MTL - I Can See Through All Information-Chapter 14 New fishing rod, new fishing spot (2-in-1)

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Chapter 14 New Fishing Rod, New Fishing Spot (2-in-1)

 After looking at the thread for a while, a faint red light emerged.

  【Snow Silk: The silk thread spun by the spiritual insect Snow Silkworm is extremely tough. 】

  【Invulnerable to water and fire, and invulnerable to swords, it seems to be a good treasure. 】

  【Main material for making snow silk clothing. 】


When Lu Qing used his powers to find out the information about the silk thread sent by Old Doctor Chen, he couldn't help but look surprised on his face.

This mysterious thread is actually a red light-level item.

Having awakened his powers for so long, Lu Qing already knows that under the detection of his powers, the light revealed by an item often represents its preciousness.

 The objects he has detected so far have three types of light: gray, white, and red.

Among them, the red light he had only seen in old doctor Chen before.

The information detected by the supernatural power shows that the old doctor is a cultivator who hides his secrets.

 Now, he discovered another red light item.

 And this item was also given by the old doctor.

“I didn’t expect this to be a red light treasure.”

Lu Qing had thought that this thread was no ordinary item, but he never expected that it would be so precious.

 It must be extraordinary to be evaluated as a treasure by all his powers.

 Look at what the information note says.

 Invulnerable to water and fire, invulnerable to swords!

 What kind of silk thread can have such characteristics? What is this if not a treasure?

“I don’t know if Old Doctor Chen knows that this thread is so magical.”

 Lu Qing's mood was a bit complicated.

 In just a few days, he and Xiaoyan had received many favors from Dr. Chen.

 Now even such a precious silk thread has been given to him.

This really made him both touched and ashamed.

 After all, he knew that his purpose of getting close to Dr. Chen was actually not that pure.

“It seems that I can only catch some good things seriously and give them to Grandpa Chen.”

Lu Qing wanted to repay Dr. Chen's kindness.

But the family is really so poor now that they can't even afford anything decent.

Moreover, from the perspective of an old doctor, money may not be in his eyes.

 After all, he even gave away treasures like snow silk.

 The only thing Lu Qing can do is to start with his hobbies.

From what the old doctor said earlier, he seemed to like fish quite a bit.

 It just so happens that fishing is what Lu Qing is best at.

“It seems that you are destined to become my fishing line.”

Lu Qing picked up the small bundle of snow silk and felt a soft and cold feeling as soon as he held it.

The thickness of the silk thread is similar to the river fishing lines he used in his previous life. He doesn’t know what kind of magical creature the snow silkworm is that can spit out such thick silk.

This bundle of snow silk didn't look like much, but Lu Qing took a closer look and found that if it were to be fully unfolded, it would probably be a hundred meters long.

 Obviously you can’t use so much silk to make fishing line.

Lu Qing took out a hatchet from the kitchen and prepared to cut a piece of silk to make fishing line.

However, when he put the silk on the wooden block and slashed the knife, the silk followed the blade and sunk deeply into the wood without any damage.

 At this moment, Lu Qing remembered the description of silk by the superpower.

Water and fire are invincible, and swords are indestructible.

At first he thought this might be a figure of speech to describe the tenacity of silk.

 Unexpectedly, this is actually the literal meaning.

 At least, judging from the current situation, it is not easy to cut the snow silk with the not very sharp hatchet at home.

 Now, Lu Qing is not in a hurry.

In order to verify whether the snow silk was really invulnerable to water and fire, he found a fire in the kitchen, lit it, and then placed a small section of the front of the silk on it to burn.

 As a result, the snow silk silk did not break directly. It persisted for a full five minutes before it was burned.

“It seems that water and fire are difficult to invade. It is really difficult to invade, not invulnerable.”

Lu Qing looked at the small piece of silk that fell on the ground, thoughtfully.

Of course, being able to hold on to the fire for five minutes is powerful enough.

 After all, this is silk, not iron wire.

However, the snow silk can be burned, which is good news for Lu Qing.

 If even fire can't do anything about it, and such long silk cannot be cut, he will make it into a throwing pole.

  But the production of throwing rods is much more complicated than hand rods.

 Furthermore, he used to make casting rods and bought many parts directly, but he never tried everything and made them from scratch.

 Under today's conditions, it is unrealistic for him to make a useful throwing rod.

 Fortunately, now the snow silk can be burned by fire, which saves a lot of trouble.

 Next, Lu Qing began to devote himself wholeheartedly to making fishing rods.

