MTL - I Capture Everything as a Pet in the World of Martial Arts-Chapter 18 Space cloth bag hidden book

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Under the awe-inspiring gaze of the residents in the poverty-stricken area, Lin Changqing returned to the small courtyard.

The gate of the small courtyard has not changed, but there are many traces of climbing on the walls of the courtyard. Although it is very subtle, it cannot escape Lin Changqing's keen perception!

Lin Changqing pushed open the courtyard door, and immediately realized that people had entered the small courtyard during this period of time, or many people had entered!

After closing the courtyard door, Lin Changqing took Xiaohu and Xiaoqing to search around the courtyard, and found that the entire courtyard had been rummaged repeatedly, and even the suspicious soil in the courtyard showed signs of being dug up!

"What are these people looking for?"

"Old Zhao's belongings have all been handed over to the gang. This is a dilapidated yard that has been idle for many years!"

"Could it be that Mr. Zhao has something important XZ in this yard?"

Lin Changqing was also at a loss now, he put down his things, sat in the main room and thought carefully, sorting out all the useful clues.

"Old Zhao's identity is mysterious, and his murder was very sudden and strange!"

"The next step is Boss Lu attacking the predecessor. The only reason is that the predecessor has a relationship with Mr. Zhao, and Mr. Zhao values ​​it!"

"Boss Lu asked me at the time, was it my own adventure or Mr. Zhao gave me something amazing!"

"The goal of these people may be the amazing thing that Chief Lu said!"

"Mr. Zhao has a great thing. After Mr. Zhao was killed, some people thought that Mr. Zhao gave it to me before the plotters got it!"

"What a disaster! The problem is that I have something really special about me!"

"The changes in me must have attracted the attention of interested people!"

"Now I guess it's too late to keep a low profile. I can only try my best to improve my strength, hoping to fight for a glimmer of life!"

"First of all, I just look around to see if Mr. Zhao really left anything extraordinary in this yard!"

Combining various clues, Lin Changqing speculated about his own situation, and suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, feeling bad!

But things have come to this, and there is no other way but to accept the reality!

Lin Changqing simply stopped thinking about it, there must be some reason for so many people in this yard to look for it in turn, so he also came to look for it.

With his and Xiaohu's perception ability, if there is really something hidden in this yard, they will definitely be able to find it!

As soon as he thought of it, Lin Changqing took Xiaohu and searched every corner of the yard several times, but finally found nothing!

The only thing to do now is to dig three feet into the ground!

"Do you really want to dig the whole yard?"

Lin Changqing said to himself.

At this time, the very quiet [thorny vine] that had been wrapped around Lin Changqing's wrist took the initiative to send a message to Lin Changqing, saying that it could help!

Because Lin Changqing is in the White Tiger Hall, she has never had the opportunity to see the talent of [Bristle Vine]'s [High-Speed ​​Regeneration]. Now that [Thorn Vine] wants to show it, she must satisfy its wish!

"Try and see if you can find strange things underground in this yard!"

With Lin Changqing's permission, 【Thorn Vines】happily detached from Lin Changqing's wrist and burrowed into the mud!

A thick vine came out of the ground, stretched and branched, and covered the entire courtyard at an extremely fast speed!

The broad leaves on the vines are stretched freely, absorbing the aura and sunlight of the world!

Lin Changqing clearly felt that there were also a large number of vine roots growing and spreading underground, and soon covered the entire underground space of the yard!

The roots of the [thorny vine] continued to grow downwards, touching and detecting all the buried things in the ground!

Not long after, a root of the [thorny vine] wrapped around a small black box, drilled out from the ground beside Lin Changqing, and delivered it to Lin Changqing's hands!

"Awesome! I'll give you a name too, and you'll be called Xiaoman from now on!"

Lin Changqing didn't expect that [Briber Vine] would surprise him so soon, so he happily gave it a name!

With the named [thorny vine], Lin Changqing sent joyful emotions.

"Xiao Man, look for it again. If there is nothing else, you need to clean up the ground in the yard. There will be many people paying attention here, so don't expose it!"

Lin Changqing instructed Xiao Man, and returned to the house with a palm-sized box.

Lin Changqing took the box and checked it, and found that the box was an ordinary iron box with a special layer of black paint painted on the outside, which has strong anti-rust and anti-corrosion capabilities.

Lin Changqing found the hidden button of the box and opened it carefully.

There is no hidden weapon, no poison, and an inconspicuous pocket cloth bag is placed in the iron box.

This cloth bag is like a miniature version of a carry-on storage bag, a cloth bag with a rope that locks the opening.

Lin Changqing picked up the cloth bag. The material of the cloth bag was not like ordinary cloth. He untied the rope at the mouth of the cloth bag, and with a light pull, the mouth of the cloth bag was completely opened.

Lin Changqing tore open the cloth bag and took a look. It was pitch black inside, and he couldn't see anything!

At this time, Lin Changqing had already noticed the extraordinaryness of this little cloth bag!

"This may really be something left by Mr. Zhao!"

Lin Changqing suppressed the surprise in her Turn the cloth bag upside down and pour things on the table!


With a soft sound, a simple book that was bigger than the cloth bag was poured out of the cloth bag in an unreasonable way!

"It's really space equipment! Could it be that I have opened my mouth? I hit it as soon as I said it!"

Lin Changqing thought of the space equipment he had been thinking about on the way back, but he didn't expect to meet it right away!

Lin Changqing continued to pour the cloth bag, and nothing fell out.

Unwilling to give up, Lin Changqing widened the mouth of the cloth bag, and put his hand into the dark pocket. It immediately felt like his hand was inserted into a box with a lot of space!

He fumbled around, but it was empty, there was nothing there!

"There are space bags in the legends of this world, and the upper limit of force here is a bit high!"

"If this thing is really left by Mr. Zhao, then Mr. Zhao's identity is really not simple!"

Through this cloth bag, Lin Changqing peeped into some secrets of this world. This world may be more terrifying than he imagined!

"So many people want something, let me see what it is!"

Lin Changqing put down the cloth bag and picked up the ancient book on the table. He keenly sensed that traces of extremely pure aura entwined on the book, making the book look extremely extraordinary!

On the cover of the yellow book, there were three **** characters [Wan Ling Jue] flying like a dragon!

Lin Changqing looked at these three big characters, and an indescribable artistic conception shocked his heart, making him feel a little dazed!

The broken net trembled slightly in Lin Changqing's sea of ​​consciousness, and Lin Changqing recovered with a jolt!

When he read the book [Wan Ling Jue] again, he could no longer feel the artistic conception that hit his heart!