MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 454 weird surge

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  Chapter 454 Weird surge

   "Police, come out and wash the floor!"

  After hearing the voice, the four people in the room on the fifth floor looked at each other.

   "This is Junze's voice." Zhang Xiaomo said immediately.

  Mei Lianhua and Huang Wenjian didn't say anything, they immediately walked out of the room, came to the corridor, and looked down.

   There was no one downstairs, but a three-meter-long fat worm curled up stiffly on the ground, no longer breathing, and the black non-Newtonian fluid spread all over the floor, still moving slowly.

   However, it can be found that these non-Newtonian fluids have also changed and slowly formed solids.

   "Dead! That fat man was killed! It really is a big bug!" Huang Wenjian said.

"Damn it!" Mei Lianhua couldn't help but swear, and said in surprise, "Did Yan Junze kill him? How did he kill this guy? Sure enough, even the way of death is different. It looks like the right one now." It's dead!"

   After the words fell, the three looked at Zhang Xiaomo at the same time.

   As far as they were concerned, Zhang Xiaomo knew Yan Junze best, and of course he knew how he killed this growing fat worm.

  But Zhang Xiaomo's expression immediately made them lose their minds, feeling more confused than themselves.

   "Hurry up and call and ask where Yan Junze has gone. Let's go down and deal with the scene first." Mei Lianhua said.


  When Yan Junze walked to the stairs on the first floor of No. 2 teaching building, Zhang Xiaomo called: "Where have you been?"

   "Go to the old lair of that fat worm and take a look. Don't come here for now, maybe there is danger here too." Yan Junze said.

   "Then... that big brother Mei just asked again... how did you kill it..." Zhang Xiaomo reminded: "You should make a draft later, they will definitely ask you."

   "No need, just tell them that I beat them to death with my fist."

   "Fist?" Zhang Xiaomo was stunned, obviously she didn't believe it herself.

   "Uh, plus the black spiritual umbrella that Master Wan Shouguangwan personally made for me." This big banner must be big enough, Yan Junze thought.

   "Okay, be careful." Zhang Xiaomo hung up the phone.

  Yan Junze had already gone up to the third floor, looked in the direction of room 307, and found that there was still active non-Newtonian fluid overflowing from that room.

  These things didn't solidify with the death of the fat bug, which is strange!

   Could it be that the so-called "old nest" in the room has little to do with the death of Fat Worm?

  Yan Junze quickened his pace and walked over. Although there were non-Newtonian fluids overflowing everywhere, there was still a place to stay in the corridor. He walked over a few steps and came to the door of the room.

  The door is ajar, and it opens with a push.

  He pushed open the door, stood outside and looked, and sure enough, as Mei Lianhua said, this should have been an office room. At this moment, all the tables and chairs were destroyed and piled up in the innermost corner.

  In the middle of the room, a little forward, on the floor and ceiling, there are two huge sarcoid tumors standing opposite each other.

This guy is about the size of two spliced ​​desks. The sarcoma on the ground is swollen on the outside, like a doughnut, and the inside is sunken, while the one on the ceiling is round, without sunken place.

  Yan Junze did not approach for a while, stood at the door and looked at it for a while, and found that the sarcoma did not wriggle, as if it was a dead thing.

  But at that time, Mei Lianhua was just like Yan Junze is now, standing at the door to observe, and did not enter the room.

  Actually, Yan Junze has a worry in his heart. Didn’t the fat worm always come back to life?

  He was wondering, if he really beat this guy to death this time, would another identical one come out of this sarcoma?

   After thinking about it, this kind of situation is very likely to happen. After all, just looking at the appearance of Fat Worm might have come out from here.

  Of course, there is another possibility that this sarcoma was produced by it, and it may be full of eggs and hatching at this moment.

   After a pause, Yan Junze stepped into the room, avoiding the black non-Newtonian fluid on the ground, and approaching the sarcoma on the ground.

  During this process, he kept paying attention to the sarcoma on the ceiling above his head, fearing that it would burst open suddenly, and something would burst out of it, covering himself unexpectedly.

   Fortunately, there has been no movement.

  Yan Junze looked down at the middle of the sarcoma on the ground. The sunken place was like a thin layer of meat membrane. There was no wriggling outside the sarcoma, but this layer of meat membrane was trembling slightly.

  It seems that there is a gust of wind inside, blowing this layer of fleshy film.

   The meat on the sarcoma is similar to that of the fat worm, except that the flesh of the fat worm is whiter, but it is not dangerous to the touch.

  Yan Junze stretched out his finger and poked the trembling flesh membrane. It didn't feel firm, and he could feel that there was indeed a force acting on it.

   This layer of meat film is about the size of a washbasin.

  Yan Junze hesitated for a moment, then he stabbed hard at the meat membrane with his index finger.

  As expected, the meat membrane was opened without much effort, but then he was shocked and looked at the scene in front of him.

  The cool wind swished, and poured into the office from the hole that was opened, blowing Yan Junze's face.

  He never imagined that behind this fleshy membrane would be another place, a dark and unfamiliar space with unknown dimensions.