 The first thing to do is to choose the bamboo pole.

Lu Qing took a hatchet and spent a whole day picking through the bamboo forest behind the village before picking up a few small old bamboos and cutting them home.

 After selecting the bamboo poles, it is time to trim and bake the bamboo, perform insect-proof treatment, etc.

These also require a lot of time.

But Lu Qing couldn't wait that long, so he picked out an old bamboo, roasted it a little, and then used it to make a fishing rod.

 The remaining bamboos are left to be carefully roasted.

 After choosing the bamboo pole, the rest is easy.

 Without much effort, Lu Qing made a new fishing rod.

“Dangdang! Xiaoyan, look at my brother’s new fishing rod. Does it look good?”

 This morning, Lu Qing put the newly made fishing rod on his shoulder and asked Xiaoyan.


The cute and well-behaved Xiaoyan immediately transformed into a cheerleader, nodding her head.

 “I think it looks good too!”

Lu Qing swung his fishing rod with a proud look on his face.

Although it was made in a hurry this time, the quality of this new fishing rod is not bad.

 Because at this moment, the new fishing rod was emitting a rich white light in Lu Qing's eyes.

  【Snow Silk Fishing Rod: A fishing rod made of snow silk as fishing line. 】

   【The fishing line is tough and the pole is stable. It can withstand a hundred kilograms of pulling force without breaking. With this fishing pole, you may be able to catch big fish. 】

Lu Qing was shocked when he first saw these two notes.

The new fishing rod he made can withstand hundreds of kilograms of pulling force.

Snow silk is a treasure. It can withstand a hundred kilograms of force, although it is powerful, but it is still reasonable.

But the old bamboo growing randomly on the mountain behind the village was actually so tough, which was beyond his expectation.

I can only say that it is indeed a different world. Not only can such strange things as snow silk be born, but the bamboo that grows there is also outstanding.

If those old fishing friends from his previous life knew about it, their eyes would probably glow green.

“Brother, the fishing rod is ready, are we going to go fishing?” Xiaoyan asked.

 “Go, of course!”

 With the new fishing rod in hand, Lu Qing looked proud.

 And it took him two days to make this fishing rod.

 The fish at home has been almost eaten in the past two days. More importantly, in one day, it will be the time for the acupuncture agreed with Dr. Chen.

This time when he went to the old doctor's house, he couldn't go empty-handed.

“Okay! You can go fishing again!” Xiaoyan suddenly became happy when she heard this. “Brother, I’ll help you dig up earthworms.”

 Speaking, he ran outside.

 Lu Qing shook his head.

The little guy doesn’t know what’s going on. Children in general, especially girls, are more or less afraid of earthworms and insects.

But she was not afraid at all. Instead, she helped him catch earthworms. She was much more courageous than an ordinary little girl.

“I don’t know if Xiaoyan will become a lady as she wishes in the future, or will she become a tomboy?” A trace of sadness flashed through Lu Qing’s heart for no reason.

Although there is nothing wrong with being a tomboy, if possible, he still hopes that his sister can become a gentle and virtuous girl.

  Shaking his head to throw this distant matter out of his mind, Lu Qing took the fishing rod and walked out.

 Arrived outside the yard, Xiaoyan was already waiting for him with a bamboo tube containing earthworms.

 “Brother, hurry up!” Xiaoyan urged.

"I'm coming."

Lu Qing picked up the shovel outside the house and walked over.

After digging up the earthworms, Lu Qing took out a small cloth bag from home and put it in his pocket.

“Brother, what is this?” the little guy asked curiously.

“This is a secret weapon. Whether we can catch big fish today depends on it.” Lu Qing said with a mysterious face.

 “Big fish!” The little guy’s eyes suddenly lit up.

 She didn’t know how big the big fish Lu Qing was talking about was, but it sounded very powerful!

 After loading the secret weapon, Lu Qing found the wooden barrel that contained the fish a few days ago, picked up the new fishing rod, and kept moving forward.

 “Let’s go, let’s go!”

 “Let’s go!” the little guy also shouted softly.


 Not long after, the brother and sister arrived at the entrance of the village.

The little guy was holding the bamboo tube containing earthworms and jumping up and down in front.

He kept chanting: "Big fish, big fish, big fish..."

 Some villagers passing by couldn't help laughing when they saw her like this.

“Xiaoyan, where are you going with your brother?”

"It's Uncle Zhao. I'm going fishing with my brother to the river to catch big fish!" the little guy replied politely.

