MTL - I Conquered the Universe With Acting-Chapter 104 .104th performance

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The scandal of the Liu family and the Yuan family has made everyone eat melons for nearly two weeks.

On the first day of Big Eye Entertainment, it was only a general statement. After interviews with Liu Qingqing's classmates and neighbors in elementary school, they all picked up and continued to post melons.

Liu's and Yuan's public opinion has completely declined.

In such a day when there are melons every day? Two weeks later, "Yan Fei" premiered silently, surprising all the industry.

Compared with Qin Enrong's high-profile celebration banquet before, which invited people from the industry to celebrate, this premiere is a 180-degree turn, and it is low-key like a small workshop work that lacks publicity expenses.

But Quanxin just publicly supported Liu Qingqing two days ago, and he invested more than 100 million yuan in the training room. It doesn't look like he is short of money?

"Don't guess, you must know that the quality is not good, and you won't dare to market it."

"The bean score should be below 5."

"Mr. Qin woke up from a dream, it's not easy."

"Indeed, Liu Qingqing just won the Yurong Award for Best Supporting Actress. At this time, it's better to throw a work on the street, or it's better to be unknown, so as not to be questioned about the award."

"Hey. I knew about the celebration banquet, and this one was sent away."

The premiere was not invited in the industry at all, just male and female starring, one in Jiangduxing and the other in the online theater promotion of Diduxing.

The industry has not received invitations, but the more they do, the more they want to see?!

In the second game after the premiere, the industry gathered together in twos and threes and hurriedly went to the online theater or the offline private room to watch it together.

Only after they have finished reading, can they give comments, give points, write articles, and contribute to websites.

Qin Enrong is keeping a low profile now, it's too late!

Quan new and old? The combination of the secret past of the board + Liu Qingqing + the early celebration + the male and female protagonists are suspected to be incompatible, which is equal to traffic!

Now ask them not to look at it? No way!

The big V fish in the industry has always been at Station C, making videos explaining movies, demining movies, and recommending ratings.

It is the first brother of the film and television commentary category of station C at present.

He has 8 million fans, and many people will watch his Tucao or Amway first, and then decide whether to buy a ticket to watch the movie.

"Brother Yu, you seem to have made a video explaining "The King of Voice" before? Are you a fan of Liu Qingqing?"

Jiang Yu, also known as Brother Yu, smiled and waved, "I don't play fan circle."

It's just rice, the heat is high, so he will do it. The popularity of the program is high, and the number of viewers of the video produced is large.

"But Liu Qingqing is powerful." Jiang Yu sat down in the middle of the last row of the cinema, opened the brain shorthand book, and a burst of admiration appeared on his face.

Who doesn't like a beautiful person with strong business skills?

To be honest, he has been a film critic for so many years, and he has complained about a lot of bad dramas and pushed a lot of good dramas.

But among so many actors and artists, Liu Qingqing is the one that Jiang Yu is most impressed with and likes the most.

It's just that the favorability is nothing compared to Chafan.

"It's a pity that she chose the wrong script. The development momentum is very good, but she destroyed her future and gave priority to resources? The opportunity to choose wasted. "Yan Fei" is an autobiographical script that satisfies Qin Enrong's preferences. , the idea is not enough, and there is no visual shock to attract the audience.”

Before the movie started, Jiang Yu knew the summary of the previous situation, and he had many years of experience to know.

"Yan Fei" is not an idol traffic love film, nor a commercial film. This combination of script, story + Liu Qingqing must go the way of a literary film.

But as a literary film, this private love story has nothing to dig into at all. After watching it, it leaves the audience at a loss for much to gain.

This kind of work is very dangerous.

The left and right sides are not closely related, and the box office and word of mouth are both lost.

For Qin Enrong, it was just a loss of money and an extra souvenir.

But for a professional and potential actress like Liu Qingqing, it was really a big bad move, wasting time and consuming passers-by's favorability.

According to industry statistics, if an actor fails two works in a row, the rate of losing fans will be 34% higher than usual, and it will leave passers-by with a bad impression of "can't carry the box office".

This is obviously not good for Liu Qingqing.

"I hope she will appear in this movie and propose resource replacement to Quanxin. Let's make the next movie."

Jiang Yu secretly sighed.

As a film critic, he didn't want to see an interesting actor fall into the dust.

However, he must make a fair evaluation. The poor work will make the actors feel ashamed, and he will not be soft on anyone, otherwise he will lose the fans' love.

Jiang Yu can only look forward to Liu Qingqing's next movie being a force to be reckoned with.