   Looking closely, this space is not only not a closed place, but also there seems to be something moving in the farther direction inside.

I can't see clearly, Yan Junze leaned forward and looked carefully, the space inside the hole is indeed very large, the distance is too far, and I can only vaguely identify those things flying and swimming in this space, but I can't see it very well. Know what it is.

   At this time, Yan Junze also discovered that the space formed by the meat film is gradually shrinking, getting smaller and smaller.

  At the same moment, a strange sound came from the other end, like the friction sound of a giant ship when it docked, low, harsh, and long...

   Immediately, Yan Junze raised his body abruptly so that he could keep a certain distance from the entrance of the cave. In his eyes, a place less than ten meters away from the entrance of the cave, huge black scales appeared and passed within the range of sight.

   That sound was made by this thing.

  Yan Junze opened his eyes wide, trying to identify what it was, but found that it was different from any animal he knew, and the difference was very big.

   Not long after, when the hole became only the size of a fist, a blue-brown eye belonging to this black-scaled animal suddenly appeared, looking at the space here through the hole.

   Unexpectedly, this guy was swimming backwards, and only now did he reveal his head.

  But Yan Junze could no longer see clearly, because the opening of the hole had shrunk to the size of a fingernail, until it was slowly closed, and no trace of it could be seen anymore.

  At this moment, the shocked mind slowly returned, and Yan Junze felt that he was breathing heavily, his heart was beating violently, and his hands and feet were slightly numb.

   Now he can be sure that the space behind the meat membrane hole is another world, a world that does not belong to the current time and space.

   And this meat worm in the school should be a product of that world, but somehow it has arrived here.

   There is also this long white worm in my heart, I don’t know if it is also because of this reason that it came to this world.

What he saw with his own eyes just now is the monster with black scales that can swim and walk in the air, which gave Yan Junze a strong shock. The world over there is not only another world, but also seems to be an indescribable world. The world in which creatures live.

  Looking at the completely closed hole, Yan Junze tentatively stretched out his hand again, touched the previous position, and found that the bottom had become hard, and what he touched seemed to be the floor of the office.

  The channel similar to the space crack is gone!

  He stretched out his hands and poked open the areas covered by these tumors, confirming this idea.

   After a while, including the sarcoma, it gradually ossified and became as hard as a stone.

  The originally flowing black non-Newtonian fluid around it also gradually turned into a solid at this moment.

   Not long after, Yan Junze walked out of the office and called Zhang Xiaomo, telling Mei Lianhua and the others to come over.

  The spirit remover team has been notified. The local security officer and the spirit remover stationed there were already nearby, and they will arrive at the school soon.

  Zhang Xiaomo entrusted Zhang Di with the follow-up matters, and the two left first.

  Before leaving, Yan Junze learned from Mei Lianhua that they had also heard of this kind of indescribable weirdness after death, but they didn't find any lair of it.

  For this reason, Yan Junze directly called Xiaomo's father, Zhang Chengjing, and learned from Zhang Chengjing that the headquarters had collected more than a dozen inexplicable and weird cases, and two of these cases found strange lairs.

   One of the lairs was completely petrified when it was discovered, and it was cleared and brought back to the laboratory for research. There were no other abnormalities.

  The second lair saw a strange scene when it was discovered by the spirit remover. It seemed to be another space world there, but the spirit remover didn't see other strange figures at that time.

  Same as when Yan Junze discovered it, soon the channel of the space world will be closed by itself, and nothing unusual can be seen anymore.

  Yan Junze and Zhang Xiaomo were sitting in the car, so he turned on the speakerphone, so that Xiaomo could also talk to her father.

   Then Yan Junze learned that the spirit eliminator who saw another dimension like him was Xiaomo's teacher, the five-star spirit eliminator of Huaying Corps.

  This person's name is Feng Huaigong, not only is Zhang Xiaomo's teacher, and has a good relationship with Zhang Chengjing and others, but also a friend of Wan Shouguang, the weapon master of Huaying Corps.

According to Feng Huaigong, he suspects that the dark space belongs to a world full of weirdness and unknown things, and further doubts that not only these indescribable weirdness, but even the weirdness that is happening in the current world, even if it is not directly related, is also possible There is a certain connection.

   "What? Has this indescribable weirdness appeared on your side?" Zhang Chengjing asked on the phone.

   "Yes, Dad, a big meat bug. In order to solve it, I was trapped in school for 20 days. Fortunately, Yan Junze came here." Zhang Xiaomo said.

   "Did you kill it?" Zhang Chengjing asked.

   "Well, I killed it, and I saw that other dark space with my own eyes." Yan Junze didn't need to hide it, because he currently has very little information, and Zhang Chengjing might know a little better than himself.

   There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone. After a while, Zhang Chengjing's voice came: "I'm afraid you will have to work hard these few days."

   "Why?" Xiao Mo took the words in surprise.

"The last time your teacher Feng Huaigong solved the indescribable weirdness and discovered the opened dark space, since then, the number of local weirdness has surged for seven consecutive days, and almost the power of the spirit removers in the entire district has been devoted to it , It took more than a month to finally resolve those weirdnesses." Zhang Chengjing said.