“Oh, big fish, how do you know you can catch a big fish?” Uncle Zhao teased her.

“Of course I know, because my brother said this, he is the best at fishing!” The little guy looked proud.

“Haha, yes, yes, your brother is the most powerful.”

 Seeing her proud little look, Uncle Zhao became even happier and agreed with her.

 “Children’s words are unbridled, don’t be offended by Uncle Zhao.” Lu Qing said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's okay, Xiaoyan is cute like this. When you were sick a few days ago, the way she cried made people feel heartbroken." Uncle Zhao said cheerfully.

"However, if you go fishing, you must keep an eye on Xiaoyan and don't let her play in the water."

 “I understand.” Lu Qing replied seriously.

"Xiaoyan, did you hear that? You must listen to your brother and don't play in the water secretly when you get to the river." Uncle Zhao warned Xiaoyan again.

 “I know.” The little guy replied obediently, “I’m very good.”

“Yes, Xiaoyan is the most well-behaved.”

 Uncle Zhao ruffled her hair and sounded a little sad.

 After bidding farewell to Uncle Zhao, the two brothers and sister continued to set off towards the river.

 However, when they arrived at the river, both of them were dumbfounded.

 Because they discovered that the place where Lu Qing fished last time had long been occupied.

  It occupied not one or two people, but seven or eight people, all crammed into a small space.

Moreover, the brother and sister knew each other, they were both villagers in the village.

“Lu Qing, you’re here to fish too, why don’t you come over and join us?”

 Some villagers saw the Lu Qing brother and sister and greeted them.

“Well, I’ve finished eating all the fish at home, so I wanted to come over and catch some.” Lu Qing said with a smile.

He asked randomly and curiously: "Why are you all crowded together fishing, aren't you afraid of accidentally getting all the fishing lines tangled?"

"Stop talking, we don't want to either." The villager looked bitter. "It's too difficult to catch fish in other locations. It takes a long time to catch one. Only in this location is it easier to catch fish. By the way, listen. Huzi and the others said, this is the same location you fished last time?”

 Because it’s easy to catch fish, you crowd together?

 Lu Qing was speechless.

But he still nodded: "Yes, I fished here last time."

"Then you are really good!" The villager gave a thumbs up, "I picked a good place right away. We have caught the most fish here in the past two days of fishing. But I don't know what happened today. There were not many fish at first. Bite the hook.”

 Of course I won’t bite the hook!

If you have so many people crowded together to fish in one place, no matter how many fish you have, they will all be caught.

Even if they are not caught out, the rest will probably become frightened birds.

 Lu Qing shook his head.

 This fishing spot is probably going to be abandoned.

 At least for a long time, it will be difficult to return to the original state.

“You guys can keep fishing, I’ll try my luck elsewhere.”

After Lu Qing was speechless, he pulled Xiaoyan and walked in another direction.

The villagers did not hold back anymore, on the contrary, they breathed a sigh of relief.

This place is already crowded enough. If one more person comes, it will really become too crowded.

 As for Lu Qing’s suggestion of trying his luck elsewhere, they didn’t care.

 In the past few days, they had fished in other sections of the river, but the results were not good.

 After fishing here and there, I found that this location is the easiest to catch fish.

 Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many of them crowded here.

 After leaving the small fish fishing spot, Lu Qing took Xiaoyan and walked forward.

Although the villagers' actions left him speechless, he couldn't say anything.

 After all, the river belongs to everyone, and everyone has the right to fish here.

 It does not mean that whoever catches fish at a certain position will own that position.

 Hence, Lu Qing didn’t think anything was wrong with the villagers occupying small fish fishing spots.

 Anyway, he has special powers and the fishing spot is occupied, so he just needs to find another one.

This river is so long, there are countless fishing spots, and I am afraid there will be no place to fish.

With this thought in mind, Lu Qing took Xiaoyan and walked forward.

 He didn’t even go to the other two fishing spots he discovered last time.

 Because those two fishing spots are also within the sight of other villagers.

What should he do if he catches a fish later and everyone comes swarming to the fishing spot?

 So just go farther away and fish where no one can see you, that way you can avoid unnecessary trouble.

Anyway, he was well prepared this time. Not only did he bring a fishing rod and bucket, but he also brought a hatchet from home so that he could open up fishing spots at any time.

Lu Qing took Xiaoyan and walked slowly along the river, using his powers to keep searching on the river.

 Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

 (End of this chapter)