"The next one, Brother Yu, didn't you pay attention? Yesterday, Big Eye Entertainment broke the news that Liu Qingqing took over Quan Xin's "Mad Scientist" and played a female lunatic? Deduce the physical formula in the lunatic asylum..."

Jiang Yu: "...??"

His subway old people look at the JPG of the mobile phone.

"Okay, send her away and bury her. After two years, dig it out and see if she can live."

It's just digging one's own grave.

This movie is a battle with all the developers of the universe!

R&D personnel are the main group of people with high economic income who will take the whole family/lover to watch movies!

Jiang Yu thought about it? Well, I'll go back today, how can Liu Qingqing use his brain with his poisonous tongue? After changing his acting skills, it really is a manuscript of F-level spiritual power!

It's almost time to conceive, and the feature film "Yan Fei" finally begins to be broadcast.

The movie booth under their small group at Station C was instantly quiet.

Everyone opened their notebooks? Jiang Yu also finished the format of the manuscript.

【Points to be sprayed:

1 Acting

2 people set logic

3 main story lines

4 story ideas

Summary: not worth the fare? waste time? - To find Quanxin for mental damage fee. 】

After finishing the list, Jiang Yu watched the movie seriously and prepared to fill in the details one by one.


ten minutes later.

His pen didn't move.

After half an hour.

His pen didn't move.

An hour...after the movie ends...

The pen in his hand seemed to be stuck!

The end credits play, the credits roll over…

Jiang Yu seemed to be frozen on the sofa and stuck with glue.

What to spray, originally wanted to list a dozen details, die laughing, now I can't list it at all!

"Why are there no easter eggs!?"

Jiang Yu heard the mourning of his colleagues around him.

This simply speaks to his heart!

Yes, why are there no easter eggs... The male and female protagonists are so badending? Simply outrageous!

"Wuwu, why can't they be together, they clearly like each other so much?!"

"He can fight against the family, abandon everything and marry her, why can't he stick to the end?"

"Liu Qingqing's last look out of the villa, Mom, how could she be like this... It hurts my heart, I want them to be together, oh my God, why are they separated!"

Female film critics, weeping.

She cried and cried, choked, and squeaked paper towels.

Jiang Yu didn't know how to comfort him, he thought? A gentleman, but he said with difficulty, "Can you give me a tissue too?"

Female film critic: "??"

Jiang Yu cried.

Who said that men don't shed tears, they just haven't reached the sad part!

In the film, he seems to have gone through a life with the hero, likes the beautiful and energetic heroine, and overcomes all odds to be with her.

But after the marriage, watching her gradually saddened, unable to withstand the pressure of the wealthy, she lost its color like a flower, and he could only let her go with heartache.

If you love her, make her happy.

As long as she's fine, that's fine.

Is this the big man standing at the top of the capital circle?

Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty and human beings. This atmosphere, delicacy, and sacrifice made Jiang Yu's heart break when the two separated at the end.

And Liu Qingqing's interpretation is like being born in the world of the screen.

She is that girl, the girl who fell in love with the heir to the wealthy family, the girl who was brave for love but left for love.

Later, her eyes gradually dimmed in the wealthy family, which contrasted sharply with her sense of vitality in the early days of the film, which was shocking.

At the end of the film, she walked out of the villa, stopped and looked back, and looked back with a deep and long look. There were no lines, no tears, no painful expressions? No, but Jiang Yu understood her heart.

She is recalling this sweet and tried love?

She was reluctant, waiting for the man inside to come out, to keep her going bravely with her.

But she didn't wait.

At this moment, she was regretful, sad, and relieved.

She is willing to let go, no longer torturing him, and no longer torturing herself. .

Willing to admit Cinderella and the Prince? Just fairy tales...and bless him and yourself.

In the end, there was light in her eyes again.

Yes, without love?, life can have other wonderful things too.

- Next stop, see you later.

The film ended slowly in her last eyes.

Qin Yu got a tissue from the female film critic and covered his eyes.

Damn, today is so miserable.

It's not so miserable. The film critics are not invited by the film party, and they pay to watch the movie themselves. They don't write a single complaint point, and they cry like idiots.

Isn't this beautiful? Love? It's heart-piercing love?!


'Must watch it?, don't watch it? You'll regret the series for the rest of your life. ’

‘Love? What is it, is it to accompany or let go, or is it many years? I look forward to seeing you again after many years. I hope you read it, and I have the same answer as I did. ’

'In addition, Brother Yu sincerely reminds you to prepare tissues, the price of the theater will be much more expensive than the price of the supermarket at your door. Remember? Bring another bottle of mineral water in. After all, we cry a lot? We also have to remember to replenish water, right? ’

When he went back that day, Jiang Yu stayed up late to make videos.