   "Ah, I'm planning to return to Tianmeng City today!" Zhang Xiaomo showed panic, "If that's the case, wouldn't the Tianmeng send some more spirit eliminators over?"

Zhang Chengjing nodded: "I will call Huo Zhisen immediately, and see if I need reinforcements from the spirit removers in the nearby area. Don't take it lightly! Remember, I said a surge, the number will be very large. The last time Xiaomo's teacher was there I fell down from exhaustion several times during this period of time, and I had no time to sleep and rest at all because of the dementia all day and all night."

   "It can't be that you can bump into weirdness casually walking on the street in broad daylight, right?" Zhang Xiaomo said.

   "It's almost like this. Although the levels of weirdness are uneven, there are a lot of them. Be careful yourself." After Zhang Chengjing said this, he hung up the phone and was busy with scheduling and deployment.

   "How?" Yan Junze looked at Zhang Xiaomo.

   "Then let's find a hotel." Xiao Mo rubbed her eyes tiredly while talking, "Before the number of weird things surges, I'll have a good sleep now."

  Yan Junze started the car and continued to ask: "Single room or two rooms?"

  Zhang Xiaomo was taken aback, an imperceptible shyness suddenly appeared on his face, and he muttered: "I don't know what you said."

   "Okay, open one." Yan Junze said seriously.

   "Did I tell you to open one?" Xiao Mo lowered her head.

   "Didn't you say it?" Yan Junze asked back.

   "I'm asleep now, and I can't hear anything." Xiao Mo closed her eyes, slightly raised the corners of her mouth,

   "Go to sleep, I will carry you into the hotel in a while." Yan Junze smiled.

  Xiao Mo punched him on the thigh, still closed her eyes and said to herself: "Bad guy!"

That night.

  Goldman City, Shengjiang Garden Community.

  In the community at 12:20 in the middle of the night, there is no one to be seen. Except for the occasional security patrol, three or four people gather together.

  Lin Fei stood downstairs in the 13th building, looking at the dark floors. At this moment, the residents in the building were basically asleep, and there was no movement.

  Because the temperature dropped after nightfall, Lin Fei was shaking slightly all over at the moment. The company worked overtime, and for everyone's safety, they were sent back to the community one by one in a commercial vehicle, and Lin Fei was no exception.

   But after returning to the community, she became worried instead.

  Because her home is on the 20th floor, she now needs to take the elevator back, but the building is pitch black and no one is outside. Although there are voice-activated lights inside, she suddenly dare not enter the building.

Thinking of a weird incident that happened in the building two months ago. Although it had been removed by the spirit eliminators, the coldness in Lin Fei's heart was even stronger. He tightened his collar, took out his mobile phone and had to call the people at home. Telephone.

  She doesn't have a boyfriend yet, and she usually lives with her parents.

   I didn't want to disturb my parents, but I was too scared to help.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as the phone rang, it was answered over there, and Lin Fei's mother's voice sounded: "Feifei, won't you come?"

   "Mom, I'm downstairs and I don't dare to come up. Can you ask Dad to come pick me up?" Lin Fei whispered.

  The surroundings are too quiet at the moment, and she feels that speaking loudly may attract the attention of an unknown creature in the dark.

   "Your father is already asleep. It's okay. I'll come down to pick you up. Come down right away. You wait for me." Lin Fei's mother hung up the phone.

   After a while, a voice-activated light could be seen in the building. Lin Fei knew that her mother should come down, and her nervous heart calmed down a little.

  She is standing under the streetlight beside the road in the community at the moment. Sufficient light can make her feel safer.

   Not long after, my mother came to the door on the first floor of Building 13, opened the access control system, and waved to her.

  Lin Fei hurried over and smiled: "Mom, you haven't slept yet?"

  Mother shook her head, "I've been waiting for you."

   "Next time, I'll tell Mr. Chen that I won't work overtime so late. Otherwise, I'd be afraid, and you'd be worried too." Lin Fei felt a little sorry.

  The two entered the elevator one after the other, and Lin Fei pressed the button to go to the 20th floor.

  The elevator starts to go up.

  But a few seconds later, Lin Fei's cell phone suddenly remembered. She brought the phone close to her eyes and found that the caller ID was "Mom"!

  Lin Fei was taken aback, wondering what was going on in his heart, glanced at his mother, and stood beside him perfectly.

  She thought about it, maybe the mobile phone system displayed an error, but she still pressed the answer button and leaned to her ear: "Hello?"

   "Feifei, I came downstairs, why didn't I see you?" The mother's familiar voice sounded.

  Lin Fei froze suddenly.

   Immediately, a chill rose, soaking the spine, and the back of the head felt numb.

  At this moment, she felt that her body could no longer move due to extreme fear, and she couldn't even turn her head to look at the "mother" behind her.

   cluck cluck—

   Right at this moment, the sound of teeth grinding sounded from behind.

  This chapter has 4,800 words, more than the other two chapters, and it has never studied hydrology. Who would have thought that it would fall off the list at the beginning of the month o(╥﹏╥)o, ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets!

  (end of this chapter)