

  So the buildings in the manor don't think about guarding against thieves at all. This is their privilege of living on this isolated island.

  After pushing open the main door, Yan Junze quickly stepped in and closed the door again.

After entering the door, the entrance hall is very large. There is a row of five-story shoe cabinets on the right side. The shoes are not exposed, but are covered by veils. The surface decoration and color of the veils blend with the surrounding walls. All in one, extremely beautiful.

   About twenty steps ahead, there is a wide staircase leading to the second floor. After reaching the corner, the stairs go up on the left and right sides respectively, showing grandeur and luxury.

   At the top of the handrail of the stairs, two dim yellow lights were on.

  At this moment, in the space of the entrance hall, only these two lights are shining. And the wide corridors on both sides of the first floor stretched out, and a series of wall lamps lit up every other, the light shining just enough to drive away the darkness.

  The task prompts that Ann Labelle's room is on the third floor, and Yan Junze must go up the stairs.

  However, he felt that he had to do something different this time, otherwise it would be very easy to trigger the projection clone of Morrison, the **** of death.

  For example, it is best not to go directly to the stairs, but to climb the stairs.

  He thought for a while, came to the shoe cabinet that was almost integrated with the wall, climbed up, stood on the shoe cabinet, walked through the entrance hall, and came to the corner near the corridor on the right.

   At this moment, everyone in the room should have fallen asleep. Yan Junze didn't know what time it was. He looked around the entrance hall, but he couldn't find anything like a wall clock.

  It is possible that there is upstairs.

   Climbing down from the shoe cabinet, his people had already passed through the entrance hall, finally stepped on the soft cashmere blanket on the floor, and slowly approached the wide staircase leading upstairs.

  After arriving at the stairs, Yan Junze didn't go upstairs immediately, but curled up behind the stairs, completely hiding his body, leaving only one eye to stare at the movement around him.

  Maintained this posture, and waited for about twenty minutes, but there was no movement, and no strange shadows appeared.

   It seems that he did not trigger Morrison's projection clone.

  Yan Junze looked up and found that the stairs were made of wood, and he didn't know how many years they had gone through. If you step on it, it may make a creaking sound.

He walked out from the back of the stairs and climbed directly onto the banister, like climbing a tree. He climbed up the stairs. There were no steps on the stairs. Firstly, he was afraid of making noise, and secondly, he was still worried that Morrison would trigger the trigger. Set on this staircase.

  However, going upstairs in this posture requires a lot of strength and maintains the center of gravity.

   Panting and climbing to the corner of the stairs, Yan Junze stood up cautiously. The steps of the stairs are not steep, and the handrails are wide enough to cover the sole of one foot.

  He just walked up to the second floor slowly like stepping on a tightrope.

  When I came to the second floor, I felt that after completing this mission, I might be able to perform in the circus.

  Looking around on the second floor, I saw a wall clock standing in the middle opposite the stairs, and the time displayed on it was 2:7 in the morning.

   At this time, everyone else in the manor should be asleep, but it does not rule out that there are servants on patrol at night.

  Yan Junze repeated his old tricks and climbed up to the third floor. It took about 20 minutes. When he reached the third floor, he wiped off his sweat and said to himself, don’t let there be nothing on the stairs, let me waste my efforts.

   Walk along the corridor on the third floor against the wall, and soon find the door of the room marked C10.

  However, Yan Junze did not push the door directly to enter, but came to the door of room C11, tried to push it lightly, and the door opened in response.

  He stood in front of the door and took a look. The room was not completely dark, but there was light coming in from the windows. There was a piano in the middle of the room, but it was covered by a white cloth, and it must have not been played for a long time.

  There are cloth sofas on both sides of the room, and one row of cloth sofas is by the window.

  Yan Junze stepped on the cloth sofa, pushed the window open, looked at the room C10 next door, then stepped out and climbed out directly from here.

   There is a window in room C10 that is actually open. The weather outside is actually cold at the moment. With the window open, the people inside cannot sleep at all.

  But after thinking about it, Annabelle is weird, whether she sleeps or not is another matter.

  Yan Junze cautiously climbed to the window of C10, stood outside the window, stretched out his hand to lift part of the curtain, and looked inside.

  Because the room was dark and there was light outside, he couldn't see anything.

   Trying to open his eyes wide and read it again, he really wanted to take out the flashlight and shine it, but he was afraid of offending Annabelle.

   After thinking for a while, he stepped over with one foot and sat on the window, and then flipped in with the other foot.

  After he entered the room, he squatted down immediately, and the darkness in the room finally dissipated, and he could see what was in front of him a little bit clearly.

  But then Yan Junze was startled, and saw a distorted sallow cheek quietly looking at him half an arm away from him.

This face is horribly yellow, like batik. The two eye sockets are slanted. The left eye pupil is covered by a gray film, and the right eye pupil is half squeezed out by the distorted facial muscles. The lower gum is also cracked and exposed. It was pulled to a position close to the corner of the eye.

  Seeing it all of a sudden, and at such a close distance, Yan Junze almost didn't come up in one breath.

  In his eyes, the distorted face retracted into the darkness, and then there was the sound of bones colliding and rubbing, and the sound of dragging on the floor, and then the object crawled onto the bed not far away.

  Surprise! ! I worked overtime today at an astonishing speed. I finished it after dinner, and then finished typing the manuscript non-stop. I'm going to bed, I can't take it anymore. For the sake of my hard work, please leave the tickets in your hand!

  (end of this chapter)