By the end, his eyes were red again.

"Quanxin owes me what to pay back!"

#刘青青 - Fangxin arsonist, tears □□, these two titles are good for you. #

#male and female lead discord? After reading it, you will understand, what is BE beauty? Learn! #

#Liu Qingqing's eyes show, with Feiquan? Film#

#Finally, I almost lived in a movie theater, I want to see her eyes 10,000 times. #

#First? First time? Traveling to the screen and sticking the male and female leads together#

#Civil Affairs Bureau has moved in, is there a remarriage arrangement? #

Major film critics and UP owners have seized the opportunity to publish hot articles and video analysis.

Originally, fans of the **** team had to form a group to see Liu Qingqing's works.

Fans have long thought? Well, if you want to compare the skills of writing short essays with film critics, if they criticize one more, they will praise them all.

The result - what a twist.

Film critics can boast more than their **** team? It's like falling into the bragging group overnight.

What about the previous film critic's prediction?

Now it's hard to find a troll, but it's hard to find a bunch of praise, love, praise, Liu Qingqing's acting, praise? Cheng Xiang Yu's young but real performance... It's very hard to find!

"There are also shortcomings, why is it BE?"

"Sung Xiangyu's acting is better than I thought, but there is still room for improvement."

"Some of the supporting roles can be better, but the flaws don't cover up the flaws and don't affect the viewing."

"There are no big shots that catch the eye, and the whole film is a small scene of life. To put it in a succinct way, the pace in some places is a little slow and a little boring... But look at Liu Qingqing's beauty, beauty, and free-to-change expressions? Eyes, I think it could be slower."

Everyone had prepared "Yan Fei" for Waterloo before. Three days later, the Douban evaluation was 8.6 points.

The box office number is not comparable to that of commercial blockbusters, but it has been fermenting word-of-mouth, gradually rising, and surpassing the box office of the previous day every day.

In the **** group, there were a lot of crying emojis.

【You can always trust the Queen. 】

[The queen's ability to pick a script, don't question it, sister, you acted too well. 】

[Fan Lingling, just lie down and win, I said I was tired. 】

The diehard fans were originally planning to have a bad box office, so they brought their friends to swipe a few times to boost the box office.

Not anymore.

"Yan Fei" is much higher than the box office of similar movies!

Fans don't have any pressure and burden, what should they do, relaxed? Very proud, very proud.

Imperial Star Nursing Home.

"Good job, as expected of my granddaughter!" Elder Zhou patted his thigh, "Fighting!"

"That's right, the family is unhappy, this child? It's been withstood, and the career is so capable."

"Did Grandma Wolf apologize today? Forget it, there's no need to apologize! Our granddaughter doesn't need it!"

Lu Xingyuan's mouth twitched.

Before? Everyone was a grandpa fan, and they were still very united.

But now he has become a 'real' grandfather, and the girl is about to become his granddaughter-in-law. Listening to this group of cheeky old guys talking about grandfather and granddaughter is really harsh!

His patent rights are gone!

"Cough, I think? This girl, Qingqing, has cut off contact with her family and has no father's love. How about our grandfather's fan, how about it turned into a father's fan?"

Lu Xingyuan straightened his back.

"We're still young anyway."

"Huh? Old? Lu, this makes sense."

"I'm really only a stinky boy? I don't have a little girl."

"My daughter is my father's little padded jacket, and it sounds very fragrant."

In the remote military base, Father Lu was in a cold war and always felt that something bad happened?

It seems that something has been robbed.

Yuan family.

Chen Mei Lin originally was waiting for Liu Qingqing's new Waterloo to comfort her younger son. It was a good thing that she couldn't find Liu Qingqing to join the company.

As a result, she watched "Yan Fei" go straight to the high score rankings!

"Mom, I told you before, don't force her, it's okay now!"

Chen Mei Lin: "!"

what did she do!

Son? Blame her too, daughter hates her too!

After a while, Yuan's father Yuan Qiushan walked in with an angry look on his face.

"Just make a fuss! If you make a fuss? Your family has been ruined by you, so you'll be happy!"

"Just received the call, our products were reported by consumers and forced to go offline in the APP market! Are you happy?"

Chen Mei Lin: "!"

The author has something to say: hurry up, hurry up, and finally catch up, I didn't break my promise, I'm happy~ see you tomorrow, treasures~

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